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>Go to shamchat.com >Make your character "Gary&qu
Images are sometimes not shown due to bandwidth/network limitations. Refreshing the page usually helps.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 137
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>Go to shamchat.com
>Make your character "Gary"
>Say "Haha, Gary!"
>Make people think they're connecting to the same Gary everytime

Shamchat is basically Omegle but for roleplayers (aka faggots)
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Haha, Gary!
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Bumping for curiousity
doing this rn its pretty hilarious
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This is a conversation between President Gary and yourself, Gary.
President Gary: Hey I am Gary
President Gary: I am you but a president
Gary: Like obama but not a nigger
President Gary: Yeah bye
President Gary has left the conversation.
Ay lmao
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Lel 1/2
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OP here Shamchat name is Gary 32
when u meet a brother http://www.shamchat.com/8309cb1e/
Kek, this was me
We have achieved it brothers only garies remain.
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Some Garys are just plain rude
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found this dude too lmao http://www.shamchat.com/cc4d6822/
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This is a conversation between Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) and yourself, Gary 32.
Gary 32: Haha, Gary
Gary 32: Haha, Gary!
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : TF DIDN'T I JUST TALK TO U
Gary 32: Haha, Gary
Gary 32: Haha, Gary
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : FUCKING SAY SOMETHING ELSE
Gary 32: Gary!
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : LIKE TITS, PUSSY IDK
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : CAUSE YUP
Gary 32: Kek
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : kek?
Gary 32: Newfag
Gary 32: Kys.
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : *kills you*
Gary 32: Hang yourself on google hangouts
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : Fine I will
Gary 32: Fucking kill yourself nig
Gary 32: Do it
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : Suicidal I am
Gary 32: Stream it
Gary 32: Kill yourself
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : How about I do my pole that holds my clothes in my closet
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : I'll hand myself there
Gary 32: Do it
Gary 32: Kek
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : Okay thanks for telling me, it's a federal offense to tell a suicidal person to kill them self
Gary 32: Mk
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : Actually anyone but u won't get caught
Satan's daughter (Big boobs, long black hair, ivory skin, 5'1, white eyes, 17) : Cause u will be apart of the reason for my death
Gary 32: Ke
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This nigger knows http://www.shamchat.com/7d1a8899/ xD
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Love you Gary <3
Dear the guy who said 'god speed, anon <3' I love you and I hope we meet again.
BFFs now
Based Anon <3
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I've talked with him too.
This is a conversation between A Slutty Milf (D-cup, Bubble butt, wearing yoga pants, and a tank top, red hair in a bun) and yourself, Gary.
A Slutty Milf (D-cup, Bubble butt, wearing yoga pants, and a tank top, red hair in a bun) has left the conversation.

