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Made this thread couple days ago with some interesting replies:
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Made this thread couple days ago with some interesting replies:

Anyone on /b/ who can hold their own in a fight?

>what's your age, height and weight?
>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
>have you ever been outnumbered in a fight?
>ever fought someone much heavier than you (20lbs + difference)
p.s. if Chief Broom is there, I spoke to Nap and he sent his regards, said he'd be up for having a pint or two
I used to fight a lot in school, fucked a guy up pretty good once. Haven't fought or practiced in years now though, would definitely lose now.

>20, 5'10", 250
>Competitive shooting, but that's useless in a fistfight
Being able to shoot would actually be pretty useful in those situations
Manlet reporting in,
Got in a fight some months ago
>22, 170cm, 60kg
>nothing serious, jogging 3 times a week etc
>it was me and a friend against 4 faggots
>one of them was fat as fuck

I did pretty well, lost my jacket tho

29 6" 150lbs
kenpo, boxing, free weights
yes, do a lot of damage right away
yes, don't let them grab you and sink their weight
22 5"9 10"9
used to practice karate and boxing
outnumbered multiple times
Yes, agility> weight - especially when they can't throw

Did they steal your jacket?
Had 20+ fights
fighting culture in the UK is retaded..
Kids die all the time
How did you get outnumbered? Chavs?
24, 6'3, 200
not a fighter in my experience i always get a good choke hold or disable the persons arms and calm down the situation
>26, 190CM, 85kg
>Krav Maga and MMA
>No, if I ever encountered something like that I would bail.
>Yes, no problem, it's about technique
>fat idiot challenges me for a friendly wrestling match
>get break up quickly by security
>he and his even fatter friends are butthurt
>they jump me later that night
broke my phone

Never been in a fight and I'm 28. Not sure if that's good or bad. Also a virgin, that's definitely bad.
I dont know, they ripped it off of me. Never saw that jacket again.
Btw my friend lost his glasses and was blind for like 2 days.
why did they attack you?
26, 180cm 80kg.
Norwegian police
yes 3 on 1. 1 down with fist and two down with baton.
yes sometimes, but usually allways 2 officers
Normally I am on /k/
>41, 240, 5'9"
>No martial arts or boxing, firearms instructor for CCL and shooting classes, certified to train LEOs with firearms in state as well, also less-than-lethal instructor for various equipment (tasers, pepperspray/mace, pepper launchers of various types, beanbag/rubber rounds from firearms, etc.)
sick stats

do you work with enforcement only or investigation too? Must be one hell of a job anon
>20, 6'2", 190lbs
>None just some boxing & working out

I could beat most people that have no special fighting skills. Streetfighters, some boxers, etc.
do you box in cruiserweight? when you were outnumbered were you able to handle the situation?
>norsk politi
Jeg og. Hvor jobber du?
>23, 5'11", 190lbs
>Tae Kwon do and wrestling
> once. 2 guys both kinda dumb, and it was free-for-all, so I would duck in and out while they were distracted with one another.
>yup. But he was all lumbering with no technique so when he went to grapple, I knew the right leverage.
normal police officer, its a bit off both. like the one u see on "nattpatruljen" in norway tv . normaly quiet job but sometimes it is very fun and lots of action
Sparred my friend who is 6'3" 200 lbs and I'm 6'1" 140 lbs. He broke my rib lol
you ever worked undercover?
You look like chewed bubblegum.
I box my friend whos skilled in 4 different types of martial arts, he's shorter than and 210lbs. Other than that I spar anyone who challenges me. When I was outnumbered I was unable to handle the situation by myself there was 5 of them & I was 14 at the time. They were 15-18 yrs old.
you probably look like a twig
bergen, du da?
gikk ut i 2013
No people in my neighborhood were just assholes. My older brother and his friends were obsessed with army shit growing up and loved to beat on me so I'm not afraid to get hit and am used to fighting a 220lb Gorilla.
Some white trash skellies talking shit or flashing knives ain't shit after that. I fuck em up like a man beating his bitch
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I am 45 and 6 foot two, and 18 stone... I have only ever been on one fight...

I don't do martial arts...

I have been on one fight with 4 Asylum seekers (in the UK) I accused them of being shit at parking and they all set about me, Punching me (they broke my nose) I put my keys in my hand and popped on of their eyes, I nearly went down (but didn't) they eventually ran off (when I popped the guys eyeball with my key)

There were 4 - so they were heavier than me all told...

