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You are currently reading a thread in /cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

Thread replies: 255
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Now that Photoshoot #13 is over, how was it for you guys? What did you think of the cosplay video this year? Cosplays you liked? Post photos!

And how do you feel about the way things are going with events this year? Some are gone, others being pushed back with no certainty of actually happening. The number of events was increasing each year and suddenly, things took quite a turn. Discuss!
I think cosplayer and apc didnt care about the event this year, since they didnt have any prizes or anything to gain with it this year.

Too many events wasn't good either, but they all flopped one after the other. Different reasons, I know, but still makes me wonder wth
at least shittycomics is back
is it?
upvote this bitch

>running events isnt unicorns and fairies, some stopped because they weren't successful others ran into issues they couldn't overcome. simple as that. they wont be missed. The only concern I have is with comiccon because i read online this convention is already in debt and in jeopardy. Its the best as well so fingers crossed organizers get their shit together this year.
>Can we on the other hand discuss how we are running out of cosplayers? Even this year photoshoot had way less people attending. the best are retiring or making less and less cosplay and are being substituted for overeager, half assed cosplayers that seem to only cater to the fangirl type of costumes, im seriously apprehensive to this years international competions and the people trying out. the only remarkable fresh blood that poped out recently is Medusis Cosplay and I dont like her snotty atitude at all:X
>Rip pt cosplay.
I know it isnt an easy job, never said it was. Just find it curious how so many stopped, either permanently or temporarily, in this short period of time.
Didn't know comic con was deep in problems already. That's a shame.
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>there will never be a fun Portuguese con if you aren't a cosplayer
There are other things to do and workshops to attend, but it's true that most of them are catered to cosplayers

I'd like anime panels and anime screenings to be back
What other things, really? I think if there were more general activities we could have more con attendance. I can't justify paying 10€ to go to a con if I don't cosplay or play card games. There isn't much to do otherwise if you're going alone. The merch stands are full of bootlegs. I like to look at the AA but I'm not paying 10€ for that.

I miss the anime screenings too
Well, each con has its different perks, some have comics panels and workshops, others have games for the family, and so on

I usually go alone, but I like to take pictures of everything, so it's all ok
Photos of cosplays you liked from Photoshoot? For an image board, we never really post many pics.

Pic related, the best cosplay from the day
The costume is cute, but the dog could barely walk it it, he was constantly raising his legs and trying to shake it off.

So, owner of dog, better design choice next time.

The other dog cosplaying Game of Thrones was pretty cute too!
I actually didn't notice that but I only saw that dog a couple times. Now I feel sorry for it, must have been bothersome.

Is this the other dog? I don't think I've seen it at the event at all, shame! It's so cute.
Yes, that's him! I think his name is Hunter. Don't know the name of Saitama dog, but he cosplays a lot!

Animals and kids in cosplay are the cutest
What was that picture they posted saying "Anicomics Lisboa 2016" ? Is it really back or just a small party/meeting like they said before?
its not back there´s no venue for the event.
The owner posted a long salty essay about Anicomics and why he had to skip it this year.

Cosplay has been so poor lately even in photoshoot who usually is the biggest had a lack of diversity and quality. I hope everyone steps up their game for iberanime.
The anon you're answering to is asking about a picture that was postedsome time after that post, without context. It literally just says "Anicomics 2016" so people are all speculating it will take place after all.
Which events do you guys think will happen this year?
Besides the big ones such as iberanime and comiccon.
Anifest or something similar to it will probably be back. Nihon Sekai may or may not happen. Central Comics Con will probably happen.

And then a million mini-meets at stores
Also, Mário posted this, so nobody knows what's going on
that looks like he's trying to pass anicomics as "the light at the end of the tunnel". literally.
ok yeah but in his "salty essay" he said there will still be a small party but nothing like the event in previous years.

North Anon here we will be getting Comiccon and Aonime plus 1000 mini meets but I dont think Central comics is a go. The vent was always semi stagnated and last year it had a dramatic decrease of visitors. The organizer even said that would be tricky to make it again with such low numbers. Maybe if he comes back to hardclub? I dontknow.

I lurked a bit and I think EC is cutting down its preliminaries to one per country and the events that host them here are exactly the ones that are undergoing problems (anicomics and central comics).
Just hope other event will pick it up, even Iber would be nice.
just went to check this on facebook honestly it just reeks of promotion to try to build up hype.

Remember last year when he posted that after event status about how he sold 25% less tickets even though his program is oh so rich and full of activities but seriously they all revolve around the stage. anicomics is really boring, no wonder he has to tone it down so much this year.
He sells 2K tickets to an event that centers around the stage. Stage has 300 seats. He then complains about people being parasites? where else would they be?
2k tickets?
lol not even close.

That and him claiming he spent 8000€ to produce anicomics 2015...

The don't even pays for the venue, and that is about 60% to 70% of an event total expenses.
And since there was no major guests the 8000€ are either pure bulshit or just bad management
Exactly!! the organizers describes it as the best and most completed event but literally it has no guests besides the usual voice acting cast that appears on events every year.
But it does have guests.

National comics related guests. Which are really interesting to watch for anyone that cares about indie comics.

Which is probably noone ever.
That was the worst magazine evere info wise. They had nothing there but pictures and interviews to "cosplayers" who arent cosplayers anymore for years.

