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How do you guys feel about Officially licensed costumes and such.
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How do you guys feel about Officially licensed costumes and such. Pic related was announced today by a company called anovos which will be selling it for 2 grand. Not only is it super inaccurate in areas but it is a waste of money considering you can do the same for about 1100 dollary doos.
I didn't see the new Star Wars (pls don't kill me), but does his hood have a frayed edge? Because that looks terrible and it would bother the shit out of me if I saw it on someone. I don't know what material that is but it looks like a plastic tablecloth.
Yes it has a frayed edge and the material looks like a tablecloth because it is waxed to give it that shine. Which honestly is another problem with this official costume, the fabric they used for the robe is way too stiff although having the correct kind of basket weave it drags like a ton of bricks.
Speaking of Anovos, I ordered their Stormtrooper kit when it was $350 and it's the first time anyone does an officially licensed Stormtrooper armor that doesn't look like shit. If built right to fit the wearer, it's virtually indistinguishable from other 501st legion Stormtrooper armor so I'm happy with that.
Did you get yours on time because I hear that is a major problem and that they are super backlogged. Only ask because I am thinking of getting a pre made trooper because I have not done well with kits in the past.
They got overwhelmed with orders and couldn't make their optimistic date of shipping them out before the new movie hit theaters, but they technically shipped out on schedule since they said Winter 2015 release which would go until March.

People that don't know how seasons work bitched that they would be shipped in January saying it was 2016 by then.

I got mine ahead of schedule because I live 40 minutes away from where they were shipping the kits from. The order number I had originally scheduled me for getting it mid-late February, but it came in a week before January ended.

Pre-assembled kits won't ship out until Summer, I think. Kits get priority right now, but they have a surplus of kits so if you wanted to try your luck at a kit again you could get one for $650 and get it pretty quick.
those sleeves look uncomfortable as fuck. the rest of it looks like the kind of material they make 20lb rice bags out of.
Just wait for the licensed Kylo fabric to come out. Licensed costumes are almost always shit.
>the rest of it looks like the kind of material they make 20lb rice bags out of

Can't unsee because it's so true.
Those sleeves aren't off-black they are straight up grey
But it's close enough for someone who isn't trying to win an award, just mark themselves as a fan like most cosplayers are aiming for
>subject to change

Do you think it'll get better?
Although true a couple of RPF members have said they have seen the finished version and the only difference is the cut on the midcoat.
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There are some pretty dope official costumes. I bought pic related for a Halloween party once. Everyone loved it so much that I wear to cons every chance I get.
>officially licensed 4chan man
how many shekels did moot make from this?
Who's moot?

Not sure if bait or newest of newfags....
That's some Milanoo level shit right there.
if you don't get the joke you haven't been here long enough either bud
Thread replies: 18
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