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New Taobao thread
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Thread replies: 255
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Old one saging
Old thread: >>8935588

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

New Store Spreadsheet:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

Anon that will translate stuff: [email protected]

REMINDER!: Image search function and detailed filters are only available on non-US/global Taobao, so switch to the default Chinese mainland version in the upper left on the homepage.
Which service plan do you usually choose for Buynosaur, 8% or 10% service fee? Is the 10% one worth getting?
does anyone else use Dotdotbuy as their agent? Im really cheap and i havent really had any complaints so far. Ive used to buy smaller things but i wanna know if its a good idea to buy bigger things like full cosplays and junk?
I'm getting the 10, because when it came down to it it would only really be a few bucks difference at most and worth it for the peace of mind of getting order pictures and stuff, imho
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Ordered a few more things to the order.
Anyone know how long Buynosaur's quote last for?
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Bought a fuckton of cute cabochons, gonna make some phone cases and shit, so excited for them to come
Do the characters say the same thing as the English text? Because if so I want this shirt for sure.
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fucking taobao noob here but does this mean that the shop sells internationally? (I'm in the US) or do I still need to use a service?
Has anyone else have a problem with Buynosaur updating their google sheets? My last email with them was yesterday because they didn't buy another item for the one that was sold out. I just went to their website and asked about the sheets, they came in and left the chat..
Anyone know where I could find these replicas? Looking for gold in 25.5 cm.

>inb4 replica bitching
Have you tried Angelic Imprint?
I know this is the taobao thread but I just saw some of these on aliexpress, if anyone finds em on taobao thought I'm seconding the link!!

https:// www.facebook com/LoliParadise/photos/a.338601362830901.88587.192019327489106/1078832558807774/?type=3&theater ??
THought I remembered seeing this while browsing through taobao.

They've been really good at updating my spreadsheet so far, and pretty quickly (i've had to replace like 5 items due to issues with the sellers), though i also haven't heard anything/seen any changes in the past couple days. Probably something going on on their end that's slowing them down, but i'm sure they'll be back to normal shortly.
though mind you hong kong's version of a city-wide drunken superbowl party started yesterday so maybe our favourite dinos are too boozed-up and sports-watching to update atm haha
On this weeks episode of taobao: Nazi teletubbies.

Are there any stores selling military replicas? All my search gave me was very revealing langerie (副本制服 in case anyones interested)
I have tried: replica uniform, replica military uniform, military replica
Is that anon who brought the giant fake flowers still here? If so where did you get your flowers?
Does anyone know if this is from Taobao or where is it from?
I took it from a page on facebook called loli loli paradise and reverse search doesn't bring up anything

was posted in the other taobao thread. They're only up for preorder atm, so not set prices. :)
still seeking an answer to this
"anyone know what's going on with infanta? their aliexpress front is empty but their taobao store is still up. and it seems its possible to order directly from their taobao site, but i feel a little confused by their instructions and the way they described the fees. i email them and then they invoice me, right?
https://infantadress.world.taobao.com/p/rd494837.htm?spm=a312a.7700824.w5002-1087129928.3.TFD1If "
I recently came into some money and wanna place my first taobao order to fill out my lolita wardrobe. But even after pouring over the spreadsheet for months I still feel lost as to which SS to choose
Does taobao have fakes of these yet?
Well since Classical Puppet's quality has gone to shit, what other places can I get a decent petti? Also seeking a black one to wear under black skirts
Thank you really much, I don't usually come to the taobao threads so I didn't see it before
Indie brands Melikestea and Bunny House are both considered high quality. You can find them both on Facebook. I can't recommend any petticoats available from Taobao though.
Would it be a bad idea to use a forwarding service instead of a shopping service if I can't speak Chinese?
Where can I find print tights, other than Mu Fish?
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Same anon. Bless you all.
Looking for menhera-like clothes. What shops or search terms should I try? Didn't see anything in the spreadsheet
Does someone know the search term for randoseru? Can't find anything in the spreadsheet
Is there a list of other indie chinese lolita shops?
this is the saddest serenity dress I've seen for a long time.
No, it just says something like very sad/hurt
Use the store spreadsheet in the OP
Already looking, sorry, it slipped my mind that it was even up there for a bit.
日本书包小学, added it to the dictionary

I've done it before, but it's a real crapshoot if anything goes wrong. definitely wouldn't do it for big and/or expensive orders, or anything custom.