Nice going
So they started a new event "Anicomics 2016" and it only says novidades em breve, is it really happening after all?
I think its probably gonna be a meet at their store, not much more
Precisely, all panels and workshops are directed to cosplayers. I think it's not enough to get people to go there alone of they aren't cosplayers.
It seems that you were right about anicomics
Marketing stunt to create hype....
What about ECG?
I want to know as well, apokas posted on cosplaypt asking for everyone who is considering competing to urgently contact him.

I heard that the ecg org pressured him before to step up his game in terms of qualifiers he brings because we always are somewhat lacking in quality and I'm sure its related to it. Someone please spill the beans Im dying to know.

Also I really want the level of prizes of comiccon to pass to other competitions, I know sewing machines, worbla and better materials dont fall from the sky but it helps so much the average cosplayer.
That was fast!
Ask him.
fuck no
So, new location, what do you guys think about it?
IT's anipop former venue, so its a nice one
The venue is great, the event itself if it's similar to previous years it's not worth the huge ticket price.
Are there ticket prices available already for you to say "it's not worth the huge ticket price"?
any news?
Are you that naive to believe that the prices will be less than the usual 9-12€?
I wager its 15 euros
I never said the price would stay the same, so don't put words into my mouth. I asked you were did you get the information on "huge ticket price", simply.

Especially considering people bitch about Iberanime every year but keep paying the 20 something euros for it, I don't see why wouldn't it be fair to pay a little more than the usual for Anicomics. A lot more space and a much bigger auditorium this time. Besides, there's no information on anything besides place and date, so I don't get why are you already complaining over a hypothetical ticket price.
What i'm telling is that the ticket price for the event is huge based on what it offers.

while I agree with you that iberanime prices are far too expensive, it still has a way bigger offer than anicomics, By Far!

The venue is bigger yes, still will it have the same "activities" from previous editions?

Last year those where the worst 12€ I spent at an event, after walking around through the artists booths, went to the auditorium, in time to see the last 10min of the quizz(that was the only fun), and then got massacred by a 45min jenga play on stage by the usually boring Kirane Project. after that just left the event.

The offer is small, and overpriced. I don't attend events for the cosplay, and there was not much besides the cosplay acts.
But hey that's what I value, and every person values diferent things.
That's why I'm saying that it's too early to judge before any activities are even published.

There's a lot of expectation for the event, especially now that it's in a much nicer venue, so instead of already shooting it down, let's instead hope for new and more activities this time. Mario now has the opportunity to greatly upgrade the event, let's just hope he takes it.

Maybe dropping suggestions of things you'd like to see at the event rather than already saying it won't be worth it? Either drop a comment/private message them with suggestions or even write them here, there's always someone connected to him that'll read this.
Confucius says: "He who knows shit, Speaks shit".

If you just post randomly, just for the hate of subject A, or B, then why the hell do you post at all?

You have NO idea, what're the costs of the place, or what are the costs of an event at all...
You say that 8000 € covers about 60% to 70% of the costs of an event...events have different payrolls, as well as copyright needs, equipments, teams and so on, and so forth.

I've seen great events and small alike, being set with a payroll with titanic proportions, as I've seen events with 1000 € or less of planning money.

If you are not privy to his account, then don't speak like you're his personal accountant, that just found a loophole in his bookings.
People like to bitch. A lot. And then they're really surprised when the number of events start dropping because 'omg i was such a fan' when all they did was talk shit.

It's ok to criticize an event if it's bad or if it has room for improvement. It's not ok to already say it's gonna be shit with huge ticket prices when there is absolutely no information about the event yet, just the venue (which is a good venue).

But oh well, PT community will be PT community.
you guys remember when mario bumped the price of the tickets two years ago almost the double and people raged buckets because it was without noticed and there wasnt anything out of the ordinary added to the content, then , when the drama started to escaled mario addressed this issue simply by saying that his content was rich and varied and it was under-priced so he decided to increase the price? Back then it Anicomics was in a cheap/free Library. I bet my salty ass that this year because of the change of venue he is bumping again prices.
Brah if events go to shit is their own fault and not the goers/shittalkers. So far festasia got cancelled because of their own shitty planning, Asia culture party also got cancelled due to same reasons, Anipop as far as I can tell went bankrupt or at least the organizers did etc.

people are allowed to have opinions agree, disagree, project or conjure base on past editions etc. are you part of anicomics brigade or something?

Newsflash sweetie Anicomics general consensus is actually a small event very crowded with content centered around the stage and kinda expensive.
Did you read a few paragraphs up that last year they sold much less tickets? I reckon it wasn't due to being a organized entertaining event...
Guys, we're on a cosplay board and rarely talk about cosplay...
How was photoshoot? I've seen photos on facebook but I was curious about the opinion of those who were there. Cosplays you liked?

I also read the new Cosplayer, it was nice to see Tercy on the magazine, I think her cosplays are very nicely made. Who would you like to see in future issues?
You should learn how to read. Absolutely in no part of what I said did I mention that events failing is the goers or shittalkers fault. Events fail because they're bad or people move on to other things. What I said is that people like to bitch about events saying it's overpriced, it sucked because of this and that (I even read someone bitching about Photoshoot being a shitty meet because it was cold) and then they're so surprised when the events stop. Everyone bitched about Anicomics but they were all oh so sad when it was not happening (for like, a week lol).

