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If ones favorite things were to create and to solve, what would ones ideal profession be?
Psychologist/therapist is about solving

Engineering is about creating and solving

Doctor would be about analysing and solving

Law potentially?? But you are really missing out on the creating anything of value imo
What if one already attempted engineering, failed, but is now sitting on an accounting and finance degree instead?


Well why did you fail engineering? Did you just not like it? Or was it too hard?

If it's too hard, that's understandable but it is surmountable with enough studying and patience.
What are you trying to create?
What are you trying to solve?

Surface answer will be Engineering unless you are looking for something specific.
If ur sitting on business stuff then consulting is the way to go for you

I have a family member who is an investment banker and they basically guide a massive corporation on how to improve and overcome problems for months at a time.

They say it's really interesting work and there is a sense of accomplishment

Also, you can do the accounting way and do consulting through that for smaller businesses

Become an independent financial planner or something.
It was too much for 18 year old me to knuckle down and get serious with an electrical engineering degree. Dropped out after failing the re-sit exams, and the only other good department that would take me was the Finance school. By then I had a wisening up of attitude and finished it properly. I was fully capable, just not ready for engineering.

Consulting sounds and seems good, thanks. Will look into it.

Explain this profession?

Thanks. I like creating anything, perhaps marketing?
Marketing doesn't have many jobs. It's better to go do accounting and then work ur way in to consulting and tell businesses when and how to market their products/services there

+ more money + a wider degree of problem solving shenanigans
The only thing that will pay you accepting to your skills is entrepreneur
Male prostitute. Accidentally creates babies then have to solve my way out of it legally
Crossword Creator
Thanks. Self-employment seems to be the way forward, but I dont think I have the constitution for that.
Accounting stuff doesn't often include self employment

Just go work for a middle to large accounting firm

I'm sure you could be self employed but who the fuck is going to trust some random cunt with a business degree oppose to a well trusted recognised accounting and consulting firm
competitive rapism
>implying small businesses can afford big firm prices
>implying there isn't any way you can differentiate yourself from all the cucks who graduate with business degrees, oh wait... its called the CPA
>implying your entire social circle doesn't swarm you to do their taxes because they hear that you're an accountant and think that means you can do their taxes

its ok anon... not everyone is an entrepreneur but there are lots of options available.

Wanted to be a Physicist, dropped out of Grad school due to bad grades, have an Engineering degree, but don't want to go to Engineering.

Now, I'm thinking of going to grad school again for Finance, so I'm lurking in /biz/.
You got a job in India bro. Go there.
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