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Which is the One True Religion? Atheism or Christianity? Since
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Thread replies: 181
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Which is the One True Religion? Atheism or Christianity? Since we all know the sandnigger nor the asian religions are true.
Atheism isn't a religion nor a belief. It's the lack of belief in a deity.
Mormonism FTW!
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Where's the proof?
This may be the single dumbest fucking post ever by an OP

Atheist do not belong to a religion. That's the whole point you dim mother's cunt.
Your level of intelligence is a major disappointment
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you know the big bang is a theory not a religion you dumbfuck. i am dissapoint anon...
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Believing something without proof relies on faith.
That doesn't make it a religion. Where did you do your learning and why did you decide to stop?
Lol, but most likely true.
Religion: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

Sounds like atheism.
Well, it does make it a religion. I think you meant to argue that it's not an organized religion. Easy mistake.
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The same reason I think atheism is bullshit. Group mentality.
>supports our troops
Only weak patriot fags 'support the troops'.
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even if god were to exist, he wouldt be worthy of praise nor respect.
A shitty life is better than no life.
Or spelling...
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Atheism is not a belief, it is lack thereof. Atheism is not a religion, and atheism does not infer to the belief in the Big Bang Theory nor the acceptance of evolution etc.

Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded
if ur an atheist yall better know about tiamat, nibiru, dark star, ceres, sumeria, the old galaxy formation etc
That's the thing -- we aren't believing in any of the god claims. Get rid of the idea that atheists say "THERE IS NO GOD" and replace that with the explanation that there is no valid reason to believe any of the god claims. It's a lack of belief. There's no faith required in order to reject ridiculous claims.
> does not infer to
Idiot, you don't even know how to use the word infer.

Atheism is a belief, namely the belief that there is no God. Idiot.
That's not the definition of religion.

It's a belief in a god or group of gods.

Wow, the stupidity here is astounding
a shitty life is a life of begging for a better life from a being that does not exist
Get a dictionary, bro
>Get rid of the idea that atheists say "THERE IS NO GOD"
You're thinking of agnosticism, dumbfuck.

A (not, negation)
Theo (God, divine)
Ism (belief)

Dear god, the junior high morons need to go back to summer.
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no atheism=anti theism <.<

its the lack of belief. not the belief of no god or wutever u skullraped monkey
stop trying to define atheism for atheists, faggot
we'll tell you what it means
it means we reject your bullshit, it's that simple
saying "there is no god" is going another step beyond atheism into its own subcategory of atheism, but atheism in the broadest sense is a rejection of god claims
>Doesn't understand atheism's core tenets
>Doesn't understand that anti-belief is still a belief
>Doesn't understand that atheism's anti-belief is single-mindedly focused on Abrahamic religions
>Thus atheism is based on anti-belief, its acting principles are the same as religions, and thus it can be classified as a religion
But wait:
>Hurt durr y'all retarded cuz u no understand durrrr
Fuck off back to school, young'un.
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
>implying a false, made up definition of religion matter.

A religion is a particular system of faith, moron.
ITT: people don't know what atheism means, but still feel like being smug about commenting on it
yeah, retard
no god belief
it's not "belief there's no god"
it's "don't have a god belief"
you fucking wrote it yourself
Feminism is the one true religion.

No. No atheism=no anti-theism.

Learn how to not negative incorrectly.
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ITT: religitards successfully trolling atheists

Irony: religious people are so stupid you can never truly tell when they are trolling
Sandniggers are Asian you stupid fuck, where the fuck did you think Iraq was, Australia?
I'm agnostic.
Which is another religion.
You sir are an idiot.

My definition was quoted from webster.
This thread is full of dumbfucks
Stupid op will result in stupider replies
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Anyone who argues over the semantics of atheism or agnosticism or religion is autistic. And calling yourself agnostic means you're a pussy. Just pick one: do you believe there is a sky wizard or not?
cool, i guess being a democrat/republican is a religion too then
pretty much every ideology can be a religion under that definition, making it fucking useless
good job tho
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i forgot a period in there. its meant to be No. Atheism=antitheism <.<
Celestia and Luna made the earth, yo'
makes perfect sense.
>mental gymnastics
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>off by one
Good job leaving out the first definition but all the other definitions there back up exactly what I said as well
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There is no God
This is it
Try to be kind and...
OP is a faggot
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nice dubs
he got dubs so you know he is right kys fgt
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Yes, atheism is a religion.
What about it?
Doesn't make it any less true.
Religious People are not stupid, the best religious people are skeptic. I dont speaking about masses, but it's better for them being religious than tumblr-tier-atheists. the world was built by religion people, look religion inspired art and atheist art, for example.
yo, man, just be people, don't matter what you believe in, just that you dont suck
Knock knock
Yeah, never mind the whole, "Thou shalt not make any graven image" thingy. Art? Religion has stifled art, science and medicine. Fuck you in the eye with a power tool
Who's there?
Without reading the thread i think 'Cognitive dissonance' is what youre looking for OP
God who?
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Godda go fast
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i personally think people without a religion are more open minded making them more intelligent. but them tumblr fags deserve to be gassed for taking the average IQ of the population down by 30
>gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
The vast majority of people are religious use your brain
the vast majority of people are also stupid
most stupid people are dumb
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This thread needs a Hitch Slap
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Checked those trips.
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I can prove God exists.