I'm not part of any event, much less Anicomics. Anicomics was not happening this year because of the reasons Mario listed but also because people were tired of the same old event and with higher prices, and he suffered for it. I went to Anicomics last year and thought it was really poor. So, for now, instead of bitching that the tickets are gonna be too high, I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and wait for information to come, instead of bashing just for the fun of it.

tl;dr, PT community likes to bash but then they're really sad when there are no events where they can weeb :(
ok you dumb fuck let me tell you this really slowly to see if you understand, noone was surprised when festasia or asian culture bited the dust ( the only ones I can think of that really dropped) and the people crying ani was stopping for a year are people involved in the event cosplayers/volunteers/staff etc. Poor little mario suffered because his event was shitty? well him and the poor souls and their wallets that attended that shitfest.

tl.dr. just for you: Bashing/being honest there's no need to sugarcoat weak events so their org dont "suffer".
Fucking retards man.
Tercy costumes are always so well done, its a bit disheartening to hear she will quit after graduating or at least thats the impression I got in the interview. No idea whos next because I think we ran out of cosplayers? Everyone who is someone in the cos scene already made the magazine, the rest is just casual cosplayers. Im thinking maybe they'll bring someone from the comic con contest.
Cheap/Free? Show me a price tag and I'll follow your notion
Not the anon you are answering to but you should take care of your salt levels, that unnecessary aggressiveness is pretty needless. Re-read anon's post, you completely missed their point.
Bashing/"""being honest""" doesn't really serve of much when you're bitching on an anonymous board and insulting other users to make you feel better about yourself. Grab your "honesty" and direct it at the cons' organizations. Drop them a private message on facebook, drop them an email (you can even create a throw-away email on purpose if you want to keep anonymous?) and suggest what they can change instead of raging here, since you seem to have to much to say about them.
She said in the interview that her cosplay future depended on what happened after she graduated and that'd she take a break until she was stable. She didn't say she was going to quit, she's just being a responsible adult and taking care of her priorities once she gets her degree. Wishing her the best and that she can continue to cosplay because her costumes are beautiful.
And how come we ran out of cosplayers? There's 24 magazines out and 195 portuguese cosplayer pages listed, certainly there are plenty more cosplayers to feature. My personal bets are on Sofy Cosplay for the big diversity of costumes she makes and Kaidoh Cosplay, who seems to be working on a big project at the moment and could possibly be very worthy of a magazine photoshoot (there are Trinity Blood fans working in the magazine, even).
>you dumb fuck

ahh, sweet anonymity. :)

I'm really not gonna explain it further if your simple mind can't really grasp it, but you should direct all that rage and saltiness to more productive things, maybe cosplay?
dear I hit anons point pretty much...

> PT community likes to bash but then they're really sad when there are no events where they can weeb :(
its a dumb argument and I wrote why.
By bitching about others to make me feel better you mean me point out the mediocrity of an event and its contents? Check, already feel refreshed indeed and about being anonymous? are we in an anonymous board or am I hallucinating. Also hun don't go make projections about what I do and don´t it makes you look dumb as I actually am part of an org and help arrange weekly/monthly events. Thats where my critical point of view comes from. This isnt childrens games to drop your kid who will enjoy it regardless of quality. People actually pay to go to cons you know...
or you really ran out of arguments (you actually didnt had one to begin with...)

p.s. Cosplay is for retards who have too much money in their hands.
If you're part of an organization, why are you bitching on an anonymous board? Instead of complaining about what others do, take your own thoughts and ideas and apply them to the events you say you help arrange and feel free to direct us to said events so we can see how brilliant they are? I'm willing to pay, of course.

I think it's quite obvious by what was said here earlier that we are not saying our events are fantastic and that we'll attend regardless of quality. We're just saying it's much more productive to actually give constructive criticism and suggestions rather than resorting to name calling and shit talking (which contrary to your personal belief, isn't a "critical point of view").
why is being a part of an org incompatible with posting online? Please list the reasons. My org is non pop culture related at all though they are juvenile oriented, I dont think it would suit your interests and I never said they were brilliant but they are for free and lots of kids show up we their parents so they most be something.
Again dear I personally believe shit talking is a critical point of view now dont go running around putting words in my mouth but I do give constructive criticism A LOT and by that I mean almost every single event I go drop a suggestion or two. Do they pay attention toit? I often get the feeling they take mental notes and thats as usually much as they ever become. Sometimes we see improvements sometimes we see less 20% ticket sales.

Also I think we need to stop demonize anon boards. Bitching is a word thrown around so easily but bitching and criticizing hold hands together and a lot of brutal honesty/ salty bitching whatever your holy being might regard it theres a lot of much more real feedback here than in dumb facebook posts full of unicorns and sugarcoating. But I take it you prefer the latter rightttttt.
ok lots of typos here, dumb cellphone.
Guys really important cosplay related doubt here.
Why is Chibi-cat selling her daenerys dress for 70€? didn't she say she had low funds and so she had to make it out of cheap curtains fabric she bought on chinese store? am i missing something?
I didn't say being part of an organization was incompatible with posting online, it's more about the sort of attitude you have (refer to the insults you've thrown in earlier posts, constant condescending tone, etc).
Well, perhaps you could try joining the organization of a pop culture related event? If you have the interest and time, of course. You say you have a very critical point of view so perhaps you could help bumping up some event.
Good to know you provide a lot of constructive criticism. Whether they pay attention to it or not, it's a matter of insisting and sharing your opinion with others, maybe more people would support you on your suggestions and let the organizations know. The more, the better heard.

