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Whats the best and least cucked country to live in right now?
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Whats the best and least cucked country to live in right now?
Germany, as long as you aren't a white female.
russia, poland, austria hmm try these first. Never come to Greece though at least while we have that government they want us to get more cuck'd than germany and sweden combined.
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>least cucked
New Zealand
austria ? forget it
Finland is breddy gud.

T. Tampereelta
Germany is cool. I know everyone is laughing about this whole refugee thing, but it's still an awesome country in nearly every way...
Japan. But they won't like you're there, gaijin-fag.
>kraut here
In Germany, Black baby dolls are cheaper than the usual white ones, because noone wants to actually buy them. Thats all.
Must have been surplus inner city "How hard can you whup a cryin ass lil robo nyukka befo you lose yo welfare" training tools
dude it's awesome here despite all the bs
this playing-baby-with-doll at school thing is quiete unusual i've never heard of it
anywhere you don't live is pretty good
Russia, hands down.

Denmark is also good. They are super liberal with drugs but kick the shit out of refugees and shitskins. Also they piss them off by drawing Muhammad every other day.

Almost got stuck there when I went over drinking from Sweden the other day. They wouldn't let me in because I had forgotten my passport, but since I'm white they said it was ok
>not even joking
Luxemburg, we take your money , low taxes and have 46% foreign population withouth building up racism inside the country
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why? im curious. I might move there in a few months but u made me question my plans.
russia cucks themselves though.
this. 98% purebred. they are barely aware of an outside world.
Switzerland Hands down
>political neutrality
>rich as fuck
>state of the art tch, helth care, etc.
>3guns per capita
>extremely low crimerate due to proper gun control
>swiss fukin alps
the people are awful, you think germans are arrogant, snobbish and racist, the austrians are worse.
but finland is ultragay by deafult
don't listen to that fool. austria is fine.

people are nice everywhere. but as a person living in vienna i gotta say that people in rural areas are slightly racist at best.

in vienna you might want to stay out of districts 10, 11, 16 and 22. you probably wouldn't have any problems going there anyway (nothing ever happened to me and i live in the 10th), but it's not really worth going there.

also feel free to ask me anything about vienna or austria in general.
Russia sucks ass
Government will fuck you hard if they want to
they recently shut down several VPNs in russia with raids destroying servers.
Switzerland is 10/10
Scandinavia 8/10
Canada 7/10
Germany 6/10
Japan 6/10
everything else is below 5/10

benis xD
They said LEAST cucked..
the fact he is naming districts "you should stay out of" should give you something to think.
I don't have any districts in my Town id advise someone to stay away from, that's not normal.
Also Austria breeds crazy: Ice Queen, Josef Fritzl, Hitler. and a bunch of other serial killers.
Well the UK had the balls to leave the EU. Was it a good choice? Probably not, but still...
Malta is not a country. It's a floating petrified scorched piece of shit.
France , I'd recommend Nice , me and my brother are going on a road trip there in his truck :)
how is switzerland cucked? Or do you not understand the meaning of the word?
fuck off, you're just mad he got trips and you didn't obviously, we're all moving to Malta /b
Also has arabtrash , no?
I am really getting sick of this CUCKED word. it sounds like something a primate would say and has no idea the meaning of the word they just spoke
Switzerland isn't cucked, imo, at least compared to France, Germany, even the US. There are leftists, like anywhere else, but they only speak loudly, they don't have much power at all, because the power belongs to the people. That's the advantage of direct democracy.
cuck detected
EU or not EU, it leaves the UK with shitty weather, a population of 60%immigrants or chavs the rest are old racist brits and shitty healthcare system.
if i am one. tell me what it means then?
You're such a cuck
Of we are talking pure white country without jews and niggers, you go Croatia, Serbia or Slovenia, but on the other hand, gypsis everywhere.
The austrians say Hitler was German and austria was just a innocent victim
plus you can't even drive faster than 50mph
by the time youve reached that speed youll have crossed all of malta anyways.
It's a person that voluntarily diminishes their power to act for moral reasons. Prime example: white leftists.
Canada looks nice but it's cucked
only cucks say this. Real men realize that Hitler was a genius and did nothing wrong.
or in other words i take other peoples woman. and get them pregnant. Then leave it for you to take care of because you are a cuck
Hungary. But it's a depressing and boring flatland with the highest suicide rate in Europe.
thank you, someone with some intelligence in this god forsaken website
Raging cuck
worth moving to austria to study there? Is it possible to get a student visa just to continue studying german till im ready to study at uni there
>also feel free to ask me anything about vienna or austria in general.
how nice of u.
Well Im hungarian. I know what austrians think of my kind in general.. I dont blame them. I wanna leave hungary for a reason. The problem is I cant speak german and I dont have driving license. Do u think I can find a job in oberösterreich around linz, wels, eferding? Where should I search? Can u recommend me a good way to learn german?
You're welcome. But tbh, I've never had as smart discussions irl as I've had on this board over the years.

