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wtf is happening to the btc??
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wtf is happening to the btc??
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don't day trade btc, you buy it and hold until $100k
looks like some of the no coiners are about to get a chance to join the cointrain
in all seriousness though gold is dropping too, probably more confidence in the markets.
I see it as an opportunity to buy more coins at a cheaper price ,buy and hold
it'll go up again.
BTC ignorant fuckwad here.

To invest in Bitcoin, do you simply get a wallet, go to a market and trade your currency for BTC to be sent to that wallet?

Do you store that wallet locally on your computer or risk putting to the cloud? If your harddrive fails, have you just lost all your shit?

if you want to buy and hold, not trade just hold

i strongly suggest you store it on a usb drive, and back up your keys if you lose your wallet

And if you lose this USB drive your money is lost forever? Is there noway to backup a wallet due to how Bitcoins work?
Multiple redundant copies on different storage media, with a final brain wallet.
like i said back up you wallet / keys
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