Police came and went to the house they ran into, but they hid and didn't come out - I went to hospital but they could do nothing for my nose - nobody was ever charged...

That's all there is...
>27, 6'4 220 pounds
> none recently, i did boxing for several years a teenager and made it to the semifinals of a locally sponsored statewide contest, i briefly tried my hand in mma fighting but i lost my job and couldnt afford the classes
> yes a couple times,
Stupid shit.
>be at party
>decide to go home
>on way to car bumbed shoulder of one of said russians.
>hear shouting
>turn around and see two of them right in front of me
>talked in russian to them that we just wanted to go home
>got directly hit in the face from one
Then shit started
Tomasz Stępniewski
Nice try, faggot.
24 5'7" 265lbs
>28, 6 feet tall, 170 pounds
>Karate, Boxing, Greco-roman Wrestling
>Outnumbered by 3 niggers

I'm not a violent person anymore but in my prime back in my angry teen years I was a monster. I was the kid at school that nobody would want to fuck with. I was infamous for fighting people twice my size and seriously fucking their shit up. I went to school with guido juice head roid monkeys. I was a psycho metalhead with a bad temper. I would take every advantage i could get. As a freshman i was harassed by senior in the bathroom so to defend myself i removed a toilet lid and beat one of the seniors with it to a bloody pulp. After that incident they installed locks on all the toilet lids in school. Having been in so many fights my nose is semi-crooked. So my last fight was last summer outside of a bar where a guy and his friends were making fun of my nose. The alcohol brought my back my bad temper back and so I picked up a metal ashtray and beat his face in with it. I fucked up his nose worse than mine. Then i had to go hide in a dumpster across the road because the cops were looking for me.
They must not know how to knife fight. I would fuck your shit up with my 3 in. Blade.
what's US?
yes many times but its not what u think. its not infiltration. only walking and driving around iteresting places inn normal cloaths and cars
>23 6'1" 160lbs

I've got my ass handed to me plenty of times, but I've won my fair share too. I always fight the same. Get them to the ground with a suplex/body slam/hip throw, mount, elbows.
Kjenner mange bra folk som jobber i Bergen, vertfall i sentrum. Jeg jobber i Oslo.
Men nå må jeg legge meg, god fangst videre
>22, 6'5", 290lbs
>used to wrestle in high school, played some football, jiu jitsu and tae kwon do when I was 16
>was outnumbered 3 on 1 once, did pretty well considering, broke 2 of their noses but it was pretty much over when #3 broke my glasses
>weighed about 220 when I was 14, pretty much got my ass beat by a 260lb senior
Martial Arts won't make you a good fighter, fighting makes you a good fighter.

Most people in those places are there because they're too afraid to fight.
haha artig! takk, det samme til deg
I'm 174 cm (5'7) and 74kg (163 pounds) and I'm purple belt in karate but tbh the only few times I were in a real fight I was too drunk to remember a single lesson from karate and fought using my instincts, win every time tho
Shit what happened after they broke your glasses? And why were they jumping you?
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Lol. Cute tummy tattoo. Probs matches your tramp stamp.
23, 6 foot, 165

Did karate as a kid, and taekwondo. Haven't practiced in probably 15 years

Biggest fight I've been in was 3v3. But toward the end my two friends bitched out, and one of our opponents did as well, so it was a tired me vs 2 tired guys. other than that it was all 1v1

I never had my opponents get on a scale before fighting, but ive fought people obviously way outside my weightclass. Two most drastic were a 5'5 manlet weighed probably 120 lbs, and a football center who was probably 6'6 and at least 250 lbs.