Maybe anonymity makes people smarter, or something like that.
The Austrians dont say Hitler was German, they just dont like to say Hitler was born in Austria.
The Austrians were the first to answer his call to war and a huge percentage of the elite SS was Austrians and you don't get into the SS unless you're fully behind Hitlers cause. The Austrian people rallied behind him more fervently than some of the germans did.

Of course the Austrians say they are the victims after the war, do you think they wanna start paying reparations? They'd rather be forgotten as a victim, it's the only smart thing to do.
>this >>695029140

and France if you're a muslim
yes, website. It's a commonly used word of the English language.
Well, theres no noncucked country left at this point, you just have to go after degree of Cuckage.
samefag detected
if you are looking for cuckolds cuntreis go to pakistani countries. then say you are here for honor killing.
Excuse you
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I fucking hate my country...
So is cuck, cuck.
I'm ok with it, website.
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Best? Always the US. Why? Because Hillary will win.
The country's going left, politically.
Guns will be banned within the next couple of decades.
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And is still much better than the rest of the planet
This is bait if I've ever seen bate.
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Go to some Asian country with the highest living standards. Like Singapore or Korea
cuck is just a word for retards to use, the same as nigger is only for blacks
>dat filename
>french faggot
>get fucked by muslim cars cuck
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when your shitty nation grows the balls to leave the EU, you're going to know financial hardship such as you've never known before.

Scotland will surely leave the UK, and stay in the EU.

The braintrust of London will leave, and find gainful employment in European countries. Your industry will suffer massively.

Only an utter imbecile - would have voted for Brexit.
Russia, Japan (only if you are asian though), Austria, England (Not London), South of the US and south of Brazil, Uruguai, New Zealand (?) and The Best Korea are the least cucked ones. Maybe France in a couple of years if they finally woke up after the terrorist attack the other day, but for now its cucked.
masterbait xD
>are you serious.jpg


you fucking retard.
>old britfag detected
You're literally the only ones left to think that, tell me where did the empire go?
wheres your power?
Uk left the only group that treated them special.
>implying only Frenchfags speak french
>implying my computer being set to french means I'm French

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i ain't even jew, but this shit's awesome
We didn't need a group to tell us we're special, where as the whole of the USA needs the entire world to tell them they're special otherwise they'll threaten world domination
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Scotland has been denied a second referendum. It won't leave. The SNP will self-destruct when people realise what a mess they've made of education, policing and the budget.
XDDD they are being baited so hard, am i right fam xDDDD
New Zealand here, enjoying the objectively best pick.
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I wish someone would permanently fix the roma problem.
yes, this is a website: are you ok? Is your carer on hand?
duolingo? any gamification/repitition with pictures will get you to pidgin level fairly quickly if you're immersed in it (says the guy who can't learn languages for shit as memory is fucked).
... That's a pretty decent implication and connection to make.
Why the fuck else would you want french on your PC, shitty language, shitty food, people are cucked fags, revolution over every spilled milk cars burning in paris, terrorist attacks in the streets.
I think he's brighter than you.
Scotland is mastercucked. Sang them two songs about staying within the UK, they stayed like the retarded alcoholics they are, and now there's nothing they can do. Fucken kek.
nice try trying to pretend you're not from Cuckland
Edgelords detected
Cuckubbus overlord detected
Poland/German border. Work in Germany, live in Poland. Most Attractive girls, liquor24/7/365. Drugs on every corner, not one single nigger. Profit
Edgelordlord detected
see >>695031822
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you right wing guys spewing this 'cuck' and 'sjw' shit are just as annoying as the feminsts and sjw's. you're basically the right's sjw :/

that's faggy. and this 'cuck' shit is getting out of hand, you're just going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far with it. just like carl the cuck and aids skrillex.

come up with something new.
learn to read
spoken like a true cuck whose gf gets muslim dick
clap clap.
Lol at all these 'least cucked' countries, that can't even decided what to do with all the muslims bombing the fuck out of their shit, while the jews control what is left.

