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How to deal with stress?

I'm working two jobs as a programmer and having trouble finding any time to relax or do anything other than work, errands, and house chores. I used to drink but it saps my energy way too much. I'm sure some of you guys put in way more time than me, so what do you do to stay sane? Being a productive member of society is starting to take its toll
most people use alcohol or weed, etc.
you can find a hobby.
If I'm feeling stressed I work.
Why are you working two full time jobs as a programmer?
I'm in similar shoes. Also a programmer, but people don't understand that with its perks, comes ridiculous amounts of pressure. People always invision Google and it's unlimited amount of play and fun work environment. It's not like that at all. You have deadlines every day and you're working on shit that you couldn't care less about. The only advice is create something on the side that makes money. That's how I'm keeping myself sane. I'm making $100 a month off of web projects, but I'd love to simply grow the machine and never have to work a real 9-5 again.
Somebody hook me up with a programming job.
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