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The market is going to fall. At a time we least expect it. We
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tyene-sand sexy poison.jpg
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The market is going to fall. At a time we least expect it. We won't know the catalyst. We do know the cause. Massive Global Deflation overwhelming the massive inflationary efforts of the Central banks are creating price bubbles.

So reflecting on this. What are the most unquestionably solid investments today.
Look into gold and other precious metals/commodities if you're not confident in the global markets.
>not remembering that housing bubble 2: electric boogaloo is on the horizon in the next 5 - 8 years

the banks during the rest of the runup, then you can change position to short the banks
I've already got some positions here.

I'm always keeping my eye on real estate. If something similar happens My body will be ready.

I'm looking for something that's secretly super toxic.
File: TraitsOfMoney.png (194 KB, 660x393) Image search: [Google]
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And I will be laughin with my stack on the best money humanity as ever seen, and the #2 (gold).

Meanwhile, keep on coping in the free world.
Yea, it'll fall and no-one will expect it. Then, it'll rise again, then fall again. And no one will be able to predict it. That's what markets do, it's not the end of the world.

Just ride it out. But, don't let this scare you into investing in gold or silver or other such bullshit. If you REALLY think that economic collapse will be a reality, put your money where your mouth is and buy only bullets and beans.
I'm not a tinfoil-fedora guy. If I can't predict it I'd still like to be a first mover.

Most economic collapses have at most a 50% retracement. So not TEOTWAWKI but shorting these things will offer tremendous return on risk.

So What's incontrovertibly good. Something that people haven't questioned in a long while where in-attendance has allowed something rotten to form.
What does High, Moderate and Low represent in your pic?
Anglo housing markets
> US has student loan bubble
> ECB and Fed QE stock bubbles
> Sweden has the mother of all housing bubbles

Musical chairs continue. What did I miss?
Invest in water and bullet related companies. Those two commodities are going to rise significantly in the nest 20 years
This anon is right, I bought a couple cases of highcap mags and some bulk ammo and sold all of it at a profit during the last panic.
No you're going to want to invest in non-lethal crowd control (riot busting) gear companies, who are going to be raking it in.
That is true for short term (10 years), but lethal investment is for long-term
Crypto the untraceable dirty cash left from the ruins
the people can vote themselves money.
whatever politicians keep passing laws on to subsidize their own portfolios basically.
>real estate
>too big to fail businesses that have received bailouts
>businesses that receive federal subsidies
>these positive investment, non-derivative or short selling investments
this. Soros explains finance as a spiritual pursuit. he literally sees how he makes money as punishing liars and being rewarded for telling the truth. as when he broke the bank of england, he was just arguing that the british government was proping up their currency. betting on people lying about the value of the shit they own with nothing to back it up is how money is made in finance. failing to bluff effectively such that people notice your bluff is how you lose money. funnily enough, this is what always happens when someone tries to corner a market.
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