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Honest question; What makes business degrees worth anything?
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Honest question; What makes business degrees worth anything?

An incredibly popular major over here is "International Business" at CBS.
What what I've understood, people see it was some sort of fast-line to a shitton of cash.
But, from what I see, you are much more likely to work for a company that 'optimizes' other companies. Not bad work, but it doesn't seem like the best way to earning a lot of money.

Heres what you learn on their Bachelor
>Business Economics/ Management

What I'm asking is this:
Are business degrees even worth anything?
Are they helping you to make your own successful company?
Would it not be better to go for a STEM field, then learn economics, marketing, business etc. on your own, and then use your skills to develop some of value to base your business around?
Why are they so god damn popular?
Aren't they just a different way to wage-ville?
>Would it not be better to go for a STEM field, then learn economics, marketing, business etc. on your own, and then use your skills to develop some of value to base your business around?

Absolutely. I'm not in either field (I'm in law) but if I were more focused on entrepreneurship I'm certain that it would be better to go into comp sci or engineering and hone my creative skills while learning business on the side.

The people I know who studied STEM are doing interesting things now, some of which involves new businesses. Everyone I know who studied business is doing a boring-as-shit job exactly as you described.

>muh optimizing other people's ideas
These are my exact thoughts.
The only other scenario is that if you were to inherit a company from your parents, in which case it could be useful to 'piggyback' and manage it properly.

I mean, I'm in a higher social class, so I've met a lot of children of rich people. All of them have some sort of STEM background. Even if it's something not very climactic that made them wealthy (One guy made a sort of 'database' software, that hit it big).

I'm mostly asking since I plan on going into Comp. Sci. and using it to start up my own business.
Bussiness degrees is for people who will lead the growing of the companies of an entrepreneur and a bussinessman so he will be an employee, i mean they study to make a company grow so they have to do that work, real entrepreneur and bussinessman only check that all the work is well done
no you arent lmfao
Guess I'm poor then, thanks for helping out.
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