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does anyone love the thought of teen girls getting molested by
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does anyone love the thought of teen girls getting molested by boys a lot younger than them?
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Su-Metal Approves.jpg
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What about that idea turns you on?
I like it when the boys are much older.
does it turn you on?
I like teen girls molesting boys because it happened to me.

I was 8 when my babysitter, a 15yo girl, started touching me. Couldn't cum until I was a little over ten. She gave me hand and blow jobs every time shed baby sit and took my virginity at 11 in the cinema parking lot in the back of her moms van.
Not really but OP picture does.
That was actually an old man in a wig.

Yes, dear god yes. Grew up in an all boy's school with a mixed sixth form. Been into that shit since 13. First fap was to shit like this, but kinda forgot it over time. Make it real again OP
I did when I was a young boy. From 10-15 I liked the thought of molesting/raping girls between 15-19

what scenarios do you think about?
if you could have gotten away with it, would you have done it?
Shotacon greentext story thread?
Shotacon greentext story thread!
Bump for intrest
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Officer Smith would really like to profile you OP
not the guy you asked, but hell fucking yea i would have done it
What scenarios do you guys think about?
which girl do you like best?
Schoolgirl walking home and ominously gets surrounded by boys from the local neighborhood
so what, like /ss/ reverse rape? sounds delicious. i wonder if theres any good doujins of it.
Some very attractive and up herself girl, you know the type, alway condescending and thinking she's better than everyone else. Somehow she ends up cornered in a very compromising position by some young kid who has his way with her, and she's disgusted and ashamed by it, but can't help getting wet over it, making her even more embarrassed
what would they do to her? would she try to run?
how do you think she might find herself in that position?
At first, they'd be playful and such.Obviously she'd be pretty uncomfortable, but she would put up with it until they got bored, or so she thought. The boys would start "rubbing" up against her, pulling on her skirt and clothes. At this point she would try to run but it would already be too late, the boys would keep grabbing her and pulling her back. By then it would turn into a full on rape as each one took their turn with her
That's where you get creative. Full on rape, voyeurism, flashing, them both getting accidentally locked in the same room after hours or something. It's all good
Emergency bump. Does no one have any green text or art for this shit?
i have a bit
damn, there's this asian girl i know who i've always wanted to tie up and leave at the doorstep of this middle school brat who likes her
B0ss please, I have a the cancer
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way too hard to find material for this fetish
some kids ganging up on a girl and they all creampie her pussy, leading to her getting pregnant
I don't know why, but the thought of that just turned me on.
i know right? she'd struggle like crazy when she sees him, but he'd just take her back to his room and use her as his fetish slave
what do you think would happen to her?
I like the idea of him user her to figure out the ins and outs of sex. Poking and prodding her, licking and sticking her, etc.
see >>694458571
This, this right here. Yes
how do you think she would be tied?
Arms tied behind her back at the elbows and wrists, legs bound at the ankles. So he could roll her over on the bed. I'd give him some toys and some lube and let him have at it.
so hot, i wonder what'd she say when he starts toying with her asshole

I do now I guess.
I honestly hope she would hate it, but slowly realize the futility of fighting it. Like, he'd be gentle with it at first, but as he slowly began to realize his power over her, he'd just start jamming 3 or 4 fingers up her ass dry and enjoy seeing her in pain.
No I don't "love" the thought of that...this thread is fucked. Fuck you!!! KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sigh mods could you ban this 13yr old pls
would she try to escape?i'd imagine he'd gag her as well
Hell yeah,
I lost my virginity at 18yo with a 35yo milf. Today I'd like to return the "favor" by watching my 23yo gf fucking a younger boy, preferably virgin
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wtf ur sick

nice azns
how young?
Just above legal age to fuck
Maybe at first, but I like the idea of him breaking her and training her to obey his commands and crave his rewards, like a dog. He would reward her with a mouthful of cum and punish her with a huge dildo up her ass.
i like the idea of her continuing to hate it. especially if he has a lot of creepy fetishes, seeing her struggle as he tries each one
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