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There is no reason to be a pedophile when cute gooks exist tbh
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There is no reason to be a pedophile when cute gooks exist tbh
I certainly try to date asian girls too.
But those have brown nipples and often have weird faces.
Pedophiles are disgusting, don't get me wrong, but asians are not the same as whites. And if you think asians looks young, you don't know asians.
Close to truth, but not quite. I'm pedo for really young chinks. Nothing sexier than an Asian or half-Asian three year old.
The old 4chan was better. What the fuck is the point of 4chan with all this moralfaggotry? Go post you popular opinions on Facebook, you teliophilic fuck
Except for those nasty fucking died up spam sammiches they have for cunts. Seriously, 90% of Asian pussy looks like dried up roast beef.
I don't give a shit about your precious old 4chan.
The asian girls i have been with have had nice pussies.
You have been looking at the wrong Asians. Go check out some Chinese girls. When they are 18 they look 9. When they are 30 they look 14. The dirty old Chinese bastards figured out a thousand years ago that hairless pussy is best, and bred that into their women.
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listen m8, that gook is a 6.5-7/10 at best.

I would definitely not say no, but you are a fool in thinking the best gook holds a candle to the best looking white women
I would plow the fuck out of that gorgeous chink.
There are much cuter white women but not the one you posted. Too much make-up, for starters.
Between the chink and he white bitch there is no comparison. The Asian girl is beautiful now and will continue to be sexy for 30 years. The white girl is already past her prime and in 10 more years will be as ugly as Hillary Clinton.
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Bitch looks like French Stewart
Except when they orgasm, they sound like they're being stabbed in the stomach
is porn illegal in china?
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Good enough for me
damn u guys are right, cant even believe shes 18
OMG She's adorable!

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Does she pass, is she white enough?
Definitely 18. Asians just look younger than Caucasians.
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>Between the chink and he white bitch there is no comparison. The Asian girl is beautiful now and will continue to be sexy for 30 years. The white girl is already past her prime and in 10 more years will be as ugly as Hillary Clinton.

I'd rather have one year of a 10/10 epitome of perfection and the apex of evolution perfect white women than 30 years with a mundane 6.5/10 Asian.

To each his own.
you sick fucking piece of shit
how about a gook pedo?
you wont
I would put my penis in her.
looks kind of like jade flower
whats her name?
Oh god yes! Plz keep posting! :3
Shit is that even possible?
fuck, did somebody save whatever was posted? Repost it!
Need more pictures to confirm that I am pedo for little chinks.
It was a beautiful little Asian girl, maybe 3 years old, staring to take off her top. Not sure why it is gone, there was nothing remotely illegal about it.
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JQuery Trojan, AKA Ransomware through Javascript.

Nice try.
Holy shit, repost this plz, i just got the thumbnail, dear fuck
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But you're still a pedophile.
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Kana Kurashina.webm
3 MB, 1280x720

I am a fool.
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what happened to cute asian thread
get off my /b/
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>retarded, slackjawed 4/10 blue eyed blonde
>mundane asian

Sorry bud you're wrong. I'll take asian perfection Amie Lynn over any mundane Aryan.
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are you autistic? the source is literally the filename

Dat cameltoe
You faggot you made me want to watch 3rd rock
No u
pretty close to perfection
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Nah nthing like yung white pussy. Fuckit.
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why... Dx
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you like it because she is acting cute and juvenile but not really sexy.

Same as this picture, beautiful and cute but not sexy.

You like it because it espouses youth, trust me though the cuteness gets really old really fast.
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I want her so bad
hory shet anon plz more bodyshots of her?
yeah cuteness gets boring, like, okay yeah you're cute can you go now and be useful?
I'm more attracted to the number actually. It's quite naughty hehe
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How long have you waited to use that image?
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The name of this whore?
0/10 would smash in the face
she is above average for an asian.

