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new larp thread, now with 110% more elitism previous thread in
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new larp thread, now with 110% more elitism
previous thread in autosage
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PostApoc dude here who posted the first few NERF blasters in the other thread. Just finished a rampage with some new paints and techniques. I like this better than my previous work. (See old thread) The light is washing out alot of the orange rust, it's more obvious in real life.
I was gonna say, it looks unfinished. Like something that was used a lot but only in sterile environments, steel corridors, not a speck of dirt.

I'd give it some more wear and pitting with browns and reds.

Might just be the camera though.
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Got a horizontal pump-grip in the mail and can use the worker stock from my AK on it, too.

Here's my getup so far, I've wrapped my armor in chicken-wire and ties a bunch of crap to it to form some kinda ghetto-ghillie. I'm aiming for a STALKERish wasteland survivalist who goes out looking for cool junk to come back and trade with. So, the camo is supposed to hide me from natural (or un-natural) predators rather than other wastelanders. Thoughts? Looking at it now, it still needs to be filled out some more.
Fair point. Perhaps I'll go over the chipped steel parts with the same rust colour and dap at it with a sponge. Make it look like the exposed metal is rusting.
Why didn't you use cordage webbing?
To look less militaristic. The particular group my character belongs to are all about re-purposing junk. Figured plastic bags and old clothes would look a little more appropriate?
In that case I'd switch out the olive shirt. It brings everything together looking distinctly military. If it were a dark gray or a dirty washed out yellow it'd look more salvaged.

Also: finger gloves.

With those goggles and the air filter I assume there's some kind of contamination?
Yep, got 2 gas masks at the moment just deciding on what one to use. The undershirt is cream coloured, will look for a brown or yellowy shirt and give that a crack. Thanks!
I would add some dirty arm wraps or something too so no skin would show on your arm. I mean i you go through garbage all day it makes sense to cover your whole arm.

And a little battering, or sratching of the paint from the filter could go a long way too.

About gas masks: choose the one with better vision.
Looks awesome! Whats it made out of?
The shaft is 500# corrugated PVC. The head is layered blue camp-mat foam. Its then covered in cotton fabric tape (boxers tape) and painted in latex.

Not the best, but better than a dicksword.
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There is literally nothing wrong with roleplaying an Asterix
D'oh, you delightful scamp!
Oh you!
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There is everything wrong with role playing an Asterix.
Ite domum.
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This weekend had me at a player run event for Empire in a 13th Century castle. Pic related.
Was a social event, so plot was thin on the ground, but gave plenty of time for actually being social with oher characters. Something that there is often little time to do at main events.
Got compliments on my formal kit, hope the photographer managed to get pics of it.
Looks impressive. Very expensive! The glass windows are from flawless panes. Say, what is that strange light emanating from above the entrances? And who made that chariot, it seems peculiar.
Jesus fucking christ stop speaking dorkinese
I was very jealous of all that went to that, it looks awesome. I'll have to make up for it with The Pledge Awards Ball!
Yeah, it was great. Kinda wishing I had time off to go to the Pledge Ball, player events are way better then the main ones for personal rp. I've less meetings to run off to at the smaller events.
What nation do you play in?
Brass Coast. I was also at Sentinel's Repose a couple of weekends ago, which was pretty great for roleplaying. Spent most of the time in a corner "fixing" the Empire's problems.
I spent a good chunk trying to work out how to fix Wintermark, while fending off folks trying to lure me to Dawn.
They are most convincing.
>no one is allowed to be interested in things
No, anon. It was the impression of a first timer. Veterans just ignore these things. It is too silly to talk about cars in mock medievalese.

And the poster showed the appropriate reaction.
Especially considering the car was moved out of sight before time in occurred.
We just ignored the electric lights inside and out, as we'd like to be able to see. You just use a bit of set dressing to hide most modern bits.
Oh, but anon, oil lamps and candles add so much to an event! Seriously, you have to try it.

I mean mind safety and know where the fire extinguishers are. But I have had candles and oil lamps in tents for 10 days for maybe 15 years now, and the only time a tent caught fire was when someone brought a chimney and didn't secure it right so it touched the canvas. (Extinguished in 3 minutes after minor damage to one tent roof.)
I agree with the sentiment, but in this specific instance it looks like those lamps are very much fixed in place. Also, the site might have some rules about blocking off lamps. (for instance, most castles open to the public have these green signs showing emergency exits, which aren't allowed to be blocked off)
Oh, we have those in the field at the main events, but the castle had rules regarding open flames and other flammable materials.
Yes, most commercial venues do.
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Why is sound/light proofing fabric the cheapest recycled cotton in the thickest weave?

Because to have to buy it new for virtually every event.

How so? You cannot wash it. Well, it washes fine, but the fire retardant washes out. And we all know the difference between a 20 second blaze and a 2 minute burn is what saves all those lives. So it is illegal to use it again after it has been cleaned.

Also, the cotton rots just fine, but the fire retardant leaves a contamination.
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Anyone planning to go to Drachenfest this year? What will you be playing? At what camp? Anything I should know as a first-timer?
I tried emailing one of the camps.

No reply.
What is a botozas and can she give me one?

i just googled it.
Can she still give me one?
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So, got invited to a Darkon event this weekend called Ice Brawl. I've played with the local boffer tag group that is a big part of it, but I am getting mixed opinions about going in full harness. Its a fighting event with no levels, come as you please.

Would it be bad taste to show up in full kit? The folks inviting me say I should.
I will be at the Landsknecht camp.
what camp you will be in? depending on that I can give you advice

well it's still half a year until the game although try the forum too

botozás is basically beating the living shit out of someone with clubs

have you seen the documentary about Darkon?
A long time ago. I don't really remember it except the stay at home dad who seemed like a pretty decent dude.
I try to forget it too. Anyway my biased opinion is that if they say that you should come in full kit that's because so that they can show later that Darkon has people with that kind of gear
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Ah. I see. I was also going to come with just my day trip setup and a fire pit, rather than drag out my whole pavilion. Pic related
I remember that thread. You made that shade for like $20 right?
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Any inexpensive ways to make a good-looking sci-fi costume without loading up on MilSurp? I'm thinking more space opera here, as opposed to postapoc.
Depends highly on what kind of character you want to play, really.
A sci fi soldier would look drastically different than a scientist, or regular Joe Schmuck.

In general: Modern fabrics (which seems to be like the one time they are superior to naturals) especially things with super fine weaves; EL wire might be great, depending on the style of setting, polystyrene is great to make any kind of mechanical looking prop, including fake armor and gizmos
Yeah, go figure it depends so much on character type. Definitely not military--as mentioned, I'd rather avoid looking like every other tacticool who went out and threw together stuff from their local military surplus outlet. It's also a relatively near future, still early 21st century, so silver spacesuits and the like aren't quite in fashion.

Modern fabrics make sense as a starting point, but are there any particular ones that tend to be moderately priced but will still hold up to the rigors of LARP? I've mostly stuck to fantasy in the past, so I'm not very well acquainted with synthetic fabrics.
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Oh man- synthetic fabrics for actual use.

The first thing to do is avoid spandex unless you are absolutely certain you know what you are doing. It's very easy to make civilian sci-fi costumes look like aliens from the original Star Trek. Nobody wants that.

I suggest you look to sci-fi films that have large civilian casts. 5th Element, Bladerunner, 2001, etc.

I also suggest you look to current high fashion shows, which offer plenty of surreal and futuristic options (pic related).

