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business cards thread
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File: WEB-stepaboveplumbing-bc.jpg (87 KB, 504x296) Image search: [Google]
87 KB, 504x296
Alright /biz/ I'm planning on making my own business card in order to offer my plumbing and electricity services around the town.

But I need business cards with glue on their backs in order to place them on any surface.
Where can I buy sticky business cards?
I think this is exactly what google is for
bump for potential
Are you just going to put them up on places? Stickers usually get scraped off asap cause its unsightly. Plus with a sticker you cant take it off the surface and bring it home with you to use to call later. The purpose of a business card is for someone to have for a reference, you are defeating yourself.

p.s. If you need leads, I run a lead generation service and can get you customers if you are interested.
What the fuck is a Lead Generation Service and how does it work.
I generate leads for clients. Basically finding customers for service providers like OP
Make sure it's not too fancy or you'd end up getting killed by an ax murderer
Well the best case scenario would be to do both.
Have around 5 cards which can be easily taken off by hand and only have a permanent one on the wall.
get a big decal for your car, dude
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