Meanwhile in Australia, any muslim cunt that comes here without papers gets put in indefinite detention without representation until we decide if they're good enough. And that goes for everybody, not just muslims.

We have next to none of the violence problems of your bullshit.

We consistently score significantly better than the united states and most of europe every time various 'freedom indexes' are calculated. We have universal health care and a fairly fair taxation system that doesn't destroy small business, while still allowing our significant social services to ensure that crime is not a massive problem.
Kraut? as is kraut and tea?
any way to prove?
France is the least cucked
It's also boring as shit, and nothing comes out of Austria that benefits the world in any way, so there's that. Britain is a disgusting shithole but at least we actually do stuff.
Now that's cuckery if I've every seen it. No need to kick and scream about it, it's too obvious.

Don't be butthurt that leftism has become a reactionary ground for recycled and sterile ideas. The wheel is spinning, libtards are now done.

Change your ideological and political mindset or accept to be a cuck.
Butthurt faggot detected
Denmark, Sweden, Norway? Finland? that's my guess
you what nigga ? Did you went to France or informed you a little, we're one of the most cucked country ever
Cute bait 4/10
Korea's a shithole.
The only thing you're doing - is getting Clinton votes.


These idiots spewing the "cuck" bullshit have to be Clinton SHILLS.
scandinavia is shit with all these niggers
Finland or Norway
Norway was kinda cucked tho but it's getting better
Australia 11/10

Dangerous critters everywhere that teach you to respect nature. HSP (google it). Quality women. Braindead politicians that provide solid weekly entertainment. Decrim of weed (otw to legalization hopefully). Plus you dont need to work 18 hours a day just to fuck a robot when you get home *cough-japanough*.
You're definitely a cuck. Say sorry you bitch

Except...you know.. all the technological and medical breakthrough's that Australia has been responsible for in the last couple of decades.

Small things you may have heard of such as wifi

Britain is definitely a disgusting shithole though, we agree on that much
>cries like cucked bitch about the word cuck

I just want to live in a country where the people are nice and the culture is laid back and accepting. That's it. Here in America people are rude mean and selfish beyond all belief.
Dont forget they banned builind mosques and banned wearing hijabs

Switzerland is the god tier to live in.

New Zealand is like this

nobody there gives a fuck

just don't expect anything to get done
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honestly, I used to think my country was garbage, but with all the shit that's going on everywhere else, it's starting to look pretty good...

- in Europe
- not too many people, around 4 million
- no black people
- no refugees
- no terror attacks ever
- no guns
- protected by NATO
- the people are awesome if you're white. Otherwise pretty racist
- probably won't get hit by terrorists because it one of the main ways they can get to other countries in Europe
- amazing coast
- no fat people
- girls are hot

soooo.... yeah.
Austria and Australia are different countries you dence cunt
Try Saudi Arabia
Mirko Cro Cop... davor suker... pretty cool place I guess.
>TV licenses
>no guns
>attractive women are rare
>everyone is snooty
>shit food
>rains all the fucking time
>shit loads of money for a gallon of gas
why would anyone want to live there?
Australia is fine as long as you're not a complete cock head
Also, be white
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Argentina? Homosexuals can marry and adopt babies. in addition , there are laws pro soft drugs.
the trouble is that there are many Jews in government.

don't forget game of thrones
>no black people
give it time
Hey not all people in this country are racist. In fact most captial cities are covered in minorities and only a few cunts moan about it
Cause.. nice white people. Good shopping. Decent supermarkets. Amazon uk. Lots of jobs. cool fashion... etc etc.

The fuck are you talking about? Melbourne is widely celebrated as THE cultural hub of Australia and its overflowing with diversity.

The only people who whinge about racism here are shitty people who never tried in life and have decided that the only reason its not going well is because of their skin colour and not because they're just shit individuals
This, definitely. Also three types of hot women
>women are hot
>men are ugly as fuck
>no nignogs or muslims
>most racial hate crime in europe
>good shopping

Care to explain?
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>least cucked
based racist Thailand
yeah i can't wait for sharia law either, anon, it'll be great, exactly what australia needs
Never gonna happen

dude, poland is on it's way to become a fascist dictatorship

now that the UK is out of the EU, you know who's calling the shots, right? You old friends ze Germans

and they're really really sensitive when it comes to countries flirting with fascism

so good luck with that
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Hahaha no fat people in Croatia?