Yidhra is the only other one I can think of off the top of my head
Update: as expected, they had already responded and added my millionth replacement item for me when i woke up this morning, bless this ss
(also other anon, i've noticed that sometimes the spreadsheet doesnt update right away if you're viewing it on mobile, but i don't have the same issue on my laptop)
can someone who owns angelic imprint shoes please tell me about the sizing in centimeters? like what size do you own and what's your shoe size in cm
Is there a way to get Taobao to list items by newly updated/date updated?
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Does anyone know what search terms to use to find sweat shirts like this?
Can you order liquid makeup off taobao?

I'm using the warehouse method, no SS. Last time I ordered, I got a small bottle of spirit gum or something similar with elf ears and was told I couldn't ship the glue out because it was a liquid. Is it the same case with stuff like liquid lipsticks?
first off, don't order makeup from taobao. second, it's not because liquid, it's cause it's flammable. third, don't order makeup from taobao.
I just image searched and got this


Use those words
Make-up from taobao can potentially be very dangerous as they often contain very toxic materials.
Not that anon but c'mon, there are makeup shops listed in the spreadsheet. Granted they all sell Korean and Japanese brands, but at least make that distinction.
I'm trying to figure out the cheapest way to ship y products from Buynosaur and they directed me to Hong Kongs post site. I entered 5 kg just to get an idea of what it would be and HOLY shit?? The cheapest option is 300 dollars?? I can't remember paying anything near that when I've ordered from Taobao before.

Am I doing something wrong or what is happening?
Oh my god I'm an idiot, it's Hong Kong dollars, not USD... Phew
Pokemon figures: https://hongyu-joy.taobao.com/
Crystal flower and little stars: https://7777.taobao.com/
Everything else: https://babibuluo.taobao.com/
Okay, I feel dumb but I asked for a quotation from buynosaur and they sent me an email with the links I put in and that's it...
I don't understand, I thought the quote would be the order cost??
Are you sure it just didn't send you a copy of what you sent them?
the system automatically sends you a copy of your quote submission, the real response will come later
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what could I try to search for scarves similar to this? I found one listing once and bookmarked it but now it's gone
Buynosaur says they went to a Rugby game yesterday, so nice to see them getting out of the office lol
Is there any nice red blouses you'd recommend? Not wine, but actually red? I can't seem to find any that aren't dark
Yeah that is exactly what happened. Where is my quote?
I was actually looking at Western brands like Nyx and Colourpop because for some reason shipping from China to Canada is cheaper than from the US. There's always the risk of knockoffs but sellers seemed legit (1K-ish sales for that item, high rating, etc)
Thanks for answering my question though
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first taobao order in a long time with buynosaur! going for a pastel nanchatte like look for a con.
I had no idea. For a second I had a heart attack thinking something was lost in translation and the quote part would be them "quoting" what I put in the text boxes.

but they are gonna send me a number of some kind, right?
i was browsing taobao and ran across the 'vip' prices. how does buynosaur/ss work with this item?
first time ordering on taobao through a ss and i'm hella nervous after reading about customs confiscating items. aside from not having a blatant fake, what else can i do??? i had a sweatpants from a fake adidas but that was just one.
Read the FAQ
I haven't shopped on Taobao for awhile. I've looked through the SS spreadsheet, any recommendations for what's good right now? I've only ever used Bhiner and it was super expensive because they didn't offer SAL shipping.
You just have to make sure they're not knockoff makeup, there are plenty of Taobao makeup shops that will show proof of it being legit on the item page and they're highly rated. They usually just go to Korean/Japanese makeup shops and buy a ton of makeup and then sell them on their Taobao shop, I've seen lots of shops like that.
I use Spreenow because it's easy, thinking of making the switch to Buynosaur like a ton of other people though
Thanks, I'll check them both out
Sorry for the babby post but I'm a bit worried, I did my first taobao order and more it's being reviewed by US customs. I knew it was too good to be true that it would get here in two weeks when it weighs 5.2kg but I've heard enough stories about it taking forever to be a bit panicked since I'd like to have it by the start of summer. I'm in nyc and it's through USPS if it helps.
I would like to know as well, the genuine ones are way more than I'm willing to spend on panties lol

