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Ask someone who makes multi-six figures from youtube anything
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I'm bored, I have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on youtube. I have knowledge that you want. Most of you are beggars who are here for handouts. For once /biz/ will not be about the blind leading the blind.

Ask me whatever you want. If it's interesting or strikes me the right way I'll bite. The areas I'm strongest in are youtube, finance, and entrepreneurship, but if it's a good question I'll take on anything.
how exactly does the system work for money making? and how do you gain a decent loyal following on youtube?
How many haters do you have? (including me)
Is your channel about dick sucking techniques?
Probably a lot. I dont read my comments so they barely register on my radar. The people who do waste their time complaining about me only help me make even more money by boosting my videos rankings.

You are a bit more visible than they are. Still isn't enough to make me care.
no timestap? how do I know this isn't a screenshot from a youtuber's video?
I like you, what's your channel name? I will subscribe. BROFIST
The first question can be answered by a Google search and is not a good use of my time and knowledge to answer.

Followers loyalty depends entirely on what niche you are in. Generally speaking when in doubt, sell out, follow the formula: remind them to like and subscribe, pretend that you love all of your fans and you do it for their feedback.

It doesn't have to be true but feigned earnestness is a must. Anything else depends on the sector you're operating in.
I don't need more subscribers, I get thousands every day. You have nothing to offer me so I have no reason to tell you.
Impostor until proven innocent bro
I call fake
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Now move on with the envious skepticism. It's boring.
was not envious just skeptic, that's actually pretty cool, do you show your face in your videos, what do friends and people you know say about it?
what makes a good youtube video, as in, what will attract the most views other than obvious answers like cat videos.
I call real.
But OP is asshole though, just the way I like it in my youtubers fav list.
I don't show my face. I pay others to show theirs. I'm a private person. When people find out you're successful they suddenly find you interesting. I don't want people like that in my life. I only associate with people who liked me before my rise to fame.

I've dropped it a few times to girls I've hit on that I never intended to see again. 9 out of 10 times their demeanor changes after learning. Fame is overrated. People are stupid and desperate for a slice of your pie.
Please be ownagepranks
What makes a good video is what is the most popular. If you look at the first 100 most popular non vevo channel you'll quickly see what the most people tend to go for. Niches are overrated, maximum broad popularity wins every time. The area with the lowest barrier of entry imo is gaming. It's way too easy to blow up in there. I've done it and could easily do it again.

Some specifics:
Human faces in thumbnails making exaggerated faces
Enthusiasm to the point of cringe worthiness
Less than 6 minute length
1080p is minimum, 60fps / 4k optimal
Flawless production value. Even your text has to be interesting. If it's not polished it won't be watched.
I have my hands in many pies.
Can I hab a pizza pls?
There's a thread two below me asking what bitcoin is. To take a page from pol: Its 2015.

I didn't want to go to reddit because everyone there is a naive moron. I'm going to be honest. 99% of you will never make it. This place truly is the blind leading the blind.
whats your income per video and whats your release schedule?

When did youtube stop being about the passion for you?
Im a private person and dont want to show my face or even my voice.
Any tips on making money on yt?
Calm your penis my boy

How much monies do you make?
why are you such a cunt though?
Income per video is entirely performance based. If you've spent more than a week using youtube you'd know that. There is no such thing as consistent income on youtube. December pays you like there's no tomorrow because of ad spending for Christmas and January makes you think it's all going to end. There is no such thing as consistency with youtube.

You assume too much. Money is my passion, youtube gives me that, I have never lost it.
I answered that in the original post. Also youtube isn't responsible for all of my money. I live well off of the revenue from other businesses I run and I have made smart investments.
>Income per video is entirely performance based. If you've spent more than a week using youtube you'd know that.

don't drop your spaghetti sperglord and answer the question with real /biz/ numbers, sounds like fame has gotten to your head.

When you make a video that gets 60k views, how much would you approximate that you get from that single video?
Where did you initially find people who would represent you on you channels? Seems like it'd be tricky when you aren't established on there
Because I can be and still have people like you propsitioning me for answers and advice.
You want me to tell you privledged information but you can't stop yourself from getting irritated. Not a smart plan to get the answers you want. I owe you nothing, you've done nothing for me.
What do you mean by represent. I'm not familiar with that.
dude besides a fucking plaque, you haven't done or shown anything that proves your value as a human being. Your advice has been dodgy at best, most of this has been you telling /biz/ how much your fans suck.

My money is on skallagrim
>privledged information
no you autistic wonderland, I am asking for hard numbers about what 60k nets you based on youtubes own advertising algorithms.
Its everyone else's fault for not asking the right questions. So far all I've gotten is "How does money work on yt??????" And "how much money do you make????"

The second I answered in my first post to get out of the way but people still ask it. I have demonstrated my value. I have all the metrics of success. That is why people are here. They wouldnt be if I hadnt. Not hard to understand.
Its fascinating how you expect answers from me while taking to me that way.
You said
>I don't show my face. I pay others to show theirs.
So I'm guessing you had to find people from the very start to be in the videos. I was wondering how you came across the right people and how you sold the idea to them. Maybe it was solely the money you offered.

>The second I answered in my first post to get out of the way

No you didn't. This entire thread has been "I have lots of subscribers on youtube" and then you putting them down. Fuck off, youtube famous doesn't work on 4chan.
Read the subject of the original post. I'm not going to hold your hand on this. Other people with better questions deserve my time instead.
eat ass bro, but don't forget to tell them how youtube famous you are or they might jump to the more attractive friend of yours. The only reason you didn't feed your narcissism through reddit is because you can't both publicly put yourself out there and put your fans down.
Why did you choose YouTube if you're not interested in "the art" or the fame? There's easier ways to make way more money on the internet.

Not sure if you'll answer this but what niche are you in?
It depends on what videos you're trying to make. In my case in the beginning I did all of it myself. I had some people work pro Bono in the early days and after that everyone was paid. If you have money to spend there's always a website to pay for everything you could need actors, voice actors, lighting, you name it.

In some cases you can literally rent people. I do 95% of the work still. I'm too much of a control freak to outright hire people.
I'm one of the only people replying to this shitshow. You have all the time to spare as you refresh nonstop.
Isn't it around $1 per 1000 views? ...
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You must be quite insecure - you're on an anonymous imageboard and you won't make with what's probably not that impressive of a number.

Anyway, sage for useless thread devoid of any useful information.
If there are easier ways to make money on the Internet I have yet to see it. Maybe we could help eachother on that one. I won't answer what niche I'm in.

I chose youtube because it appeared easy and it turned out to be easy to acquire the skills necessary. I proved myself right. All the skills you need can be developed for free. Not many other fields can offer that.

Also for whatever reason I like how it's structured. Making money on youtube is very straight forward, there's constant feedback and analytics, there's no doubt or ambiguity like normal busessiness. Other than that I don't know how to describe it.
What are some entrepreneurial things you are excited about doing?
More like $1.32. This number will never let you down when estimating. All bets are off though when it's January or November though. In order to make yt worth while you have to be in the top 1% of channels. Anything lower is a waste of time.
low barriers to entry.

What video editing software is good?

What is a good starting camera?

Sound equipment?
Thanks for answering my question.
Hey OP good job on making it, and fuck these haters. My question is what quality or characteristics do you feel contribute the most to a person's success
1 Raking in and saving as much as possible from youtube before something happens to the site.

2 Developing multiple channels for multiple streams of income. I have two markets I've identified and I'm already moving into the first with huge success. I've barely had it a month and one of my other channels will surpass 100k soon.

