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Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 98
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whoa-ho, pruned without a trace!
join me again, buddies.
what's new
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Wow that made me jump the thread just disappeared for no reason
I'm drunk. I see your threads a lot. Never posted in em. How's it go?
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nothing much, thinking which of the half-gen systems coming soon from E3 I wanna save up for.
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Stella and Bitburger. I'm rather enjoying myself.
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get drunk, listen to music, shoot the breeze~
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wunderbar! belly up, brother

time for the retrowave~
I can feel your positive vibes through your posts. I like it. What your favorite video game?
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don't leave me ever again.
petrochem man back where's my fellow engineer?
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nowadays, it's Risk of Rain, Cook Serve Delicious and Dead Space 2. Back in the day, it was Shinobi 3, Ristar, Super Punch Out, Super Metroid, Parasite Eve 2.. a whole bunch!
looking at you makes me wanna get drunk
Bourbon bro here. Feeling that good feel and chilling before sleep.
You again
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Seems you have a furry infestation here, OP. Damn shame.

Poison for tonight is just steel reserve & cigarettes, the usual.

How ya doing OP?
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sure thing, friend. nice combo~
Dead Space is one of my favorite game series. How's life?
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Should I go for the top shelf next?
Hey, just because you're not as cool as OP doesn't mean you need to be jealous.
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I don't drink tonight but I enjoy IPA and white beers.

Also Jameson whiskey with ginger ale is pretty good.
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join me, brother!
the onset of relaxation indeed. Enjoy!
Me again.
off at last, getting munted and having another fun thread.. finally got a pack of smokes too! damn good times~
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOmazuzCXCg. listen to this faggot.
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busy, happy, exciting. I just got to the part in 2 where the Stalkers start hunting you..
Blue label? my best friend only gets that at duty-free shops.. I'd be honored!
a fine combo, to be sure
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My Snapshot_19.jpg
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sorry about that faggot part, you know I love you babe.
Sup friend, is it true that you finally decide to stop eating like a fat fuck and go on a diet?
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NICE! oh ho, it's a throwback tune I love!

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For you, my friend. Cheers.
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more or less, I've got short meals and an overnite job, I'm actually down to 282, according to that condescending scale..
Only 19 but cheers bud! Glad to see some original shit on this page for once. Keep it up!
This autist again? You do you have to make the fact that you're a zoophile so public? We know you're a loser mane
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My Snapshot_20.jpg
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Don't feed the troll after they stopped posting.
You're disgusting and a shame to your family. You must have thousands of zoophilia related pics Im I right?
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excellent! here's to you~
will do, friend! enjoy your nite
hey now, they're basically harmless, let 'em be
He must know he is cancer. He must feel ashamed for making his parents feel ashamed.
Not so harmless when they have 5 threads open at a time and still decide to post their shame here but whatever, I don't won't take up more space than this faggot is already taking. May peace and brew be with you all
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..weird room, but the song's catchy enough~
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This dude is great
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oho, so it's J-rock then, is it??

Hey Kevin!
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Kevin? my name's nickel
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hey guys prophet muhammad here
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Hey op, how do I make you feel?
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noticed? I dunno.
Steel represent
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have you seen chef?
Where you from?
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>mfw i have no cool hats
Jesus are you 14
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the nice lady and her dog that cook japanese food on youtube?
texas, pal. you?

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.
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go with it, Weasely! my features are boring, it's why I dress 'em up
WV here, just thought you looked familiar. First night for me without alcohol for the last 2 months or so and can't fuckin sleep
I love your facial hair, man!
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lay there and feel peaceful, I know that feel.
came back inside, it was warm as shit.
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thanks, friend! it's a good beard to me
See any good movies lately
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Hateful 8, Bone Tomahawk, The 100 year old Man, Boy and the Beast~
what type of music do you like then OP
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the catchy music, no matter the genre~ here's another!

Seen hateful 8, will have to check out those others, they sound good! Also checked, nice
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Interesting thread, never seen you before. I'm drinking some Makers Mark, tasty as fuck. Cheers to you my man.