What kind of these shops do you know of or recommend?
So, I heard now I can buy things from Taobao without SS, it's that true?
Really newbie with Taobao stuff
Yep! Once they hear back from all the sellers, they'll send you a spreadsheet with all the info and pricing for each item (whether it's in stock, price, domestic shipping charge, SS fee, any special remarks or warnings etc), plus an overall total for all your items.
And if you want to add any items to your order, there's an "Additional items" part of the sheet at the bottom for you to paste in any extras.
Not quite sure how the whole system works (certain buyers get a discount I think?) but I asked with my order and Buynosaur can definitely buy from shops that have a VIP price
If you're new don't do it. You'll fuck it up.
Plaid scarf: 格子围巾
There are some makeup shops listed in the store spreadsheet.
hi anons!! looking for some really cute stickers or sticker flakes. does anyone have any saved?
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/fa/g here
im considering buying fake fuccboi shit off taobao and would like some "expert" advice on the matter

1. recommended ss for shirts/pants and shoes
2. best ss that supports paypal (checked the guide and saw that taobao focus looked decent)
3. what does pic related mean
3.5. trying to find an average weight for shoes and they are now all showing this local laws thing wtf
Is it in the USA? Like ina. Sorting facility? If you are worried about the status, usps has a form on their website where you can fill out a question are about the package and they will try to help you. I had a package stuck in LA for weeks. Sent a message, it was on my door step a handful of days later.
1. buynosaur is pre good, a bit more expensive but they can check the quality of stuff before sending it to you.
2. see 1.
3. I believe it's because you are using "world" taobao, try using "China" taobao locale.
5. see 4.
I have these cute cat ones on their way to my ss right now
From what I understand I think that specific shop has a 10cny minimum order? but they've got a fair bit of other cute stationary stuff so that wasn't exactly a problem, at least for me
Is there any way to be sure of how much shipping will cost before ordering?
Like I know sometimes you get to pay two times for shipping or something?
I don't have that much to spend so I'd like to know exactly what everything will cost
You can weight estimate yourself but good luck. And yes, you have to pay domestic and international shipping.. how new are you?
If you're short on cash, order off AliExpress or something.
>how new are you?
what a cunty question

some sites do have a shipping calculator, taobaoring gives a sort of general idea of how much things weight (If you're going for clothes, obviously your shipping charges are going to be more than things like jewelry)



using taobao/shopping service is best if you're planning to do a huge order because a big giant bulk order + shipping is obviously cheaper than smaller separate orders. You can always find free shipping options on ebay and aliexpress. I believe there is a 'free shipping' keyword in the dictionary as well.
It's not cunty, it's just blatantly obvious if you do the slightest bit of research/think. Clogging the thread with really basic and easily answerable questions is just irritating
what else would these fucking threads be for? get over the fact that some people havent had the chinese dick in them for years. sometimes you'll have questions, about using the service or dumb shit like the person who cant find a fucking burberry plaid scarf.

get over yourself
there's an entire fucking docs tutorial on this shit.
For sharing the shit you buy on Taobao. Let it go and grow some thicker skin, if you think pointing out newness is cunty.

>inb4 ugh you samefag
>inb4 no u
Has anyone bought swimsuits off Taobao? Any thoughts?
You do realize there's a FAQ for those kinds of questions, right?
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This skirt is my number one must have right now. but I'm new to taobao. Was thinking about getting a SS (or using loli loli paradise) but it keeps coming up with errors.
help please.
>FAQ (Please Read!):
It's right there, at the top of the thread. This is simple shit, and if you have to ask about that then maybe you should reconsider placing an order because if you can't even navigate the SS website to find out how it works then you're gonna be real confused when ordering
What kind of errors?
Translate says
>Sorry, this baby has the shelf temporarily, you can browse other baby

