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Calgary Comic And Entertainment Expo
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Little over a month left until the expo. Who is going? Are you cosplaying? Excited for the guests?
Going, cosplaying, and I'm not really a guest person. I mostly go to meet people and browse Artist's Alley and the vendors.
Cosplaying on Friday only. I go for the guests basically so I wear normal clothes on Saturday/Sunday so I can do photo ops and autographs and stuff!
Can anyone recommend what hotel to stay at? I'm leaning towards Hyatt
also does anyone know what hotel they put the guests at?
Got deluxe passes! I'm really excited. I'll be doing two cosplays. Anyone doing the parade?

I'm not super excited for the guests they have this year, but then I'm not usually a guest person anyway. Unfortunately my friends are so I'll be waiting in many lines.
A lot of the guests seem to be recycled from years past. It's been disappointing so far.
The parades not my cup of tea!
anyone think the lack of guest announcements because of the Brussels attack is a cop out?
What bearing would the attacks have on guest announcements? Were they planning on having a British guest that's now in limbo?
Exactly. That's what I'm thinking. There's no reason besides not having a guest to announce in my opinion.
Yeah, normally that's not an issue to me (I want Robert Englund back because missed him last time!) but it definitely feels that way this year.

Yeah, we were registered for the parade but I'm thinking I'm going to cancel.

That was weird and felt really unnecessary to me. I'm wondering if someone they were going to announce just decided to cancel.
>I'm wondering if someone they were going to announce just decided to cancel.
I'm hoping this is what happened and not them running out of guests already? If it is, this is the weakest lineup since I started attending in 2008
Daily Bump.
The expo will have gender neutral bathrooms for the first time this year. That's kinda nice.
So I guess the Saturday passes and the 4-day passes are 75% sold out? I honestly thought that a fair bit more would be sold by now because it's only a month away.

Kinda disappointed at the staff's lack of hype-building thus far. Seems like they're trying now but too little too late, I think. A lot of regular goers seem to be passing this year up - especially with the price hike of passes.
I'm pretty sure they were sold out last year at this time. I remember I had to buy my pass off someone because I bought late.

It's a bit disappointing, they hiked the prices and the guests are super lame. I'm only excited for William Shatner. (I'm a sucker and bought the fast pass for the sole reason of wanting to be one of the first people who meet him)

I'm okay with it not being as busy this year. Would be nice for a change.
Yeah, the only guests I'm for sure going for are Stan Lee (splitting a pic with my friend), and Shatner because I'm getting his autograph for my mother.

I like busy but I guess it'll be just as fun even if it's not too busy.
I'm sure they will sell out tickets before the end of april anyway. Plus someone on the facebook page said they have 8 more media guests to announce.
Guest announcements again tomorrow!
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I wish my city of Edmonton would get its shit together and learn how to properly host their own comic expo....

Maybe it's time to move back to Calgary.
Edmonton Expo is fun though?
It can be.

But you can easily be there and not find anything to do. It's not just overall management and stupidly strict cosplay prop rules but the food vendors are expensive, long lines and small time in their products.
Anyone else disappointed with the announcement today?
I'm from Edmonton! I go to the Calgary one and the Edmonton one. I enjoy both in their own way. Hopefully they keep growing the Edmonton Expo, though.

Yeah. I want more creator guests. The lineup for comic fans seems kinda shit to me. But hey, less for me to spend my money on I guess...
I'm disappointed even as a media guest fan. The guest list is so small and repetitive.
>This gets a thread
>Otafest doesn't

Do you people just not go to Otafest? I was planning on attending CCEE instead of Otafest last year, but one of my friends couldn't go, and me and my remaining friend decided that it would be easier to just go to Otafest instead.

Although, I'm curious now. How is CCEE compared to Otafest overall?
CCE is better for guests and vendors, and in my opinion has a better artist's alley. Otafest is good for weeby activities and general Japanese stuff.

I go to both mostly for vidya and cosplay and kind of preferred CCE, but it's really a matter of preference.
I enjoy CCEE three times more. It's a lot bigger and offers more. (vendors/guests/etc)
Oh, also, the food trucks aren't a pain in the ass to find at CCE.
And they're actually really good.
Otafest is literal garbage run by some pretty major assholes.
Elaborate? Shinichi Watanabe' bondage panel, complete with one of the vols calling us a bunch of filthy animals, was probably one of the highlights of my very existence.
Excited for the expo? yes

but they seriously fucked up with guests this year. The increase in admission prices and the lack of any decent guests is gunna bite them in the ass I think.

I'm just going for the cosplaying, and I might do some photography, but I am not paying shit for this dissapointment
There's still a few weeks to announce better guests
I'll be going, and I'll probably cosplay as Malcolm Reynolds, not sure which days though. I'll also be working the Chapters booth Thursday and Sunday. Depending on what's happening Friday, I might just say fuck it to the parade.