Percentage wise, we have more fat people than americans and on top of that avg. IQ here is 89.
Our political system is fucked.
On top of people being dumb on average, they are lazy as well.
Our economy is fucked.
There is way more to this but this shit alone is more than enough to make me want to get the fuck out of this shithole country.
dude, you can still go to these districts and nothing will happen if you don't run around insulting everyone. it's just not the "nice" part of town. it's a waste of time going there.

we have a huge amount of foreign students here, so i guess it's worth it.
i don't know about student visa, but pretty much every university here has FAQs for foreign students. just check that out.

hungary is fine. you're super racist in our eyes but so are the plebs in oberösterreich.
generally i'd recommend you to befriend some austrians who speak english and slowly get into talking german with them. visit some german courses, there are a LOT these days.
you'll have the best chances in linz, everyone in the countryside tends to be bad at english, so you'll have a double barrier of language.

depending on what you've learned, you have medium to low chances of getting a nice job, but if you're not picky you'll probably find something quickly. there are quite a few websites that offer jobs.
check em

it was more awesome before they tried to correct it

>black man will no longer be serviced here

like fuck your entire race
denmark, russia, finnland, poland, hungary.
Ecuador,brasil,belgium if you have good job
I'm living in Thailand and you see this sort of stuff regularly. Also Indians and Arabs are regularly refused entry to a lot of bars.
Philippines, as long as you have Money you're good.
This. One of the worst places.
Czech Republic.

Best economy of the Eastern Europe, no niggers or mudslimes, some gypsies but not that much. High standard of living for a Slav country. Beautiful cities.
Most atheistic country of Europe. No one gives a shit about your religion.
Best beer.
Pretty women who are almost as intelligent as men.

Went there for holidays and it stood up to my expectations.
Bruh, first of all not rich enough to live and not Nepalese or Philipine enough to work there. If I was a citizen and they broke me off with a little blood I mean oil money then I'd be drifting ferraris with the rest of them...
Cool. Plus I dig rugby and forests.
new zealand or australia for the least cucked most chilled countries that don't have any of the world's worst problems
You spelt dents wrong you imbecile its dents as in material dentsity
>I just want to live in a country where the people are nice and the culture is laid back and accepting

Then be so yourself, it's the best you can do. Forcing others to be like you want them to be (what's more, for your own comfort) is intolerance and tyranny.
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Apart from being a complete shithole, Romania is far from cucked.
There's literally no PC crap, no SJWs or feminists because in, like, 70% of the country it still is usual for a man to beat his wife and spend all his money on booze. Sure there's gypsies, but they have their own ghettos and the only white people who go there are drug addicts.
Having worked in tourism, I can tell you that Israelis and Arabs are by far the worst kind of clients. Being confronted to them will turn the nicest idealist into a fucking neo-nazi, because they are really the lowest shit tier of humanity.
Australia. There are SJW faggots but they still lose all the elections, and their version of Trump just got a seat on the senate
What about Northern Ireland? Do they want to join the Republic now?
>New Zealand
+High minimum wage, low education costs
+One of the least dangerous and discriminating countries in existence, yet few SJWs
+Ecologically in extremely good condition, low population density outside of cities
-No industry
-Anything local is expensive, we even sell our meats cheaper in other countries than here
-Current Prime Minister does whatever other countries want

+Economic giant, everything is available and it's all cheap
+Very respectable culture
-Hot and high population density
-Possible economic crash impending
They wouldn't stop you at the border. Denmark and Sweden are part of schengen
Nah. Let me tell you what I mean. I'm mostly positive. We just got some new neighbors. I go over to introduce myself, "hi welcome to the neighborhood. I'm anon, been here awhile if you guys need some help or whatever I love 2 ft from you". My idea is that, our lives are so crazy at work you know. So the people you love around might as well help with being easy and thoughtful is all. Instead, I got looked at like an alien retard. Just a sliver of an example. I'm just like we all might as well try to help each other cuz so much shit just simply sucks. Might as well be cool with your neighbor add value to just being here on Earth together man. It seems like every time I get sincere, it's met with "why in the fuck are you saying hello to me? Do I know you asshole?". Especially with Marylanders
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Pick none, dumbass.
>you think germans are arrogant, snobbish and racist

No, I don't. They aren't arrogant, snobbish and racist enough.
Love=live. Fucking autocorrect.
Go to Germany fam. You seem pretty cool anon. I'd drink a beer with ya if you were my neighbor.
>ng others to be like you want them to be (what's more, for your own comfort) is intolerance and tyranny.

>wanting to live amongst nice, civilized people is tyranny

t. totally not a marxist
>why in the fuck are you saying hello to me? Do I know you asshole?