3 generating solid dividends

4 After that I'm taking a loan and leveraging my yt dollars to start a firm where other people make me money. Probably consulting or possibly even youtube brand campaigns for major companies. Who knows what I'll end up doing though. I have connections for whatever I do choose. All I know is it has to be in an office building for a company I own. That's the plan.
The monetization model of YouTube is straight forward, but I feel like growing a channel is more or less a shit show. If you have entertaining content I'm sure you'll get repeat visitors but it doesn't seem like there's a science to expanding.

I've looked into starting YouTube channels with friends since I'm a boring personality, but I never figured out a niche that would be low enough effort for me to justify it. I might do tutorial videos or something since I have a base understanding of a lot of computer programs and whatnot.

As for easier ways to make money, I guess it depends where your skills lie. If you're an energetic funny person I'm sure YouTube is piss easy, but I've made thousands off of other venues on the internet, just using affiliate programs.

Editing software = torrented sony vegas

Camera = canon t5i with a nice lens

Audio = either lav mic or some small/cheap rode mic that mounts on your camera.
>Probably consulting or possibly even youtube brand campaigns for major companies

I like the sound of that. I see youtubes growth in relation to the drop in traditional media. People want to see real people not polished hollywood types telling them what is good. Companies will seek those who have the ear of their customer/demographic. Watching traditional media die out is interesting.

I love reading about success stories.
There is a science to expanding. I've done it multiple times. Repeat success means your model is effective.

I don't recommend starting with friends. Money ruins friendships and someone always ends up getting purged. I trust people I pay more than friends I've worked with.

I have a shit personality as others here can attest to yet I succeed beyond anyone's imagination. Personality is not required if you choose wisely what to do.

Your software and camera recommendations are passable. I recommend learning some after effects to make great into and out ro material. Also short heavily edited clips always are great. But I've made it this far with 90% Vegas so what do I know. Also there's no need to torrent Vegas you can deduct it on taxes.
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People ask legitmate questions, OP gives bullshit answers.
>every fucking time top kek
What is bullshit? he's being honest and straight forward.
What is 1 subscriber worth in dollars over the lifetime of the average subscription?
Your friends will not respect you and will treat the business as an extension of the friendship instead of a serious money making enterprise.
Who are you supporting for President?
Could you spare any info on the science to expanding? It feels like the hardest part of a channel is to get the initial bit of subscribers at the start before it ramps up. (or at least that's what I've seen from other youtube /biz/ threads)

What's your philosophy/game plan for starting YT channels?
I've noticed a very strong correlation between the entire value of a channel and the number of subs. It's about $1 per sub.

My subs don't even factor into my decisions though they only account for 5% of my views.

The $1 figure will change soon. YouTube red recently came out and they want people to actually pay for it. I've worked with people who speak directly to youtube employees. Ad block will be purged on youtube within a year. Theyre working on it right now. Once that happens the money per sub will increase significantly. I actually wish they did that sooner. It's inexcusable how long they waited. But yt wanted to focus on their mobile strategy, so I still am somewhat sympathetic to them.
If I switch to my desktop will everyone not throw a hissy fit demanding proof again? Its annoying to take those photos. I can type out more detailed answers there.
Yeah that was part of the reason why I never bothered pitching my ideas to friends. Plus my friends are all stoners and would probably back out or half ass the job anyway.

Do you have any tips for expanding? I've thought of a few ways to expand (Just always relating videos to current events, do charity bs for views, follow trends, and always spam videos on social bookmarking sites) but none really seem like they can be done without a lot of luck.
What are some affiliate programs you recommend now?

How would you start in this area?

Are you building the sites?

Best place to find affiliates?
I'm not the guy demanding proof but my ID does look similar haha

Just switch to your desktop & ignore proof demands
wild guess. do you run one of those "prank" channels?
I'd like to read some detailed answers. Would be interesting.

The problem with this site is everyone is given equal consideration. In reality most of us would take one look at the other Anon and not talk to this person based on appearance... like talking to people on a public bus... But one cannot decipher looks through the board so, people become hyper paranoid and think "everyone is a piss covered hobo" general paranoia.
Noted. this is Op again. Ill begin answering again. Had to eat for a bit.
Oh that's cool it keeps my ID. Okay now I'll begin answering.
>What are some affiliate programs you recommend now?
There's no best affiliate programs or niche, but dating and health are always profitable if you know what you're doing. Content locking and affiliate programs for products like ClickBank and CJ are good as well.
>How would you start in this area?
Read internet marketing forums, maybe even Hack forums but take everything with a grain of salt as the people giving advice are probably trying to sell you something. Content locking/PPD is a really easy niche to start in and learn the industry.
>Are you building the sites?
Probably less than 50% of what I'm advertising actually goes through a site I built. A lot of times it's just traffic source -> affiliate link
>Best place to find affiliates?
If you actually have a product or service you need to sell, the best way to find affiliates is through word of mouth/networking. Getting onto CPA networks is an amazing way as well but you need to be very stable and profitable. You could go to a forum and make paid posts but the people who push volume don't browse forums unless they want to have a laugh.
What has been the most challenging aspect of monetizing youtube?

I think for me it would be dumbing myself down to the level of the average youtuber. It never ceases to amaze me how fucking terrible some of the top channels and their fanboys are.
Is youtube going to stop being free?
The trends are clear, ad spending on YouTube is insane right now. The fact is youtube ads are the absolute king in terms of interactivity and conversions. In a lot of ways YouTube channels are butting heads with major cable networks. The ad payouts will only go up with time assuming the site doesn't implode before then. Pretty much I want to do what Martin Shkreli did, start a "serious" business and not give a fuck. YouTube is a means to get the capital to start something more serious.

Couldn't have said it better myself. That has been my experience

Trump, yes I am serious.

I can, I don't want to give the farm away obviously though.

You can pay for ad sense ads for $0.01 to get people to go to your videos from your competitors channels. I loved doing that. Sign up for adwords right now.

Steal your competitors tags from their popular videos, always do this. There are plugins that can help you, or when on a competitors video right click and view the page source, then search for "keywords" you'll find the tags that they used.

My philosophy involves a consistent upload schedule that I never deviate from, upload as frequently, throwing my dignity out the window by pandering as much as possible.

Tagging strategy is as follows:

"video title verbatim" "channel name" "channel url name" as many keywords as possible for the topic. I have plugins for chrome that auto generate keywords that generate maximum views for my channel. They're expensive but worth it.

Always always make custom thumbnails. Always have bright text in it, exaggerated faces, and bright colors. People are attracted to human faces and bright colors.

When I start a channel, I'm in it to win it. I never stop until it succeeds. If that means I have to do underhanded stuff so be it. I've rigged myself to be top rated comments on viral videos in the past to get exposure. I don't have to do that anymore but that is an example of the lengths I had to go.
>Trump, yes I am serious.

I think anyone who is successful or wants the opportunity to be would agree.
Very interesting. Thank you.

I've seen these sites and the black hat seo stuff... But it looks like it all is geared towards ranking in google. I wonder if affiliate marketing is as big in Russia or other places with Yandex or Baidu ... where that is the larger search engine?

I have a great interest in Affiliate marketing and after a superficial look I think I will take your advice and go deeper. I just kept seeing people claiming it was "dead" ... that or like you said they wanted to sell a product.
As Gus Fring said: "Never trust a drug addict." I can tell you've figured it out, but it's worth repeating. Don't work with friends, or you won't have any.

You have all the right ideas for expansion, just be sure to fully think through those strategies. There's a lot more that goes into those strategies than you think. Do not be lazy on this. Build up Twitter and Facebook followings right now. A view from a social media site other than youtube is weighed to be 1000 times more valuable than a normal youtube view. Use this to your advantage. Also see my other post for more advice.