So she is a 8/10 on the asian scale, on the white scale she would score 3.5/10
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>tfw no sauce
first time ive keked that im a fag..

well done, anon, well done
this guy gets it
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Very true.
And when the day comes the cute gooks exist we will finally be rid of pedophiles.
3? damn son, around 13 and up for me
Sounds a bit like summer to me.
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dat forehead
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>she is above average for an asian.
How stupid are you

How preposterously fucking idiotic are you?

For christ sake kill yourself you fucking shit
Asians age weirdly. With white women, they age normally, gradually as they get older. Once asian girls go through puberty, they stay looking the exact same until they hit 45 then BAM, granny.
name of this fucking cunt?
Yoon_Seung-ah from All My Love was all i could find
>dat calloused middle knuckle from karate
11/10 would fill to overflowing with hot nut butter
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Something like this?
Whew lad


Fucking name her already you faggots
Also there's no average like with white girls. Asian girls (and black girls actually) are either drop dead gorgeous or ape-tier ugly.
>Asian girls are either drop dead gorgeous or ape-tier ugly.

I agree with this, but not the part with niggers. I just think all niggers are just fucking ugly

It's Afterschool's Lizzy (리지). Also, and probably more successful, in the subgroup Orange Caramel.

>itt: I will justify my pathetic existence by espousing the superiority of my race while shitposting on /b/ while my precum is seasoned by Doritos crumbs falling from my neckbeard

>I'd rather be an idiot

To each his own
you should probably see more asian women, because that simply isn't true.

Proportionately there are so many hot ones, but that would only apply if you find asians attractive in the first place.
guess i was wrong then, gj anon
someone can post theese again?
>It's Afterschool's Lizzy (리지)
You sure about that, skip
google "리지 gif"
dude shill, don't bust a nut, I know the truth is hard accept.

I did not want to hurt your feelings
>tfw you'll never plow nana and suck on her cock
very nice.
Absolutely. She was in a few episodes of some K-Drama.
was it called all my love?

Take it from a hebephile (12-14), cute gooks are a great stopgap measure, but they don't sate the need completely.

Currently 'dating' (I take her out for dinner and fuck her several times a week) a 95lb, 4' 10" thai 19 year old who looks like she is about 1. Does not stop me from wanting to fuck an actual 14 year old. Also she loves the dick way too much to ever be convincing as a loli.
wow, you got really hurt by this comment. go on then fag, have your precious hairy pussy asians we do not care just don't claim they are anything above 4/10
No, but I'm right.

But I've also actually slept with a woman, so there's that
Lol 1
That's one of them, yes.

I preferred her without all the surgery. These eyes...!

along with your mom faggot?
stop the racism against asians
>I preferred her without all the surgery.
eh, I love surgery on Korean sluts. Looks great
Nobody is even being racist here you fucking dipshit
>a 95lb, 4' 10" thai 19 year old
post pics
>19 year old who looks like she is about 1.
Does she have some fucked up genetic disorder?
ye it sucks when good looking ppl don't think they're good enough and get surgery
>a 95lb, 4' 10" thai 19 year old
>post pics

post nudes
>The dirty old Chinese bastards figured out a thousand years ago that hairless pussy is best, and bred that into their women

oh so thats why 90% of all asians never shave
I agree - if it's not overdone.
2NE1's Bom for example.
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>not having a kpop waifu
Honestly, so often I can't even tell. I think it is because of their facial structure but I love the fake painted look on them.

They're such sweet little whores

Eye widening and nose job can do wonders
yes yes so hot ........................
>Eye widening and nose job can do wonders
trying to look Caucasian got ya, why not go for the real thing?
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if that puss' got a bush im like 'nope'
hairy pussy bitch you the type that got herpes
Fucking this.

Why doesn't this new generation of /b/ just unite and be called "4channers against lolis rights abuse" like the bunch of tumblerinas they are
They're not trying to look caucasian necessarily, they want double eyelids.

Many Koreans are born with single eye lids, but it is double eye lids (what all white people have and some asians have) that are desirable.