Only person not called Gary
Much love Gary <3
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http://www.shamchat.com/4ab2a2e5/ He knows
No Gary, I promise: Haha, Gary!
No Gary, I promise: Haha, no Gary! I promise
Rufio: my name is rufio
No Gary, I promise: Hi Gary
No Gary, I promise: Are you a pirate?
Rufio: i kill pirates
No Gary, I promise: Yes? I'm the king of the pirates, Gary
No Gary, I promise: Haha, Gary!
Rufio: gary was tongue fucked peoples fartboxes, thats not me
No Gary, I promise: I thought you could be Gary, i saw more than 30 Garys this morning
This is a conversation between No Gary, I promise and yourself, Rufio.
No Gary, I promise: Haha, Gary!
No Gary, I promise: Haha, no Gary! I promise
Rufio: my name is rufio
No Gary, I promise: Hi Gary
No Gary, I promise: Are you a pirate?
Rufio: i kill pirates
No Gary, I promise: Yes? I'm the king of the pirates, Gary
No Gary, I promise: Haha, Gary!
Rufio: gary was tongue fucked peoples fartboxes, thats not me
No Gary, I promise: I thought you could be Gary, i saw more than 30 Garys this morning
Rufio: you spend too much time on 4chan
No Gary, I promise has left the conversation.
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Okay btards time for new raid take a vote Omegal or different Shamchat?
what should we do
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Omegle fags
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Come back soon bby
Raid time
>Go to Omegle
>Set all our names as SKELETOR
Keep an eye out new thread coming in.
You don't set names on omegal fucktard.
New plan:
Go here
Pass: gary
We copy and paste Gary conversation starters, I predict this will really annoy willie and jasmin
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God dam it I was just getting hard
This is a conversation between Gary and yourself, Gary.
Gary: Haha, Gary!
Gary: Haha gary!
Gary: Haha, Gary!
Gary: Haha gary
Gary: u fucking autist copy paste it
Gary: Haha gary?
just had a great conversation with this Gary http://www.shamchat.com/4e56343d/
Sieg Heil! Haha Gary!
Also blue Gary is a samefag.
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oh shit that was me
I was looking to see if you posted haha
this is awesome
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Haha, Gary!
was adolf gary necessary?
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Haha, Gary! ;)
We've fuming won I've been in like 10 chats now all left and raged away
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Haha, Gary! ;o
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just fucking kill me
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i got him too
i told him about the snapchat
he for some reason thought "4 chanel" was a place to share rape tactics
Fucking niceee
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>the might hack you
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this was a cool guy, kept on forever
Beware, I'm hacking you right now. I'm using the 4chan API to access the dubs and infiltrate trips.exe on your hdd. next satanic trips make your PC raided.
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>nevar forget rape of nanking
Noice, I was Patrick.

i quit this nonsense it was fun for now. bye anons and patrick
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To the German I just had that great talk about Scotland: Sorry I messed up my tasks and lost the convo:S Anyway, great to talk to you mate.
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Ascii says "get off /b/"
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Fucking kek
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More keks
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Change the name to pat
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Think I found a fucking bananafag
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all they know from 4chan is
>tits or gtfo
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Top kek
This is how you faggets spend your time? I remember when raids were actually worth while
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not gary.jpg
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Doing this again? Sweet, it's usually pretty fun