It says so in the Bible.

Where is your proof, atheists?

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>supports isis
More like fuck muslims but whatever
I think that of religon in general
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Nice circular reasoning. "It's true because it says it's true"
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I'm not defending religious people I'm just saying that's why so many accomplishments are accredited to them
Islam is the one and true region.
I think everyone is wrong, and it doesnt matter anyways, because whether you recognize god or not he saves you unless you willingly commit atrocities with no moral basis and he's like, best not take that one.
I believe that as well. It supports veganism, which is nice, and it originally supported feminism too before it was modified by misogynistic men. It is the kindest and most peaceful religion.
Why I'm agnostic? I mean everything is retarded, but possible.
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>taking the bait
Is it possible that my penis is currently inside your asshole?
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But that napkin was not written by God
Being religious does you no favors. Not even once.
>not a sandnigger religion
Please stop jr. A- prefix meaning away. Thei- god.
Ism- belief.

Atheists believe there isn't a god or any gods.

Agnostics aren't sure that there is a god, don't see any proof but won't claim there isn't anything.
that's nice, but you're a retard
Unfortunately most atheists still believe there is no God.

You tried to lump them in with Free Thinkers. Most atheists are not Free Thinks doh.
agnostics simply do not care, because it does not affect their life either way
And you know that for the same reason that you know your holy book was written by God? Your religion is the only true religion because your book says so. Don't you see the similarity there?
Thats why im antithiest
Fuck religon in general
>whether you recognize god or not he saves you unless you willingly commit atrocities with no moral basis and he's like, best not take that one.
Yeah that's like literally not how any of that works.
Dude Most Atheists still hold onto beliefs.

Stop trying to paint them as Free Thinkers. Most Atheists couldn't fart there way out of a wet paper bag.
Ffffuck that
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Just because we have morals doesnt mean we hold onto beliefs
>Which is the One True Religion?

First you have to prove your OTR even exists.
god does exist
something had to give everything a start, beginning
it doesn't have to be a sentient being
it doesn't have to still be around
but that something that pushed everything in those first moments
that is god
noun: atheist; plural noun: atheists
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods

Agnostics are basically the lack of a religion, since any can really happen. Basically, we don't give a single fuck.
God doesnt exist because you couldnt prove a god was there to start the events
agnostics ftw
what the fuck do you mean "still hold onto beliefs"? which beliefs? certainly not religious ones, which is what this discussion is about. i obviously didn't try to say atheists dont believe ANYTHING about ANYTHING
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Y'all niggas need DMT.
>cant separate what one believes with what one knows.

but you cant prove that god isnt real either
its just one of those things
how does an event start if nothing triggers it?
first you have to prove everything hasn't always existed in some form
no reason to assert it was created
inb4 your mind explodes
You have no proof
Of a sky wizard
Id imagine you thing the earth is 6mil years old too
claiming to know that there is no god is just as absurd as claiming to know there is one
the big bang theory itself suggests a beginning
whatever triggered it
that is god
you already fucked up you fucking retard! how many times do we fucking have to tell you that atheism IS NOT A RELIGION! it is the lack of religion! it literally means a person has no religion! sincerely go fuck youreself! and btw you completely dont understand anything about the big bang or science in general. were you fucking homeschooled by mormons?
but what created physics?
If that was true then i hope the god died in the explosion because fuckem

This is not an accurate representation of Atheism. There are large christian groups that believe the big bang was what god did when he said "let there be light", bla bla bla

You're confusing the issues.