The guests are usually shacked up at the Palliser. Buddy and I went there for dinner Friday last year, and we met with a bunch of them there. Good times

that's a shame. I'm staying at the marriott. was hoping to bump into a few of them.
You don't necessarily need to be a guest. I'm a local, and I got into the lounge where everyone was hanging out without so much as a reservation
Staying at the Econolodge South as my usual motel of choice The Shamrock got bulldozed.
>Joey Fatone announced as a guest
Can't be worse than the Otafest guest announcement. Who cares about some no name Youtubers.
I legitimately kekked when I saw that
I can't believe this is happening. What is going on this year. I defended it before but if William Shatner wasn't going, I wouldn't make the three hour trip down.
>not staying in an expo hotel

You're missing out.
It's run by the same people. Most complaints for one would apply to the other.
Nah, the calgary show is so much bigger/older so it's a lot better then the edmonton show.
(bumping thread)
So, the fact that Peter Mayhew is going has got some people talking about the con. I'm wondering if he'll boost sales at all.

I say this because my coworkers were suddenly interested in the expo after hearing about him.
Not really. It's the one my friends and I avoid because of the management.

One of the manbabies running the show has been known to creep on cosplayers and never got disciplined for it, and they got some girls thrown out last year over some feminist thing the men running the con wanted to look good for. Really creepy and gross, two faced garbage.
I'm cosplaying something fairly skimpy for the first time in my life (butt basically fully out) has anyone had any issues with people getting physical/any creeps at the expo? I'm a little worried about feeling threatened there.

What is this post directed towards?
Uh, the honey badgers? They didn't just get "thrown out over some feminist thing". Did you listen to the recordings they themselves took at the panel that caused them to be kicked out? They were acting like tools and doing exactly what they apparently hate "feminists" for.

I don't think they should have been banned forever but they certainly weren't removed without good reason. But alright then, GG.
I can't believe there's only a little over two weeks until the con and theres still fast passes left on the website.
Well, the economy isn't that great and the guest list leaves a LOT to be desired, unfortunately.

I'm freaking out because I'm not even close to finishing up my newest cosplay. The procrastination is real.
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I was browsing the site a few hours ago and saw this lol
What am I supposed to be seeing?
Pretty sure that's Famke Janssen
Looks like they did announce it a day early. Welp
Officially two weeks away. Gotta say, I haven't been this disappointed in an expo since I started attending.
I'm thankful we're staying in one of the better hotels so we can do a spa day/tourist stuff because this is the first year i doubt i'll be attending all four days.
Bumping. Anyone excited?
Excited but stressed, a bunch of my cosplay stuff still apparently hasn't arrived at Buynosaur's warehouse and I really don't want to have to shell out at least 100$ for FedEx shipping.
This is my first year attending Thursday, is it a pretty busy day? Is it even worth attending?

Ouch. Is it a bought cosplay? I don't think I could justify shelling out that much money for shipping
Are you only going Thursday? Unless you go exclusively for the guests, I'd say you'll be fine. I find Thursday is prime for shopping, artists, crowds, and so on
No I'm going for the full weekend (I usually only attend Friday-Sunday), I assume it isn't as busy on Thursday? I'm going to do most of my shopping that day I think, get to items before the weekend crowd.
Does anyone remember how much TNG full cast photo op was in 2012? Looking through old photos and saw it.
I'm working almost every day until the con and I haven't finished my cosplays. No sleep for me!

I'm coming in from outside Calgary, anyone know a good bar/club we should hit up for one of the nights?
The after party on friday is at Cowboys (it's 20$), not sure how the quality will be but there will be people from the expo there.

Another guest cancelled....what an unlucky year
Don't have any plans for Fri-Sun nights, and I'm working late Thursday, but I'm thinking of hitting up a few bars Wednesday. Would anyone be down for a pre-Expo meetup?
What are the chances of a huge guest being announced on Tuesday....

Pretty high, I'd say. It's nothing new to have big announcements right before, and they'd kinda have to at this point, considering how mediocre the lineup is this year
First time going and I'm unfortunately only going for the Saturday. I've been to Edmonton Expo before and felt sorta meh about it? Though I've heard Calgarys is way better. Anything to expect/look out for?
It's a lot better then the edmonton expo. The area is three times bigger, more vendors, better guests.
Expect a lot of crowds. There's way more people. If a panel you want to attend is held anywhere but in the coral, make sure you line up extremely early.
I'm probably going to go just for Joey Fatone
>Family Feud
>Jack and Triumph
He seems like a cool guy
3 days away bump!
I've put together my Malcolm Reynolds, and am signing up for the Parade. See you soon!
no guest announcement today :(
Clark Gregg was just announced for Friday. Also, one more day!!
Con starts tomorrow! I've never attended on Thursday, so I'm excited to go tomorrow!
Today's the day!! Woot woot!
I want to go, but no irl friends to go with =(

Make new friends at the con?
Bump, heading down saturday, do you still get the expo bags if you go one day?
I'm not sure. The expo shop sold out of a lot of stuff today so maybe not?
Went in lolita today since one of my cosplays didn't work out. People were enthused nonetheless, I was pretty happy.
Is it just me, or were the costume contest judges last night in shit cosplay?
Does anybody know who the cosplayer was that Jess Harnell called out during the concert on Friday? I didn't get to see.
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5 seconds on his Twitter anon. That's all these things take. Maybe 7 to go to the girls account.
I don't even know who they were.
The whole thing felt kind of meh compared to previous years. Last year was obviously an outlier but even compared to the one before that it was...eh.

Still had fun. Just expected more.
is that the crazy barry cosplayer?
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