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How do you resist envy?
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Someone in my town won the lottery, but it ain't me. How do I stop turning green?
steal his money
alternatively: offer to suck his dick for all his money
alternatively (although the concept): sell him some overpriced luxury item
what I am saying is: use your envy to motivate yourself to get on your knees
Kek, that got a good laugh from me. Thanks Anon.
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>it aint me starts playing
You live in Chino Hills faggot. You already have money quit complaining. Come walk down Holt so I can rob you.
There were three Jackpot winners. I live in TN, senpai.
lottery winners cannot hold on to their money anyway.
if they knew how to make smart investments they would not have bought lottery tickets in the first place.

so just wait till he is bustoooooo
I usually don't buy tickets; I got some after learning about the grand prize being so big.

It's just such a weird feeling. I mean the outcome for me is the same whether or not it's this person or someone in Alaska.

The proximity of it just makes you think "Oh shit, it really could have been me. We probably even got our tickets from the same store! Was I in front of or behind them in line? How close was I to not worrying about wageslavery ever again?"

Oh, well.
I apologize friend. The California winner is in a very high income city surrounded by poverty. We cool tho' bro.
It's cool. I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy though.

Like, in denial. I'm searching around for a ticket I know I didn't buy.
Who else thinks the powerball is rigged? They purposely waited that long to release the winning numbers. Then you're telling me one of the winners is in the LA area? Give me a break. Out of all the places...

They purposely printed that ticket in a high income area in Cali to build the economy even more.
of course it's rigged:
8/4+19-27+34 = 10
Chino Hills /=/ LA.

High Income whites and asians nonetheless.
The more time you're worried about what other people have, the less time you can spend worrying about how much you make.

Stop being a faggot OP.

The fuck are you talking about. High income whites? Chino Hills is only 30% white. The rest are all Mexicans and black.
Chino Hills and Chino are different m8.
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