I don't recommend affiliate links for youtube. They just won't put out a coherent policy on affiliate links and as to whether they're allowed to be used or not. If you're making as much as I do, it's not worth the risk. I hear though that those Fan Duel and Draft Kings have good affiliate programs though. Lots of money to be made there, among others.

Yes I personally build the channels. I do 90% of the work still. I like control too much to delegate. That's a weakness of mine.

I have no idea where to find affiliates. Affiliates are the wrong strategy for youtube imo unless you're hyper focused on a niche..

If I told you I did would you believe me?

Fair point

You don't make as much as I do, no one wants your advice. You are nobody.

There is no challenging aspect. You click a button and its done. There's nothing to worry about. Very easy.

Do people actually click on ads on youtube? I don't know anyone my age (28) or younger that clicks on ads... everyone I know is smart enough and uses adblock or just closes ads. How is money made with the ads when people have adblock installed?
It's not about just clicking. If someone watches an ad for more than 15 seconds you get paid. Your friends may not admit it, but they do watch when an iron man trailer is shoved down their throat. I get paid from that. For whatever reason, enough people do click.
Have you ever looked into using other people's content? Those Vine compilation videos for example get millions of views a piece. Same with the "Fail" videos and others that are just spliced from existing content.
The internet killed the Record/Music industry.

I love seeing YouTube rise. I have been active on youtube since 2006 and have seen it transition. I think they are in good hands by being owned by Google.. But we will as you never know.
You said you run other businesses; what's your method for successful marketing of non-youtube related things? It's one thing to get people to click subscribe to filler videos, but how do you get people to be interested in your products?
That is the reason. You are 100% correct. I get that some people just aren't cut out for a world system where your value is how productive you can be. Not everyone has potential. In many ways Communism / Socialism is just a reproductive strategy for beta males to try to make it on a world where value is the only value people care about.

I have the ability to succeed. I have nothing to gain from socialism or enforced equality. I want opportunity, not 'fairness.' I love the United States, I don't want equality, I want to push as far as I can into higher and higher percentages inside the "top 1%" as Bernie always says.
SEO is just big because everyone wants "passive income" aka
>i work online n sit on the beach makin fb posts of my rolex XD
but its just a waste of time if you're taking the blackhat route. There's plenty of talk about other methods of marketing on all of those forums.

I'm not sure how easy it would be in Russia since the average internet user has less disposable income, but I'm sure there's less competition so maybe it's worth a shot if you're a native speaker.

People claim it's dead because it used to be insanely easy and now it takes creativity/work. You used to be able to make one craigslist post and setup an email auto-responder and wake up the next morning with $200-500.
That is the million dollar question isn't it. I'm not qualified to answer, the only thing I've ever majorly succeeded at is what we're discussing right now: YouTube. But then again I haven't been around for very long either. In many ways I am a one trick pony, that's why I'm reading up and working hard to prepare for my inevitable transition.
Yes, these videos have tons of views.Or videos of "Fails" etc?

It's all other peoples content repackaged and resold. But looks profitable?
Alright, thanks for the honest answer; I've been trying to market a product I had produced through advertising to furries, and it's been good enough, but not as explosive as I would've liked, thought I'd ask.

Good on you for what you've done, though; there have been a good few times in my life I've considered the Youtube route, I'm glad somebody worthy has nabbed the opportunity.

I've only been dimly aware of those. As far as I can tell they operate on the edges of copyright. It's not worth getting involved in that. I notice they always have to keep restarting channels. I don't like having ambiguity when it comes to monetization.

I also don't like being a total leech either. Those channels are cockroaches. I think those channels just get by by hoping that no one will actually chase them down for a legal battle, or they may not even monetize them to avoid copyright woes. Now that is a waste of time.
That is a hard thing to do. I recommend infiltrating their community or just starting a website and get it ranked well. But you would know best. Furry supplies, what an interesting field.

For what you're doing I don't recommend youtube advertising or making youtube videos. I've been on both the advertiser and the content producer side, it's not worth your time.
That's interesting. It makes perfect sense as they will often have one video of stolen content and not an established channel.

I gather it is in the profitable formula to only have Original Content, and then take your recommendations of giving the customer what they want.

It appears you have had only success with Youtube. But have you had any failures? or some at least something you worked on that you thought would take off but didn't do so well?
Thanks for your answers, they've been real informative.

I'm really good at aggregating different facts/data. What is the feasibility of creating a popular channel that is not original (no skits, pranks, songs, etc), but rather just a list or nicely edited video of facts that is presented nicely? Do you have any channel(s) that follow that sort of format?

My life has only begun. It's too early to say if YouTube will be my only success. In fact I've found my calling and a lot of confidence has come with it. Since then everything else I've done has succeeded. I haven't been trying my hand at entrepreneurship very long, only a few years.

In the past I tried to start a website but that went nowhere and was never finished, for a while I was just thrashing in the dark trying to start something, anything. I'm also a college dropout.
What are some of the pitfalls or problems to avoid with YouTube?

I like how you keep control over your business, Felix Dennis in his book talks about the importance of ownership and you seem to preach this which is wise.

Have you had any legal troubles? Or other problems? Very smart in staying hidden... nothing good comes from people finding out about your money.. they just want to steal it.
How much money (yours or other people's) went into your initial startup?
I don't recommend that field, it's way too saturated, you'll go nowhere, and the CPM's are not so good. Also copyright has wiped out channels and wasted the time of their creators. Even watchmojo has been pulled multiple times.
People are parasites, I'm glad you agree on that.

I have had no legal troubles because I'm smart about copyright, unlike >>998013

A pitfall is that you often have to work for over a year for free with no guarantee of success. If you aren't in the top 1% of Youtubers it will not be worth your time. I tell everyone who asks, get a real job that has actual health care benefits, job stability, and promise for advancement. You have to be a one man army for this, you have to know how to do small business taxes, marketing, content production, pr, all of it one bundle. It's not for everyone, and you have to be realistic with yourself. Success is extremely unlikely. As time goes in it gets harder and harder to start something on YouTube. There are definitely better opportunities out there that I will be exploring soon

Good, college is mostly a waste of time and money. Also you are gaining invaluable experience and money while other people your age are wasting money and going nowhere. You are on the right path for sure.

I would only say that you should stay frugal (which you probably are as you sound very sharp and money savvy) but also because after you get older fancy toys are not as interesting. At 21 I wanted a Twin Turbo Supra very bad..but at 32 I couldn't care less.

I think tattoo removal will be big.

Laser hair removal is also profitable.

But, in general business that deal with the public and customers are headaches... I like businesses that sell to other businesses. Something detached from the common person and their endless complaints.
>Good, college is mostly a waste of time and money.

Agreed there, though I wish I had spent more time having fun with friends there. College is not worth the money. This is a very lonely job. People who work with you are not your friends. I have to try to get out, otherwise I just stay at home constantly strategizing ways to expand.

>I would only say that you should stay frugal (which you probably are as you sound very sharp and money savvy)

Thank you, that means more than you think. As for saving after taxes I keep probably 90% of what I earn. I'm very cheap and don't need much. I have a strong background in finance, that helps too.

>I like businesses that sell to other businesses. Something detached from the common person and their endless complaints.

I do as well, YouTube is very unstable and unforgiving. I will be trying very hard to move into B2B once my youtube career inevitably comes to its conclusion and I still have decades of my life ahead of me.
I want to start a YT channel and have a theme that is pretty much non existent on youtube right now. I'm fairly certain that I'd gain thousands of subscribers and may even go viral (or atleast make frontpage of reddit and possibly some news sites etc) I've had a semi successful youtube account before, but it was years ago and didn't really make money because of copyright shit, it was just popular. This one would be all original content.

One problem though:
I don't want to show my face and possibly even voice simply for the reason that I don't want to be known as a guy from YT who makes his money from YT videos. The only reason I want to make said channel is because I know it has potential to be huge and make $.