I was thinking it was temporary, but it hasn't gone away in like a week. Is the store region locked or something?
That generally means it's out of stock, however, on my mobile it's displaying normally so I'd just add it to the cart of your SS and see what they say
Yeah, if it says something like that, try to leave the world Taobao.
It seems to be a deposit listing. You could ask your SS to ask if they still accept them? Not sure, I haven't worked with deposits on Taobao yet.
This is kind of a stupid question, but is there a way to turn of the Buynosaur chat if you just wanna browse their site in peace? I swear to god I'm not clicking it and it startles the shit out of me when it opens.
I had that issue too and it scared the heck out of me the first time but I think the message that pops up is automated? So you can easily ignore it.
SS sheet anon here.
I haven't updated the SS sheet in the OP post in a long time; grad school will do that for ya. If anyone is interested in updating it, email is in there to take it over. I don't have time for the upkeep but it isn't that big of a deal if anyone is interested (this 'new' buynosaur SS is neat sounding but I don't know shit about it, I wonder if it'll get too popular and they get backed up like tbr in old, old taobao threads)

If there's anything new to add to the FAQ, that's easily editable and I can do that if anyone has seen questions constantly asked in recent memories.

If no one is up for updating the sheet, then it'll just stay the same. Glad to see tb threads are still as strong as ever!

Yeah, everyone rushing to buynosaur is definitely back them up with orders and questions.
I bought 2 cheap swimsuits last summer. They were decent enough quality. One fit but wasn't very elastic. The other had the right size tag but was way smaller than the sizing chart specified. IDK it's just like buying any other normie clothes, just check the reviews first

Just a warning to everyone to not use this seller if you have a deadline to keep. I ordered a Love Live set off of them on 3/6 and they only just shipped it today. They ran out of boots in the size that I wanted (and told me it would be 2 months to make new ones) so I got them in a smaller size. While my SS was waiting for all of the other items to arrive, my costume never came. They had to send MULTIPLE messages to the seller asking when they were going to ship.

The seller didn't ship because the shoes in the smaller size ALSO weren't in stock anymore. They didn't tell the SS at all, and only replied back when they threatened them with negative feedback.

I canceled the boots and it took about another week for them to ship my items. So it's been a month for an item that they have on hand and is not custom made. They just held off on shipping it because there were no boots and then didn't tell anyone about it... wtf. Horrible service. My friend ordered from the same seller at the same time and she JUST got her item shipped, too.
it it worth messaging buynoasur if they havent updated my spreadsheet in a few days or should i wait it out
Message them.
see >>8954029

Usually they get back to you after a few days or if they have the chat option, bug them through there. Like other anon said, everyone rushing to a small SS is gonna back log them so have patience.
>wasn't fast enough to reserve the Grove Deer chiffon OP re-release in grey

Fuck this gay earth

Oh well. I guess I can deal with having my second choice... I've been meaning to get another navy dress, anyway because at the moment I only have one.
Just message them, I messaged them the other day about my quotation and everything was sorted out in a couple of hours
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Finally my order is on it's way in the mail. If anyone would like links/reviews when it arrives just let me know.
Sauce on the strawberry necklace?
messaged them about an hour ago, they just took care of it. they really are GOAT
It doesn't seem to be available anymore but; https://world.taobao.com/item/35576745273.htm
thanks for the reply!! ended up asking myself and buynosaur said that they definitely can purchase via VIP prices from some sellers because their taobao account is VIP for them, but they might not be able to purchase as VIP from every seller.
I actually don't think it's automatic. The first time I visited their site the chat popped up and they said "Hello", but when I didn't answer they wrote "こんにちわ!". I guess this was because they guessed I was japanese because they can see that I live in Japan lol, quite creepy.

But I mean you don't have to answer, I guess they write to be friendly.
Would it be okay if you posted the link to the cute little bows?
suggestions for shops for cute/simple/not long cardigans that would fit a 38" bust? not worried about arms, cus I'm short.
Anybody have experience with using surface parcel? I'm making a 10 kg order and want to save money. It says 25-40 working days. Should I be able to expect it within 2 months then?
Here you go! https://world.taobao.com/item/17298092897.htm
Definitely not automatic, I had come on the site after getting a mail about order issues, and they said the "hi if we can help let us know" thing before logging in, then after I logged in before I said anything "oh it's you anon, yeah we just sent you a mail and...".
I thought I should ask this here, since there isn't a nanchatte thread... Does anyone know where to get plus size uniform skirts on Taobao? Looking for anything that goes past 90cm waist (and preferably long) because I'm chubby + giant. I've searched at least 5 or 6 times using the dictionary, but no luck...
Igotchu anon!