I'm not demonizing anon boards, especially considering I've been on this board for years now. I'm not one to make "dumb facebook posts full of unicorns and sugarcoating". I merely think being very honest and giving your full opinion on matters does not equate to using anonymity to be an asshole. You can be as brutally honest as you'd like without resorting to calling other "dumb fuck" and "fucking retards" just because you are hiding behind your keyboard. This idea that just because "this is 4chan, get used to it", you have to forcibly leave out your capability of maintaing an honest conversation going on without throwing insults at the first person who doesn't share your same opinion, is plain stupid.
she comes from the ghetto. She spends 20 dollars on something and tries to sell it for 70.
Have you guys checked out Liveevil's Photoshoot video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVl4De0OYF8
In all honesty, the video isn't good. Most of the lip sync if off, it was noticeable a lot of people didn't know the lyrics either, the video wasn't properly centered (the cosplayer's feet were cut many times, it looks weird, especially since they're dancing), it generally seems like it was filmed in the spur of the moment without much previous thought.
If he does another one after this, I hope he has more time to plan it beforehand and maybe try to discuss with some of the people who wants to join in what they'll do and the lyrics/timings they need to know. But hey, it was a first, he can always learn for next time. At least most of the cosplayers looked like they were having fun.
Live evil videos were always horrible. He doesnt know what hes doing clearly. While felix was trying to get cosplayers to participate he was like "pfff i dont care, im god whatever I do".

In another note, Mindbizarre really let me down this time. her video has no sense, no story just big double cuts.

its like most lip sync videos really, editions and frame problems aside, the cosplayers weren't fluid at all and most didn't seem familiared with the song. That's the main disadvantage when advertising a video and then shooting it on the spot without rehearsing, it just looks forced and slapped together. To make a decent video like this you need to preassign people, rehearse and then shoot over and over again because things don't came right off the bat like that.
Remember that lip dub on Iber that it was some big production which restricted participants based on what cosplay or group you had/were inserted too, many statuses about it people really looking forward and then due to poor planning it didn't happen because it was too hot/bright to shoot? Like so much work and no plan B? But in this case despite poor content to work with it wasn't like Liveevil could cancel the video since it was what the org of Photoshoot used to make for the lack of photo contest this year.
I hope they dont pull this shit again next year, lately there as been very little product made by cosplayers/photographers and Photoshoot always encourage shoots wich increased the cosplay work around this time of the year.
Angelica Elfic is taking part in ECG so it looks like we already have our solo rep.
who is angelica elfic
The girl who won at comic con
I've seen lip sync videos made at cons that looked pretty nice but I assume they took more than 5 minutes with each cosplayer to make and some degree of planning. Some camera motion alone would have been beneficial to this video, that terrible, stactic framing didn't help at all. I understand he couldn't just cancel the thing last hour but I'm hoping he can see it's flaws and improve if he decides to make a new one in the future.
I don't think I've heard much at all about a lip dub planned for Iber but sad to know it just feel through like that.

I'm honestly disappointed that there was no photography contest and Photoshoot this year. I mean, the meeting is called "Photoshoot" for a reason, no? All these years there was something, I personally think they should have kept it. I always looked forward to see the shots everyone came up with. I remember when Cosplayer did the Photoshoot special editions, with all the photos from the contest.. Butt I understand that putting together a magazine like that takes a lot of work and, considering the release dates for Cosplayer have become more and more spaced out through the years, it's obvious those involved don't have the time to work on something like that (especially since they do it out of free will and get nothing in exchange), which is perfectly understandable. I just found it really nice to look through the contest photos on the magazine. Even just if they just made a silly facebook photo contest like they have before, there was no need for prizes (just not a "like" contest since people just spam everyone to like their own photo. Could simply just be the Photoshoot's org electing their favorites and featuring the winning cosplayer on their page, for example).
Post a picture like a normal person on an imageboard
Not the anon you're replying to but here you go.
who is she and where did she come from? any proof she makes her own costumes?
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She seems to have been making costumes for original photoshoots and such. There's not a way to "prove" she makes them herself but considering she has photos of specific items where she fully credits her father for making, it looks to me that she doesn't have a problem saying when she was the one making something or not. And it seems she sells stuff on her online store, I assume she'd have trouble getting away with selling someone elses work like that.
I'm curious to see progress pictures of her stuff but she doesn't really post them so I guess I can understand people would be suspicious whether or not she made the costume. Can't prove she didn't either though.
She just answered Apokas' post about ECG saying she sent him a pm about it. That's it.
So what do you guys think of her selling this costume for 2200€?
We're so quick to make conclusions and gossip, portuguese will portugar
Material costs + hours of work
If she was in the US, this probably wouldn't be very questioned but since we're piss poor, it might seem like an excessive price. Each costume maker prices their work as they see fit. I certainly don't see it selling here for sure but many people comission similar costumes/buy second hand for similar prices, in other countries.