I'm aware that not showing your face and voice will be a negative when it comes to youtube but I dunno. I am torn because I really do not want to lose all dignity like you say and pander to the cunts watching like most youtubers do. People like Theradbrad do this shit every video and it actually gets annoying... All those gamer youtubers making jokes aimed at 9 year olds and pretending that they find the jokes funny while making silly noises or screaming... I'm younger than some of these youtubers and could never do that regardless of how much was to be made..

so wat do brah? you reckon I could wing it without showing my face or voice or nah?
>I want to start a YT channel and have a theme that is pretty much non existent on youtube right now

There may be a reason why it's nonexistent. I don't trust sectors that haven't been validated by visible success. Keep in mind how much you are worth. When you start youtube you have to be prepared to put in at least 20 hours a week for free for up to a year. Can you afford to do that? Are there things you could be doing instead of gambling on an unproven youtube niche?

For nearly all people I recommend starting other businesses, YouTube despite the strategies is still mostly a lottery. With a normal career you get:

Stable pay
Advancement prospects
Health insurance
Among others I can't think of.

I always tell my closest friends who wonder if they should start YT that if they have any reservations whatsoever, I have to tell them that I care about them too much to see them throw their lives away on what is effectively a lottery ticket.

If I won the lottery and was talking about my number picking strategies would you throw away future career potential to chase it? Think long and hard about that.

>I don't want to show my face and possibly even voice simply for the reason that I don't want to be known as a guy from YT who makes his money from YT videos
>Im aware that not showing your face and voice will be a negative when it comes to youtube but I dunno. I am torn because I really do not want to lose all dignity like you say and pander to the cunts watching like most youtubers do. People like Theradbrad do this shit every video and it actually gets annoying... All those gamer youtubers making jokes aimed at 9 year olds and pretending that they find the jokes funny while making silly noises or screaming... I'm younger than some of these youtubers and could never do that regardless of how much was to be made..

Either accept the reality now or you will never make it. I can't name anyone who has made it to any worthwhile level of success without selling out.
say I wanted to sell jars of chilli I make but I am an autist with no social skills and if I went up to stores in my area and said "do you want to sell this" they'd just look at me with contempt and say "uh no"

how exactly would I turn this into a business

what do you do when you reach an impasse? just getting 1 person to agree with me on something and cooperate is an ordeal but for people like you it seems to be like breathing, where am I going wrong?
Not saying op is a fraud but he hasn't given away any information that isn't an opinion or easily Google able. If you're waiting for him to give some special sauce to complete your business plan that you'll someday execute then you are wasting your time.
I have the opposite view, I think I've said too much. I've encouraged an entire generation of Don Quixote's to charge off hoping for success. I'm not proud about that in hindsight. I tell my closest friends the things I've told you all. It's a very hard game, I don't recommend it.
Im starting a YT channel on gaming
I've always wondered what are the policies on using videos of "memes" like most yt gamers do, cause they don't monetize their videos and their income is solely from patreon/sponsors

I ponder if i should actually go for this game plan, because i wont be showing face, only voice, and visual shit, as you already stated, is key to get the views, and i would only be able to do it through "memes" (at least in the beginning)

Your thoughts?
Gaming is a wonderful field. Low barrier of entry and high ad payouts, it also helps that it's fun. And as you pointed out you don't even have to show your face. I've succeeded in gaming and I've helped my friends succeed in there. I believe I'm qualified to talk about this sector, although at the moment it isn't my primary.

You can use memes, just don't use anything from movies or whatnot. Use common sense on that one. Every gamer I've known has made money through adsense not Patreon. You can make money gaming without even having to sell your soul to a MCN. If I were you I'd do more research on this. Patreon is a nice site but they require your SSN and they were recently hacked. I wouldn't want to get involved in that. Also the feds will be clamping down on them soon (in many ways they've already begun.)

Are you a funny person? Can you use editing to make yourself a funny person? Do you have the time? Are there better things you could be doing? Will this hurt your career prospects in the future if YouTube doesn't pan out?

These are very important questions to answer.
>sell your soul to a MCN
Can you expand on MCN's? Are you a part of one? Pros/cons in your eyes?
>I don't trust sectors that haven't been validated by visible success.
That's pretty good way to ensure success if you already have a stable base so to speak but yeah, I can't be certain but I'm confident in my pattern recognition and trend spotting abilities. I've had videos go somewhat viral before that I had made purposefully for that reason.

Honestly, the only thing stopping me is the ''selling out'' part. I just don't know if I have it in me to pander to viewers the way most youtubers do and put on a youtube persona. Cheers for the advice though m8.

The answear for the first two questions is yeah, and i actually have a proficiency on editing, and im on the beginning of college so i have plenty of time...
My country is on a recession, so people aren't hiring for internships so this is actually my best chance of getting money on a short run.

Showing my face is actually the only thing that could hurt future career prospects

Also on the memes issue: Can someone get my videos down if i monetize a video thats contains a part of their video that the internet considers a meme? Also, is there legal issues on using memes of celebrities? There's this guy on youtube that does this but he does not monetize his videos, and earns solely on sponsors and third party advertisers. His channel is on the 1.3 million follower mark.
There are no pros in my view.
YouTube only lets a channel have 55% of the revenue. Period. There is no way around this, any MCN claiming they can get you more money is lying.

The adsense network is the strongest ad network on the internet. Thinking a MCN can compete with this and get you better CPMs is lunacy.

MCNs take your money, their entire business model is predicated on just collecting a percentage off of a multitude of channels. You'd be better off reinvesting that money in yourself. If a MCN was so helpful why is that they always desperately message you to join up. If it were the other way around it would be the youtuber looking to join.

Often times I've found that MCN's are run by suits that know even less about YouTube than the people they're signing up.

I've had friends who made the unfortunate mistake of joining them, you get apathetic account managers, and in some cases late payments. One friend of mine had to go through a 3 month long email battle to get his payments. Adsense never misses a payment.

RayWilliamJohnson and PewDiePie both have stated that MCN's are a waste of time, and I have yet to see a MCN be responsible for a youtubers rise to fame. I've seen them sign on people after the fact, but never create a star. You're better off saving the money and paying a consultant if you really want help. There are videos on YouTube you can search up recounting horror stories and giving you reasons not to join. The ones I've just listed are all from personal experience. That being said I personally have never joined a MCN.
To each his own, even my first channel was started in a field where I saw others doing extremely well.
Thank you, it's appreciated. If someone can stick with a project for more than 2 months I can tell they have potential. It also helps if they've succeeded in the past, no matter how small.

I personally was driven to do what I do because I like accumulating money. Not so much spending. I also realized early on that if I didn't succeed no one would give a shit about me. In many ways men are human doings, not human beings. If you're not doing something you are nothing.

You either have a drive or you dont, but being idealistic and naive will out weigh any drive you may have.
What do you do to fight the depression?
Any advice on gaining traction?

Currently I'm in a broad niche, copywriting catchy titles, have short videos, high production values, an upbeat personality, I ask for subs/likes and I post daily.

I don't show my face though and I'm only at 10k subs in 8 months.
Considering the main source of income on YT is ads, how do you feel about alot of people using adblock?
What field are we talking about?
I make league of legends videos. I've posted them on reddit a few times with moderate success but that's about it.
high six figures or low six figures?
If "money" is your passion, what do you spend it on?
do you consider "money" to be the measure of a person's worth?
you mentioned you don't even care to have buy a nice car. do you travel a lot?
do you ever feel soulless that your "passion" is "money"?
Are you in your garage?
i have a small gaming channel, 45 subs average around 500 views per video, big question is, how can I reduce the amount of time editing. When I look at the big shitlords some release multiple videos a day. How could I achieve something like this without anyone else?
You sound just like me except I'm a trader and have never attempted to be a youtube weirdo even though I've considered doing something with gayming either on twitch or jewtube. I've been in the top few hundred players for a few esports games and I'm funny/weird enough. The only thing that stopped me was that I didn't need to because I inherited a shitload of money and doubled it last year. I wasn't quite ready to sell my soul/dignity away, but I'm starting to give less fucks and it could be fun.

