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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No
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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151
File: Hank Hill 7.png (178 KB, 500x337) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 7.png
178 KB, 500x337
Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Joining means a reserved place in Strickland Propane
>Most importantly, grill.

File: asuka nude its your fault.jpg (56 KB, 1023x759) Image search: [Google]
asuka nude its your fault.jpg
56 KB, 1023x759

Pfpf PFFFff whoo lad

yeah... >.>
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume

I take all legs posted in this thread
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77 KB, 542x515

Saber claimed
Goodnight edition
Umbasa /waifu
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2 MB, 1600x1304
>Forgot pic
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asuka nude poor shoop.jpg
66 KB, 550x1100
starting to want to give them to you...
mighty fine smug :3
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2 MB, 3225x4079


>good night anons
File: Hank Hill 2.jpg (7 KB, 208x242) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 2.jpg
7 KB, 208x242
But I like my legs
File: Yume03.jpg (78 KB, 813x982) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 813x982
>best waifu legs
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125 KB, 400x663

Stop being so lewd
i want to bone him so hard
isn't he a dream?
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108 KB, 850x1064
Natalia Poklonskaya is my Prosecutor General now. Sorry Crimea.
File: Hank Hill 3.png (313 KB, 622x464) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 3.png
313 KB, 622x464
Damn hippies.
just look at that bone.
If anybody has a problem with that, they can schedule an appointment with my Prosecutor General.
File: You Know Gasai (31).png (602 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (31).png
602 KB, 750x750
Sleep well

i want to eat that asshole out so bad.
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151 KB, 1920x1080
I know right? How did that whole mess get started in the first place?
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Hank Hill 19.jpg
35 KB, 486x546
Was the Canadians.
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218 KB, 636x550
I was fapping to Akame ga kill when i found a pic of Shiro and Kurome getting fucked by a group of cookie monsters

Please explain
File: 1462388935376.png (328 KB, 707x1080) Image search: [Google]
328 KB, 707x1080
This thread has taken a turn
I'll be back tonight. Good day /waifu/

I should have known

Post pic
File: tumblr_o32k07LsEH1v0dardo1_1280.jpg (312 KB, 1280x1813) Image search: [Google]
312 KB, 1280x1813
I still like my legs though
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187 KB, 768x768
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You Know Gasai (48).jpg
110 KB, 600x720
Going to sleep now

Good night thread and remember, you have a heart of gold, dont let them take it from you
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3 MB, 480x292
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Hank Hill 17.png
231 KB, 497x373
See you.
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701 KB, 1024x613
I was having fun until you're weird shit showed up.
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198 KB, 571x960
Its 7 Mb jesus christ
Will have to screencap it
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177 KB, 434x245
i bet you can't handle it, big boy...
File: asiaka taiga nude.jpg (524 KB, 900x1200) Image search: [Google]
asiaka taiga nude.jpg
524 KB, 900x1200
but its a lewd night ><

kinda reminds me of Taiga...
>>pic related
(brewer asukachan)
but have you ever tried a BONE this big?
now that's what you can call FUN!
File: asuka relationship.gif (437 KB, 441x326) Image search: [Google]
asuka relationship.gif
437 KB, 441x326
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16 KB, 320x180
Don't you have a female friend?
File: tumblr_nrvjv7zWif1uyzpego1_1280.jpg (117 KB, 679x382) Image search: [Google]
117 KB, 679x382
could you please be a bit more gender specific ?
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Hank Hill 6.jpg
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File: Shiki 0803.jpg (595 KB, 793x1167) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0803.jpg
595 KB, 793x1167
Best type moon claimed.
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17 KB, 480x360
Who's the girl in you're group and why aren't you posting her?
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Yui (7).jpg
11 KB, 236x266
File: asuka nude shitty shoop2.jpg (245 KB, 471x658) Image search: [Google]
asuka nude shitty shoop2.jpg
245 KB, 471x658
back on topic needs more lewd also...

>>Played any good Occulus Rift Games? Just Got Mine, thoughts bros? (its fine tech but so far i see no killer app)
Who are you quoting?
File: asuka nude fitting.png (476 KB, 729x955) Image search: [Google]
asuka nude fitting.png
476 KB, 729x955
Sorry, Question of The Thread