I know, like that anon asking for proof she made the costume herself. Everything is subject for speculation and gossip but it's not like it's an exclusive issue with the pt community.
I know that people buy costumes that expensive in other countries but its usually by commission by a well known cosplayer with really good quality. She has been selling original creations but its the first time she made something like that I think, also she made it for herself and that takes a little away from the price.
She has been making costumes and clothing for a while now. She is quite popular internationally, she sells a lot of expensive stuff on her etsy and such.
As for the price tag, I think she is trying to sell it internationally, since I think no one here would pay that much for it. I believe someone somewhere will buy it for that price, ngl.
I don't really like her as a person since I found her quite arrogant the few times we spoke, but she does really great work so good luck to her I guess.
Saw her at Comic Con and asked to take a picture, she just brushed me off in a sort of rude manner and kept walking. Not saying this is enough to get a hold of her personality, but she certainly didn't strike me as a very nice person.

But I must agree, her costumes are very good and I do hope she goes to ECG, we need it.
Hmm, that's odd. I asked her for a picture when she was talking to someone, she asked me only for a second, posed and thanked me for taking a picture. Didn't seem rude, just sort of polite in a distant manner, like professional.
I talked with her for a bit and she seems okay. She's older than "most" people in the community and I think Comic Con was her first event, so maybe she's just not used to it?
Maybe it was just that, or at least I want to believe she's not cocky. So I'll take that possibility and leave it be
I talked with her after the contest and she was a sweetheart. Maybe like >>8874667 said it was her first event and she was not used to people go and talk to her.
What do you guys think of Kwatta's first video from Photoshoot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsRQeC0JAEM
Its a piece of shit
Always so articulated and well-spoken.
I liked it quite a lot actually, except for the the post production effects (the flare and digital error looking things in the transitions). Those look bad in my opinion.
The video is several clips glued togheter with no meaning.
Aren't all CMVs like that?
No. The good ones have story, feelings. Something that just isnt droping clips to premiere and click on randomize
somehow I think you're taking this way too seriously
I think is actually pretty good especially compared to liveevil.
The only bad thing is the dumb excessive promotion and anouncements about it.
Uh... it's a con cmv. It's meant to showcase the cosplayers who were at the con and having them pose/act like their characters, nothing more.
The ones with a "story" and "feelings" are planned with specific cosplayers, solo or group, from specific series and are meant to re-enact scenes from the series or something else related to it. Which is a completely different type of cmv.

Second part is out, it seems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB_JK2685lE&feature=youtu.be
Its not like liveevil was competition to begin with
Guys aonime has more than 500€ in prizes who is thinking of competing?
I wanted to go, but Braga is so far away.... Not worth the travel to just stay one day.
Releasing a CMV knowing the "official" video would be done by LiveEvil, next to his work anything can look good. Smart move, Kawatta.
He's making CMVs for every event, big or small, I don't think he made the "move" in purpose.

Not everyone is always guilty of everything guys
>What would you like to see in future events? In terms of activities, workshops, panels, etc..

>What do you think should change in our events?
Event organizers ego and trying to make money fo a whole year in tickets should be stoped.

oh, and having Leonor Gracias being a judge.
What do you guys think of Medusis cosplay being considered the Queen of cosplay in portugal?
by who?
It just a dumb title given from a clueless company to promote an event dhes working for anon.. dont invent stuff where there isn't anything to see...
As much as I'm tired of Leo being the face of everything cosplay related, you have to acknowledge she is pretty much the most known portuguese cosplayer and is always in a way or another involved with anything related to the hobby in our country, so there's kind of a reason she's very frequently a judge..
Even though she's far from being the best pt cosplayer crafting-wise, she knows how to "sell" her name and image pretty well, imo.

I don't really like her attitudes but you have to be fair, it was just pretty much what >>8879629 said. Stop trying to create drama from nothing.
Shes only the most well know because its always her being invited. we have so many cosplayers better than her.

and creating drama from nothing? Read what is written. Its not nothing. ITs there, its something
we don't see her being a judge in many contests anymore maybe only Anicomics?
Like I said, we do have many cosplayers better than her but she's the one who "markets" herself the best by far and gets involved with everything relating to cosplay in Portugal, so that's why she keeps being invited to judge and organize things. Liking her or not, I'll give her credit where it's due. And remember that maybe not all cosplayers are comfortable in taking the role of judging a contest, there's some degree of responsibility in it.

And I did read? There is nothing. She's no queen of cosplay, it was merely the company that is working with her on their event that used that made up title to promote their event and attract visitors, nothing else. I doubt they have a clue about cosplay in general.
Leo is a spoiled brat but she is also a hard working girl in terms of boosting the quality of cosplay content in cons and improving conditions for cosplayers.
The reason for her being so famous was because in her premium days she was very prolific, new costumes every month, quality cos photos, photoshop and she travelled to international cons and covered those experiences in her deviantart journals giving us a glimpse of that world. She also cosplayed pretty and popular chars.
Nowadays i think she loves on a bit but she still makes a lot of appearences on tv and is an important part of apc. She's also being a guest in Spain soon.
Tl; dr she is popular be,ause reasons but it wasn't spoonfed and freehanded fame, she actually worked/works hard for pt cosplay.
You basically expanded further on what I said about her. She puts herself out there, she's good at it and she's well involved in the cosplay scene. Hence why I personally think she deserves the credit.
I responded the wrong post, my bad

Meant >>8879718
Ah, I was wondering that, no worries.
In that case, I completely agree with your answer.
Any guesses on how Anicomics will go this year? The new spot has probably the best auditorium in any portuguese con, which covers the main problem of the Library it used to be at (besides the general lack of space, which will also be solved)
Besides the new spot for the event, do you think everything will be the same or Mario will give us something new?
I'm a little worried about ticket prices...
Since we are talking about cosplay.What do you think about the pictures of Photoshoot? Since it was the last event. What do you think about the costumes?
Anipop FW was there, so its not the best ever. Know your history. Anipop was 8 euros the 3 days so....