1) How old are you?

2) I imagine getting started is the hardest part. Like you said, it's not worth it unless you're in the top 1%. All of the views go to the top content. How do you get started/get your name out? With gayming, I think it'd be easy enough for me to join a pro team, so I'm thinking that's a way in, but I wanted to see what else you'd suggest.

3) What are some of the biggest rookie mistakes?

4) This is the least important question, but what would you recommend for a legit setup/getting started with video editing? I've never dipped my toes into video editing software.
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Cool thread OP.

Thanks for sharing everything.

I'm curious, are you single? kids?

I ask, because for me, a loving wife and kids are more important than becoming rich.
Have you read any (business) books before starting this career?
or did you just give it a shot and see where it'd end up?
I don't get depressed anymore. Any personal problems I once had are gone as now I don't need to rely on anyone else. Depression isn't always a winnable fight, try to persevere. That's not much but I can't offer you any answers that you can't find yourself.

To me it sounds like you're already on the right track if you have that many subs. I always say the first 10k is everything, once you surpass that you can only go up. Keep uploading consistently and try to start a few inside jokes. Make sure your thumbnails are the absolute best you can be. Don't forget ALL CAPS titles. That's all I can say.

I don't like it at all, but adblock's time will come, as I mentioned in a previous post. The future on that front looks promising.

multi-six figures

As they said in breaking bad: "I'm in the Empire Business." I create, I lead, and organize. That is worth to me than most things that money can buy. However, I do it almost entirely for the money. Once you have people be obsequious to you just because of your accomplishments it will forever change your perspective on life.

>do you consider "money" to be the measure of a person's worth?
Yes, though I don't know why you put money in quotes. Money is just a representation of value. People who are successful and not beggar parasites are infinitely more interesting to me than your average person. I care about people who can execute ideas, succeed and innovate, I don't waste any time on people who can't. So yes.

>you mentioned you don't even care to have buy a nice car. do you travel a lot?

I never travel

>do you ever feel soulless that your "passion" is "money"?
Never, my passion is building empires and enjoying the respect from people that money brings, and often it is genuine respect. You are suddenly a much more interesting person to people once you've done something great. You're on the wrong board if you don't inherently enjoy the pursuit of wealth.

Either pay people to edit or redouble your efforts. You have to consistently and frequently upload. If you can't do this cut your losses now.

>You sound just like me except I'm a trader and have never attempted to be a youtube weirdo

It's possible we are. I took a long hard look at trading and didn't deem it a good way to secure good returns. I wish you success in that, most people fail.

>The only thing that stopped me was that I didn't need to because I inherited a shitload of money. I'm starting to give less fucks and it could be fun.

I know that mentality. Pandering isn't so bad after a while, you tube can be very rewarding place to succeed in. Twitch as well. I'm in line to inherit money but that will be a long time from now. Because of this I knew I had to make my own way. If you're set do what you like, keep in mind there are other potential startups.

>How old are you?

I'm 23

> I imagine getting started is the hardest part.

It is by far, the second hardest part is maintaining the push for years on end. if you pass 10k subscribers you have a much higher chance of success. My personal rule is I don't take anyone under 10k seriously, they are unproven.

> think it'd be easy enough for me to join a pro team, so I'm thinking that's a way in

Any leg up is crucial in gaming, keep in mind that most gaming followings are entirely personality based. Decide if you can develop a cult of personality. It's actually not as hard as you'd imagine. I think you'd do well from what little I've seen of you.

>What are some of the biggest rookie mistakes?

Not uploading consistently, not biting the bullet and selling out, not ambulance chasing current topics, wasting time begging for subscribers is by far the worst mistake I've seen people make.

Start learning editing now. It will take years. Critically watch other people's editing styles and imitate them. Also I use Sony Vegas and a little bit of after effects.
Did you have a job/career prior to this?
>Cool thread OP.

Thank you, I'll be sure to bring it to the white house.

>Thanks for sharing everything.
You're welcome. I appreciate your appreciation, it's more than most people here could muster. Most, but not all.

>I'm curious, are you single? kids?
I am single and I do not plan to marry. By far the most conniving people I've been around are the women who were in my life. They think every single second of every single day of ways to insert themselves into your life to get their hands on what took some of the best years of my life and the finest fruits of my labor. Money is so incredibly hard to accumulate and save in the United States and in Europe. I will not lose everything I've accomplished in divorce to someone who's only achievement was winning the genetic lottery.

>I ask, because for me, a loving wife and kids are more important than becoming rich.

For me it is the opposite, and for me those things are only possible if I am successful. Women are the most pragmatic people you will ever interact with. They do not love you if you have nothing to offer them. If you have something to offer they will convince themselves that they love you. If you haven't done something they think they can be parasitic off, you will not register on their radar. In my opinion women are the lowest pursuits someone can have, it also is an indicator to me that if someone does succeed, they won't for long and the fruits of their labor will only be used to pay for women who never had to assume any of the risk in accumulating it in the first place.

I have not read any business books that are the type you'd see in book stores. I have a strong background in political science and finance, I have read books on those topics when I was in University. But everything to do with my current job is entirely the result of learning on my own by doing. So yes, I did just give it a shot, and took what was probably a very stupid risk.
Someone bought a 100,000 subscriber plaque on ebay as a collector piece and decided to be a cunt on /biz/ today. Move along, everyone.
Good job man, definitely risky but you miss all the shots you don't take.
>In many ways men are human doings, not human beings. If you're not doing something you are nothing.

words of wisdom
that quote is probably the best thing i've seen on 4chan in years
I'm sure it was hilarious for op as well

he acted like a total cunt and yet people still took him seriously because of his plaque

op if you read this, take your fake plaque on walkabout and see who buys it then come back and share
Congrats OP. With 100K subscribers you make many multiple times more money than someone with over a million subscribers.


>Or, perhaps, you're a lying sack of shit.
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I can provide more proof just to see you desperately try to do damage control when you're proven wrong. Where did I get the letter from then?
that's what I needed to hear, thank you
someone is egooooo tripping ~
remember guys, its nice to have friends so you can share your accomplishments with other than random people on a top kek japanese forum
You sold me OP when you talked about the women.
The video spot here is interesting. Its a bit of a long spot, but I've found it very interesting.

If you're planning to launch a channel, how do you test your content before going live?
Let's say you want to do a combined thing like videogames and Politics b/c that's you. Would a daily with vidya and a sunday political rant be an appropriate release schedule.
what youtube niche will make me money.
Did you create an LLC before you got started? Did you do any of that incorporating in Delaware as the rights holder with a subordinate pass through entity in your home state to handle the accounts?

Since your income is not location based, have you thought of moving to a zero income tax state? Or even move to another country?
I'll give this a shot.

I am a pretty good driver. I notice things about vehicle performance that only professionals notice. I'm not a pro racer, but I do visit the track often. I want to make a car related show on youtube, and another car related show for television (perhaps the youtube show is based off of or visa-versa).

I've tried starting this in the past and I could never get subscribers even though people liked the concept. Additionally, how do I get support to help me film productions? I can't do everything, and hosts expect to be paid, but I can't pay someone if I'm not being paid either.