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We should omegle femenists and be fucking trigger a bitch
I'm all ears?
Put your money where your mouth is and make a worth while raid, faggot.
http://www.shamchat.com/e52d9c7c/ What a fag
You fucker
was connected to him several times
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Is there a new thread
That me
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Fed up of spamming Gary related content now.
Anybody got any new ideas?
We should raid omegle and chat feminists and trigger some bitches
>Gary: hi
Superchick: you´re annoying
>Gary: no it's not me..I swear
>Gary: I/m the real deal
Superchick: Really ? like there´s two >Gary´s ?
Superchick: Man, this is real shit in here
>Gary: ahh coolness..wanna r/p
Superchick: Sure
>Gary: *sitting down comfortable, arms behind my head, drinking tea awating the arrival of V...
Superchick: *walks in, greeting one of waitresses, close friend of mine* Hey, Lis, good to see you too. No, I got something, but maybe later. *walks to you, unamused poker faced* Sam ?
>Gary: slowly Look up to see who it is. Dying to see the face that matched that sexy voice from the phonecall. When my eyes meet the beautiful eyes of the woman, I feel my mouth suddenly go dry. She's absolutely gorgeous and I like the way she fills out her top.
>Gary: H..hi..
Superchick: *rolls eyes* keep dreaming, cause that´s not gonna happen *sits* So, what did you wanted to talk about ?
>Gary: "Wow!" Sam thinks to himself, sucking in his breath just by the mere sight of her...
Superchick: Hey, Earth to Sam *waves hand in front of your face*
>Gary: we need to go somewhere private...we can't talk here...
Superchick: *shots you wild look* Seriously ? Now you sound like total pervert if you can hear yourself.
>Gary: Listen, it's not safe...We need to leave...NOW
Superchick: Wha- *plate just flies by and I duck under the table* What the freaking hell ?!!
>Gary: Dodges a plate himself...Oh no! It's happening sooner than I thought!..*Locking eyes with her, and in one quick move, he scoops V up into his strong arms. She is surprised, she wraps her arms around his neck tightly. She loved the sudden exhilaration of being slightly overpowered.
"I won't let anything happen to you"
Superchick: What a prince... Let´s get outta here, something tells me that plates are not the only thing flying by
- to be continued
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>Gary: Turns to leave with v but gets hit square in the jaw..a plate or something else?...didn't see it comeing...everything is going bright...white...sounds fading...where's that super strength when you need it...no..I'm passing out...
Superchick: *screams and covers everything in strange light*
>Gary: Could have blocked it with telekenisis but I can't control that yet..
>Gary: Wow...we're actually shielded? Who is doing this?!?
Superchick: *shaking violently I send the bust in the way that plates came from* Stand up, we have to go *tries to get you on your feet*
>Gary: Sees right through the brave poker face you're putting on and musters all available strength...by Azazel...I can do this....
Superchick: *we stand up, holding onto each other we stumble out of café* I have no idea what was the plate thing. Care to explain ? I think it´s the right time.
>Gary: I'll try..It's complicated Sam says..still in a daze...here: Fishes car keys out of jacket pocket...you'll have to drive..
Superchick: *snatches the keys* Yeah, you look like vampire with your pale face. Where´s the car ?
>Gary: "just a a short walk..oh here it is.. Let’s go back to your place.”
Superchick: *unlocks the car and sets you on seat near driver, then gets the driver´s seat and starts the car*
>Gary: Well...the plate thing...I guess it goes back to my father..and my b..my friend...I don't want to talk about the past..but we do need to talk about keeping you safe..
Superchick: *drives home* And how come that you are suddenly caring about little me ? Okay, sure, plates flaing by and stuff, but how do you know ?
>Gary: I have a confession to male
>Gary: *make
Superchick: say it, I think i can manage it without problem *keeps driving*
- to be continued
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>Gary: I...um...I....stars fill my vision...things fade to black...Sam passes out from the blow to the chin earlier...totally out cold...
Superchick: You knock-outed yourself somehow. With usage of... air ? *sees you are unconcious again* Oh, well *time skip, my home, you lie on bed while I sit on nearby chair*
>Gary: *Sam is dreaming : I'm startled by a silhouette coming nearer. The ghostly form of v..
>Gary: Sam is still dreaming: I sit up quickly, and before I have time to speak, you are upon me. Just as quickly you are transformed from vapor to an almost-solid mass, sitting astride me.,,
>Gary: Sam is still dreaming: When I feel the touch of you in my dreams it feels like sparkling orbs