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Can anyone tell me why a few shops have been doing this?
Try going off global Taobao. See
Got it, thank you so much!
Not the link-poster, but uhaschool does custom sized skirts . I got an additional 60yuan added to the ticket price when I asked for custom.

Personally, I'd recommend them for skirts in colors that aren't available at normal uniform stores (pastels and the like).

For regular uniform colors, I'd recommend Cookie's. They do custom sizing for their own brand of skirts, my quote was $35-45 depending on if the fabric was plaid or not.
sauce and review on the wig?
https://world.taobao.com/item/525447790855.htm Package should arrive in the next 3 days or so, I'll be back with that review!
original "I think it's automated" anon here.. now I'm very paranoid because it only happened the once to me and I replied that I was just checking my account and then tried to brush it off as me just being silly and replying to one of those "Hi welcome to ___, how can we help you?" automated messages but none the less I spent the next three days clicking through the website as fast as I could to avoid giving it time to load.
Looks like I'm going to pick that habit up again.
Group order with a friend recently got that and it's our first time using it as well. I'm hoping we'll get it in about 3-4 weeks if we're lucky?
I'm just glad it's not more like 3 months
I live on East Coast Canada. SAL takes me around a month and a half while Surface took closer to two months. So yeah, expect it within two months.
I switch between buynosaur and taobaoring, both have been pretty good to me and they have their good and bad points. I would use buynosaur exclusively if i wasn't a fucking autist neet who hates talking to anyone but whatever
What's wrong with buynosaur? They've been great to use so far!
>What's wrong with buynosaur
>if i wasn't a fucking autist neet who hates talking to anyone but whatever

Buynosaur are real chatty people.
Question: I am making a small order (two cosplays), would it be best to use Hong Kong Post or SAL from your own previous experiences? Are they just about the same? Both shipping methods depend on weight and I do not see it passing 2 kg.
So guys, my friend is Cosplaying deadpool, and we were going into a group Taobao order. However, he wants to find props of guns and what not for the cosplay- do you think there would be an issue with shipping fake weapons, even if they were truly fake? The FAQs for some shopping services don't really go into detail about their rules with those sorts of things. If you can help, I greatly appreciate it!
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I linked Buynosaur this thread since they asked me where I heard about them. :^) There may be Buynosaurs lurking tonight...
I'm pretty awkward about talking to people as well but Buynosaur has been pretty good? They'll make jokes and stuff but usually I just reply back "Thank you, here's the information you requested!" or just "Thanks for letting me know!" and it seems to do the trick without seeming rude. I'm completely out of my depth with Buynosaur because I'm used to years of using services where you're lucky if you exchange 2-3 sentences with them so using Buynosaur for the first time really shocked me.

Definitely don't let the conversation part get you down, they're totally fine with short 'thank you' responses.
I'd be surprised if there weren't already? I remember when they first got mentioned that anons accused the posters of being Buynosaur agents because brand new shopping service and everyone was worried it was another scam like the last one but I'm glad Buynosaur turned out to be amazing.

For now I order exclusively through them and end up using my TaobaoRing account just to put all my stuff in the cart to keep track so I don't have to click the Buynosaur spreadsheet links every time to figure out which item they're talking about.
Well dinosaurs did evolve into birds, so there's that connection.
they are great, but i wanted to order something fragile once and I asked buynosaur if they had an option for extra padding for it so it wouldnt break on the way to me and they said something along the lines of 'its fragile so no promises'.

when I asked taobaoring the same thing they said they would give me extra padding for the breakable item, so.

I mean buynosaur is great, I'll definitely order shit from them without worrying, as long as the stuff isn't breakable.
Buynosaur definitely was not familiar with the site. I'm glad they turned out to be so great.
Well if you specifically asked for extra padding so it wouldn't break in transit, I see why they'd respond like that since even if they did put in extra padding, there's still the risk of the package being treated roughly between Point A and Point B so they can't 100% promise that they can get it to you undamaged.
This. Buynosaur is just being honest. They can't make sure some shitty delivery person doesn't drop the package.
For under 2kg HKP will generally be cheaper
I bought a couple of parasols with buynosaur and was also concerned that they'd break. They gave me the same response and said they'd try their best which is understandable, i'm mostly glad they were able to be honest at the risk of losing business. They ended up turning out fine too.
Is there a specific term for doujins and fan made goods?