Srs question, I know for a fact that youtube cheats its advertisers. Dont ask me how i know this. How can profit of this?? Is it illegal? To not disclose this information even if i dont have any financial ties to anyone? Ive told some close normie friends and even they couldnt belive it.
Hi OP, thanks for taking your time to answer some of our questions. My only question would be, at how many views/subscribers should I strive for IN THE BEGINNING to start making a living off youtube?

Making a decent living in my city would be $2K+ so I'd just like what milestone I'd need to reach in order to do so. I'm already aware of how to grow, channel niche, upload schedule. Right now I'm just accumulating income to get the equipment and get started, that's really all I need to succeed.

Thanks again for your time.
I love your videos Dangerdolan.
It the youtube voice thing real? Like speaking a certain way for youtube videos?
I want to start a youtube channel. There is some guy that has some good tutorials, Video Creators. Do you know him? I'll be following his tips and advices.

My idea is to make a top-something channel. The public is generic and I think it's a good way to go. I wouldn't mind sponsoring some vids on facebook.

Would you mind giving me some tips on how to start, and then how to properly monetize the channel?
Also, how do you get your first subscribers and how do you go past the 100th sub, or the 1000th sub?
>My idea is to make a top-something channel

Stopped reading right there. You're not going to make it.
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Hey OP I got something for yo-

To make $2,000 a month from youtube you would need to get 1.8 million to 2 million views every month. This view count typically corresponds with 60k and above subscriber levels.

I started an LLC later on into my career. I registered in my own state to avoid the headaches.

It could work out that way. Sunday is a good day to release. There are plugins that can tell you optimal times to upload. As for video games and politics that is entirely up to luck as to whether that would work out.

You could make a killing doing that and shilling auto parts or whatever. In fact success is improbable. But you have a good gameplan, better than most I've seen on this thread. I encourage you to look into it. You could make a killing talking about sponsored car products with high margins.

Hire a consultant to get yourself started if you are serious. You will need starting capital and there will be no guarantee of success. You will need to spend money in the beginning for the equipment. Do some models and figure out the absolute cheapest way to produce the videos while leveraging your own skills for free.
so you'd only suggest gaming channels? And how do you get your first subs?
Not OP but I can shed some light on incorporating:

There's no point in making an LLC in Delaware. Only if you have an incorporation with realistic plans on taking in venture capital funds or an IPO. Anything else is just a waste of time and money.

The only reason I'd ever register out of state with an LLC is Nevada and that's only for specific instances where I want to obscure certain aspects from public (and IRS) view.
Do yo ureally think a top-something channel wouldn't make it? And what if the target public was more specific, like history related tops, or spook related tops?

Please do tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't the most critical part of your channel the first couple of thousand subs? Can you properly grow with facebook ads? Really, how can you get your content to be known, how can you get people to see your content when you first start?

Ignore all the haters on here - they are just mad you are making more money than them.

That said, you seem like a very astute man, and I like for you to post the link to your channel.

Truthfully - and this may sound a little weird - I want to study your videos.
You sound and probably look like a cunt
They obviously make money but that niche is very over saturated because it's such an easy niche to break into. There's also the trouble of copyright issues that you'll probably run into
And when I say copyright I mean any images/videos you'll include in your video. If you just have them staring at a blank screen nobody will watch it, and open use graphics are almost always shit.
Hmm, that makes sense.
I am a native spanish speaker though, what if I did the channel in spanish? I don't think it's really saturated for us spics
And idk, if I focus it on history related stuff there shouldnt necessarily be any problems with copyright
is this thread over is op the cunt gone?
>multi-six figures
Oh wow that's pretty coo-
>only talking about subscriptions

I mean yeah that's great and all but that still doesn't net you that much bank
Thread is kill.
I was talking about money, try again.
OP. How do I market a youtube video? Other than the tags. Facebook is completely off my radar in terms of marketing. Should I get into it? Where do you think all the teens are? Is twitter marekting even possible?
OP can you please, please give some suggestions on what to make a channel about. I just want the fucking money. What can I do to get it?
I'm not OP but he shouldn't (and judging by his responses won't) spoon feed you on content.

Odds are really high that if you don't come up with the idea yourself you won't be engaged enough to follow through with any success.

It's not hard to survey what works and find a niche you feel you can fill. Do some research.
>I just want the fucking money.
You really aren't going to make it. I rest my case.

I have a million easy ideas but I don't give away things for free to people who have done nothing for me in return.

Don't ask again.
I couldn't have said it any better. Thank you.
Is there anything I can do to get one of your ideas now?

It depends. I want the money because I want to achieve an economic independence, and I wouldn't mind committing to something that I don't particularily like if that's what's needed. But that doesn't mean I would JUST do it for the money. I wouldn't mind going for something related with politics or history.

I don't know, I just want OP to guide me on this.
> I wouldn't mind going for something related with politics or history.

That will never work on youtube. Top content is mindless self indulgence. Stupid six second vines, grown men (or more usually women) playing video games and acting like children and so on. No one wants anything remotely important.

With that being said you can make money with those topics by running a podcast. You can charge sponsors on average $180 for every 1,000 listeners. There are history/philosophy/religion podcasts that do very well.
I said I have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The only award I have is for 100k. I surpassed that a long time ago. Be sure to know what you're talking about before making a fool out of yourself.

>What are brand deals, paid shoutouts, and having multiple channels for multiple streams of income. The only way to make money is adsense!!!!!

You are really dense.
I guess...
But I don't know. I don't want to become a personality at all. I just want to do something that lets me to grow up, economically. I don't want to be, as you said, mindless and self indulgent.

Do you think gaming does it, really? Like, just having an enthusiastic voice and making stupid and superfluous comments to make some people laugh as they watch me play a videogame?

I mean, how can you even get passionate about that? As you and OP said, if I'm in just for the money then I won't make it. But how can I be for something else than money creating some content that it can be considered good it would still be banal and irrelevant?
I'd agree with OP that video games are probably the fastest route. For some reason Millennials can't get enough of watching other people do something they can just as easily do themselves.

Speaking of which OP: earlier in this thread you said you hired people so you wouldn't have to be in front of the camera. Did you do the same when you dabbled in gaming or did you play the games/do the commentary yourself?
In no way am I saying that gaming is the only route. I personally am a fan but I've made my own in other fields multiple times. It's important to understand that. I'm tired and probably answer your other questions tomorrow assuming this thread hasn't been pruned by then.
I'll start thinking about gaming, then
Will you answer my questions tomorrow if I start asking you more serious stuff and stop begging for you to help me find a niche?
What do you think about philanthrophy? Do you donate to charities?
Sure, take some time to think about good ones. So far you have 2 strikes. We'll speak again tomorrow.
Where do you network? Online or RL?
When you are hiring someone to produce content for you, what does their portfolio have to be like?
Do you sponsor the creation of original music for your content?
I'm off to bed as well OP. Let me clear my mind and think of something. Good night
Why the fuck are you even here? This is the shittiest thread I have ever seen.

/v/ here, btw.
He's being condescending and vague. Stop brown-nosing.
Hello! I have a few quick questions for you, concise answers are fine. I run a decently popular channel myself, and it's hard to find advice from people who aren't dumbasses with 1,000 subs who think they know jack shit.

1. Do you self-advertise anywhere (or perhaps when first starting out)
2. I have a popular gaming channel. Considering starting a second vlogging channel as well (have a quality camera/mic, and am entertaining). However, I'm quite interested in politics & economics. Would talking about these things on the vlogging channel turn away viewers, or do you think it would help bring in a niche of followers? I'm a Libertarian, so in the minority, most likely. Considering whether or not politics should be talked about in the vlogging channel; my gut says yes (since it's what I'm interested in).
3. What niches do you think are under-exploited right now? I'm fairly certain that gaming, beauty/makeup, and vlogging are fairly saturated.
Not OP but..

