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>i wish i would've spent more time looking up get-rich-quick
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>i wish i would've spent more time looking up get-rich-quick schemes on a korean image board
>I wish I actually bought Bitcoin when it was being played around with on /g/ when it was under a fucking dollar

Good times, painful to look back on though.
You could say that about everything you fucking dumbass.

>I wish I put all my money and took out loans to put into Netflix when it was brand new
>I wish I bought Tesla in the beginning
etc etc

It's retarded

No, you can't, dumb cunt. No bigger opportunity than Bitcoin was realistic in the past 10 years. Don't even try it.
>No bigger opportunity than Bitcoin was realistic in the past 10 years

Tesla, Netflix.

You're a fucking retard who invests in the past.
>Oh yeah if I just put all my money into this one thing at the very beginning and then sold it at the very peak I would've become a trillionaire!

No you wouldn't, you would've sold at $50/coin if you bought at $2, or at the very most $100. There's no way you would have held all the way to $1000.
it doesnt matter what i do now

i will regret it when im old as i regret it now
my life will only ever be decades or regret, without the slightest hint of normalcy
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netflix chart. png.png
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Pic related
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tesla stock.png
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>No bigger opportunity than Bitcoin was realistic in the past 10 years. Don't even try it.

There's an opportunity every single week.

Look at the top gainers every day, there's a penny stock that jumps 80% in one day every single day. you don't sit and think "gee fucking wonkers I wish I just put ALL of my money into this random pharmaceutical company"

Pic related is tesla, that's in the last few years. Why didn't you buy it? Could've become so rich, cmon m8

DON'T WORRY THOUGH, there's still trumpcoin. You can still get on board and become rich, you don't want to miss the train again, do you?
as far as I can tell most of the upside is gone by the time these things have their IPO . that's how btc is different, you could have bought in from day 1

Are you seeing things? What the fuck are you talking about you frothing retard? Did I say I'd be rich if I did XYZ? All I said was Bitcoin has been the biggest gainer in the past 10 years.

Bitcoin went from CENTS to over a thousand dollars, Netflix didn't have a tenth of that growth, are you fucking dumb or something or do you not know what Bitcoin even is?

If you want to sperg out over things nobody even said go to /b/ or something.
>I wish I wish

What does it matter? I wish i bought every single dip in every major company and shorted every poorly performing company.

You didn't buy it, because you didn't see a future in it.
True religion, Pier 1 imports, BJ restaurants, Monster, SIRO QSII, GGP, etc. etc....

There are penny stocks (or stocks that crashed down to pennys and rebounded) that have made just as significant gains. It happens all the time. You really need to gain an education in finance if you think Bitcoin was the ONLY easy get rich investment in the last decade. In fact, by the time most people were hearing about Bitcoin it was already at $100+ levels which means not that many people made 1000% ROI even if they sold at the exact peak. It is impossible to forecast this stuff. Regardless of what they say, NOBODY knew that Bitcoin would rise to over $1000. It was a combination of hype, mtgox manipulation and trading bots which made for a perfect storm.

Instead of dwelling on the past and waiting for another near perfect storm and MAYBE double your investment from buying Bitcoin, why don't you spend your time in a more meaningful way and learn some marketable skills or start a business? That way your future won't rest on fickle things like market sentiment or the hopeful use of non-proprietary niche technology. Instead of spending all your time trying to rally broke NEETs on a perusian breast feeding forum that have mostly made up their minds either way, couldn't you be doing something more productive? Just a thought, disregard it as nocoiner salt.
This. A few of these have made 35,000%+ gains even after they were already well known.
b-b-but... If i just bought when bitcoin was first talked about on an obscure forum and then held it the entire way through plateaus to the $1000+ peak and sold then i would've become rich...
>high risk investments
There's no such thing as a 'get rich quick' scheme unless you win the lottery.

Getting rich takes time and effort. More so than simply getting by.
Nowhere near as much as being poor in a first-world country with a full-time job, though. You have to make an effort to be poor while employed.
I'm at a point in life where I want to start a CS degree but already know a lot about it.
Would you point me to a few books/ sites with information about finance related subjects? something i could start to read about and do some ACTUAL science in the field?
>tfw only accrue $100k a year with boring long term investments while the gurus of /biz/ make that much a week while daytrading
why live
ayy lmao

you'll never be a rich daytrader like me :^)
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