With regards to fabrics, it's the same deal as with natural materials- the more money you put in, the better stuff you will get (with exceptions). Instead of looking for a specific fabric type here though, look through the 'modern' or 'fashion' fabric sections and look for strange or modern textures rather than prints or colors. Ask for swatches, and use them to make your design before buying yardage.

Most of the basic principles still apply, sci-fi is easy to go overboard with. Less is more, think realistically and practically, and nobody in real life looks good in a latex bodysuit.
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>An excuse to re-watch Blade Runner
Don't mind if I do!

Sounds like /tg/'s Real Life PC threads would make a good source of inspiration as well.
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Has anybody ever puppeteered a LARP character? Like a monkey on the arm or something like that?

Seems like it could be viable.

Puppeteers are usually invisible except for ventriloquists. But even without that you can have a lot of character in an animal companion that doesn't speak.

A simple audio player could mimic animal or creature noises of varying emotional impact from inside the puppet's head, triggered either by buttons or by certain movements.

The arm inside the puppet could have a foam copy to secure inside a pocket or across the chest. Of course, if the puppet has mobile limbs you would need your dominant hand to puppeteer those as rod hands, but that is much less dissonant than a disappearing arm.

And the materials and techniques are very familiar to LARPers. It's all foam and fabrics, a few effects like eyes, and some simple mechanics.

Hell, Esh-Esh could make these and sell them with fur to order. I mean if she wants to, her tools are just what you'd need.


I realize this isn't something for battlefield characters. And tell me if this is mime territory. But I think it could be as simple as a glove with vambrace. And for camp characters it's something you could play up to a lot of people with varying complexity.
I have seen puppeteered NPCs, but never a PC. Personally I feel I would lose some of the fun that comes with roleplay (being in the role, in the moment) by going through a puppet. The non-verbal issue is also a pain in the ass to play (as any edgelord who has tried to play a mute can attest to).

I could also see a 'muh immersion!' argument about having to talk to a puppet and ignore the man in black behind him. I'm pretty sure I would get bugged by it if it went on too long.

What I have seen is people puppeteering their character's pets, and that usually winds up great (again, as long as it's not overdone).

I wouldn't want to do it, but the idea by itself has no inherent issues as long as it is done well and is within genre for the game.
>people puppeteering their character's pets
That's what I had in mind.

I was thinking parrot on the shoulder but I don't see how it could be done. A large cat on the other hand or a monkey could easily work. I bet owls would also be popular.

And it could interact to the level of hissing at some characters and purring at others. Sit down by the fire and it starts cleaning its fur. Strike a tune and it nods with the beat. Topple a shield stand and it scurries for cover. Or tiredly raises an eyelid.
I've heard about some dude who used his right arm to puppeteer a parrot on his shoulder, and had a fake right arm in a sling.
How did he do it?

Did he hold his arm up all the time?
Did the parrot sit on his elbow?
Ah, heard about them from friends who've been to it the last couple of years. What do you guys do except pwning things with polearms?

And I'll be at the Gold Dragon camp, probably.
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So working on prep for the larp tommorow. Made two meat pies (and an extra berry tart with the leftover dough)

The meat pies got bratwurst, onion, mashed parsnip, acorn mushrooms, white wine, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, parsely, thyme, salt and pepper.

What tasty treats have you made for your last event?
when i do longer events say 3 days + i usualy bring things like cinnamon rolls for the morning, just cook them in an orange peel by the fire(does give them a slight citrus taste)

Lunch is usualy either leftovers from the night before, or a sub sandwich and chips. super simple. and PB&J keeps well.

Dinner, i usualy bring fresh veggies and cook them with salmon on a cast iron skillet for the first two days. After that fish wont keep.

Anything later than that ill do simple things like bratts, Burgers, or my other simple camp food.

For really long events Week + we usualy have a meal plan which consists of things like pot pies, meatloaf, and various other simple dishes.

A personal Favorite of mine is to get lean beef, and sharp cheddar(or Havarti) cheese, and mix it into the beef, and make into patties. Then put some Guiness or other type of dark Ale into a cast iron skillet and saute some Onions. And then use the leftover ale and saute juice to cook the burgers. Add more cheese and rarebit sauce, and whatever other unhealthy heart attack ingredients you like in true Murican fashion. Sourdough bun is a must.
>Home made meat pies

>burgers and pb&j

I know who i'd want to camp with.
ay man Nuthin beats a good fresh burger.
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>What do you guys do except pwning things with polearms?
pwning things with swords sometimes.
That and drinking and generally fuck with anyone who step on our lawn. And of course always accepting money and bribes to do the pwning for others

Also, if you are in Gold camp does that mean you are with the grand expedition?
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I wasn't there, so I couldn't tell you. It was included in the long list of reasons why I should've been there...
Depending on the look you're going for and your build some of the current trends in sportswear, even womens sportswear might make for some great underlayers.
Yeah, a person at a larp I used to attend had a very nice professionally made wolf puppet for her characters pet. There was no way to interact with it that didn't make people feel like a 5 year old though, so people just flat out avoided them when they had it out.
There's a bunch of 5-year-olds at my regular event.

I mean there weren't a few years ago, but then people got together and procreated. So those aren't really characters as much as a random NPC crowd that would react to a puppet wolf quite intensely I imagine.
Yeah, my LARP crowd is going that way. Some of the bigger events in the area hold special linear games for the 8-15 crowd. The kids there would probably be too cool for school to get too excited about puppets. Kids these days...
My event is by a nature reserve. The main road is 1 patch of forest over, there's nothing but fields, reserve, and a creek. The kids are set loose on day one at by the end you clean kid's faces until you find one that could be yours. It's total anarchy. I swear I saw one kid wield a conch last year!
Wow, if you've got a safe area you can do that but most of the larps in Australia take place in the bush. So you'd lose about a kid a every 3 hours if you let them run rabid.
Yeah, central Yurop. We eated everything that wanted to eat us. I think there's one snake left that's poisonous, and it'd have to bite you a hundred times to kill you. Our forests are kept parks. Game is fenced in to protect it from traffic. Pick any forest and walk in a straight line for an hour, you WILL encounter a major road, and there will be cars on it.
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Godspeed little counch kid.

AND they'd be in the belly of a snake or something.

>We eated everything that wanted to eat us
Still think that eating cheese with maggots in it is the worse thing of all time.

At Bico its a really really big wooden terrain with some fields and stuff to go see in the woods.

Its not uncommon to see kids come talk to me because of my setup and gear and i always make them try a part of armor or something like that if i have one near.
I try to stay always in character with kids to make them like medieval history.

Some of them came back years after with nice suits.

One of them is now 17 and he became a blacksmith on his spare time to make armor.
he's going with a nice 13th century look and is pretty talented.
>cheese with maggots in it
Sounds icky. Never seen it. Never seen escargots either.

I believe raw milk cheese is the only thing worth calling cheese, that American stuff is flavored yogurt. I don't like it runny, and there's some smells I will not tolerate. But overall real cheese is a fine thing. As is sourdough rye.

But when I want exotic I go to one of the three Asian markets in my street. Their freezers open to the outer depths of hell, I swear.

For our last PnP session I made stuffed lotus root (game set in Tibet). Never seen anything like it before. But I swear it was the tastiest potatoish thing I ever made.
Escargot m8 are good.

Put them in that plate with some Beurre à l'ail and some grated cheese on it.


Two years ago i had a dude from the states stay at my place after Bico and he tougth i was joking when i told him about how escargot could be actually good.
once he tasted it. he wanted some more.

