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ITT: We fight over which Miss Teen USA is best looking by State
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Thread replies: 184
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ITT: We fight over which Miss Teen USA is best looking by State - Swimsuit edition! Alphabetical order.

49 States - Alaska + Washington, DC.
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Is anyone lurking?
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Hate the lack of tits. AZ n CA looking good.
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Unfortunately none of them have a very huge set of tits

Remember that Miss Teen USA is 15-19 y/o
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she looks to old to be a teen

ugly face

best so far
Indiana 10/10 wow
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I dunno why the system is saying Louisiana is a duplicate file that already exists. I'll get back to it I guess
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Judging from the lack of tits, when they say "teen" they must mean "thirteen."
kansas ftw so far
you got Mich?
oh gawwwd 10/10
I don't have much respect for the south, but so far in this thread, I think the best looking girls have come from the south and Midwest. I guess hillbillies grow beautiful women.
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All 50 states minus Alaska plus the District of Columbia
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Kansas and Maine for me so far.
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post south carolina pls

maine looks the best
the swimsuit wont be in future miss teen usa

Thank you feminist and Muslims.
11/10 You betcha!
Mass, Minn, Miss for me.
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Mississippi might be the overall winner for me

And yes, southern states are usually the hottest. Always been that way

That's why I'm celebrating it now. Because liberal cucks hijacked it
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They're in alphabetical order
arizona and maine are the only two worth anything
the rest are generic twig cunts
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Oof, Delaware... Looking rough
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Missouri is disgusting!

Kansas definitely the best so far
Lineups like these make me appreciate "Barely Legal."
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Backtracking to Louisiana if the system lets me post it
go ahead you can have her
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why do none of them have tits/ass
10. Hottest so far
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This one, I like this one
haha thanks man
Nigga post faster
Yasss i knew she'd be fine
She got a vag in her armit
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Land of Enchantment moves to the top of my list.
oh god she looks busted.
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This one is disappointing. There's a fuckload of better looking girls than this, shit look at that bulge may be a tranny
I like this one
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I remember when this pageant used to be a beauty contest.

Clearly using a different set of standards now. Beauty isn't one of them.
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Being from north dakota, i can say there are worse in this list
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swear to god, none of them look that great. and why so many niggers?
I'm just ready for Texas
New York and California are disappointing
The great thing about this contest is teen trannies who have just started mones can feel they have a chance to win.
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OP is from Pennsylvania and has to apologize for this one in advance. Please... I know how gross it is...
Ha! She looks retarded
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New Hampshire

can't decide
>>wheres the jew gold...
Sweet Baby White Jesus Christ Kansas wins QED

Jesus Christ! Them Quakers are ass ugly!
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Blonde girl from mississippi? Bet she will have a black baby.
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Indiana!!! Waddup girl!

Wtf we all know Muslim men are some of the biggest dogs. They love this shit
Wrist one so far. Get your shit together Missouri.
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rhode island is a state?
my fav
And a dissapointment from Texas....

no dumbass, it's an island
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Are you fuckin dumb? It's only popular for being the smallest state geographically
nEW mExIcO IS murica?
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kansas or south carolina. but damn, ain't no prize winners amongst em
How to me Miss Teen USA:

1. Have parents rich enough to pay your way through the various levels to get there. Probablyl $75-100K at that point.

2. Be totally outgoing and personable.

3. Be very thin and fit

4. Be at least a 5/10 for looks with clear skin.

That's it.

southern states are the hottest indeed
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Utah has it so far, hands down
think i see a cawk
she has the face of a 40 year old
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Rename this contest "Miss A-Cup USA."
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Goddammit Ohio! Get your fucking shit together...
I change my vote to this. I like this more.
wow your standards are abyssmal. I was about to post that she's a butterface
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It's all that lead in the water
This, jesus christ where are the beebws?
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CREEPY, extremely creepy thread
I'd say Maine
I'm ok with that.
hoping for wyoming
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Then fuck right off you cuntbitch. Post your tits BTW
OK Utah I see you
hey op, open a poll so we all can vote and see the results
can they all lose?
"a girl has no tits"
Dude I just solved 50 fuckin captchas. I'm not about to type every single state into a strawpoll kek
yeah, i'm curious how low the standards actually are at /b/
Being someone from Utah, most of the women here are attractive so an average girl here is a 7 most other places.
If 4chan were judges: "tits or gtfo"
Ay, mis kekes.
>not showing feet
How can we choose like that? Why even wear bikini?
nice c-section scar Utah
too bad you guys didn't send one of those girls to the teen ager pagent
miss chin USA
Why come dez bitches ain't got no big tits?
They should just relax, any teen girl is gorgeous an adorable
>45 years old reporting
What the fuck is wrong with her face
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What the hell kind of beauty contest was this? None were very "pretty".
That's all there is m8
One of these preferably Mississippi.
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Ccccombo brraker.... well not really
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black chicks.jpg
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really Georgia? pic related
As a guy with a fondness for Mormon girls myself, I agree.

LDS was smart when they said "Bring 'Em Young."
BUMP for this

open poll
Arizona by a landslide.
i see she has Brad Pitts Jowels
American teens are really this ugly ? In Poland like 10 out of 15 girls in my class are goddess compared to them. But they say Polish women are beautiful.
these are okay.

why are almost all of them so fucking HIDEOUS?? Theres much better girls randomly walking on the street, if they cant actually get hot girls for this bullshit competition then they should just stop doing it.
eh, i expected worse being from south dakota
>tfw not a single redhead
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I was gonna call you gay but then the short hair and lack of tits made me question my own sexuality. Still would bang tbh
Does that mean their tits might be bigger now?
>no 4chan gold account

fucking normie
Rhode Island is shit skin now?
She's ugly, nothing wrong though
Fuck you.

She's fucking gorgeous and not the standard "super tanned, cancerous bimbo bitch". She looks like she'd actually be fun to hang with, and chat, and fuck for hours.
See op? The people wants the poll, do it fagit!
This anon is a mind reader.
Why are they wearing bras?
They have no tits.
Yeah. And that's not OK.
Ill take any of the southern belles but louisianna is by far my favorite.
Jesus christ, half of them aren't as beautiful as the average swedish woman and most of them are obviously not teenagers, amedica you suck.
Arizona & Mississippi tied for 1st place
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It's a sad day for humanity when "pageants" tell girls like this one they're not beautiful.
Even better
These are pageant babies, not normal people. They were made in labs to create the most beautiful girls, but science hasn't advanced enough to do it properly, so they are stuck in the uncanny valley. You can tell they are supposed to look good, but something is inherently off-putting about them.
well at least she has SOME tits, many of the others dont
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So alabama has the best face. South dakota the only nice body.
Her hairline starts at her occipital ridge, so yeah
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