P.S.- What do you guy think of spring it?
I think anon just meant that the auditorium of this venue is the best comparing to other pt cons, not that Anicomics is gonna have the best auditorium any other pt con has ever had..
Guessing there's gonna be an event in April called Spring It, any thoughts?
Same org as tecnicon it seems. So I really dont expect it to have more than 50 people.

tecnicon was free and almost noone went. The ones who did clearly wont go back next year. And spring it aint free so it will only be worse.

1/10 for effort
I'm actually expecting more people to attend than Tecnicon because of the lack of events compared to previous years.
More and more meets are arising, it seems. Small ones tho
the cosplay prize is amazing.

ticket to the next day of con xD
Please tell me you're joking...
Oh no he aint xD
Where did you see that? I can't find it
The post where they announced the competition
Thats just the prize for entering, there are others. Seems like the highest prize is merch and cosplay stuff, sponsored by TheTwinGuns
no its not the prize for entering. it was the main one until they got twin guns.

why do they even come from porto to this con? are the owners rich?
They go to pretty much every con they can, it seems? If they believe they'll make enough sales to pay off the trip and get some profit, I don't see the problem.
They sold 50 euros at Tecnicon lol
How do you know?
And it's their problem either way, they go because they must have something to gain.
I was there. They told me. And it goes with what i saw aswell
what do you guys think of Iberanime advertisemente to the cosplay group? coudlnt they get a better picture?
It never seems like they choose appealing pictures
its like they do a bigger effort to choose the baddest
First anon here, that's exactly what I meant, thanks. I know Anipop FW was there, I attended it, and that's exactly why I know it's a great auditorium.
Maybe it's so they can advertise it as "everyone can participate! Even if you're ugly as fuck! Come! Come!"
Hi guys, I'm from Spain I've been already at conventions from UK and France, so my next ones are from Portugal. Which convetions are the most important ones? Or which has the more cosplayers or contests?

I was thinking about going to Lisbon but some people said that their cons sucks so can you enlighten me?
They do. the best event is ACP
But ACP is done, they cancelled it in November
Then its no good coming to portugal, it sucks
If you've attended cons in the UK and France, you'll be severely disappointed if you come here on purpose for a convention. We're a small country with a small community (in comparison) so our cons are also much smaller. There are a few bigger ones like Iberanime and Comic Con Portugal but the first one is a family-oriented convention that year after year maintains poor organization and repetitive activities, and the second, I haven't personally attended so I can't give my opinion but from what I've read and seen on photos, it's our biggest convention so far and maybe the only one more "on par" with other bigger cons out there.
International contests usually happen on Iberanime (happens both in Lisbon and Porto, has Cosplay World Masters and the portuguese World Cosplay Summit elimination), on Anifest (hosted our European Cosplay Gathering elims but didn't have an edition this past year and we're waiting to know how does the elim stand) and Central Comics (small con in Porto, hosted our EuroCosplay elim).
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I don't trust my memory too much.
Ecg will be in Spring it. A friend of mine from the org told me that yesterday
They just announced it will be in anicomics
ECG will be at Anicomics. They'll have a better auditorium and overall better conditions for cosplayers who want to participate than Spring it. It's already announced on fb.
Best convention hands down is Comic Con pt, lots of cosplayers, advertisers, American actors, vendors etc and a really big space, it's in early December. Other conventions are only attendable if you bring friends or stay just a couple of hours.
I hate it when Cosplayer like luisa vale and marta mendes say they want to enter the ECG. Are they trying to mock everyone?
Guys, any news about cosplayers from porto? Since we are only talking about from lisbon or cons.
We're barely talking about cosplayers at all, though. This is an image board and there are barely any photos posted, the attempts made to start talking about cosplayers in general didn't lead anywhere/were ignored. The vast majority of the thread is just about cons and whining about them so I don't think you'll get many answers.
Lets try and do something nice, do you guys have a character that think would suit a pt cosplayer? One that they could do or already did
Everyone has the right to enter. Better than having contests with 1-2 people, like it always happens
I think Central Comics will happen again this year and they posted something about Eurocosplay too
bah. i wanted to go but the event is always so empty
If you don't go, it will be even emptier
Who do you know/think will participate in ECG, now that we have a date? Post pics!
I think Chibi-Cat was working on Ragyo for ECG
for 2 years ago. That whale wont go to the ecg, believe me
It was looking like a wreck anyway, not much was lost
Shadow Shaper has been posting a new shoot, thoughts on this or general photography inside the community?
I'm sad there's not many shoots nowadays...
There are barely any photographers in our community who photograph cosplayers very regularly and even a lot of the photos we see are taken by other cosplayers as well so, it's nice to see these sort of photoshoots.
I loved this shoot, its so rare nowadays to see photos of our cosers that arent just hallshots or taken at events grounds.
There are plenty of pt cosplayers still doing photoshoots, tho
No they aren't, you have once in while new photos but not only there are little photo shoots there's also few cosplayers active outside the usual Iber/flavor of the month con. Its not like there's no work at all, it's simple scattered and usual below quality.
Felix and shadow are some of the few that produce good/solid work.
I don't think Shadow produces good quality photos, but thats just my opinion. They all look like they were not planned in the slightest, some are crooked, or with bad lighting, etc etc. He does post rather regularly, so that's a good point
You know people have lives and responsabilities, you know? You can't expect every cosplayer to regularly post photoshoot photographs.There are still plenty of portuguese cosplayers who do private photoshoots, which is what I said.
When you say there are only a few cosplayers active, do you only follow the popular ones or..? Because I personally try to follow as many pt cosplayers as I can and regularly see updates, either photoshoot pics of progress photos of new costumes.
And the way you worded your comment, you shift from cosplayers to photographers, which makes it hard to understand. Because you talk like there are very few cosplayers active but then mention Felix and Shadow. Yes, there are little photographers who regularly photoshoot cosplayers. But it's not like there are little cosplayers active, they simply either haven't had the chance to get new photoshoots or are doing them with other people other than those two.
Chill out mate no one said anything about not having responsibilities or jobs but pt cosplayers are not very prolific period.
I'm pretty chill, I just didn't understand the whole "there are few active cosplayers" thing when I keep seeing updates from pt cosplayers. Our community is small either way, it's not like we can expect a huge amount of stuff to begin with. And the year has started not too long ago, relax and go follow some more pages.

