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Barclays, Lloyd, and HSBC DOWN 10% BUY BUY BUY
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Barclays, Lloyd, and HSBC DOWN 10% BUY BUY BUY
>buying UK banks

Are you retarded? They've got farther to fall.
>Not understanding that all these "UK" banks are actually international powerhouses.

These guys gonna bounce bank in a week, trust me.
Already bought Barclays Friday morning. Lost 30% premarket. Hop on board, friend. It may not be too late
Should I buy barclays when markets open this morning?

i got like $2000 left over without transferring over funds
Buy when it dips, sell when it rises.
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Enjoying that Barclays?
Yes how can we be assured it will rise back up?
well, my dick hardened when i was reading about it, so that's one data point right there. And i'm making a thread about it, so that's practically proof.
How to predict the stock market?

That is what you just asked.
Because Illuminati.
Plus my 8 ball says yes
FUCK i want to invest in the banks so bad but i have to call my broker tomorrow because my account got locked

How much will the stock rise tomrrow? FUCK
$RBS to the moon
yep. My cost is $8.17. We'll see how it works out. It was a stupidly small amount of cash in my Robinhood account
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Can i even buy those, seems like its full damage control and closed stocks on em?

>stupidly small amount of cash in my Robinhood account

Typical robbing hood user. Poor, stupid and learning bad habits
>Barclays drops another 20%

you fucking faggots said it would be going up!
Its part of their plan, make the bank go into nothing, buy massiv stocks, let it go up again ;^)
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>Looking at the past year on all 3
>All of them are down as fuck even before Brexit
And you want me to get in on this?

same just threw liek $100 on to play with and test the waters. Maybe ill throw into barclays for the lelz.
It going to get worse because the UK hasn't invoked article 50 of the EU treaty. Until then the markets will react negatively. Once it invoked the markets will take even bigger shit. The UK can end up losing it AAA rating from all three credit rating agencies. The financial services industry will relocate to Dublin or Frankfurt. When the banks announce that shit the markets will take an even bigger shit on top of the previous big shit. The UK may end up losing it developed economy status to developing. Once Scotland and Northern Ireland leaves the UK, England and Wales will become economically powerful as Hungary. Congratulation retarded voters you have destroy your own country and retirement plans. You guys better hope the US annexes your country as the 51st state.
Didnt you forget about the Dragons burning down parliament and the Russians invading in your fear mongering?

I have a feeling the UK will chicken shit out and have some magical re-vote where they remain in the EU
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I bought £1,000 in both Lloyds and BT Group

Did I do good?

I'm still -£40,000 from when Lloyds were £15 a share, will they ever go back to those heights?
>buying financials
Stay poor
Go long, collect dividends, sell when markets are sane again in 1-2 years.
It depends but I really wouldn't "bank" on it hahaha

This would appear to be a currency bounce point but how much is the question, I would suggest you just take the loss at about a 30% gain, at least you'll be down only 15000.

Why is because I just don't think the Pound will ever return to 2 USD.

Maybe 1.5 though.

Also I do agree that if they weasel out its going to cause a reversal of the gods like has never been seen, UK market probably up 20%. US market isn't actually THAT depressed so I couldn't see much improvement here.

Seriously its 900 point loss seems closer to just a healthy correction. I just hope volume returns to the market because I am a day trader and I am bored as hell.
but don't hold long term.
should have sold right before the results imo
Why? lowest since many years
If anything you should have bought Bank of Ireland. Down 20 yesterday up 8 today
Nice meme analysis
Im somewhat surprised how silver companies rocketed. Already 20% on my stocks.

Shoulda bought more really. Its kinda heartbreaking how I pussied out even if they were penny stocks
Soo, bought 950 Barclays stocks yesterday (134.0), and now today 1500 stocks more (130.9).

Hold me...!

Gonna be a high ride here
I'm getting ASSBLASTED in BAC right now.

I bought another 1000 shares over the past two days.
How come being assblasted, bought at the high peaks before now tripping down again?
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Quite the ride indeed
troll post
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that's not a good picture
>1980-1995 and beyond
Then invest and post proof, faggot.

You won't because it's a terrible fucking idea.
Don't be a cunt and shill guaranteed losses.

dumb frogposter
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