It has been a staple but it can be confusing.
File: Yui (12).gif (119 KB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
Yui (12).gif
119 KB, 853x480
Skyrim has Oculus support, just play that.
Now you know i aint that kind of guy...
oh looks like some friends are here for a good bone.
i must say goodbye.
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Syndra [110].jpg
136 KB, 600x530
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113 KB, 680x680
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asuka nude docor hands.jpg
677 KB, 1336x1920
... pfff... yeah thats probly enough... checking access levels
File: asuka wind.gif (741 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
asuka wind.gif
741 KB, 500x375
Hey HEY I rep Langley but theres a lot of easy shini content
File: zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (9).png (60 KB, 255x326) Image search: [Google]
zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (9).png
60 KB, 255x326
I have to ask what in the fuck are you doing with Moot's waifu?
I guess it's not my business if you want to cheat on your waifu with some poorly developed imitator.
File: asuka that.jpg (28 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
asuka that.jpg
28 KB, 400x400
I have always had a raging husbonuru for Asuka and I'm pretty sure I'm older than Moot ... yeah 4 yrs older and in the last 15 years i've lurked i've never noticed he was in bae 4 real wiith Asuka.
File: auska bnw.png (276 KB, 500x366) Image search: [Google]
auska bnw.png
276 KB, 500x366
I am dishonored -_-
Literally what
File: shizuruchibi.jpg (41 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 480x640
The usual.
File: asuka excited.png (434 KB, 1024x912) Image search: [Google]
asuka excited.png
434 KB, 1024x912
literally spam shit EAT MY ASSHOLE CANCER SCUM!
File: zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (35).jpg (104 KB, 412x334) Image search: [Google]
zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (35).jpg
104 KB, 412x334
>Last 15 years
>bae 4 real
Never mind that. Thrown at a wall in the hopes you don't crawl back up.

Who the fuck said age said shit about it? Finding reasons to justify your used baggage from the most enormous faggot on the internet?
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25 KB, 720x540
bugs bunny in drag
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354 KB, 858x1039
Take me to dinner first
File: Shizuruswimsuit.jpg (386 KB, 900x1158) Image search: [Google]
386 KB, 900x1158
Sure is... frankly awful in here right now. What's the deal?
File: asuka head.jpg (11 KB, 259x195) Image search: [Google]
asuka head.jpg
11 KB, 259x195
Now I'm lost I feel like some (maybe you) have judged my affiliation with Asuka and confused me with or accused me of being a cuck of Mootles (Moot / Chris Poole) when I was into Asuka much longer before. And yes I said Bae in my previous post because I am actually able to adapt to contemporary speach but yes it was a bit cringy
pics or it didnt happen and he wasn't even opera.
Why do you think your opinion matters? The cancer that usually says hi to you is not here, so keep lurking.
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65 KB, 837x441
File: I Will Use This On Your Anus.jpg (245 KB, 766x510) Image search: [Google]
I Will Use This On Your Anus.jpg
245 KB, 766x510
File: asuka not enough eyepatch.jpg (28 KB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
asuka not enough eyepatch.jpg
28 KB, 720x480
oh damn i am aggressive tonight i saw a link and no pic and just figured "I forced my sister to fuck me" etc etc my bad lol
Akiko wanted the shiro and kurome getting fukked by cookie monsters
File: Hank Hill 22.jpg (109 KB, 600x375) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 22.jpg
109 KB, 600x375
File: shizuruswimsuitshark.jpg (49 KB, 267x317) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 267x317
This again?
And the cancer the responds to me it right here. >>693774441
Make yourselves useful.
File: asuka tantrum.gif (869 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
asuka tantrum.gif
869 KB, 500x281
better be the bottom end
>the cancer the responds
File: 459badcd90f705f0c99dde4408874495.jpg (409 KB, 2932x3646) Image search: [Google]
409 KB, 2932x3646
I have no new content.
File: asuka class trip.jpg (69 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
asuka class trip.jpg
69 KB, 640x480
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387 KB, 583x827
Back in black.
File: Shizuruportrait2.jpg (328 KB, 496x578) Image search: [Google]
328 KB, 496x578
Ehh just a typo.
>The cancer that responds
Typing and talking simultaneously can go poorly sometimes.
Any particular reason you never post a waifu when you're shitposting?
File: REV UP THAT SUBMIT BUTTON.png (55 KB, 365x214) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 365x214
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Hank Hill 5.png
130 KB, 1024x798
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File: asuka cooking.gif (957 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
asuka cooking.gif
957 KB, 250x250
Mei/ the arab flying rocket chick so fer

>>But when heroes never die **
File: cover.jpg (71 KB, 350x491) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 350x491
Sup boys
File: zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (8).png (256 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
zhrbejhrbtherbtber123DESU (8).png
256 KB, 700x600
>These threads sometimes
File: 1467786053100.jpg (29 KB, 500x592) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 500x592
i am not exactly sure what you're trying to say.
File: 200px-Sachi.png (71 KB, 200x332) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 200x332
>rattle rattle
File: Shizurusit2.jpg (240 KB, 425x600) Image search: [Google]
240 KB, 425x600
>Rattle rattle
Hi Sachi. What's up?
i claim kylo ren dressed as matt the radar techician
prime booty right there
Good waifu, anon. Much better than others.
File: asuka nude pantsu down.jpg (89 KB, 638x1050) Image search: [Google]
asuka nude pantsu down.jpg
89 KB, 638x1050
lo-pro overwatch claimu but thats besides the point