I'm looking for itabag stuff, and I couldn't find the term I was looking for in the dictionary.
im that one /fa/g
had to msg buynosaur
they dont do replica stuff

on to basetao
You're probably going to get the same response from most of the good SS, and you'll always run the risk of losing your knock offs going through customs no matter who you go with
approved, the site posts on their replica sub
If you say so???
But really it's more the big named stuff like LV and Chanel and that kinda shit and if you're buying like ten of them to sell
it was rick owens
Are there any other stores with things suitable for otome besides the very small handful listed in the google docs? Or is there a good search term for otome kei? I'd really like to add more to my wardrobe but I'm having trouble.
Messaged Taobaospree. they said
>Sorry the dress is finished deposit, would you like to change other dress?
Someone please translate this engrish for me?
I really just want the Winter Rose Skirt and I have NO IDEA how to get it.
You were too late to get it, the reservation is over.
Not according to loliloli paradise. They say the reservation is over on the 20th.
Then get it from them? But the actual taobao page says they are out of stock so who knows what loliloli is doing.

Loliloli isn't all that IMO. There has been countless times they'll say something isn't custom but if you go to the shop or a SS and get it through them, you can have it custom sized. I've definitely seen it with F+F's items and Neverland lolita.
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I was trying to avoid using LoliLoli because there's $20 mark up on the skirt, but it seems to be the only taobao reseller that's showing this series. So I might just have to bite the bullet.
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Just got my package from TaobaoRing. I think they ordered the wrong size and tried to cover the mistake up.

> Order one M and one L shirt from same seller
> Both products use same size chart
> Size M shirt is bigger than size L
> Sew label on M shirt does not show size
> A sticker on the paper label has been ripped off

I'm bringing the issue up with TBR but in the case they refuse to refund me, is there any way I can get my money back? Has anyone had this issue before?
Not that anon and not one to go on /fa/, but unless normies can recognize rick owens pieces, I doubt you'll have a problem. Like anon said, it's big, well known brands that end up having a problem.
It could also have been the taobao seller.
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Small order placed a couple of days ago. Also hopped on the Buynosaur train.
Source on tights please?

I ordered them in Navy. I have another pair in white and they're pretty decent. I'll post a picture if I can find them.
hi can someone pretty please help me find the shop that sells those galaxy seifukus please? :)
i tried using the search engine on taobao and it didnt work for me
That quality mousepad tho
I have a Kurumu pad. Her titties are so comfy.
What's the fit like on the tights? Are they pretty stretchy?
Many thanks, anon.
Sauce on the blouse?
Source on bag and shoes please?
does antaina ship directly overseas? or do i need to go through an SS/FS? i'm a little confused by what's written on their shop page (which says they accept paypal)

They do, you have to email them.
Thank you anon. So I email them with the links to what I want to purchase and the options, and then they invoice me, right? I am new to this, sorry

Pretty much, they'll ask if you want it custom and stuff then invoice you. It'll be about a day or two before they get back to you so prepare for that
BUH my spreadsheet wtih Buynosaur says all of my items are at their warehouse. So I emailed them asking the next steps and they said, "When all the items are at the warehouse, we'll weigh them and get back to you"

That was like...a week ago. I don't want to keep bothering them, I know they're busy. Should I just wait, or try prodding once more?
If it was a week ago, I'd ask. They store everything in a warehouse in China and then get it sent to them. They probably forgot along the way.
does it say it's arrived at Buynosaur specifically? or just "at China warehouse"? Like the other anon said, they're based off the mainland so they have it all sent to a chinese warehouse firat and then shipped all together to them (that's why it takes a little extra time)
It says "Arrived at China Warehouse" so I guess it's just waiting for the warehouse to ship it to them? But from the looks of it, the spreadsheet hasn't been updated since the end of March. Their last email was on the 10th...but I don't want to be a bother...
According to TBR they questioned the seller when they received it and the seller simply said they sent me the "loose version" not "normal version." Why TBR did not bring this up to me is upsetting because I did not order some supposed "loose version" the size of an XL shirt.