Big bang does not equal atheism.
so if you have an outlandish claim with no evidence, the default position is to withhold belief until valid evidence is presented, not to believe in it "just in case" or because it feels good or you're scared of hell... that's what retards do
What created god
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this hot pony bitch
no, the big bang theory doesn't say the universe was created at the big bang... it simply describes where/when the expansion of matter began. the matter could've existed forever and there could definitely be other big bangs happening elsewhere. don't be so simple minded.
thats why im agnostic. anything could have created the universe, just some have more evidence. look up "last thursdayism" it could be true, but its so outlandish that it probably isn't.
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a god² esque event
Fucking what
Does that mean there is like
A god^3 and a god^4 in this
>since we all know sandnigger relgions aren't true
ok i declare the bait to be taken take this (you)
infinite gods, infinite universes, one day we will be the next god.
congratulations on being the biggest faggot possible
nobody cares what your definition of atheism/agnosticism is
for all practical meaning of the word, anyone who doesn't believe in a god or gods is an atheist, including you "agnostics"
isn't creation a paradox though because if you say anything like "god created the universe" or "the big bang created the universe", then something had to create god or something had to create physics which triggered the big bang. and then something had to create what created those physics and so on.
confirmed retard
Please end me
theistfags will just pull their "magic" card and say god exists outside of space and time, aka special pleading fallacy
"anyone who doesn't believe in a god or gods is an atheist"
but agnostics believe that there could be a god, so thats proving your point wrong
but they don't currently believe in a god, proving my point correct, dumbfuck
atheists are open to evidence of a god if it's even fucking remotely valid
THats incorrect. Agnostics leave open the possibility that a god may exist, whereas Atheists don't.
Simple difference between atheists and agnostics:
Ask agnostics if god exists:
"I don't know."
Ask atheists if god exists:
unfortunately you are a fucking retard.
>atheists are open to evidence of a god if it's even fucking remotely valid
>Not in my experience they're not
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so you support isis then, traitor?
You can support neither you brainwashed murri'cuck
so basically, jesus is an alien? becuase thats mormonism...also mormons dont believe in aliens. so mormons are retarded hypocrites
you just goofed, anon. no going back for you now
isis are eliminating religious people
isnt that a good thing?
Christianity isn't the only religion out there
but it is the only one that's actually true
They kill anyone who isn't a radical muslim so no not exactly
but if we became radical muslims too we would be safe?
atheism isn't a religion though
>created everything
>not worth praise
I feel like atheism is an excuse for knowitalls to be even bigger assholes then they already are by critiquing other people's lives and beliefs that they dedicate their entire lives too following beliefs that make them happy and give them hope in a pretty shitty world that once they die they don't just rot in the ground but go to a better place
the very question of the existense of god is totally irrelevant and should be not wasted time upon.
You already exist, the world around you already exists. If you would discover the truth and thus know whether or not god exists, nothing would change. You'd continue existing, the world would cotinue existing and god would also continue to exist or not to exist. What's the diference? Would you cease to be an asshole if you were certain of the existence of god? I don't think so... many true believers are extreme assholes.
Youd blow yourself up no
but if everyone was radical muslims, we would have no enemies and no need to blow up
Since humanity invented the gods, it has been busy fighting over which of 'em is the right one.
If not religion, then we'll fight over politics, if not politics then we'll fight over race, if not race, then gender, if not gender then what street we live on etc. etc.

Believe what you want to believe, just don't shove it down other people's throats.
but if god existed, that would mean magic exists, which would mean hogwarts here i come
how about i shove my penis down your throat instead fgt
homosexuality is a religion
so no
>You already exist, the world around you already exists
>falling for existentialism meme
atheists are pro-state leftists who supports cucking, lgbt, niggers & 420-blaze-it-faggotry..

i'm rather labeled as an intolerant, racist asshole who believes in an figment of my own imagination than a beta-male atheist who shoves dragon dildos up the ass as an hobby.
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Y'all niggas need nihilism.
whats that?
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neither was the bible or any other book for that matter
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Why isn't Eru Illuvitar listed on the list? He's my God.
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thats the definition of theism you idiot.

you are retarded, athiesm isn't a religion. The reason should be fucking obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Athiesm can co-inside with religion perfectly fine and has, Same with superstition and various other delusional crazy metaphysical BS. Homeopathy, chiropractory, the list goes on. Athiesm isn't a religion because it's a fucking tennant or belief, like thou shalt not kill. It's not a fucking religion because it's not a fucking system. A religion is a system of beliefs and practices. Athiesm is one belief and no practice. there are plenty of athiests who are religious or practice things that could be defined as such, but to say that athiesm itself is a religion is retarded. I'm the devil so trust me when I say you don't know your asshole from your elbow.
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