~rattle rattle
File: 1464977740782.png (221 KB, 827x1161) Image search: [Google]
221 KB, 827x1161
Nah reaper is best
File: asuka wow hot.jpg (68 KB, 324x243) Image search: [Google]
asuka wow hot.jpg
68 KB, 324x243
i mean the reaper comics are great but meme wise i have go to go with gremlin d-va shit is so cash . I cna't help but loving Mae so... chubby addict reporting i guess
>loving mei
Kill self now
File: 1467790461517.png (447 KB, 1480x3806) Image search: [Google]
447 KB, 1480x3806
Gremilin d.va is the worst meme.
File: asuka smacks the bitches.png (282 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
asuka smacks the bitches.png
282 KB, 640x480
>>QOTT: Anyone have an Occulus Rift? what is the best game?!1
File: devito_luve.gif (280 KB, 392x254) Image search: [Google]
280 KB, 392x254
clamed forever and allways
File: asuka almost an ass.jpg (274 KB, 1930x2500) Image search: [Google]
asuka almost an ass.jpg
274 KB, 1930x2500
I enjoy them immensely What Do?.
Hang self
File: sachii110.png (256 KB, 428x560) Image search: [Google]
256 KB, 428x560
>lewd rattle
Not much, just woke up
seems like my sleep schedule is semi-fixed
what down with you?
File: 1467787263655.jpg (458 KB, 650x935) Image search: [Google]
458 KB, 650x935
Kill yourself maybe?
File: floating asuka.png (242 KB, 341x1000) Image search: [Google]
floating asuka.png
242 KB, 341x1000
subtly acknowledging your rattlin dubs
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234 KB, 583x1654
Great minds think alike eh?
>also satan rattles
Time to try a carrier!
File: asuka drunk.gif (26 KB, 200x200) Image search: [Google]
asuka drunk.gif
26 KB, 200x200
Asuka would carry dat ***
File: tumblr_o0o17kLklO1r0h614o2_400.png (208 KB, 390x521) Image search: [Google]
208 KB, 390x521
I still cant play WoWs
File: QuickMemo+_2016-07-09-06-23-24.png (379 KB, 478x744) Image search: [Google]
379 KB, 478x744
U wot

RIP Rory

>I got sunk, they sent everything after me
Still playing MWO though. Might swap to LoL to try full tank Veigar
File: Hank Hill 11.jpg (22 KB, 476x358) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 11.jpg
22 KB, 476x358
What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "wew". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your big brother and you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives
You just unleashed a shitstorm. This diarrhea monsoon will wipe out your pathetic little existence. You will be bumrushed by my fury and you will need a prosthetic anus when I'm done with you, newfag.
File: 1467009875390.jpg (32 KB, 554x549) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 554x549
>diarrhea monsoon
Fukken kek
File: 1467810494375.png (23 KB, 369x270) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 369x270
Forgot pic
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84 KB, 595x708
Just the usual. Staying up too late doing nothing useful.
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163 KB, 234x316


Hello anon your taste is amaing.
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1009 KB, 1590x2205
Thread dying or just silent?
File: chibi (17).jpg (240 KB, 600x1007) Image search: [Google]
chibi (17).jpg
240 KB, 600x1007
I'm alive.
File: ShizuruPleased.png (1 MB, 1273x715) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1273x715
Yours is quite good too.
File: Hank Hill 3.jpg (13 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill 3.jpg
13 KB, 480x360
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158 KB, 294x354
Ausfag tomoko claimed
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315 KB, 1280x720

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27 KB, 300x169
What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "woo". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your auntie and uncle in belaire and you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives
You just unleashed a shitstorm. This diarrhea monsoon will wipe out your pathetic little existence. You will be bumrushed by my fury and you will need a prosthetic anus when I'm done with you, newfag.
File: 1455774231102.jpg (93 KB, 950x732) Image search: [Google]
93 KB, 950x732
You put a lot of effort in that shitpost
File: 1404754172953.jpg (879 KB, 1983x2535) Image search: [Google]
879 KB, 1983x2535
Though Lucia is still best girl.