But the thing is...They're dead when you eat them.

The cheese is full of maggots still moving and everything...makes my skin crawl.

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>still moving and everything...makes my skin crawl.
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>Nope. I'm out.
Is that an appropriate place to talk about SCA armors?
How do you guys feel about starter kits made almost entirely out of those huge plastic pickle barrels? You can clearly tell they are plastic but what if they hide it all under a tabard/baggy pants?
Atlantia here. this is the thread for it.

Short answer: DONT. Its not cheaper in the long run. Get a good gamebeson, buy used armour from the Armour Archive. I will link tons of starter kit sites when I get home.

You can do historicish armour better and for only alightly more, while being safer and looking miles better
How to hold leg armour on properly?
I just tie my codpiece around it and stuff the extra under the chest plate.
Got a rough idea of period to work around?

Laced to a close fitted pourpoint or arming doublet.



Grand Expedition reduced its size/closed/something, and now there's the Morning Star as the "People who can't speak proper German" group, but yeah, that's where I play.
What's the current fee for DF all days? And when does it go up again?
Sorry man I went to bed early. I'm mainly interested in whichever period had these kinds of greathelms. I wanna say Late Crusades but i'm probably off.

I get a lot of mixed reviews about the pickle barrel stuff. I'm in Trimaris and that stuff hold heat well which doesn't sound very pleasant. The best part about being that it's cheap, I see these barrels around town a lot and could easily take the truck out one night and collect plenty.

After telling other members what sort of armor I wanted they just suggested plastic breastplate and gorget, some motocross leggings and just covering them up with tabard and baggy pants. I was told Not to go straight for chain because while it was good for cutting weapons it doesn't help much with blunt weapons which is pretty much all we use, being the SCA and rattan batons and all.

Way down the road to make the kit Not look terrible I considered just black plastic plates over a gambeson, then hiding it all under chain but I might roast in that kit thanks to Trimaris heat.

I've worn some of it already as Loaner gear from other members, mainly just a plastic breastplate with velcro straps and it worked alright.
120 euro
and at the end of February another 10 euro will be added
rate these guys in the order with which you would find them the most fun to play with

>person who tries to fight in a really realistic manner
>person flailing around like an idiot
>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
>person who thinks his spin2win tactics would actually work in real life
>person who doesn't even disguise that all his attack moves were lifted from video games

Tried to get the gamut of ways people fight in my larp, and see which one you guys like or hate the most. If you guys can think of any other ways, post em.
HAH! that's a trick question!
You won't decide who are the most fun to play with only by how they fight
Please no more answers like this try again based only off the information given
based on the information given I cannot decide who is the most fun to play with.

But if you want to find out which behaviour is the most to least accepted then I would say for me the list goes like this (starting with most accepted):
>person who tries to fight in a really realistic manner
>person who doesn't even disguise that all his attack moves were lifted from video games
>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
>person who thinks his spin2win tactics would actually work in real life

but even then there are a lot of fatctors
Guess I'll try and elaborate.

>person who tries to fight in a really realistic manner
This guy used to do SCA but hated it because no one got into character. Fights like a fencer. Stays in character 24/7

>person flailing around like an idiot
New guy who's just there to have fun, and whack people with foam sticks. Doesn't do much outside of that, but is content to let others have some RP moments.

>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
Thinks combat should be done as efficiently as possible to focus on immersion and roleplaying. All his gear is top notch, and like fencer, doesn't break character.

>person who thinks his spin2win tactics would actually work in real life
This guy is a little hammy and proud, and a bit of a drama queen. loves playing up injuries.

>person who doesn't even disguise that all his attack moves were lifted from video games
I hate this fucking guy I swear he just rubs his talents in our face we get it you've had search and rescue training and RP your first aid like its the actual thing stop fucking jogging back to town like its nothing i get your character is a messenger but top rubbing it in our faces if daddy paid my way to college I would be fit too but instead I have to work two jobs. I'm just surprised you rated him so high i only mention it because it's clear to me he only fights this way because he doesn't want to admit I'm better than him at sword play.

>mixed reviews about the pickle barrel stuff.
The only review you need is that you're attempting to replicate medieval tournament, not mad max

> I'm in Trimaris
Which is notorious for being the shittiest dressed and armoured kingdom in the SCA

>stuff hold heat well which doesn't sound very pleasant.
Real fibers (cotton, linen, wool) breath. Plastic doesn't. A good gamebeson will do you better by miles in our game. Also:
They fought in heat. They acclimated

>I wanted they just suggested plastic breastplate and gorget, some motocross leggings

>I was told Not to go straight for chain
At least this is right.

>blunt weapons which is pretty much all we use, being the SCA and rattan batons and all.
I am well aware, as I was raised SCA. Gambesons work best in our game

>I might roast in that kit thanks to Trimaris heat.
I am originally from New Orleans. I wear 15thC plate and padding. You wanna know the secret? I used real armour, based off of South Italian designs. It gets hot in Europe too, and obviously hot in the middle east during the crusades.

A good gambeson (made with natural materials) does 90% of the work. GDFB makes damn fine stuff.


Padded leg armour


14thC knee cops from Mad Matt's. fourth down

14thC elbows from mad matts, third down

A gorget. You need this, Hide it under a coif.

Get a kidney belt. Probably $30.

Cover some hockey gloves with maille or fabric to make mittens, or just use a cup hilt.

Not counting the helm, rattan, or shield, you're at $272, for a kit that will be safer, more comfortable and better looking than everyone. Get a used helm off the armour archive.
>This guy used to do SCA but hated it because no one got into character.

That guy obviously was expecting a larp, not a medieval history social club. That is like being offended that they don't serve tacos at the chinese buffet.
Thanks for all the links, I will check them out.
In that guy's defense, a lot of people don't know the difference until they join it and find out.
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Also if you were in the market for a sugarloaf helm, where would you get it from?
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What do you guys think of macrame belts?
If they weren't made out of shitty nylon rope, it would be cool.
Gropey already fielded this one, but as a point of interest, I just want to address one point here:
>I was told Not to go straight for chain because while it was good for cutting weapons it doesn't help much with blunt weapons which is pretty much all we use, being the SCA and rattan batons and all.
Technically true, but also misleading. Yes, realistically chainmail itself isn't going to do much against a blunt weapon, but you also don't wear chainmail on its own. You always wear a padded gambeson with it, which, combined with the chainmail, does actually cushion you pretty nicely against blunt impacts.
>I'm just surprised you rated him so high i only mention it because it's clear to me he only fights this way because he doesn't want to admit I'm better than him at sword play.

I think that illustrates Hungarian's point pretty clearly, that there's all kinds of other factors that can affect how these people play. Based only on the information you initially gave, I would have rated them about the same way he did, but with flailing guy just below rules-exploiter (since flailing like an idiot can be a legit safety issue). But after seeing you elaborate, I'd bump him up one spot, because if he's new that means he can still be taught to fight in a safer manner and his flailing isn't a result of not caring like I assumed at first.

To explain why I'd rank them that way:
My HEMA background biases me toward fighting styles based in historical fact. Plus, if he's trained well enough, he'll probably be one of the safest fighters as well.
No problem with lifting moves from video games imo, it's a little annoying but we all get inspiration from different places. As long as you're not going to shout weeb attack names, have at it.
As mentioned, if flailing guy is new, I can cut him some slack. More importantly, it lets me teach him so he doesn't end up like spin2win at the bottom.
Just because he's second from the bottom doesn't mean I think exploiter guy is bad. He seems decent enough, I just probably would give him his space and expect him to give me mine. Exploiting the rules makes me think that he'd do things like turtle behind a shield because headshots aren't allowed, or block attacks with his hands because hand shots aren't allowed, which is the only thing that really annoys me about this. Respect to him for having good gear and staying in character, though.
Spin2win is the only one here who legitimately bothers me. There's little I dislike more than ignorance, but being stubborn about it is even worse.