>2. politics

Satire. Only satire.

Find your demographic, the age, the sex, etc. Then pander to their sense of entitlement and disillusionment. Finish each video with a monologue of unifying overtones and then make a new video ASAP.

It worked for russell brand, he got 1million youtube subscribers in a year.
To be fair, Russell Brand was a famous actor, which spurred his numbers. I suspect that if he wasn't already famous, his pseudo-intellectual incoherent ramblings would be lost in the sea of idiots all vying for attention.
How do you feel about streaming?
To your knowledge does Twitch compare at all to Youtube in terms of revenue?
nice thread op, seeing threads like that once in a couple of months means that i am not wasting my time by reading this board
which brings me to this question, why do you come to 4chan?
>Do you sponsor the creation of original music for your content?

This. I want to know how you choose your music (assuming you have music.) Do you ever use trendy music on your videos and if you do, do you sponsor the artist? Whats the process?
Liberals don't seek out political things. They get their fix of gibs me dat and muh oppression from their circle of friends.

The cult-like followings of politics are always around conservatives, libertarians, gun nuts and anarchists. You know the people who can't circle jerk about their ideas with everyone they meet at school.

You'll get way more views calling Obama a Muslim than you will saying we need more funding for schools.
Not OP but I can speak to this a bit as someone who has produced successful podcasts.

Licensing for music is very expensive. Even someone who is making no profit would have to pay $300 a year (or so) to play music for the intro/outro to their podcast. If you're making thousands you'll have to pay considerably more. And if you don't it's the fastest way to get your content yanked from youtube.

It's why you see so many people using EDM on gamer videos. With the exception of the really famous artists you can use those mostly unabated.

But.... that also means you have to use shitty and annoying rave music for your videos.
I've always noticed that Libertarians/Anachists had a surprisingly strong presence online relative to IRL. That's an interesting analysis, thank you.
It's because they both define their entire identity by their political leanings. No one else really does that.

That's not to say you can't have the same success with liberal ideas. Vegans for example can't get enough of themselves/each other. You could run a vegan channel and have a way bigger audience than you would running a channel that caters to political issues that vegans most likely support.
Hey OP! Currently graduated in banking &finance in my shittier country and I feel like my knowledge isn't enough to start something on my own (despite the fact that I was in top 20). I hate working for someone but I know It is the easiest way to get some exp before starting a business on your own. If you'd have to chose between getting a master degree somewhere in Europe for free (Denmark/Germany/Sweeden) or do the self-studying "magic" using online courses, what would you chose? Also if you could suggest some good books/articles what would they be? Thanks in advance! Also glad you made it so far being only 23yo that is inspiring!
dude, that depends.
60k viewers from where? USA?
rates are different for each viewer location for example
OP, not the most interesting question but would you consider channels like Video Creators and Creator Academy to be good?
Sorry, kid, but it's pretty evident that you're grossly exaggerating your revenues in order to sound more impressive to a bunch of ignorant 12 year olds.

I suspect that you actually take home something in the modest 5-figure range, net of expenses. You make about the same as an office worker or a highly skilled plumber, at best. Maybe your work is more fun, maybe not. But no, you're not getting rich off it.

LOL listen to this damage control. You've already been proven wrong, now you're doubling down. I love it. Believe whatever you want. In the meantime enjoy your modest 5 figure range salary, net of expenses, Sorry, pops. :^)

That might be true but you never addressed >>999171

Plz bby

>You've already been proven wrong
"Proven wrong"? I haven't seen any posted proof of revenues, let along take-home earnings.

What we do have is an analysis by businessinsider.com that says that someone with one million subscribers likely earns a low 5-figure income (>>998847). That analysis is pretty detailed and looks awfully reliable to me.

So, should we believe OP who makes unsubstantiated claims, provides no proof, and can't refute posted evidence? Or should we believe the financial journalists who investigated and analyzed the economics of YouTube content providers?

Everyone here is free to believe what they want, and to be as gullible as they wish. But if we're sticking by who was "proven wrong," then its clear that OP is a liar.
I network completely online or tap people that my family know whenever I need something serious. Such as when I need to retain a lawyer, etc.

I've only looked at portfolios for video editing and voice overs. Generally speaking you can tell if someone is good at VA just by listening
to them once. Also the sites I use have robust rating systems.


Never, the government takes 40% of what I own at the end of the day and they pay out so much in welfare that they should have solved the problem already. I owe nothing else so long as I'm taxed that high.

You have less of a reason to be here. I'm not surprised you're from /v/. You're not going to make it.

Congratulations on your success. I'm sure you know what it's like. I do self advertise, I did sponsored FB posts with limited success. I've used bots for twitter marketing with moderate success. I've paid for shoutouts with huge success, and I've used adwords campaigns on YT also for huge success.

Don't bother with vlogs unless you think you can keep that interesting and help develop your cult of personality. I'd avoid politics. But if that's all you know how to talk about it then you don't really have a choice. Good luck. The one thing I won't do is give out niches for free. Sorry this board hasn't treated me well so I see no reason to give away anything for free.

I love everything about streaming. I know a lot about Twitch vs YT Successful streamers actually make more than Yters. I would give that sector a shot, there's still a lot of potential if you have the talent. Get used to editing together funny moments montages. Good luck.

Good question, I realize it wasn't a good idea in hindsight. The questions were underwhelming and a lot of people lost their temper at the sight of a moderately successful person, despite the fact they hang out on a business board while constantly whining about how they haven't gone anywhere while asking for free advice.
I have, albeit very rarely. If you look hard enough there are excellent royalty free songs out there, and no I'm not talking about Kevin McLeod shit.

Degree any day, the returns are far more consistent than taking stupid risks like I did just because college bored me. There are no good books to read as to how to get success. If you have an individual problem, google it, other than that no book will help you at all. Thank you for your kind words>

Those two channels have no idea what they're talking about. I don't use any of their advice. Take it from me, assuming you value my opinion.
>The areas I'm strongest in are youtube, finance, and entrepreneurship

basically you are an expert in imageboarding and camwhoring. wooow what a genius.
And yet I have hundreds of people clamoring for a shot at getting my advice. Your envy is palpable. My value is proven to people, that's why this thread has been so successful, like myself. Stop wasting people's time so that people who are willing to listen and learn get a shot.
>has been so successful, like myself.

you are not successful you are just a jerk who thinks he is special. once your prime pass you will be flipping burgers at mcdonalds because you didn't develop any useful skills in your life.
dude chill, you do youtube videos, you're not succesful you don't even have a million subs. Investment Bankers and anyone who works in S.T.E.M. still makes moore than you.
Once my "prime pass" I will have saved hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of dollars because I save 90% of what I take in. I will either live like a king off of the dividends from that or start another venture.

In the meantime you will spend your time here, getting mad at anytime you see someone who has taken life by the reigns and not wasted it. Believe what you want though, I get that mediocritiy requires a lot of coping in order to not want to kill yourself.




All think can tell I am successful and have a lot to offer them. I'll take their view on it over the one of a bitter complainer. There are people who make more than me, I still make more than 90% of the people in this country, probably more I'm not up to date on the latest stats. Once you make more than I do (multi-six figures) feel free to complain, until then cry somewhere else.
op let's say I want to start my own channel and start a show...

should I tried to monetize it from the get go or wait of item pick up.

I have a stupid trump video that I edited my self not even funny or interesting and that gave me 2k subscribers.