Is it useless to keep arguing with them?
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You go buynosaur, you go!
This is honestly what's been keeping me from jumping on board. Taobaoring is shit for having hidden numbers, but the cart system is just too nice for organization and choosing item options.
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Does anyone know where I can find a bag like this? Randoserus ?
>Taobaoring is shit for having hidden numbers,
do you have more info on this?
Beret sauce?
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Buynosaur just covered part of my purchase for a replacement for a out of stock item. mfw rn
That really sucks. Please keep arguing with them.
only if you're never using tbr again
this was a risk and sometimes you just have to suck it up because you're shopping from china
just resell the shirt on craigslist
Bother them, they honestly don't mind if you're polite about it. I was kind of like you, peppered my mails with "I know you're probably busy, sorry for hassling, you're cool" and they're so open and friendly and actually make me feel like I'm not a bother at all, it's amazing.
If you want to know whether a specific item has free domestic shipping, figure out where you SS is located and select their location from the little boxes. It's somewhere under where the price for the item is. Note that some SS don't charge for the shipping itself but for the store you order it from. I think taobaoring charges you 15 yuan for each store you order from or something like that.

Next, taobaoring also has this: https://www.taobaoring.com/weight-estimation.php

Use it to estimate the weight of your order, err on the heavier side. Whatever service you're shipping with you can put in the weight to see what it costs to ship it from the SS to you.
Sauce on the pepe mousepad?
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Former TaobaoRing and current Buynosaur person here. I use both for my orders! I put everything I want into my TBR cart first and fill out the necessary item detail information to keep track, then I just copy and paste all that to Buynosaur.

It makes it all a LOT easier. Whenever I need to check my Buynsaur order, I just split screen everything and compare the numbers.
Buynosaur-using anons - I submitted a quote and they got back to me overnight. I immediately replied I was ready to purchase the items, but it's been several days now and nothing. Should I e-mail them? Message them? How long does it usually take them to send you the first invoice?

thanks gulls.
Cabochans are my downfall every order I'm like "Oh! I should toss in some cabochans while I'm ordering from china" and then 1kg later im wondering why my shipping costs are so damn high
Sauce on the sefuku? Its adorable!!
Usually a few days. They've been pretty busy. Email them again
Be sure to check on the site itself, too. They haven't sent me any invoices, rather you pay through the site.
It might sound obvious, but I was waiting for an invoice for about a day before I checked the site...
Yeah, I started using them and there's really long periods between correspondence/action. Caused some of my items to be sold out which is annoying. I still really like them but I wish they'd be more prompt (I get that they've had an influx so it's understandable for now, I have hopes for the future)
Anyone ever bought from hugsunshin.taobao.com? What's the quality like?

I'm trying to put together a nanchatte order but I'm kinda torn between zhuzhusl and that store.
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What am I even looking at right now?
Mermaids, obviously

I don't plan on using tbr again. They've messed up some of my orders in the past. I've just kept using them since I like their cart system but I guess it's time to switch

tbr said they didn't email me about the size because the other shirt I bought was size L so they assumed that I would be okay with this larger size. and if they were to email me, it would delay my order by ONE DAY

on top of that I'm missing one of the items from my cosplay set, which they insist was included since the seller stated all items are included (not because they checked to make sure all items were included)
Double check all your other items that they didn't stuff the missing item into the same bag, that happened to me once with them (one of the reasons I'm not going with them any more)

pruany does replica stuff, buy as much replica rick as you want /fa/g

Has anyone bought like, felt derby hats off of taobao? Did they arrive super smashed? I found one that is super cute but I'm worried it will get crushed in shipping and will be ruined
Has anyone encountered items like this on taobao?

Is it really that expensive or is it just a placeholder price?
It's a placeholder.
Thanks anon
Just placed my first Taobao Order though Buynosaur. I'm trying to figure out how much it might weigh, guessing a ballpark of 7-11 kg. Nothing too special, just getting the basics. Including dupes, I got 41 items I think.