Are we talking a combat grade helm, or a larp/costume helm? Hinged or bolted face? Whats your budget? Mild or stainless?

For the best cost option for a beginner SCA combat grade helm, I would go to the Armour Archive forums classfieds and look through the listings and/or make an "ISO: Begginer Sugarloaf " post.

My other option would be Mad Matt. Bottom of the page. http://www.madmattsarmory.com/inv_head.php

>Nylon rope baldric
>Pleather pants
>Polyester shirt
>Visible t-shirt
....Still better dressed then most of the folks I saw at Icebrawl this weekend....
Combat grade SCA Helm. Hinged or Bolted doesn't matter. Stainless.
Budget is 500, would be using income tax refund on it. I checked Armour Archive but no luck finding a sugarloaf.
what's a good place to commission genuine metal armor from?
Did you make an ISO thread?

And again, http://www.madmattsarmory.com/inv_head.php

Matt is a good businessman, his prices are awesome, and his stuff is tank-tough. Stainless, satin finished Sugaloaf for $350. Use the rest of the money to buy a nice maille mantle or coif for it, or work on the rest of your kit in general.
Try indian fellows, like Bareena if you know him.
Look him up on facebook.
i will, thank you!
Define "genuine". Antiques? Repro? What purpose is this for? Costume? Larp? WMA?

What armour are you looking for anon? You're basically asking "Where can get food".

DONT TRUST THEM. 90% of the time, they are using other craftsmen's pictures, and I know many people who have been sent worthless shit by Indian "armourers"
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Forgot my pic.
First, and fifth for me.
Realisticbro's are fun since they fight somewhat aesthetic and usually doesn't give you the "I'm only flailing a sword-shaped foam thing" feel. Videogame dudes are usually funny if they fail, and somewhat cool if they do it correctly.
Most guys from my country are rather pleased with this specific guy, so I never really encountered any bad opinions on them. But if you say so...
ideally i'd like to commission a set of armor from dark souls (faraam, alva, elite,) something along those lines. I'm finicky when it comes to practicality, so i'd like it to be made of iron or steel instead of stainless steel. Main use would be cosplay. maybe LARP
Its a biased question.

But i'll try to answer in order of best to worse and add my opinion on how long they would last on the Bico battlefield

>person who tries to fight in a really realistic manner
Its foam, if you try to figth ''realisticaly'' you'll probably just end up being called out by a ref to calm your tits

>person who doesn't even disguise that all his attack moves were lifted from video games
If he took time to learn ''moves'' he can take time to learn useful one on the battlefield, he migth only be young and inexperienced.
Will probably follow a group but die at the first encounter and learn how terrible these move are really.

>person flailing around like an idiot
Will be sent with the ''skirmishers''
a.k.a. he will be sent to the front were he's expected to die BUT he migth actually do more than we expect.He's funny to watch for both sides and ''veterans'' like that.

>person who thinks his spin2win tactics would actually work in real life
Its fun to kill them i guess?
most of the time we try not to hurt them more than they can do it themselves.
i've seen some marshal tell them to calm their tits because they're a danger to themselves.

>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
Lowly scum, must be brougth behind the shed and gunned down.

Actual thing said by a group of people known for their overall shittyness in combat - ''If my weapon was held by my enemy's weapon then the hit i received does not count''

Its in the rulebook of Bico alrigth.
But here's the thing

80% of the time your weapon is stuck if you have a polearm in a battleline.

So yeah, these are fuckers and even if i do not encourage violence i have no remorse if i have to hit them harder so they get on the ground.

Also, lets do the same test but with the types of roleplayers.
Lucky you. I have heard many people from many countries getting fucked by Indian "fabricators"

My suggestion is to do some research. For example, no one actually makes armour out of iron. There is an anon who sometimes posts here who actually made some cosplay dark souls armour out of this steel and who might be able to help you.
ok, wont hurt to stick around for a bit.
Man i started working on the cowl for the robes of destruction and it isnt coming out as well as planned. Ive ordered more leather but seeing as its goat hide i don't have much to worth with since i botched the first part.

Ill probably go for something a bit larger and just use the leather for pouches. that being said though, Could someone shoot me a pattern for a cowl i could modify to fit my needs?
Here they are but not in order

> The guy who always talk about his character but never really roleplay
> the guy with the awesome costume but who never roleplay
> the guy who never roleplay except when people around him does
> the guy who is never ooc
> the one that roleplay a historicaly based char
> the one who roleplay a fantasy char
> the guy who hates roleplay and only want to battle
> the guy who hates battle and only wants to roleplay
> the gf/bf who hate larp but want to keep an eye on their gf/bf
> the guys who are rp all the time except in battle
> the guy roleplaying a eastern (read here an ''arab'') accent
> the guy who is playing a samurai/ninja/weeb in every larp , no matter the setting
> the guy who plays a big evil dressed in black leather armor
> the guy who plays a good guy dressed in brown leather armor
> the guy with an awesome presence and charisma but the ugliest costume you ever seen

I have no other ideas.
>same test but with roleplayers

Okay, here we go.

>Sir Leonin Courtenvaux the Third, Baron d'Ripalda and lord of Roussillon
Although this guys speaks in "Thy Olde Englishe," he's cool if you don't. In fact, he probably doesn't even notice, as he's too busy acting out his character to be concerned with the motives of others.

>Bob the Barbarian
The most roleplaying this guy does is asking, "so, where's the next group of monsters?" and chasing after the next thing to kill. Fortunately, he screams very barbarian-esque things in the middle of combat.

>Loki "Darks" Ebonshadow the Hedgeheg
this guy(Or girl) may not have gotten their backstory past the planning committee, but that doesn't stop them from taking the corner seat in the tavern, acting depressed, and whining when they aren't the hottest/center of attention. these also have a rainbow variant, which aim to always be the center of attention, insist everyone is always smiling, and always think they are the hottest/star of it all.

>Graien Goshawke, Town Guard
Despite paying to a PC at these events, this guy seems to enjoy acting as a minor NPC, going on patrols, creating slight sidequests, and other activities for everyone else to do. beyond that, he's a somewhat quiet fellow.

>Commander Shepard the Dragonborn
He fits into the setting-sort of. Although he's vaguely medieval, he treats the larp a little too much like a videogame, interrogating the barkeep for things to do and trying to intimidate his way out of some situations. He's also a little too gungho to start swinging.

>Duiarn Valenscar, Son of Julisk, Heir to the Gardenroot Estate and Seeker of the Flowered Haunt
This guy has been here since the start, and isn't afraid to throw his weight around, snatching up quests and loot like nobody's business. He's pretty in character, but is never afraid to pull out the rulebook to resolve things his way. You better speak in Dorkinese to this guy, or face his wrath.
>>Commander Shepard the Dragonborn
I dont know why i laughed this much
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>''If my weapon was held by my enemy's weapon then the hit i received does not count''
I'm trying to figure out what this even means. Like, if your swords are in a bind (which you don't want to do anyway), then if one of you levers the sword and hits the other guy, it doesn't count?

