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Hello guys! Thinking of a good business idea... Any suggestions?
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Hello guys! Thinking of a good business idea... Any suggestions?
There was some rich dude a long time ago that sold things or services people wanted. Give that a shot and report back. Good luck anon!
Buy cheap slaves, train them, sell them at a profit. Like flipping a house.

Control the local fire department, start fires, only save the burning property when the owner sells it to you dirt cheap (what else will they do, let it burn to nothing?). Put out the fire, and sell the property back to them or someone else at full price.

Conquer gaul, refuse to disband legion, become dictator for life.

Bribe 12 people to back you up. Claim divinity. Wait 2000 years. Accept billions in tax exempt donations.

Buy as much gold as possible. Make all the gold in fort Knox radioactive. Your gold is now worth more.

The possibilities are endless
You have to find out for what products or services the current market demand is, a niche that is still not exploited. Good luck anon, hope my advice will help you with your endeavour.

yeah I heard about him too. Really amazing story.
You know........If there was some way I could have "warm" tortilla chips from home when I am dipping salsa or jalapeno dip, I'd rush out and buy 10 of those motherfuckers!
Why not a microwave? Or even better, a short stay in a preheated oven. You need to make it some time beforehand, but only need to work for a few seconds.
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