What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "woo". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your auntie and uncle that you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your big brother and you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives
You just unleashed a shitstorm. This diarrhea monsoon will wipe out your pathetic little existence. You will be bumrushed by my fury and you will need a prosthetic anus when I'm done with you, newfag.
What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "wew". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your big brother and you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives
You just unleashed a shitstorm. This diarrhea monsoon will wipe out your pathetic little existence. You will be bumrushed by my fury and you will need a prosthetic anus when I'm done with you, newfag.
File: Shizuruandplaguechan.jpg (540 KB, 1950x1200) Image search: [Google]
540 KB, 1950x1200
No way. Shizuru is obviously the better girl.
File: 1404766220479.jpg (282 KB, 924x1079) Image search: [Google]
282 KB, 924x1079
I think we might have to agree to disagree!

All of the Rewrites are good girls though.
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chibi (12).jpg
204 KB, 600x1200
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61 KB, 300x360
It's quiet here.
File: shizuruandplaguechanfight.jpg (177 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
177 KB, 1280x720
I think they're adding a route for Kagari.
I hope it's as good as the rest of the routes. But I also hope she isn't good enough to make me want to change waifus. Lol
File: chen47.gif (119 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
119 KB, 500x500
File: calm.png (2 MB, 3840x2160) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3840x2160
Yea. What ya up to today Sanae?
File: 1466729509634.png (111 KB, 398x320) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 398x320
What a clever and well thought out response. You fag, wasting internet and precious data with a "KONGO-DESU!". Do you think your funny? Your not, just hang yourself. You are the cancer killing /b/. You always open the door, get on the floor, and you're mom got scared so she sent you to live with your big brother and you try to fuck him even though he doesn't want you. You will be the sole survivor of your family. I will murder and rape all your female relatives and castrate (both fucking heads) your male relatives
You just unleashed a shitstorm. This diarrhea monsoon will wipe out your pathetic little existence. You will be bumrushed by my fury and you will need a prosthetic anus when I'm done with you, newfag.
>kongo desu
File: Homura (195).jpg (64 KB, 606x1024) Image search: [Google]
Homura (195).jpg
64 KB, 606x1024
Ahh Frankie Sinatra.
File: tmp_32501-4M4-1646685509.png (295 KB, 696x509) Image search: [Google]
295 KB, 696x509
Used to do that as a kid.

Was supposed to work the morning shift today, but it'd seem that they have enough people. So I woke up early for no reason. 3 hours of sleep only.

How about you?
File: Ruri858.jpg (200 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
200 KB, 600x800
File: Kirino Ruri [3].jpg (92 KB, 718x600) Image search: [Google]
Kirino Ruri [3].jpg
92 KB, 718x600
4 DDs down in literally 3 minutes. How does one be THAT bad?
File: i'm black.jpg (2 MB, 2300x3500) Image search: [Google]
i'm black.jpg
2 MB, 2300x3500
Humdrum boredom. Maybe a little bit of Overwatch. Listening to some music.
Hank hill would kick your ass for posting him in a shit thread like this
Shiro check what i found on rule 34
File: chen154.jpg (206 KB, 850x1133) Image search: [Google]
206 KB, 850x1133


Captcha: Select all imaged with Frank Sinatra.


Huh. I used to do that too.
File: swimming.png (291 KB, 481x507) Image search: [Google]
291 KB, 481x507
well hello shiro! mavis claimed.

>inb4 mavis is garbage
File: beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg (126 KB, 850x638) Image search: [Google]
beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
126 KB, 850x638
Holy fuck that's a lot of shit in one picture. I don't know how you stumbled upon cookie monster hentai, but I digress.
Hello Mavis. Any plans for the weekend?
File: thanks it's stolen.jpg (82 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
thanks it's stolen.jpg
82 KB, 300x300
yesterday i did some exercises, and today i'm going to play chess. you got any plans for the weekend?
File: Homura (89).jpg (680 KB, 1447x2235) Image search: [Google]
Homura (89).jpg
680 KB, 1447x2235
So this is the magic of plunderphonics. Did you get to try wildflower again?
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99 KB, 228x390
Mavis is trash
File: hmm....jpg (32 KB, 667x321) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 667x321
Sit around doing nothing. I lost my passion or whatever for running.
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124 KB, 589x600
Como va?
No clue.
Va'ch mi?
Out of nowhere like usual.
That background theme sounds so familiar.

I can't stop listening to this one since I found it.
We were weird.

hey at least i'm not a nigger
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2 MB, 1847x2922
Ah, yup. Kagari is cute but not super fond of her.
File: Kirino [374].png (178 KB, 500x430) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [374].png
178 KB, 500x430
Been busy with guests really, they don't know when to leave, kek.
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horny edgy teen gets lewd.jpg
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Checkmate, athiests
File: Homura (30).png (3 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Homura (30).png
3 MB, 1920x1080
Very nice, as I said it has some really strong dark ambient tracks, and I'm really happy that you enjoy them, might show you some other dark ambient artists some day. But the magic in SH albums comes from the diversity and the occasional rock song thrown in there to tie everything together.
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