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I want to get into day trading. Wondering where i start. Currently
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I want to get into day trading. Wondering where i start. Currently looking at forex. Anyone on here a day trader? Whats the profit look like if you throw in 10k?
>Anyone on here a day trader?
(munches popcorn)
do you know what you are doing when you daytrade? you create arbitrage opportunity for your brokerage. you make them rich risk free while you stand to lose your money. and on top of that they also take a cut.
what software do you use?
can't you still make good money off it?
To follow arguments on day trader forums?
sure you can but reliably and long term very few can
So are most people on here "investors" rather than day traders? what do you do?
i'm in the early accumulating wealth phase
my focus is on avoiding taxes to the outmost degree, saving as much as i can to gather a financial platform for meaningful investments until then i mostly do 1year gov bonds and special tax exempt funds and metals. i'm currently waiting to sell my gold at a nice profit and silver is promising too.
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