> the guy who plays a big evil dressed in black leather armor
We've got a guy in my larp who used to work in prop design, for the new chapter that's opening up he's decided to play a former evil dark lord who was defeated by adventurers and bound to a small area. Except now settlers came and built a tavern there, so now he works at the tavern as a bartender, still with his spiky black armor and everything. I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
1st is okay. 2nd sounds okay if I'm paying in Amtgard or something like that. Might be useful in more social games as a bodyguard. 3rd jesus fucking christ i hate these kids, like those 500lb whales who think they're the hottest thing ever at a larp just because they're wearing skimpy clothing. 4th sounds neat, but I don't think they exist. 5th could be worked into something good given the time and 6th sounds atrocious and to be avoided like the plague
Based on this further information, probably like so:
>Fairly realistic
Self-explanatory. At first your wording made it sound like he is a 'muh accuracy' asshole, but your details make him sound more like a bro.
>Doesn't disguise that his moves are lifted
Honestly, from your description he sounds pretty fun. I like the accurate first aid, and who cares if he's more fit than you if he's bringing interesting stuff to the game? You sound like you have a vendetta.
>person flailing around like an idiot
He's a newb. Newbs grow.
>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
Sounds like he can be pretty obnoxious, but still is putting sincere effort in.
>person who thinks his spin2win tactics would actually work in real life
>real life
Nuff said.

I think you're pretty bitter, anon. I suggest you work on that.

As long as their done well, they look great. I like them, though I don't wear one.
Your pic related is shit, though, for the reasons outlined in >>8841521

>what are proportions?
>what is fit?
>what even really is armor anyway?

Town guard is the best in my opinion. Most of the rest make my teeth grind.
>I hate this fucking guy I swear he just rubs his talents in our face we get it you've had search and rescue training and RP your first aid like its the actual thing stop fucking jogging back to town like its nothing i get your character is a messenger but top rubbing it in our faces if daddy paid my way to college I would be fit too but instead I have to work two jobs.
You sound like a butthurt faggot.
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Hello guys.
I am Deepak

I hurd u were talking shit about my armor my friend.

I do not like that at all i figth you in my armor impenetrable.

We indian have big tank , it is a really big tink like almost comind in conker.

We have to milt all othir tink to make this one.
>Which is notorious for being the shittiest dressed and armoured kingdom in the SCA
That's kind of snobby, isn't it? Who cares if it looks terrible as long as a new person is enjoying it.
>Who cares if it looks terrible as long as a new person is enjoying it.

New people aren't expected to have perfect garb right away, but if you've played for years and you're still wearing a tabard that looks like a beach-towel with a hole cut it it, then it becomes more of an issue. If a bunch of people have half-assed garb, it starts to make the group as a whole look bad.
The LARP group I've been going to for a while has recently had an influx of shitty new players.

Not to generalize college students, but the ones who have joined lately have been whiny, spoiled, the-rules-don't-apply-to-me types.

I'll miss some of the friends that I've made there, but I'm to the point now where I don't even like going to events because I know the new people will be there.

One person who I find to be particularly irritating to be around just got invited to a second LARP that I also play, so now it seems like I'm never going to get away from them.
Are you allowed to put any kind of finish on the head to make it look more like metal? From the pictures, it still has sort of a "plastic" look. The overall shape is nice though.
If you're going for sort of futuristic post-apocalyptic look, Googling Demobaza might give you some ideas too.

I didn't think that Amtgard was that heavy into RP. They have the reputation of being focused on fighting and battlegames with less emphasis on the RP or character development aspects.
We're a historic recreation club, not a larp. Different standards.
Im working on that. Im fiddling with a latex dip to get a better color, but with the raw surface area, its hard getting something consistent.

on a related note, I got some of that swanky woodgrain ductape for the shaft.
see, this changes a lot of things.

>>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory
>Thinks combat should be done as efficiently as possible to focus on immersion and roleplaying. All his gear is top notch, and like fencer, doesn't break character.
this is a completely different thing that I originally imagine when you say someone who exploits combat rules for victory. Because that would give me the mental image of someone with two dagger drumming on others. But the more detailed version gaves me the impression of someone who is minmaxing his character but in a sensible way that doesn't break immersion for others.

and to be honest, with the original descriptions only the first one would be someone I would play with readily the rest would be on the "meh" list.

but now with the new descriptions I would say SCA guy and min/max guy are okay. no real problem with whacky guy, might be improve in the future, I would be vary of drama queen and... I think you really hate videogame guy, don't know what to think of it so I will rather just pass him.
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holy fucking shit
>>person who fights in a way that exploits the combat rules for victory

It really depends on how they do it and how often they do it. If they're constantly using exploits or constantly trying to nit-pick the rules and basically just doing game-breaking stuff all the time, that can make it a lot less fun for the other players and it makes it so nobody wants to play with that person.
aren't there anyone who mentors the new guys so they won't be asshats?

You've aged your clothing using tatters. Adding stains as well would make it look better.
Mentoring only works to a certain point. You can teach people the rules and the game mechanics, but if they have a shitty personality, that's harder to fix.
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Hi larp thread denizens. So I'm trying to get back into the sca. It's been over a year since the last time I went to an event (blah blah business has been good and busy, blah blah failed romantic endevor).

Anyway I'd like something new to focus (distract) my attention with and I was thinking about how alot/most sca events have a marketplace and its appears fairly easy/inexpensive to sell at them.

As I am really not interested in making and selling clothes was thinking of selling jewelry, specifically rennisance peices.

Some just stings of beads/pearls, but I'd love to do some work some peices heavily inspired by the jewelry in portraits or some extant peices.

I would be working with mostly stringing, wire work, and cold connection.

I want to use real pearls and semi precious beads which I can generally get fairly inexpensively. The metal used would be gold toned rather then actual gold for obvious reasons.

While I won't be trying to use historically accurate methods to make the peices I do plan on trying to make them look as accurate as possible ( minimal to no glueing, hand made wire clasps rather than lobster clasps ect).

Anyway I realize this is a bit off the normal topics but I wanted a bit of help thinking if its a feasible idea.

Pic is of a rennisance inspired necklace I made for a fashion show. It's in glass pearls but kinda shows what I'm thinking of.
Yep it's harder, and sometimes it just doesn't worth it or not viable. But still you can do it. And mentoring isn't only meant to help with rules and mechanics, it's meant to get the new guys into the whole community. meet-ups, workshops, having fun, etc
>While I won't be trying to use historically accurate methods to make the peices I do plan on trying to make them look as accurate as possible ( minimal to no glueing, hand made wire clasps rather than lobster clasps ect).
don't worry, even the world famous smiths doesn't use only historically accurate methods when working. It would rank up the price quite a bit
Bit of a shame I didn't go to Empire Day as I was at an Odyssey Roman Banquet. Food was amazing but it was rainy, muddy, and too many plebians!

(Reposted because I didn't fucking proof-read it the first time!)
let's be honest here. Your character will find plebians everywhere
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silversmithing is remarkably easy and doesn't take a lot of kit - a tiny little jeweller's torch for hard solder is about £/$20, and silver wire is cheap, 1mm thick, 1m long, might cost me £5.60. its not hard to work with pliers, a few files, etc.

Beadwork is entirely possible too, Paternosters are an option for straight beadwork - here's a pic of one in crystal, genuine murano glass, and silk. Things like this are pretty effective, and give you a range of items, that can be made from both high-value, and low-value materials to corner more of the market than a single high-expense item. they're also fairly easily researched, and have men and women's styles, and every person would've been expected to have one. Perfect market to capture!