I think Asian women are objectively better sluts than white women could ever hope to be
just get her to fart and hold a lighter near her bush

theyre into that shit anyways so i doubt itll be hard
thanks anon
so no porn at all from this chick?
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Did someone say something?
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Big misunderstanding. They are not trying to look "white". They are trying to look more Asian.
The greater resemblance to Caucasians makes your brain think they wanna be because you were socialized around Caucasians. Asians don't see the resemblance because they were socialized around Asians.
Pornography is banned in Korea.
Yeah, this is true.

With all due respect, ask any asian woman if she 'wishes she were white'.

The idea would be comical to her.
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What did she see, /b/?
Really? That's fucking stupid.

Their whores are phenomenal

What an idiotic waste by a fucking mislead culture
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muh dick
She probably saw more cock, what a slut
Sure like in China. Doesnt stop it from being on of the biggest markets. System is just running different than in USA or Japan
great bread
That's why they have so many pro gamers, they can't beat their meatstick so they have to beat hi-scores.
Fuck I prefer her unpainted
I never prefer them unpainted

I love them heavily painted
hey amerifag if adult gook is supposed to satisfy pedofags then why do so many white amerifags still go to Cambodia,vietnam philippines looking for 5yr olds to fuck in exchange for lollipops.
If you want to marry a south korean girl you have to beat her father in Starcraft 2 first.
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what are you trying to prove here other than posting asian women that are less hot
they don't want their society to degenerate like our western society
Would be like fucking a Furby. No thanks.
do not confuse them with logic
> Hi, welcome to my photoshop tutorial
99% of pedo's are white men.
ew, no thanks I'm not into furries
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I know that, I even know Koreans over here and some don't watch porn.

Knowing Korean culture pretty well, I think that their women and the fact that they are such sluts is, by a wide margin, the best part.

Sex work for example is pretty accepted over there, it doesn't have the same taboo as we place on it.

Since their sluts are so good, I think porn would be another great avenue they could explore to get as many women as they can using their bodies for money.

But I understand their society does have standards.

I don't think Asians need too much westernization. Modernization, yes, but not westernization.
just dont want to wake up to a monster. And there are a lot of natural beauties in Asia. Just hard to find them. Because their life doesnt match with ours, so you wont find them by going out. Most I have seen were cashiers.
What's wrong with you???

You have paradise and you still aren't happy??
You've never seen a group of pedos. Half are dykes
sounds like a cool place to live in. do they accept YTs over there?
I hear that argument all the time, if it's purely a sexual relationship, I actually don't care if she looks like dog shit w/out makeup.

If it's a relationship based on more than just sex and lust, then it is a factor depending on how bad she looks.
Dont lie you dirty chink...a lot of asian women are desperate to marry white men to have whiter children
hory shet is there more cosplay of her?
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White people will never be 'one of them'.

But they always have a certain amount of respect for whites, and on an individual basis, they like us to varying extents.

But we'll never be subhuman. Not like how they treat black people (accepted open racism)
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Oh me so horny me want to luke white
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Chinks really have no redeeming qualities, at least blacks are athletic and jews are smart. Gooks are ugly, suck at sports, are stupid as fuck, shit on the streets, have shitty food, shitty culture, shitty everything.
That depends on your definition if "acceptance". You can make friends and get close to them even on an emotional level but at the same time they will always let you feel that you are not one of them pretty much all the time. Koreans one of the strongest "we" and "our"-mentality I have ever seen in the world. They call their country "우리 나라" (oori nara) - literally "our country". Same with the language. From a Koreans point of view it's them vs. the world. The country has been invaded so many times in it's history that they have strong desire to maintain their cultural identity.
This is not true at all
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>Not like how they treat black people (accepted open racism)
lmao, serously? makes it even better
> shit on the streets
those are indians, you mong
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>perfers niggers over chinks
Oh fuck, you're...
most asians are retards...thats why most asian countries are 3rd world shitholes. China had a recent economic boom because American and European manufacturers shifted their tech and capital there. Even japans rise was due to begging, borrow or steal the white mans technology. Just look at North Korea and china under mao or japs under their god king. Without the white man guiding with money and tech, these gooks would be worse off than africa. USA rewrote the jap constitution and guided them like the tards they were. N. Korea went the natural korean way and they are worse than africa.
it's not racism from my experience. They are afraid of doing something wrong and so they just don't initiate social interactions to be begin with. If white or black - they don't care, really.