Contributing to the thread with a combo of cosplay&photography I've really liked. Both quite simple but lovely.
Oh man I love that picture
Thats my point, the community is small to begin with, most cosplyers are teenagers and we arent a country known for swimming in money.
Hence not so many cosplayers that keep making new costumes for competions or events. Not being very active is different than not making anything at all.
My point was that, for the size of our community, there is a decent portion of cosplayers putting out new work with some regularity.
But I guess I understand what you meant.
From which pt cosplayers whould you like to see more photoshoots or progress photos?
How about we turn this into good cosplayer\Photography thread? I'm sure some of you must have some pics saved of PT cosplay that make u proud.. lets share them?

Also aside from Shadow\kerubyn, who do you see as good \ potencially good photog?
TheGothica seems to be good and produce nice photos, as posted before.
I agree, I really like her photos! It's a shame she doesn't do more cosplay shoots.
My answer is the same as >>8897931 from the pictures she takes and has posted, she seems very promising. I really like her photos and hope she'll keep posting more of her photography work. Hemno takes some nice photos too but I don't think he does it regularly. Felix is a hit or miss, he either takes really nice photos or photos that I don't understand how he feels are good but he's productive and willing to keep working so I think he has what it takes to improve.
We don't really have much more nice photographers that haven't been mentioned in this thread yet, I think. Or at least that focus on that kind of work because plenty of cosplayers take photos of eachother.
Dropping one I like, taken by a cosplayer too. I like the setting and the cosplay a lot.
You guys saw the prices for Spring it con? any comments?
Still not sure if its worth it, but most likely not. Not convinced so far.
7 euros for that shitcon?
Then buy it beforehand instead and pay only 5€ for both days.
Why is there always someone who bitches even without the con having taken place? You pay than this for a single day at a tiny con in other countries. At least let the con happen and bitch about it afterwards.
I pay for quality in other countries. Not for the organizers ego
So by that logic you're skipping Anicomics?
You're under the illusion that cons in other countries are all amazing and don't have their own problems and organizer ego battles, then.
I don't know shit about who's making Spring It but 5€, for two full days and with all the panels and shit they say will be happening, is not expensive.
I've been to this sort of cons in other places and have friends in other countries who attend this sort of small cons and pay more than this.
It's impossible to make people happy here. If there's a con, it's shit, it's expensive, the organizer has a huge ego, etc. If there's no cons, it's a shame, there's no interest, the organizers blew the money they made, all our cons are disappearing, etc etc.

Considering every fucking con we have has some sort of drama, do you even go to cons at all?
You're obviously from the org, or a friend since they promised or announced nothing at all yet. So GG in being obvious. Anicomics is worthy of that Price. Not that shitfest
And what exactly has Anicomics announced to be worthy of a price they haven't even disclosed yet? ECG? Discounts on trains?
I think the only one who is "GG obvious" is you here, since you can tell from a mile away you're obviously an Anicomics fanatic and biased towards Spring It.
Its like they dont read other threads.
There's one exclusively for foreign cons and apart from France thered not a single country that has a positive opinion of their con scene and some are so relatable to ours but everyone, let's ditch this event on their first year without even happening and even though one day ticket is 2€ right?
Jokes on you, I'm neither from the org or a friend, considering I don't even know who the organization is. I'm talking from experience from having attended cons in other places and being acquainted with cosplayers in other countries that tell me their experiences. You're the one who seems to have a particular beef with the org. So "GG in being obvious".