Superchick: *I fall asleep, waiting for you to wake is exhausting*
>Gary: It is now a shared dream: The ghostly figure of v is still sitting astride me...It is only then I that I allow myself to look at your naked body...it is surrounded by the strange light from the cafe where we met.... My initial confusion is replaced with a burning desire as I look at you. My eyes lock onto yours as we move closer. Now I can smell your scent and my senses are like a puzzle unfolding before me....
Superchick: *I step closer, feeling the warmth of your body, but something else also*
>Gary: Haha, Gary
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>> frick
Found that guy http://www.shamchat.com/f5516f6a/
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send more gary
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Dat me
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This is a conversation between A 13 year old girl (can do any kinds of roleplays) and yourself, Gary.
Gary: Haha, Gary!
Gary: Wow hold up
Gary: You're disgusting
A 13 year old girl (can do any kinds of roleplays) : XD depresing girl is lokking for you
Gary: Why are you RPing as a 13 year old
Gary: that's fucked up dude
A 13 year old girl (can do any kinds of roleplays) : Becus i am 13
Gary: Let's roleplay World war 2
Gary: The end times of hitler
A 13 year old girl (can do any kinds of roleplays) : .........
A 13 year old girl (can do any kinds of roleplays) has left the conversation.
Let's troll some landwhales
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Oddly good read.
Well done anon.
Maybe more effort than kek, but good read all the same.
Is this what people actually do on shamchat then or are you just am escaped /b/tard?
Landwhales sounds like a good idea
It's Perverted Justice working with Kris (Mmmbop) Hanson.
My conversation
This is a conversation between Alex(f,shy,grey eyes,new transfer student,5'2",17,rp,you start) and yourself, Gary.
Gary: Haha Gary
Gary: Gary Haha
Alex(f,shy,grey eyes,new transfer student,5'2",17,rp,you start): Thanks for the insult lol I'll add it to my list
Gary: Haha Gary
Alex(f,shy,grey eyes,new transfer student,5'2",17,rp,you start) has left the conversation.
This is a conversation between Gary and Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter).
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I slowly begin to unbutton my tan coat with the infamous Nazi symbol on the right arm of it. It's so deliciously sinful. I fully remove the coat and throw it on the cum-stained floor. In doing so, I reveal my chest hair, shaped like a Swastika.
Gary: I stab you to death with my kike nose.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): ...screamed the man in what appeared to be an attempt to make him stop. To no avail, of course.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I start to remove a brown belt which was beforehand shrouded by the tan coat. Whilst doing this, I do not take my eyes off you once.
Gary: Fuck off hitler. You sexy beast.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I get out of the tan pants, which, perfectly matched the coat. All that's left is a Nazi Themed G-String.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): (Cough)
Gary: I pull down my tattered consentration camp jew rags and reveal a jew star tatto just above my genitals.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I take the G-String off, revealing my throbbing Austrian cock.
Gary: I stare in wonder.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): ''Are you ready?''
Gary: "Ravish me mei fuher."
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I place you on the edge of what looks like a King-sized Bed in the back of the room. I stand at the edge of the bed and grab your ankles and lift your legs up. I then spit on my cock to lube it, and then penetrate you.
Gary: I moan a load sustained moan.
Gary: "I feel like my insides are being ripped out."
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): I thrust into you over and over, and after 10 minutes, I cum.
Gary: Just put me in the ovens please i beg of you.
Gary: I feel violated.
Adolf Hitler (SRP - Starter): ''That's the point.''
Escaped b/tard...haha I tried throwing her off with the sam thing..Next one will be more kek.
You continued this right?
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This is a conversation between Louie the tool (I write poems) and yourself, Gary.
Gary: Haha, Gary!
Louie the tool (I write poems): fuck u
Louie the tool (I write poems) has left the conversation.
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This is a conversation between Jack (m, sky blue hair, grey eyes, gay, wearing a flower crown) and yourself, Gary.
Gary: Haha, Gary!
Jack (m, sky blue hair, grey eyes, gay, wearing a flower crown): Fuck you
this one was gold:

This is a conversation between Kay (MCR Trash) and yourself, Yrag.
Kay (MCR Trash): hi
Yrag: hi there
Yrag: what's my name backwards ?
Kay (MCR Trash): do you follow thnksfrthfrnkiero
Kay (MCR Trash): GARY FUCI Y
Yrag: Haha, Gary!
Kay (MCR Trash) has left the conversation.
Gonna have to get on Gary's level


Wow it was like been on 4chan but I was on Shamchat.
Graphics 10/10
Story 9/10
Gameplay OP sucks dick/10
This is a conversation between Gary 54 and yourself, Hodor.
Gary 54: Haha, Gary!
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54: Gary!
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54: Gary?
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54: Gary.
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54: Gary.
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54: GARY!
Hodor: Hodor.
Gary 54 has left the conversation.
1 of 2
Inkling Girl
1 of 2 attempt 2
2 of 2
fucking gold anon.
Holy shit anon
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>Haha, Gary
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Hey thats me
you're the best.
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b chan.png
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got some fag to go eat his own shit

Too lazy to screencap.
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Gotta love those 'femanons' kek
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Haha, Gary!
This guy. Haha, Gary!
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This is exactly what I was thinking during my conversation with the 16yo "female" "Sally". They're all fat hairy dudes on those sites.
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He never saw it coming
Oh shit angry motherfucker here
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do i win?
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Nice doing business with the drug dealer.
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Haha, Gary
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Couldn't do it
It's just become a circle jerk of trolls.
fuckin' kek'd
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Got a kek outta me
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>>All of them
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I've been schooling your asses so goddamn hard
That was full fag, nigger.
If fag was bottled, that would have a blue top.
The gov' charged extra tax on that due to all the added extra fag.
File: image.jpg (66 KB, 515x414) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 515x414
Oh sweet, Gary crossover
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25 KB, 359x202
File: 1.gif (1 MB, 256x169) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 256x169
had a fine convo with my friendo gary
Garying Gary's. Brilliant!
How do you fuckers fall for this
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59 KB, 1167x364
File: kektus.jpg (39 KB, 585x398) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 585x398
I was just don Logan who was that against me?
I keep running into other Garries.
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60 KB, 544x409
maximum ogredrive
File: Gary.png (211 KB, 1919x1079) Image search: [Google]
211 KB, 1919x1079
Toddler hanging
File: Bottle fire.gif (1020 KB, 300x240) Image search: [Google]
Bottle fire.gif
1020 KB, 300x240
Wow this thread has gone from cancer to nukeular radiation.
Top keks.
Let sleeping dog lay, now.
I've got someone who won't hang up on me and I refuse to be the one who leaves. This is going forever. I'll post the link when they finally quit
File: 1458960653089.png (943 KB, 1600x1255) Image search: [Google]
943 KB, 1600x1255
>reddit bookmarked
>netflix bookmarked
>let's play tabs open
g e t o u t s u m m e r f a g s
Nice tabs faggot.
Lets play anal raider.
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100 KB, 1603x902
File: Faggots.gif (2 MB, 480x292) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 480x292
The fuck is wrong with you fags?
File: gary strikes again.png (114 KB, 1705x967) Image search: [Google]
gary strikes again.png
114 KB, 1705x967
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65 KB, 636x1716
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Stopped dead in his fucking tracks. I'm who really stopped the Mongols
the people on here are fucking weird
thanks people, for a fun afternoon
Haha, Gary!
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215 KB, 1080x1920
File: ss+(2016-06-27+at+04.01.57).png (112 KB, 1874x1096) Image search: [Google]
112 KB, 1874x1096
File: Sam-shat.png (342 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
342 KB, 1920x1080
Reverses Garys

File: An hero.png (28 KB, 628x349) Image search: [Google]
An hero.png
28 KB, 628x349
Here's what i got 2 days ago.
File: Screenshot_2016-06-27-17-03-32.png (270 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
270 KB, 1080x1920
Meant to post this
File: Screenshot_2016-06-27-17-04-49.png (229 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
229 KB, 1080x1920
*1 convo l8er*
File: Screenshot_2016-06-27-17-06-45.png (226 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
226 KB, 1080x1920
I'm gonna throw a fit
Is the Gary I was trolling under ' a paranoid businessman' here ?

Pls dont kill self, I was joking mang.
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268 KB, 1080x1920
File: image.png (185 KB, 640x1136) Image search: [Google]
185 KB, 640x1136
Got bored, now this

Oh how I've devolved
File: cancer.png (26 KB, 580x274) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 580x274
40 Chats only 5 Garys. Cmon Anons
found him as well
File: Gary!.png (28 KB, 1489x404) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 1489x404
we've made an enemy
File: image.png (123 KB, 640x1136) Image search: [Google]
123 KB, 640x1136
God he's stupid
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 137

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