Some people are like that. If you were being nice because you wanted something in return, you were being nice for the wrong reasons. Maybe these people saw that too. Or perhaps they just experienced something terrible that made them distrustful, and they need more than just superficial and interested niceness to bond with other people.

our shelf prices are tax inclusive, not like Clapistan where you have to bring a calculator just to go fucking grocery shopping
Telling others how to live is tyranny. If you want to live amongst civilized people, don't choose a black or jew or muslim neigborhood, that's all.

story time?
Where did he say he wants to tell others how to live? You just pulled that out of your ass so fuck off.

German here, can confirm.
Would drink a beer with you.
Or 2. Or 12.

Having nice neighbours is always a good thing imo, you don't need to act so stiff and cold like you do when you don't know someone.
Re-read the comments, you inane millennial.
>Telling others how to live is tyranny.

>law is tyranny
Nah, I don want anything! It's about respect, a lost concept obviously. I don't think I come off like that either. I honestly don't know why there's gotta be all this spy shit involved. When I can afford it, I'm takin my closet plain blue jeans, white tshirts and good intentions to the woods man. I've givin up.
>works in public service even and treat people like people.
I get my fare share of social interaction

moving to oldenburg soon for research placement.

what should i expect from germany/german people? Are you all just hyper-efficient workaholics with no sense of humour?
>I've givin up.
Maybe they have too. But being too nice looks gay, and not everyone is a mentally retarded cuck who celebrates diversity and anal sex in the name of principles they barely understand.
According to Patton Osawld they are. You should check out his strudel bit. Eardrums will chuckle off
>welcomes new neighbors for his own benefit
>"I don want anything!"
>mfw you're so retarded you're either a woman or a libtard
Oh yeah, you don't pee right or you chew gum the government will cane you.

But in that part of the world, Malaysia is cool until the mussies go rogue. But I'll go with thailand
You're mostly right with the sense of humor.
Don't expect much especially from older people.

If you need help always stick to the younger people because germans 30+ can't or don't want to speak english.

Just don't make 'em feel uncomfortable and it'll be alright.

We're propably a rather cold folk but you should be able to find a bunch of nice people without a problem.

Oldenburg is not too close from me but it isn't too far aways as well. Like 150km I believe.
Sorry this whole time I didn't think I was talkin too Vlad the Implyer. You are sounding like one of those dicks I mean. And as far as all that butt play. Nigga please, ain't nobody got time for that. I'm just tryna say wuddup.

I meet guys like you all the time in music. The guitar player that thinks they got it all and lame noodles the set fucking everything up. Jam on man.
Hello New York
What a miserable existence in must be to put money above all else. I rarely even think about that shit.
Just be a dick. Life's more satisfying and we make more money too!

Thanks anons. I've heard things about the generational issue. Excited nonetheless.
Colorado is actually nice like that. Don't know where the fuck you been hanging out at.
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>I didn't think I was talkin too Vlad the Implyer. You are sounding like one of those dicks

Get over it. This isn't your safespace.

>Nigga please, ain't nobody got time for that

And yet you're replying


Are you 12?

I don't understand the rest of your "point". You sound like a kike, and as such you should gas yourself with rape farts.
Look at the butthurt leftist nigger lover right here
Im from Russia, ask your questions
definetly Switzerland!!! SO glad to live here.. fuck outta here with these other cucked countries..


cant believe it took that many posts of all the eurocucks pretending its one of them before someone realised its... err.. not.
Enjoy your stay! And visit Bremen if you're in Oldenburg. Propably a more impressive city and it's very close!
That wasn't me. I don't understand it either.
>Melbourne is widely celebrated as THE cultural hub of Australia

only by victorians.

its cold. dark. damp. grey. full of self absorbed hipster faggots and just generally gay
switzerland has too many foreigners and too many muslims
Can confirm. Moved here from the US about 5 years ago and it's amazing how much better life is without all the American bullshit.
Really? I go there often and I never noticed.
Ugh, German people are so ugly