Diversifying your work to other periods than just renaissance work makes sense given the SCA's range of dates, too. Take a look online for "Tillerman beads" for a fantastic site producing excellent viking and Anglo-saxon glass, for men and women's beadwork for the 7-10th C (approx). Also, there's some truly beautiful late medieval, and elizabethan era stuff that's very well recorded.

I wouldnt look at pewter-casting, given Mac (Billy and Charlie's) does that and does it better than almost anyone, but lostwax casting of silver work isn't hard and can be outsourced for the casting itself too.

I'd estimate that only using historical stuff,I would probably increase the pricetag on a messer or longsword by perhaps one order of magnitude. so, a £2K messer, I'd be asking £20,000... its just not practical in this age to do that.
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and here's a scots charmstone from the 16th C, dipped in a drink to remove poison.

silver-work like this is insanely simple, the originals arent particularly complex at all.
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its nice to see you back Caer!

Thanks again for making the garb. it wears awesome!
Welcome back!

Please go away. You realize no one likes you, right?
I didn't have enough leave remaining to go to Empire day, or the upcoming Pledge Ball.
I wanted to get to at least one player event this year, managed that already. Might try for another.
wow thanks m8. don't be a doucher.
You know what, if thats true, which it very well could be. Let me hear your guys gripes. I'm not going to leave or apologize one way or another, but im will hear what you have to say.
You kind of came off as an asshole one time a few threads ago, and some newfag extrapolated that to your entire personality.

Don't sweat it.
Empire day is good fun. I am undecided on the new site. The unused part of a golf course? K then. Well apparently drainage is better, but like every E1 at a new site it will be an utter clusterfuck.
Actually, I think you're an ass too. Like, Hungarian and Gropey are dicks, but can back it up. Frenadian can be annoying, but he's French. You are just full of yourself and got nothing behind it.
Luckily I probably won't be making E1, so I'll avoid all the teething problems.
The site is meant to be smaller than before for camping, but it had a wooded area and a more varied battlefield.
Drainage is the biggest issue, so we don't have Lake Anvil again like the last 2 years.
>support hungarian and gropey
>over shea

wow what shit taste is this shea may be a pandering tripfag, but at least he doesn't have delusions of godhood
Put your trip back on. We all have seen you suck their cocks.
I mean im not going to say im not an asshole because I can be, and I won't apologize for it. But if i may ask, what exactly am I not backing up here?

I've decided to try out making my own stuff while just using loaner gear for now. Me and another went half in on some patterns to try it out.


First I imagine we'll try to make some things with plastic and if we/I enjoy it, we'll move up to metal. We can get sheets of it here for a decent price.

I'm told there are local armorers around but they are more or less retired but willing to teach anyone that shows enough interest. Sort of like trying to find the hidden master heh.
It will be interesting how the manage to get stuff to fit. But you are right, when I go to a Lrp site it is nice to not have to worry about drowning in mud.
If you get a chance, and you know a site will be muddy, check local warehouses for wooden pallets. They work great.
Quiz time-If you have a picture of yourself in garb post it(it's cool if you blur out the face) and how much it costs.

The reason why I'm asking is because I'm trying to move beyond a basic medieval shirt, sweatpants and brown shoes to something a little better, but want an idea of how much to spend to reach certain looks.
like 150-175 More with Period footwear(which i don't have there)
I tried LARPing before but am just too self-conscious to do it, which is exacerbated by the only larp available in this or the next state being bad even by American standards.

But I still really want to do it, and I think wearing a mask could help me overcome my problems. Have any of you tried this before? What kind of characters could do that in a traditional fantasy LARP?
Not entirely, but I do like these results all the same. Thanks!
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I haven't done it for a LARP (yet), but having done some mask acting for university, a mask helps immensely with self-consciousness. Wearing a mask can completely change the way you act and think, it's honestly almost supernatural how effective it is.

The main thing people associate masks with is secrecy--if your character is wearing a mask, people will probably be naturally less likely to trust them or will feel a little uncomfortable around them. This is because they do two things: conceal your identity (usually associated with illicit activity) and distance you from the world. So bandits or people who don't want to be easily recognized would wear masks, but that can strain suspension of disbelief for some people if you don't change mask/costume frequently. Alternately, somebody might wear a mask because of its association with theater--a member of a thespian society, or maybe a religious group with a flare for the dramatic.

Even if you don't want to wear a mask, or can't come up with a good reason to, there are a lot of other things that can substitute. Generally anything that will somewhat conceal your features or give you the feeling of having something on your face will do it--glasses/goggles, a clown nose, Mad Max style facial accessories, even heavy makeup.
>What kind of characters could do that in a traditional fantasy LARP?

Or just go for something that isn't human and need props, facepaint and a mask to be look like it, from being an aragonian to some catfolk to a spider to anything you can come up with and the game allows
Masks are for NPCs. Anyone who wears a glob of latex over his face for more than a few minutes is going to regret it. 10% look cool, 100% wear like shit.
>Masks are for NPCs
maybe in your larp but not everywhere

>10% look cool, 100% wear like shit
well you have to suffer for beauty
Not that guy, but my local larp forbids any religious connotations. Shit's weird, yo.
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alright let's see, probably not the best pic but this will do, I'm the one with the black halberd.

the wool and linen for it was... I think somewhere around 80-90 euro? can't remember exactly but let's say 90 as the linen was painted too.
putting together and sewing was done by a friend very cheaply, can't remember let's say it was around 20 eur
then I have a linen shirt on it, that's another 20 eur
the shoes... fuck if I know, I think it was made by our blacksmith for somewhere around 40 eur
the belt pouch/bag/whatever was technically a gift for me, I don't know the price for that.
I have a calimacil katzbalger there with a similar dagger too. those are 150 eur all in all I think, shates were made by leftover pleather, will change them until summer when I will have better materials but those basically costed nothing.
The halbeard head is also calimacil, I think it was around 50 euro originally, but they no longer make it, plus there is the shaft and everything whih bump up it to roughly 60 eur
the leather for the jerkin was somewhere around 30 eur and I made it myself so no added cost there apart from a little oil but that was piss cheap

So all in all the more important parts summed up is roughly 410 eur which is roughly around 450 usd.
And I have a half plate for it too which as of now cost me somewhere around 480 eur but let's say 490 as I probably underestimate a fuckton of things here. That would mean my full Landsknecht kit is at least 1000 euro
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here I can be seen with my armour on
Best/coolest/favourite helm in you guys' opinions?
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this is the best helmet ever.
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Are we talking individual helmets, or styles of helmets?

Sallets are best helms in general.
That said, individual, specific helms.... This closehelm by Ugo Serrano takes the cake for me. I LOVE the lines, and its meant for steel or baton combat.
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God damn I need to win the lottery.
Alliance? I've heard that they do that, yeah. I can kind of see why, but at the same time, I think I'd find the total lack of religious influence a little immersion-breaking itself.

Is it because you look like an Obelix?

[spoiler]You're just big-boned.[/spoiler]
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Gropey provides a very convincing argument. Helmets that do even perforation for the visors instead of having eye slits are so sexy.

Sallets are also top tier.

That's because Rick got married, moved to Germany from the UK, and is merchanting much more now instead. (GE2012 here.)

Masks- or enough makeup - is a real way to put yourself in a different state of mind. Costuming is often the same way- if you look different enough, it's easier to disassociate yourself from the norm.

I've known people who play dark elves who you literally wouldn't recognize outside their garb and makeup, because the character and player are night and day in the differences in attitude and the like.