I am starting to wonder if I can cut the cheese on YouTube
Sup vegan gains....
I think I've seen your channel. There's a good chance anyways. I watch a lot of trump edits. Send me a link and if it's funny I'll give you all the advice you could want. Within reason.
>Ad block will be purged on youtube within a year.

people actually believe this

top kek
>Once you make more than I do (multi-six figures) feel free to complain, until then cry somewhere else.

well I am already retired at 31 and I am pretty sure I can make more money with my investments in one day than doing stupid videos in youtube for cents in one year. do 8 figures then come and talk to me.
Whats your philosophy, anon? You sound like a Randian.

Also, what are your favorite books?
I've spoken to people in the know. YouTube is working on this right now as we speak. It is likely they will take a similar approach to what Hulu did with adblock.

Think about it, why would they launch YouTube red, a service where you pay to remove advertisements and then not clamp down on adblock? They want to sell YouTube red. Wait and see.
>I will have saved hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of dollars
Why are you roleplaying? While you may indeed operate or work for a moderately popular YouTube channel, the fact is you don't make very much money.

You're not wealthy, you'll never be wealthy, and lying about your earning is reprehensible.

I'm sure its an interesting job, and had you been willing to discuss it, this might have been an interesting thread. Instead, you tried to make it about you and your fake money and fake success. Pathetic.
New adblockers will be invented.
>this might have been an interesting thread

I agree with you. This is a shit thread. This person is just begging for attention.
Leave if it's so bad and leave the space for people who are willing to learn. I don't care about what you think about how I deal with complainers and morons. I've spent half this time meticulously debunking morons who project their own insecurities, if they had asked more and whined less this would have been fine.
I can do what I want. This board doesn't belong to you.
Also, you shit the thread up because you weren't happy with the questions that were asked?

Do you just like playing in shit? Did you have fun over the last day spending time making this terrible thread? Do you feel better about how much money you make now?
Believe me I don't want this board. The caliber of discussion here has been absolutely atrocious. People like you are exactly the reason why. As I've said, this place is the blind leading the blind.

I don't pretend to be nice to people who feel entitled to free things, have never accomplished anything thing in their lives and are useless complainers. I don't filter myself for anyone, especially not ungrateful idiots like you.
Low quality projecting.
>have never accomplished anything thing in their lives

>is extremely proud at the fact that they've made money helping advertisers reach an audience

you've really accomplished a lot in life
>Believe me I don't want this board. The caliber of discussion here has been absolutely atrocious.
because we are serious investors sharing useful knowledge, not self centered kids doing stupid "business models" and teaching we should use google for everything. so fuck off and dont come back.
>because we are serious investors sharing useful knowledge

Hahaha I can't believe I'm reading this. Let's take a look at some of the top threads going on right now:

>Can /biz/ help me with my accounting homework?

>What is an ISA? i gather its some sort of investment thing. But looking at these websites i still dont understand it.

>What to Do With Spare Time?

>How do you put mental over pussy? I've lost so much money to thots. 13,000$ on drinks.

>Anyone here play around with daily fantasy? I just started, only play NFL because it's the only sport I follow. Any tips? Strategies? anyone won any decent money?

I rest my case.
I hope you have other marketable skills, because with youtube red you're gonna need a job.
YouTube red means I make even more money. What kind of question is that.
Youtube red means people are going to find a new video service.

Still more relevant than this thread. Fuck off.
yeah those are in the same category as this thread. we call them junk/retard threads.
Go to the robinhood or import threads maybe you can follow the conversation there... in case you cant, use google don't waste our time.
Not sure if this was asked, but what is the working formula for successful video?

What style of intro is the best? Short types or longer ones?
I guess you thank your subs and viewers here?
fb link? google+ link? Twitter link?
Simple outro video with animated channel logo?
Such as? Even blip.tv shut down recently. No compettitor exists, and that's assuming youtube red hurts youtube. It certainly does not. People pay for services, they pay for netflix, they pay for ad-free hulu. Most YouTuber users if you look at the data still don't even know about adblock. Adblock users are still in the minority. YouTube red means ad free experience and higher quality content, it certainly doesn't mean that people are going to abandon the largest video site in the world. I completely disagree with you on this point. YouTube red has already launched and surprise surprise everything is completely fine.
Locking your videos behind a paywall will not help you, it will hurt you.
You're pride and joy is a thread about an app for amateur traders trying to grow their $50 portfolios. I rest my case. I won't be addressing you again, you're not worth my time.
YouTube red is not a paywall it's a service you can buy to improve your mobile viewing experience, access certain exclusive content, and to remove ads sitewide. As I've said, it's launched, people are fine with it, the site is still growing.
Also, do you take viewer's advice(such as the audio wasnt loud, the new video style isnt good etc) or do you predict what customers want?
You have literally no idea how Youtube Red works. dumbass.
how do you get paid with youtube red if there are no ads?
They divy up the watch time and depending on how much time a youtube red user spends watching your video, you get a certain percentage of their $9.99 a month subscription fee. So you are paid proportionally.
so this could end up hurting some people if they get a certain amount of viewers that exceed the percentage of RED?

hope I said that right. like you're taking a risk, losing viewers if you went to red if your viewers made you enough money that is more than what reds percentage gives you, right?

great thread btw
Thank you.

There was some speculation hat it would hurt people, while others (myself included) have come to the conclusion that youtube red is better than adsense based revenue. Only top tier youtubers like PewDiePie make content for YouTube red so for the most part switching to YouTube red isn't part of the equation. People who have paid for YouTube red still browse the site for free, it's just at the end of each day the site tallies their watch time across all the videos they watch, and then awards a portion of their $9.99 subscription payment to each channel they watch. So let's say they watch:

My videos for 5% of their views
Pewdiepie for 30%
Smosh for 20%

I would get 5% of their $9.99 payment. This is also determined by watch time, not views. So if they watch one of my videos for an hour but pewdiepie for 30 seconds. I would get 1000x the pay pewdiepie would recieve.
No, doesn't work like that. Youtube Red is so much more revenue per user (compared to advertisements) that even if you get the smallest sliver of the "pie", it's still way more than before -- per subscriber or view.

And, like always, the non-Red viewers payout money at a lesser rate, but the same rate as before.
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I know the type of videos you're talking about, and while I respect you for making money off it, it seems more soul-crushing than a 9-5 and devoid of any fulfillment.
I think I see now. a per red subscriber percentage could really add up. thanks.

I think I'll wait on it now until I can get a following, then subdivide my brand to paid red channel and regular free adsense channel. obviously I can't use the same content completely, but I'm seeing that multiple channels is a good step.

should copyright or trademark my channel/brand name early on or until I have enough subscribers?

at this point I can't even monetize since I've just started and I think you need 1000 subs before you can monetize.
Congrats OP, you are literally one of millions of people who have subscribers. It doesn't make you an entrepreneur, a businessman sure, but not an entrepreneur.
Copyrighting it is not worth the effort, if someone does steal your name it's not really enforcable without a hassle. I'd only do that if you reached PewDiePie leves. Also you can monetize from day 1, anyone can monetize with an adsense account now. There are almost no restrictions.
>from day 1
seriously? I look at the channel manager and it says I have to wait. do I just sign up for ad-sense separately from youtube?

maybe I'm looking at it wrong tho. I'll check it again. right now I'm just showing lets plays with no commentary so maybe that's why.
whats the difference between adwords and adsense?
Tell me exactly what it says, or better yet show me.

Adsense is the program where you are paid by advertisers for your online property, adwords is where you spend money to put out advertisements.
ah thanks.

actually my account is on another computer so I can't tell you exactly. I'll look into when I can get back to it. maybe I missed something.
yep I was wrong. I can enable it right away.
Tho my vids(gameplay) aren't eligible according to the guidelines.

Should I do it anyway or wait till I can get some more original content created? Wouldn't want my channel deleted before I even started.
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>The areas I'm strongest in are youtube
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