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What's a good job for someone with severe social anxiety?
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What's a good job for someone with severe social anxiety?

I had an interview at target today but walked out when the guy got up to get his manager for the second part of the interview
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Farming and forestry.

That was pretty rude of you btw.
Tv news anchor
Amazon kneepad reseller
>walked out when the guy got up to get his manager for the second part of the interview
dick sucking

probably a lazy sack of shit
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>probably a lazy sack of shit
no I've had other jobs

But I didnt want to be in customer service because I cant deal with people and would have quit the first day anyway

The best thing I ever did was intern at the library, been trying really hard to get a job there but no luck.
Why don't you see a therapist for your anxiety?
when I worked overnight security I literally just sat at a desk and played games or watched movies on my laptop all night, and went on maybe 1 or 2 patrols

I wouldn't recommend that as a long term job though.
I have been but I feel like she really isnt doing much.

There is none and you are a retard. You actually go to the interview and pull the most autistic move ever. If you had failed because to much stress maybe they would have laughed a bit or whatever but this is beyong crazy. Just stay at home and wait for death ( if too anxious you might wanna speed up the process and walk out on your life)
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