This. Literally all other country-specific threads have people shit talking their own conventions but apparently if they're not in Portugal, they're suddenly "quality". 2€-3€ a day is nothing, you pay double or triple of that in other places for the same kind of con.
New prizes for spring it con. Wow. Desperation much? And a ticket to a really bad event in Porto? Hahaha. Im not an anicomics lover or spring it con. I just don't happen to be stupid
Has anyone seen Scarlet impressive photoshop skills? She is 30kg thinner in every photo, specially the the kill la kill bikini shoot
So yeah like many of us guessed Festa do Japão is gonna be on the same saturday as the first day of anicomics...I know its nobodys fault but still kinda sucks
Whether it's a "really bad event in Porto" or not, it still hosts the elimination round for Eurocosplay so it's a relevant prize for cosplayers, imo.

I think many people were already expecting this to happen, at least I know I was. It's an unfortunate coincidence. I personally still am having a hard time choosing one.
I dont think you have to choose one, just go saturday to festa do japao and sunday to anicomics, if its is like last year you dont lose much, you get the final of the cosplay contest (the better ones) and probably ecg...
They have hosted Eurocosplay as well so, I suspect that they'll one qualifications on saturday and the other on sunday (!?) At least people could participate on both that way..
I forgot to mention in case the activities that interest me end up being on a saturday. But yeah, I guess going a day to each would be the way. We'll see when the schedule gets revealed.
And again Kawatta being obvious about the events that are "paying him" to make publicity since he will be working in spring it. OMG DOMINOS! we customers dont caaaaaaaaaare
that whale even has a fanclub like sea3po. ITs becoming suspicious about who's being payed to create and manage all of her dozen fan clubs xD
Do you have anything else to do but whine? You're being so obvious it's always you. So what he's doing publicity for an event in case he's working for it? Isn't that a normal thing? Jfc, you need a better hobby.

And speak for yourself, I want that damn Dominos.
Its for staff only. You really think they will sell there? Haha 'tard
I never mentioned they'd be selling anything there, they're gonna have a place for people to try samples of their pizzas and an assigned courier for those who want to order pizzas specifically to the con.
"Haha 'tard".
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>This thread
Won't Fitness cereal be there as well?
Do you legitimately believe they would be announcing something like that for staff only, and that Domino's would do that in exchange of zero exposure besides an announcement?
I cant find the post anywhere but when I read it I also got the impression that not was an offer that domino's gave to the staff. I could be wrong though.

Is any cosplayer here? Are any of you considering any inter comp? There's so little interest nowadays inbthis type of contests. I myself still fantasize abit about wining a preliminary and going abroad but lately cosplay has lost that spark to me, I still enjoy planing and crafting but sometimes cosplaying is a chore and I want to give up of it completely. Anyone else experiencing this burnout or still planning something for a big competition?
I am planning to attend ecg next year if I can manage to have the time and the money.But I get what you're saying, cosplay can be really exhaustive to some point but I believe that in the end it's worth seeing what you worked so hard for becoming a reality!
Lol. Central comic fest is cheaper than shit it con haha

omg look at this photoshop
Too hard to save the picture to your computer and post the image on an IMAGEBOARD, you lazy fucker?
too hard to just comment on topic instead of something i decided not doing?
Yes, as the topic is not interesting at all.

Go make fun of your own ass
This year every country will have only one representative and Central Comics was chosen to host the preliminaries
Oh really? didn't know that. Maybe that happened because they usually have more participants in the North.
That happened because anicomics wasnt supposed to happen. Not because of quality or quantity. Im curious about Central comics this year though. Anyone went last year?
Even if there is more quality and quantity. Anicomics had almost no participants and the judging was never done properly
So how was aonime? Was leo looking good? Who won money? Spill the beans.
leo looks fat like always
Shes not fatter than Scarlett
Does anyone know the results of the cosplay contest? Im curious
Scarlett so fat, she won first and second prize.
Super D Rina won 1st with Dark Magician Girl and Snatcher Cosplay 2nd with Gnar, that's what I read
Drop some pics if you see them please
Just saw this one
Who was the jury?
How many deadpools do you think we will have at comic con?
Far too many
Any Number below the weight value of Scarlet
Why are you guys messing so much with Scarlet? (Not trying to white knight, just wanna catch up on the situation if there's any)
It's just because she's fat
And because she created her own fanclub on Instagram, because she was jealous of sea3po
Didn't know about that, cracking up right now
Anyone noticed the share from Leonor Gracis about the event in elvas euro matsuri?

One of the logos is from associaçao nacional de cosplay, not portuguesa.

Who are they and what happened to APC?
Who is sea3po
A big boobed youtuber. Typical omg look at my boobs
But a portuguese person?
Can't find any info on them, and their logo looks pretty similar to APC's... Maybe just an unfortunate mistake?
That is a logo, not written stuff. Someone had to have it designed. Theres no mistake there
Spring it works so hard in telling us wich booths are attending, but cant tell us the program.

Who bets there won't be any program at all?
Why is it that there is never a decent portuguese thread? It always derails to shit. Just let it die.
yes please.
why keep shamming the event? if you dont like it, just dont go
The first anifest had the same price as that shit looool. They havent yet given me anything to like about the event.
Even acp loool
So the weekend pass for Anicomics is 16€ if you buy it until May 10, 18€ if you buy it on the con. Thoughts?
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So Reika is confirmed for IberLX, what do you think of it?
Too expensive for the same shitty program
Thread replies: 255
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