dude... forget it.
every day I hope a civil war breaks loose here
I'm actually a card carrying super republican. I was non trumper, but now I'm all for him! And I'm a man with a ball bearings business that's got my family better off until people don't need heavy machines. What have you done with yourself fagget.
>mfw muh welfare
Thank you! My sister in law lives there and I'll be looking for work there as soon as I'm done with grad school!
Fuck no Australia is so cucked it censors games if feminists ask them too
98% inbred. Japan doesn't notice the outside world because of congenital vision problems from a small gene pool. Also jacked up teeth and obsessive compulsive disorder central.
Is being blacked cheaper for those whores too?
>now I'm all for him/muh business
Good for you, even though given your English, I find it hard to believe you're American. But whatever.
>What have you done with yourself fagget.
Got my own house, work few hours and earn a shitload of cash, have a 10/10 gf, planning to have kids. Life's being good to me.
Yea but the waifus. Makes anything worth it if you can catch one.
>it's hard to get girls there if not jap shogun
Please, as many lame ass white dudes I see with these Japahoes. Imma get laid for sure!
esta es el cornudo
well, I'm swiss and in my primary school I went to class with four other hundred percent swiss, the rest (15) were foreigners or at least half foreigner- half swiss. Most of them are eastern european muslims though, albanian and from the cosovo, they are not extremly religious or anything but many of them are unemployed an aggressive. We have many italians too and they're hanging out with other foreigners mostly, not with the swiss, And the swiss population is shrinking without the immigration.
Mexican actually. I'm good that your good. Try saying hello next time somebody acknowledges and respects you.
Actually no. Because I left my wallet in el segundo
time to worm your bich
I live here
I have a Japanese girlfriend

nerds and otaku from 4chan have no chance
>the rest (15) were foreigners

Were in some sort of special needs class? Like for kids who don't speak the language or so?

>many of them are unemployed an aggressive


>the swiss population is shrinking without the immigration.

Time to change things and get more little Swiss on the way, right?
jeez you are the problem don't come to any of the non cucked lands pls fucking cuntfag
For all of you need wisdom. So here it is.
Nothing will ever be as important in your existence than relationships. There.
>I'm good that your good
>Try saying hello next time somebody acknowledges and respects you
I'll first make sure they aren't trying to sell or steal anything, because sadly that's what we're up to these days.

Good luck with your neighbors, hombre.
you got cucked even before the refugee crisis
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What's it like being surrounded by gangsters and alcoholics? Must be like living in a Frank Miller graphic novel.
Go to Czech brah
I like it
arabs are terroriist but why indians? do they poo in loo there too
well depends on where form u r

if white then anything like your anglo bros then scandanavia .. new zealand is if u want close to nature but cute accent they have

if black .. then france germany and sweden

if asian then USA but u gotta be intelligent like shit

if indian then canada UK or USA thats where large community

on avg. a place in scandanavia or some newzealand is enough for all your fun
so does in my country
Underrated post.
I'm considering migrating there.
add indians also ; they are too taboo and there girl dress like tribals
30% of russians don't have access to a working toiler.
russia is just a third world country with the money of a developed country
don't forget to thank the original custodians of the land for that post
Hong Kong
>read whole thread
>no one agrees just a bunch of faggots arguing about hitler
Soooo... New Zealand..?
Does anyone know anything about tahiti?
My uncle owns a charter fishing boat down there and does surf trips, I've never been
New Zealand is fine if you don't mind getting beat up by giant Maori mother fuckers every day
Most of the island nations
Fuck Denmark. If you wanna come to denmark, bare in mind that you will be bored after a year drinking at the same pub, experiencing the same things, nothing new will ever happen in Denmark and there is absolutely no culture in Denmark
Has to be Russia. They werent taking shit when the refugees came. Shit went down with them and Turkey, they closed down all Turkish businesses. ISIS attacked them, they bombed Syria and said Fuck them. Ukraine got pissy, they invaded. Shit was on lock when they were the Soviet Union.
What kind of guns laws? Same as Australia?
On that note, youre surrounded by turks, iraqs and pakistanis that behaves like a fucking black thug from LA. they are convinced that theyre black and if you ever say "nigga" to them theyll get pissed because youre white and not "black/turk" and the term "nigga" fits muslims/turks in Denmark, in theyre opinion.
Mexico is cucked by its own people. You got Drug Cartels taking over towns and the president can't do much. Also, its so shitty, people are willing to escape Mexico for the US. The last awesome thing they did was cinco de mayo and that shouldn't count because France had its ass kicked by pretty much every other country in the world.
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New Zealand
Not a country but if you live here its good enough. Indiana.
>no niggers unless your in the city
>no Mexicans
>more guns
>no sand niggers
>also former gov. Is the next vice pres
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Are you saying a country without Jews, or a country without niggers?

Because a country without niggers and spics is a good country to look for. Went to Japan once and didn't see a single spic, and only a few nigs. Could start there.

have you mixed it up with Sweden
adevar graiesti:))
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