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Hi /biz/ Should I buy some of NYSE:SDT? Their last four dividends
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Hi /biz/

Should I buy some of NYSE:SDT?
Their last four dividends have been between 5.55% and 13.82%, quarterly. Is there a catch to these insane yields?
high yields means shit ocmpany earnings, dont fuck with penny stocks when the deciding factor is dividends.
No fool! Buy PSEC instead!
It's not a stock per se, but rather a trust which gets income to distribute from a royalty interest in some oil & gas operations.
well I just bought 100 shares, hope im wrong.
Yes. The catch is that the company can't find anything better to spend the money on, so they pay it out to shareholders. If they can't find anything better to spend the money on, they're a stale company and unlikely to grow in any way until they go out of business.
if it ever gets to above 3 dollars sell the stock cuz you just goofed
im confused. stock has no debt, is earning a profit, and is legally obligated to provide a dividend...

What is the downside? Even if it doesn't have potential to grow, a 20% dividend yield is ridiculous
It is not a stock, it is a trust. It will devalue over time and eventually become worthless once the oil is all pumped. It should give good returns however assuming oil stays at this level or goes up some.

how much oil does it have left?
OP here again. Reading through their 10-Q it turns out the company actually operating the oil operations is doing pretty badly, bleeding money fast and possibly entering bankruptcy.
Check that theyre even paying a dividend. Look at the ex div date and if its more than a quarter back, they likely cancelled. Also, check if they cut it. The new yield wont be reflected in the quote until it is paid
Nah it was in may. It draws from the proceeds of specific rigs not the company as a whole, so it can still be there even if the company in sum is losing money. Future of the trust is somewhat uncertain though as it can't operate the oil producing assets itself and the company which does is fucked.
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