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Tai Lopez Accelerator
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File: tai-lopez.jpg (32 KB, 639x359) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 639x359
Any anons got Tai Lopez accellerator course? I want it but it's too much money.

Any other similar (and better) course recommendations would be great.
Are you serious?he's a meme dude
Very funny

If his method worked so well do you really think he needed to sell public speaking to people
all he's doing is selling you the idea you can get rich from reading books
Fuck off, Tai.
Top scammed.
This is bait right?
I sat through his 'free' sales pitch at one point. It's a dating service for entrepreneurs and mentors. Thing is, most potential mentors spent enough time cold-calling that they'll respect you reaching out anyway.
Purchased 67 steps - its just a whole lot of information, useful, but not worth purchasing.

You can get better information for free online.

Oh, and

the radical notion that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to earn money.
Hey, this is that faggot who interrupts my youtube time.
I'm in the Accelerator Course and I must say it changes my life. Even if the course personally does not help - by buying the accelerator you have an entry to a big community and you have entry to accelerator vip livetalks so you can contact other members of the community. I found some of my business partners in the community ...
better go and pay $1000 for that radical notion then
Post proof, did you really pay $1000 ?
File: 1423352420978.jpg (343 KB, 1417x2000) Image search: [Google]
343 KB, 1417x2000
its not worth it
>only 47 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account

every single time
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