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File: isgoogleabusingitspower1.jpg (61 KB, 500x400) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 500x400
This week, Google added a 4th advertisement above the normal search results.

Search for "mortgage" for example, and the entire visible page is ads or Google products (Google maps in this case). You have to scroll down to see the first actual search result. More examples: "car insurance" or "lawyers"

Search for "email" and Google put's their own product as the #1 result. Search for "video" and Google has their own product as #1 and #2, plus the rest of the results are just Youtube aggregators for the most part. There's more: "shopping", "news", "maps", "browser", "apps".

Bing and Duckduckgo barely register as competition. Why is the Google search monopoly allowed to exist?

How long will it be until the entire first search results page is entirely ads?
File: What the.png (24 KB, 669x538) Image search: [Google]
What the.png
24 KB, 669x538
I don't get how people can still use Google when they have the strangest tendency to fuck people over without lubricant.

Pic related is my experience, but other fun facts include that Google pays 2.4% tax rate on its income, and the former CEO said if you don't want people to know what you are doing you shouldn't do it.
civil not criminal bro.
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