When I had to play a long term NPC, I really couldn't get myself in the proper spirit of things until the makeup was on, the bones were rattling, and I'd look in the mirror and suddenly, it was bad guy time.
Looks like a goddamn alien queen bee. Awesome.
I like this style aswell. Allows for some pretty awesome face-plates.
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Attic helmet best helmet.
That is a rather nice helm I must say
>that one guy who fights like an intentionally bad wirefu character, complete with random noises, overly-long move names, and goofy-looking stances/attacks

way to ruin my immersion, asshole. No one thinks that shit is funny except for you.
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Pig faced bascinets!

Though I am incredibly partial to the complete armour.
That kit
with this helmet is basically my ideal larp armor.
I put on the playlist I've made for my 40k Rogue Trader larp as I get ready. That combined with putting on his pistols and other accessories really help with getting into the right mindset and mannerisms.
I will be heading to Bico this year from Australia, very excited, do you think they would appreciate some Austraian lollies and chocolates? I thought it would be fun to bust out in the tavern.

I wouldn't like that one for a real fight. I mean, it seem that a big horizontal hit on the pointy end will hurt your neck badly.

I would prefer these ones. For some reasons, I associate those lines with a angry/righteous paladin.
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So, last night, in an drunken state of mind, I came up with a great idea of how to cheaply obtain a nice big set of throwing knives for my garb, and brought the fanciest set of butter knives I could find off ebay. Looking back, I'm not sure why I decided to act on this impulse, but how well did I do?

(Not meant for real throwing, obviously, just as a decoration.)
On one hand, you probably dun goofed - while the knives are pretty, they are just useless bulk to haul around on a larp with a tiny amount of extra risk on top of it. On the other hand, if no one comes back from the future to stop you, how bad could your idea be?
As long as hauling them around won't be an issue for you anon I think you dun good. They look (at a glance) pretty cool, and as long as you aren't going to throw them they will be fine.

The box is what gives them away to me as serving knives, though. How do you plan to display them?

I played a giant spider for 7 years despite a mild stutter and ridiculous shyness. The mask made my stutter go away for a game and helped with the shyness.
Now I just play someone who stutters and is ridiculously shy.

>What kind of characters could do that in a traditional fantasy LARP?
Any non-pinkie race, like animal people or similar. Or someone with bad facial scarring, but be careful with that because that way lies the cliff of edginess.

For my current character my stepping stone to get into character are his glasses and the face paint symbols. I have a playlist I listen to while writing downtimes.
Bring vegemite if you can, i wanna know if its as bad as people say.

Also next year there is supposedly other Larpfags coming too.

Now trying to see if i can get my vacation and/or the money to go all week...meh
The pointy end will most likely deflect the blow.
kinda like the head of the conical helms, it was designed so the force of the hit would be deflected.

It would still hurt a lot but way less than if you got a full on direct hit in the face.
Also i dont have a lot of new pic to post because i've not been to a larp since last autumn but here's a pic of my guildmates at a banquet
Finally the larp season seems to be starting back.

27th of february we are organising a big Mangy Dogs (translation of Chiens Galleux in french) my guild ,and we decided to bring new people who saw us last year and wanted to keep hanging out in larps and people who never larped but wanted to hang out.

I'll introduce some friends to the joys of larping by that i think.

Its not really a larp i know, but its something that kinda start back the larp season.
Obviously not in the box. I was thinking of making a sheath to hold them in three on either side of my waist.
How are you supposed to fight/see anything with that?
Thats not a finished piece. And i never got to see it finished. Its made by a gentleman named "Douglas Pryor"
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What century were those helms?
Did they wear any armor on the arms and legs besides mail? Knee/Elbow cops?
13-1th century, I believe greathelm si 12th. And although they didn't you'll be fine wearing cops. Despite SCA's delusion that they're some sort of historical re-enactment cream of the crop they're not actually all that accurate. And if you hear them brag about the whole "largest freestanding militia" in the world, understand that that's only because they fit a by-the-books definition, and that number is padded with old grannies and whatnot that just happen to have an SCA membership. 25 sand-niggers armed with rusty AKs and soviet-era ammo could probably take on the entirety of Pennsic and come out on top. Hell, 2 sand-niggers armed with a jeep, machine gun and a couple of ammo crates could probably do the same thing.
Simple roundels on the elbows, knees, shoulders and backs of hands. You start seeing soupcan knees and elbows in the mid to late 13thC. We've also found the rare bit of splinted arm or leg defense and even solid vambraces and greaves. An iconic piece of armour is the ailette; those weird shield-like shoulder boards.

Wow, you hit every damn stereotype of us ever.... I bet $5 you've never met and actual SCA'ers

We're a historic recreation club. We make concessions to safety with the elbow and knee protection, but I can privide you unending documentation for elbow and kee protection in the 13thC. Argue with the maciejowski bible, tombs and physical relics.

Now quit being a tosser. Just because you got your larp kit laughed at by an Ex SCA member, doesn't mean you know shit.

Pic is of a tomb with soupcan kneecops.
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Yeah, I did an inter group battle thing of four different boffer larp groups.... It was interesting.

At least they had a real giant and dwarf! Seriously, this one dude was like, almost seven feet tall.

Pic was durring random teams. I know my leg came unpointed.
13th Century it is. Thanks guys.
So solid armor was rare but did exist, this is what I am gonna go with.
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The pointy end will most likely deflect the blows aiming at the head, especialy a stab, yea.

But if someone aim for the pointy end, or just do a side, or downward blow on it, any hit will cause the head to twist.

like, the conical helm seem perfect to deflect downward blows, but not horizontal. If those conical helmet were enven longer and pointier, like pict related, wouldn't a powerful horisontal blow just... if not break their neck, at least severely hurt the guy wearing them ?
Not really. Although you remembering something about physics(longer lever equals more weight being moved) remember that the helmets are not glued to the head, so there's some flex, and that the entire body moves along with the hit. moreover, necks are actually quite flexible-with the pigface, even if you get booped on the end of the snout, the helmet will just give way enough for the weapon to go past, not spin around and break the guy's neck. While this may mean you are not suddenly looking in one direction, it doesn't mean your neck is broken.
What is your day job, LARPers? How well can you combine it with your hobby?
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Mechanical Engineering student. I'm in the (very) early stages of building something like pic related for Drachenfest 2017, so I'd say they go together rather well.

I also occasionally give painting workshops. They are on saturdays, so I have to plan my events around them, but I've never had problems with that so far.
I got my job because of larping.
And I'm a software tester
Free lance programmer.
Works amazing because I end up with lots of free time to make shit.
Although if I have big jobs I can end up getting nothing done for days.
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Just switched museums, and I am back to being an early 17thC historic interpreter focused on military science.

In between museums, I was partners in a restaurant. It was fun, but I don't like the food industry. Before that I was at an 18thC museum as an interpreter.
Oh sweet!
Will yoi be at DF this year? What camp are you playing at?
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ahh, completely missed your post. anyway a follow up on what should you expect as a first timer on DF:

First of all at least half of the people doesn't speak english at all or just very little. Don't expect that the important speeches will be in english although Blue camp and Gold camp are possible exceptions because Gold camp usually has a lot of english speaking members because of the grand expedition so you will either have a translator close by or something like that.
In the blue camp the avatar is just simply bro tier, and the whole camp is just people all around the world. Two years ago the blue avatar said he stopped counting how many different people from different countries are there somewhere around fifteen.

Also don't expect that any of the fliers or newspaper will be in english. They will be in german most of the time, with a few exceptions.

