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File: Gordon_gekko_couvfortune.jpg (183 KB, 500x676) Image search: [Google]
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ok traders at hedge fonds (fuck IB's I know you just do shit market making) how is the life of you young aspiring Gordon Gekkos. how does your day look like, what are you currently aiming at.
Gekko represents insider trading, there are plenty of other figures that can represent greed.

Also I always have a hearty chuckle when morons actually manage to get angry over insider trading. It was made as general as possible alongside other laws that actually protect secrets of corporations, and still people get mad when they see it happen in new york.

>Hurr durr we have laws that are perfectly made to deal with this, why aren't they being enacted
I mean insider trading, let's say you have an information and you post it on 4chan, it cannot be classified as insider trading since it is publicly available for everyone to see.
I don't think an anonymous post on an obscure website counts.
that means if I have some insider information, I can just say to a friend, look at /chan at 18:30, the bigtit thread. we split the profit afterwards. even if the SEC finds out the information was publicly available.
im a trader at a hedge fund, but im hardly an aspiring gordon gekko. i sit around 12 hours a day staring at a bunch of screens full of numbers, then i go home play some video games and pass out. im 30 now and im trying to retire comfortably by 40, which should be doable. i dont give a shit about cars, mansions, partying etc. so my number to retire is lower than most. im not a star trader, but i do well enough to earn my keep. im kind of sad since ive missed out on most of my 20s since ive been working all the time. havent been in an actual relationship in the last 7 years. that said, i do enjoy my job and theres nothing else id rather be doing.
I know but I'm saying that doesn't count as publicly accessible info

If it were then there would be no way to convict for insider trading.
do you make a lot of research analysis?
File: getco.jpg (6 KB, 240x175) Image search: [Google]
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This is now a GETCO thread!
no, not really. at this point im very specialized, im not a big picture macro guy or anything like that. i trade 2-3 products and thats it, ive been doing this for years now so i know the specifics of the products VERY well. i do look at research done by other people and sometimes i can come up with ideas from that. and of course i talk to a lot of other traders to get a feel for whats going on. the perception of what its like to work at a hedge fund is completely different from reality, when i was young i thought it would be like you see in the movies, stereotypical stuff. but its not like that at all really.
>i trade 2-3 products and thats it
what kind of, or which if I may ask

>what its like to work at a hedge fund is completely different from reality
are you daytrading or riskmanaging through longs and shorts? I am interested, but I have no idea how your work looks like.

that's still considered insider trading
I just informed myself it has to be publicly available information that has been published or broadcast for public consumption, is available on request to the public, is accessible on-line or otherwise to the public, is available to the public by subscription or purchase, could be seen or heard by any casual observer, is made available at a meeting open to the public, or is obtained by visiting any place or attending any event that is open to the public.

>Information is non-public until it has been effectively communicated to the marketplace. One must be able to point to some fact to show that the information is generally public. For example, information found in a report filed with the SEC or appearing in The Wall Street Journal or other publications of general circulation, or on a quotation service such as Bloomberg, would be considered public. General release of the information over a computer-based news service, in a corporate communication to shareholders or in a widely distributed prospectus, followed by the passage of adequate time for the investing public to absorb such information, normally constitutes adequate disclosure. The circulation of rumors, however, even if they turn out to be accurate, does not constitute sufficient public disclosure. Information is not adequately disclosed to the public merely because a finite number of persons in the investment community may be aware of it.

>Material information that is communicated under circumstances indicating that it has not been widely disseminated or where the recipient knows or suspects that it has been provided by an inside source should be treated as non-public information.


Posting insider information on a Mongolian loli imageboard is not a way to get around the SEC
how can they prove it? how can they prove that I didn't just act on a rumor posted on a thailandese trap forum?

because you're an insider. If your hedge fund is anything like my bank then they have a fuckload of documentation stating that you're an insider that the SEC will read. Plus, yours and the tippee's banks will get suspicious if you two suddenly start cashing checks regularly with your insider trading income (and that he deposits money into your account). Plus the tippee's broker will get suspicious that this bastard is making a shitload of money off of trades that he executes at the right time - every single time - and will probably notify the SEC. Both of your banks will probably file SARs once money starts coming in. Then the long dick of the SEC will investigate your bank accounts, trade accounts, your work, and will fuck you.

Seriously if it were this easy to circumvent insider trading regulations then I would be a multi millionaire just from shitposting on 4chan.
why would insider cash in? he's not an idiot. You're cashing in. and he get's favors later
then just shitpost on chan and I'll transfer you bitcoins.
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