Interested in politics at all? Maybe got a presidential vote in mind?
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Howdy from az OP, never posted one of youre threads before. Unfortunately the booze has run dry over here. Nice taste in music
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I've never followed politics, but it seems less like what it should be these days.. more a damn media circus, a bunch of teams and opinions, with nothing really changing for better or worse for America.. I don't know
outside stealing the neighbor's wifi, you faggot
Couldent agree more op. I was excited to be able to vote in a presdential election for the first time. And then this shitshow happened. Found some cream liquor
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welcome! sorry to flaunt my suds in your abstained absence!
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Forgot pic
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Photo on 6-17-16 at 12.19 AM.jpg
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hello there
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drink 'em up, brother! but yes, not impressed with the lack of professionalism in this race.
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TIme to get skankin'~!
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Hey OP, I like these threads. Just letting you know I've been collecting all your pictures in a folder and I masturbate to them almost daily, that is a compliment. Congrats.
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Its hard to be enthusiastic about our government when its a sensationalized circus. Oh well though. More reason to get boozed up.
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a compliment's a thank-you at any speed! glad to have been of help, buddy
Holy shit dude I know you! You go to Orem High School right? We're both going into sophomore year!
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Dat farcry 3 nostalgia
ye! & orem high blows haha
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amen, friend. It's.. not how leaders should be picked.
That is a shitload of weed..
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Hello back at yah underage/b/
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Utah fags?
Sweet, me too.
It really does dude. I know your name, I'll add you on facebook so we can let this epic bread continue. We played football together freshman year btw.
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That is if our presidents really are our leaders and not just the corporations that own them.

All the fucking weed dude. Mfw i was sad to destroy those crops.
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be back, pee break!
sounds good!
noice, utah is shit but i'm stuck here. have three more years of high school still
you have to be the loneliest faggot ever to keep making these threads
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sup /b/ois
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Greetings jolly bearded man. For I am new to 4chan. 2015 newfag(but worship the old gods). You seem cool. Can you teach me how to speak /b/ some of it I don't understand
On a plane my dudes
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can't wait to play Primal, looks seriously natural~ but yeah, wicked waste with that whooshed weed.
What positions were you and >>690025689?
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What fraternity yall in?
You'll be saving for years because your a broke neckbeard retard.
I'm a center and my friend with long hair is a defensive tackle.
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I can't, I don't even know how to yellowtext, let alone triforce! I'm here for the fun, so tug some booze into that shroud and let's hang out!
whoa now, if that's real, then call the drink cart lady over and join us!
how's it taste?
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Turn your phone off didn't you hear the flight attendant?
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Ive been holding off on it. Kinda fot bjrnt out after farvry 4. And i heard its much the same minus guns. And seriously who used anything except the bow in 3&4
God you're fat slob
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I only graduated a few years ago. UVU and a couple other colleges are actually pretty sweet. Life gets better, high school wasn't the most fun. The parties were alright but the people were retarded for the most part. Just look at the bright side about Utah, the scenery is awesome and you're never too far from a good hike. I'm only 5 minutes away from a trailhead that leads to a waterfall.
just graduated from prep school, headed to Arizona in 2 months
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MFW i havent seen a thread this nice in years.
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coke tastes good
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Asah dude! I live in AZ if youre coming to tucson you got a/b/ro to show you whats up out here.
>This thread
Ayyy I love your threads m8, you have like those chill vibes. Keep it up Eggman.
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So good
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Please take a picture of your feet, thanks.
ive seen you
I'm sad tonight. Not feeling myself lately, I feel just discombobulated and spacey. What do you advise? Besides getting drunk I'm already there
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LET'S DO THIS SHIT NIGGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD6Q74h3_K4
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true enough. I used the carbine rifle the most in 3, haven't played 4 yet.. speaking of!

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More of this stupid ass retard. Drink bleach stacey and entertain us by taking off your shit smelling hat so we can see your bald spot.
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says the one with an anime gif, weeaboo :^)
/b/ro I am coming to tucson, playing rugby for now but have a preferred walk on to play football
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Blanket guy here. Any advise on PC building also what is you're all time favorite concle?
Have you been around here for a while? I feel like I saw you years ago when I last browsed
Would you consider voting for the third party? (libertarian)
Nice shit stain mustache. You hump that piggy alot?
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Picture 8.jpg
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Toasting in OP's thread
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Photo on 6-17-16 at 12.17 AM.jpg
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what position in football? defensive tackle fag here
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Bruh what position are you?
I'm an inside center, sometimes Flyhalf.
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Also toasting
fellow rugby bro here. flyhalf master race
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you got it, friendo~
sit and think for a good, quiet moment.. what's bothering you about it?
nigga that's a psp
This guy looks like a girl I know from high school. Fuckin creepy.
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nose guard, guard, and tackle 6'5 310 fag reporting in
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Add me on kik then my dude

ikr dod, if i shave it i look even younger. shaving it one i go to California on monday. ps you hurt mr. piggys feelings
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No idea! my favorite was the Gamecube
started doing this shit in late 2012, actually
I don't think any of that shit matters, the choices involve money, not votes.
Cheers to you!
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What else would I be drinking?
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prop, 2nd row, inside flank, sometimes 8 I move pretty quickly for a fat guy
Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 98

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