Apart from the shoes (65) and coat (88) , nothing is more than 52 yuan.
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An image might be relevant to this post...
Sorry if this is a silly question. Does anyone know of any shops that will custom make a purse? I remember a while back someone linked a shop that did custom shoes, so I was just wondering if there was a similar one for bags and purses.
Sorry for super late answer, I've been a bit busy
Thank you for your answers, really appriciate it!
easiest way to do it if no one answers, is just find something that looks similar in your house and weigh it, but to be honest if you google each object and how much does it weigh, normally someone has asked before for postage purposes
Anon can you link to the pink cardigan? Need one for a cosplay
sauce on the cardigan pls?
sauce on 2, 13 and 9 please?
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posted this once before, but here's whats on it's way for me. might do reviews if anyone wants.
I was planning on ordering 3-4 pairs of shoes from antaina but then I estimated the shipping costs with taobaoring's table and nearly keeled over
So I decided to just order two pairs that I need to fill out my wardrobe
Also I wish listings had the weight in grams, would be super helpful for calculating postage instead of having to estimate ~1500g for each pair of shoes
Thanks, I did that and got a reply out of them.

Thank you so much anon, I had a feeling it might be that just wasn't sure! I did check the site but nothing showed up under my account the first time I did even though they said they set it up for me. At any rate, I've paid now, whew.

I have high hopes too, it'll be especially great once they have a cart system going. They should hopefully be a little less busy then.
I'm not sure but I want it
good taste anon.
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>Tfw been loyal to Pruany since forever
>They've been fishy as of lately
>Everyone talks about Buynosaur like they are the greatest
>They are too good to be true.
>Transbao 2.0
I'm slightly kidding on the Transbao part, but so far I like them.
I moved from taobaoring to pruany around year and half ago, and so far nothing to complain (expect their website and lack of email alerts) with my shitty small orders.
Has anyone seen any shall we date merch on taobao?
Holy crap I forgot about transbao.
Any recommended shops for petticoats?


Are either of these good ideas? I've really wanted to do this as my first cos but I'm afraid it's going to be shit quality. I'd make it myself but there's no way I'd be able to do it properly, especially since it would be my first time.
I found out the searching for 殭屍 brings up some vampire fangs

Bought this petticoat from this shop last year:


Really stiff, super poofy. Sometimes too poofy. Hasn't gone flat year after a year of use and the price is really good. Custom sizing is also available.
Link for 1 and 25?
Lol they literally paid for my whole order even though I told them I didn't need then to. All I did was pay shipping
How the heck did that happen? They've covered my costs temporarily as well but that was only because I added extra items to my order and they charged me when they came in and I paid my second payment.
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How tf...cause they sure made it clear to me (anon you quoted is me) I was gonna pay them back those 7 bucks lmao
You PROBABLY paid the cost of your order in the shipping.
>actually believing you got shit for free
Nonny, you paid for your items in your second payment.
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It's nice how they keep people updated at least.
Just spoke to Buynosaur on chat and they said they rather focus on current customers than being unresponsive, they're too good to be true.
Good on them for being honest about being overly busy since we all knew it would happen eventually since it does for every shopping service that gets popular here.
I'd definitely rather them shut down orders until they're caught up than keep pressing on like normal and have their reputation suffer for it.
Any stores you guys like for some fancy/gothic style jewelry?
Does anyone know any taobao stores offhand that take costume commissions?
one of us, one of us
hello! I needed some help! i was wondering if anyone knows where i can buy the pink CCS bear doll?

Rainhouse only has the green one in stock :C i found one place that has both but they are 100$/
any suggestions?
>Closing quoting request on 18
>Sent one on 17
Damn, I'm so lucky
>was going to send one yesterday but had a paper to write so was going to send it today
Screw everything.
someone on /jp/ made a taobao buying guide and directory for fumos if anyone's interested

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I'm looking for accessories and shoes on taobao that'll look good with this dress. Any suggestions?
I was probably going to do this blouse in black?
and these shoes in black?
Where are these from? I'd love these in the Navy shown. Thanks!
Sorry it took so long, I actually received the package a few days ago but didn't have time to go through everything until now.
The wig is nice! It's very thick, and has a nice amount of curl at the ends. The image made it look brown & pink, however the actual wig is more of a smokey purple/grey & pink. I tried photographing it but it looks more brown than anything. It's also shedding a decent amount but that's kinda to be expected with new wigs. The seller included a cheapy plastic wig comb with it which was thoughtful. Overall good purchase, would recommend.


cooooooord thread
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