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morning again, /b/~ what's everybody drinkin' today?
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Thread replies: 68
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morning again, /b/~
what's everybody drinkin' today?
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me, drinking and playing Mafia 2, that 3rd one's gotta hurry up and come out
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must be too early since yesterday or whenever it was.. no one in a talkin' mood?
Drinking $3 wine mate. Fucking $3 for 7.7 standard drinks. That what you call fucking good shit.
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a co-worker insists on slamming the whole can when he gets a redbull, is that a bad idea?
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phwoar! how much, a bottle, a box? a novelty inflatable lawnmower-ful?
PLaying some sf 4 Later and Drink some Jägermeister. Mr. Claypool
two hearted ale
It's a 750ml bottle, 7.7 standard drinks, $3. I've got the choice of Sav, Pinot an Chardonnay.
Damon. You are fugly.
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heh, I only wish I could slap bass and be pals with buckethead like the cheese king himself.
what's your favorite fighter on there?
Your goatee looks like a mouth vagina, just wanted to point that out. Girls hate that.
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nothin' like a good IPA~
yikes, whites.. at least it won't turn your teeth purple!
also good! tap or filtered?
true! but I make up for it with boundless charmisma and kindness in my heart
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My mother would probably like you, but then again, she likes everybody. If you like women aged between 19 - 28, that beard will get you nowhere unless you personality is perfect, if your personality is perfect.. then nobody will care about your looks. Right now your personality is too much of a caring person.
Abel zangief and dhalsim, no Money for sf 5 or a ps4. Sucks to be me. And 4/5 hours until i can Start Gaming.
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Love this damn game. what period do y'all think was the golden age of american crime?>>690928165
that's how it goes. Besides, only ribbin', my girlfriend thinks its cute, but likes to tug it real hard out of nowhere. sucks
people sleeping near the console or something? I'm a Guile man, every time.. total badass
Freshly filtered h2o
Sprite. But planning on having some wine or beers with friends later tonight...

Btw i like your threads, man. You make /b/ chill and fun again.
ITT: Faggots
not this shit again. at least do ask a different fucking question

>inb4 mecha-autismo shows up
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I get the feeling that shit'll be currency in the coming decades, double value if it's made COLD.
yeaho, party time~ today's the last nite shift of the week before I'm off again, can't wait to sleep
how are you playing mafia 2
when you're circlejerking this hard
Abel is Pretty Good Against Guile, gief sucks baad. Nah i have to watch my son, and i Hope i get him to sleep early. In Germany its 16:40.
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I did, game's got me thinkin' on crime.. at least, that romanticized ideal of american law-breaking
laptop does an okay job of running it and I'm a multi-tasker. Windowed~
oho, responsible move. it's morning over here in the States, the smell of politics heavy and rank upon the dawning sunlight..
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Yeah i dont wont him Seeing me Drinking. His mother watches him when he wakes up later, God bless her
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good man.

well okay, how about y'all ask me questions? I don't wanna go all reddit AMA bullshit, but someone well versed in genetics was quizzing me last time, it was fun~
but maybe more easy stuff, barely answered that guy
What is your profession man?
You again? Get a job you faggot
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overnite shift at a hospital, janitorial and orderly duties. cleaning, maintenance, patient relations, emergency service
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hey, I like killing time at work with a massive deuce too! plus, my job has a bit of congenital spookiness at times
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damn, pretty quiet this morning.
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welp, always fun while it lasts.
how about a little music?

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..shit, I'm bored
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What is up my dude

I'm sipping on that peppermint tea
Are you trying to be an autistic loser or is this for real?
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closest thing I'd take besides my beer! nothing of terrible consequence, listening to music and reading something about the ocean
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nope, this is for real! I'm off work, drunk and bored, let's chop it up!
Why you gotta be so negative man

Sounds pretty neat dude, I read earlier in the thread you're waiting for Mafia 3, same here. Pretty fucking hyped to be honest. I didn't get a chance to play the mafia 2 dlc yet, are they worth playing?
No thanks man.
dude you make my day every time i see your thread. luv you <3
Shut the fuck up you cancerous tumour.
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bro, Mafia 2 is a fine, straightforward crime game. it's like if Norman Rockwell made a video game about mob crime. Killer soundtrack too~

fair enough!
I played mafia 2 man, I was wondering if the DLC is any good

Soundtrack really is dope though. I loved the soundtrack from the fallout games as well
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thanks for the kudos, brother!
yeah, you show that malignancy who's boss! hope you get better, friend
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I have it, it's on the menu but I haven't touched it yet. I would caution a nope though, best just wait for 3.
and yeah, love them tunes, my dad and I played thru this one, he's a classic soul
Hmm somehow you make me less angry. I just downgraded my insult to 'Malaria speading mosquito'

I should probably play thorugh the second one again though to freshen up on the story.

What else do you play?
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ooh sweet, a plague vector~
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i get the feeling Vito's gonna show up in n'awlins as an old crime boy. Well, me and Bloodborne aren't talking again after I ran out of places to go and old man Gehrman split my shit in half. Currently doing Dead Space 2 and Risk of Rain on steam, besides this one
whats your favorite songs from BB? personally Gehrman's and Lullaby for Mergo are best to me.
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shit, I think it was when I took down Father Gascoigne after a 10 minute slugfest, the music was growing on me and was probably what made me fall in love with that blood-soaked nightmare of a game.
Papa G was a nice fight did you use the music box? Cause I sure as fuck didn't and had to slug it out with cleric beast before him.
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well I kinda don't wanna. the fight's been a fantastic, rabid dream of a nightmare, I'd hope the DLC gives me more to work with~ my weapon of choice is Ludwig's blade, fucker has seen me thru some ferocious dances
Favorite whiskey?
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Old Grand-dad or Bulleit Rye~
Oban 14 here, best whiskey for me.
ever had it?
Motherfucker Ludwig's is good and the DLC area is fucking great. Its cool to see them flesh out the hunt lore in it.
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can't say I have and I hate the way Google makes us stop asking each other questions. How is it?
oh sweet, more lore? the game's got that going for it, besides the organic combat, the world is richly defined. I could use some new armor, I'm still wearing that one hunter's hat that looks like a wicked toadstool with a 8-eyed mask.
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talk of monstrous realms and whiskey? time for a tavern theme~

Light smokey, litte taste of raisins.
Old hunter gear looks good to me. First outfit I found if I wasn't laying down I'd get a pic of it from my character. haven't delved deep onto it since level recommendation is 70+.
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hrm, ports are raisiny. I had a Porto Rocha with my best friend half a year back, sweet and smooth but weird. Still, could be good! I'll give it a shot
huh.. I forget which level I'm at, but I just want more of that game to play, such satisfying fighting
Yeah you should really try it.
it's one of the best wiskeys in my opinion.
Yeah I'd like to see more if Vito's shenanigans, possibly as an old dude or something.

I'm just playing dota all day, ever tried it?
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