hardworking, intelligent, creative, etc etc

but yea, they have poor manners, by our standards, and they eat anything, which objectively makes them superior.
Calm down weeb
Yeah, Koreans are really fucking racist against black people

They always will view whites as the other (even if they like you), but they ain't got shit on us.

It's not like they could come out against us with any real arguments.

Blacks they just call disgusting (which is true of course)
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chink shitting653609.jpg
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I've dated Korean women

They don't want to go where black people go

"Aren't there black people there" is a common question.

They're incredibly fucking racist, and I like them for it.
I tried. Not racist, just don't see why anyone would prefer Asians to normal girls.
her face looks like she's shitting her pants
You're an idiotic keyboard warrior virgin fag
You only really have a chance as a white boy if you have money. Getting into a relationships is not that problematic. Marrying is.
If you enjoy sex, I don't see how you couldn't.
I prefer horses and foxes. Sorry.
If by normal you mean white, then maybe

asian women are in the top 3 no doubt, though the one in OP's post is really ugly
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>hardworking, intelligent, creative
fuck off you gook...you mongoloids are nigger tier

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She's not hairless btw
Again, not from my experience.
Nice 5head
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white people.jpg
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you're a fat 45 year old faggot virgin still holding out till he meets his perfect asian gamer cosplay loli jap
Have you been to Korea or have you dated one in the US?
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That's muh freedom
Chinks and dune coons do it because their shit cities are so populated
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>saving thumbs

Let me get my good deed done for today.
That's fine

I've never known an Asian or a Korean who wasn't an extreme biggot. It's embedded in the culture

Of course there are exceptions
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>you don't know asians

doesn't know asians
Just in the U.S., but I've dated fobs.

I prefer the fobs actually. Their culture gets them ready to give themselves to their partner
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Not only is this one straight autistic but it's also screaming "11 years old"
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All primitive cultures are intolerant to change. We had to nuke the japs and literally rebuild their culture to civilize them
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> more paint than a roman frescoe
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what is wrong with you gook lovers.
It's not against the rules to talk about 'old 4chan' you fucking fuck up

You're such a crybaby little faggot
For every hot or cute one, there is like 200 ugly ones. Even worse if you take the whole body into account
>> more paint than a roman frescoe

You're probably gay. Maybe you've already considered that

makeup=bad = you like men
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stop being racist against asian people

we need to unite aigainst black people
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i love gooks
How could you not like a girl who looks like this
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How do you burry those people? I mean we are not allowed to put plastic in the ground.
Only a couple posts have been racist and as an Asian you shouldn't even be offended by it faggot

I agree whites and Asians fighting is not at all a good thing.
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Miss Alice. She's a camgirl.
christ, that is just awkward
Who gives a fuck. She exists for sex

Ever heard of a whore?
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> not understanding the concept of 'excess'
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is she having a seizure?
If not then that is just fucking stupid looking shit and somewhat laughable.
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y'all need a real women
It's supposed to be awkward in this scene. It's called "acting".
Since you felt awkward as well, I guess she did a good job? Rhetoric question, don't answer.
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why you gotta post lowQ? that image is available in glorious hires
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Did someone say gook?
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More. Because more.
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one white person
several million indians
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Can you post more? She was being posted last night but I fell asleep to save the rest.
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Last one for the moment. Google for more.
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do asians mind being called

- Gook
- Chink
- nip
- charlie
did she get an electric shock ?
Can someone explain the circled sign?
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 99

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