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Texas Cosplay Photographers
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I'd like to know this
>good photographer to work with
>photographers to avoid

>good photographers to work with

>photographers to avoid
All of them
I like mineral blue.
What, really?
You don't like a single Texas photographer?

Do you even live in Texas?
That's basically how every cgl photo thread ends up. All negative posts and no one wants to post good people because they don't want to compete for photographer time
Avoid his ass. Guy will try to sabotage other photographers shoots by keeping cosplayers will him or talking to them during shoots. He'll snipe beside photographers if he can get away with it
What about the photographers from the secret houston photographers group?
I like Koisplay. He's awkward sometimes, and he needs to improve his airbrushing skills (dude has a wicked high resolution camera that will map out every single pore on your face) but he's a real bro.
Is that the guy with the stupid facial hair?

I can't stand to be in same room as him, I get some much second hand embarrassment.
He's got really nice hall shots, just needs to improve on his private shoots a little more. Cool dude though.
All Texas threads just end up with drama and thinly veiled vendetta posts for stupid shit like 'they wore the same shirt as me once so fuck them'.
The truest truth.

Jennifer Cote Photography

She lives around San Marcos, and hangs around Austin and San Antonio conventions.

She's super sweet and awesome.
Oh yeah, he's really nice once you get past the nervous laughter and occasional weird joke. He took some fun pictures of my cosplay group on several occasions
Lightning savage is great. As well as Dugfinn. But dugfinn barely gets photos back to you.
I still think that group is fucking stupid. A friend of mine was added to it and she asked me what I thought of it and it looks stupidly elitist. You're not going to have a good portfolio on either side if you only shoot with the same people over and over. Especially if you never give other people a chance. The fact that you have to make it super secret is such a childish thing. Talk to people and network in the open and maybe you won't have to do it in the underground.
canonjohn cosplays I really like him, be sure to tell him what photos you want approved because he will literally put anything online if he thinks its nice, not that its a bad thing its just sometimes its the lighting thats unflattering.
I'm a fan of Angelwing (aka Falling Feathers). She's really nice, takes great photos.
Is she taking photos again? Last I'd heard she'd kinda been drifting away from the scene in favor of cosplay.
> dugfinn
> great

Dugfinn is subpar at everything
Last time I had a shoot with her was in 2014 so I can't say for sure, but it looks like she still does from her facebook page.
You do realize the only person fucking it up was Sang and it's more open now, right?
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Oh really, it's that open? No I still see Mineralblue, 6 sided productions, and LionHart photography still fucking up the group. Pretty much making their own brothel. All that group ever does is shoot females and encourage more scantily clad shoots. *cough*swimshoot shoot at onicon*cough*
No actually I wouldn't know because of you didn't have the reading comprehension of a stick, you would jave noticed that a friend of mine SHOWED me the group. I was not in it. And looking from the outside in, it looked super elitist and a secret boys club where the only girls allowed were the one they thought were pretty enough. And even if it was more open, I wouldn't touch those photogs with a 10 foot pole if that's all they're interested in.
>swimshoot shoot at onicon
criticizing swimsuit shoot at a beach con
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