Then again all this language barrier stuff is good for more roleplaying as you need to get a translator (or beat someone until he translates for you) and it will let you to focus on the important part: having fun, instead of doing quests and shit.

About the rules: I'm totally convinced that nobody knows the rules at DF. I mean everyone knows parts of it but nobody knows all the rules and nobody is really caring about it anyway. Do it by the ear. If you got whomped by a lot of dudes don't start counting, just go down. The Limbo is a fun place, you have to try it at least once.

You can buy food there, it's awesome and isn't that expensive. also there are ice cream and similar things which is a very important thing.

Also the most important thing, if you go by the Landsknecht camp don't step on our grass our look at our paintings except if you pay for it. Everyone looks at our paintings constantly and it really makes them used, they start to peeling off and stuff. Damn people...
Any Esperanto speakers at drachenfest?
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I actually work with children. I specialized in taking care of disabled kids, but right now I'm taking a stint working with regularly developing babies.

My hours are very flexible, and I make enough money to pay for my expenses and hobbies (though barely).

Plus there is very little difference between organizing a bossing kids around and organizing and bossing LARPers around.
Not this year, unfortunately. I'm still in the process of getting a group together, and I don't really have a lot of camping goods and equipment (or proficiency in the German language other than saying Dutch stuff with a German accent) yet.

We're still undecided about which camp we'll join, as we're still kind of in the early stages of getting everyone together. After we know roughly who will come along, we'll decide on a high concept.

If everything goes according to plan, I'll show up here at some point in the future to show you guys the plans for my ballista.
fuck knows. probably. I mean there are usually 6-8000 people there, mostly nerds, so it would make sense that some of them speaks it
>(or proficiency in the German language other than saying Dutch stuff with a German accent)
I don't speak german. At all. And this year will be my fourth.

I work in mass transit- and it's the first job where I always have weekends off. Woo!

I did Mythodea without any German language skills whatsoever.

It's so international English is by far the "common tongue", followed by German of course.
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Is there a pastebin or something for people new to larping?

How do I get into it? Where do I find other LARPERS?
on 4chan for example. Or on facebook sometimes. google can help too. But in my experience on larps are the easiest to find them
where do I find larps?
Google your location + LARP. Try any that seem interesting. Expect to try several, and expect to not like a lot of them.
Actually, I know for a fact that yes, there are. I know at least two who are going, and one is a professional language interpreter.

Where are you located?
I can speak VERY basic German (still learning though). I guess I can just figure the very broad meaning of a speech ("We don't like these dudes we gon' fokk 'em"), and about the same level of speaking.
What food do they sell there? I'm a little problematic when it comes to food (Trying to avoid meat and dairy and stuff), can I rely on the stuff they sell there, or should I bring some with me just in case?
Yeah, I've heard a lot about the Limbo, sounds scary AF actually.
I.. Guess I should try and stay away from the Landsknecht camp then?
In addition to what >>8847976
said, keep in mind that in a fight, everybody is moving around. Unless you take somebody by surprise, the chances of you actually getting a solid enough hit for what you're thinking are miniscule. And if you're in front of somebody, where the beak might potentially present the problems in question, then you haven't taken them by surprise.
Overnight receptionist at a local gym. I USED to be a knight at a Medieval Times-esque establishment, but the boss was a douche and I got fired for shit I didn't do.

The gym thing allows me to keep in shape easily between events, which is nice. Lots of downtime to plan and work on LARP-related projects as well.

>there is very little difference between organizing a bossing kids around and organizing and bossing LARPers around.

Ain't that the truth. My group is pretty great, but man, trying to get any amount of them organized and quiet for more than a few seconds is awful.

Mechanical drafter.
I've made metal pieces for larp crossbows, simple armour pieces (scale, splint, brigandine, wisby coat), decoration, sewing patterns, that sort of thing.

Now working on a musket that shoots larp crossbow bolts
I took some solid hit on the helmet on Hema, and from what i saw on behourd, heavy hit are to be expected.
full time design student/ manual labourer on my holidays
Wait, you're not going as Landsknecht?

Also, I have a camp kitchen and tents. I want to go for the first time but I'm not sure how to finance it yet. Travel wouldn't be much of an issue, but transport would.
Out of curiosity, why did you think I was?

The group will mainly consist of university students who will have a hard enough time getting a good costume together, so going the extra mile for full landsknecht attire isn't an option. Also, I have plebian tastes and don't really like the landsknecht look.
Because I was half asleep and confusing posts. Never mind the Landsknecht thing.

Are you coming down from the Netherlands?
I'm in Hessen which is tantalizingly close.
I love my country, where you can be the entire length of the country away and still be 'tantalizingly close'.

So yeah, I'm Dutch.
Close to DF, funny man.
Oh, well that does make more sense indeed.
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Yeah, so basically all I need is a truck. Can't afford to rent one. Without I will have to consider some 1 tent kit that I can carry on the train.

With truck I have
>fire bowl + postapoc fire basket (wire trash can), tripod
>2 iron pans, Hordentopf (camp pot, not dutch oven)
>cutting board, knife roll, iron bowls, washing tub, etc.
>SPICES! (spice merchant PC)

>round tent (holds 2, officially 4) in beige, might be able to borrow more
>grossjurte (12m diameter tent you can stand up straight in) dark blue, holds entire camp around fire
>light and deco fabrics, my chair and sheepskin
>1m3 aluminium box that locks

I'm 200km South of DF, if anyone has a truck.
Look chief if these helmets snapped people's heads off whenever they got hit I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be as used for as long as they have. Further on, heavy hits are what these helmets are meant to endure we're talking car speeding down a highway and hitting you impact in order for the helmet to act as a lever/fulcrum and snap your neck no one will hit that hard you fucking idiot
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Heading up to game today. Baked some weird-looking lemon tarts for it.

Optimized LARP packing is a great topic.

I try to keep it light- I have one trunk of my stuff, one duffel of sleeping stuff (including sheepskin, which takes an obscene amount of room), and (depending on event) my tent. Everything else gets packed in with deco stuff. I try to focus on things that can be nested like baskets, and fabric that can be folded down well.

Also, I visited the Netherlands recently and I loved it. I would like to deeply apologize for adding to your already ridiculous number of clueless tourists.
Like seriously all the Dutch people I met seemed so beaten down by all the fucking tourists, especially in Amsterdam.
I think Amsterdam is severely limiting their coffee shops just to get rid of all the fucking stoner tourists.

Mythodea literally had a full-service restaurant and saloon. You're not going to starve. Truth be told, some of the food I had would fall under "best meals ever". And yes, they did vegan. Not as many choices as someone more omnivorous, but you'd manage.

There's also a grocery store in the OOG area, too. Drachenfest is similar.
I'm gonna be a Teutonic knight and I need a name.
Something German.

Anyone got any ideas?
Heavy hits, yeah, but nowhere near enough to cause injury. It is nearly physically impossible for a sword to get enough purchase on the metal at that angle while in motion to seriously injure you. If it does, somebody was doing something seriously wrong, or you have bad enough luck to qualify as a Lancer.
I'm partial to Ulrich.
You just like Metallica..
Is it ironic to name a fighting knight "peace of god"
Didn't stop some.
I've never really had problems with tourists myself, but that might just be because I've never been to Amsterdam.

Nice to hear you enjoyed the trip nonetheless.



I know its a joke, but Adolf is a good German name.

your greek names are biblical names
german names came from somewhere, like scandinavia, there is a border with denmark
why don't you stick to advice on ancient canooks
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