Havent lost a fight yet, but i also havent fought anyone since i got out of school last year so im a little out of practice. I would bet on myself if i were fighting any random guy on the street, but anybody with experience or training would probably fuck me up now.
> 6'2" 250-275
> Kenpo, Kempo, Boxing, wrassling in elementary school, binge drinking, weight lifting,
> yep
> When I was a kid I kicked a few fatties asses when they though they could take me.
Never been outnumbered, but I got together with 2 of my friends to beat a guy once. He was a boxer, put up a good fight but got his shit handed to him.
Nah not a thing in the states really, most don't cuz guns. If you know how to use one you won't see it till it's too late like in prison.
United States
20, never been in a fight before. I'm from Canada so that could be why
I thought you were form the UK >>689952020
Canadians are good in hockey which has some fights
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>5 Years Krav Maga
>Bench 120lb, Curl 40lb
>36 / 6'4" / 235lbs
>none, just some occasional running

I've been punched in the face 4 times in my life, to no ill effect. Never turned into a fight though. Since you didn't ask:

>at the end of junior high I drew a joint in the mouth of the main hispanic kid in every yearbook I could get my hands on
>with thought bubble "everything's so greeeen"
>him and 2 of his friends cornered me after school one day
>he yelled at me, I said something like "stop dealing drugs if you don't like it"
>he punched me in face
>no effect
>me: "ok, so are we done?"
>him: "go fuck yourself" and he left

second time
>freshman in HS
>three of the older jocks walking near me outside school
>one said something like "look at this faggot"
>i told him to go fuck himself
>they approach me
>lead guy punches me in face, glasses fly off
>nothing else of consequence
>teacher comes over
>never bothered me again

Third and fourth times I slept with different girls that were and were not in relationships respectively. Got rused into situations where the bf of one sucker punched me (he was a friend of friends), and another where the brother of the second girl sucker punched me. Again, in the face, no effect, and left it at that. I deserved it though, given circumstances.

So never been in a fight, always been outnumbered or rused, but I'm OK with the outcome.
When i was 16~17 i fought a four times. I was 169 cm and 54 kg, very skinny and i've never trained any martial art, but i was vicious as fuck.

My first fight was against a guy that used to bully one of my best friends, that dude was like 180 cm and 80 kg, he broke my fucking nose within the first two strikes. Rest of the fight was me looking pathetic and being kicked in the floor.

My second fight was a revenge against the same guy a couple months later, i won by smacking a rock con his Head before he can even touch me.

My third fight was against some random guy who tried to steal my wallet while i was walking home at night, i won that fight by grabbing his head and beating him like a hundred times with my knees.

My last, and most intense fight was against one of my classmates at that time, the guy was an idiot, he was more or less same height as me but he used to lift weight so he was heavier and stronger than me. Lot of shit happened during that fight, but in the end, he was in the ground and i was beating him, then somebody kicked me in the face, i fell to the ground and he got over me and start punching me. I took a pen from my pocket and stab him in the arm. His friends joined in and just a few seconds later police arrived to stop the brawl
43, 6'2", 215
Former US Navy Corpsman so various forms of dirty fighting.
Yes, fists plenty of times and knife once.
i go to a boxng gym and a shaolin kung fu school.
it makes for an interesting mix of martial arts when you combine.
ive been in a few fights, mostly in bars when the winner isnt clear cause everyone gets fucked up.
one memorable one
>leaving a dive
>2 mex's step in front of me as im walking to my car
>"give me the wallet"
>uhh no
>guy throws a straight right
>i grabbed it and pulled his face into my right elbow
>put him on the ground with a fallow up left
>mex no. 2 tackles me
>no. 1 gets up and kicks me repeatedly in the stomach
>they take my wallet and my shoes
>somehow i still feel good about it cause i was able to pull off such a sweet technique that i was practicing at the time.
you mean you train dirty fighting techniques in the navy or what? And who outnumbered you breh? other servicemen?
is taek kwon do is useful in streetfights? always wondered
did he kick you when you were down? thats fucked up man
height and weight at the time btw?
I used to really enjoy getting into a good fight at parties n such but I always had to have a GOOD reason. I took some training and had a couple amature matches.

>25m, 5'6", 130
>muay thai
Guy had about 45lbs on me. It hurt.

Last fight I had was with one of my oldest friends while we were drinking. Didn't even know what was going on until I tasted the blood. Shit straight broke my heart. I don't like fighting anymore.
>21, 6'1", 180
>Powerlifting and surfing

A stupid cunt gets himself into an unfair fight
Age 29
Won every fight I've ever had, except once I got jumped by 6 bitches.

I give most of the credit to getting my ass kicked by my older brothers and cousins when I was younger. They gave me an insanely high tolerance for pain. As well as some impressive endurance.

Other then that, the biggest key I've learned is to always keep your cool. Laughing in the face of who you're fighting will usually upset them, once some one is blind with anger you can usually keep the pace of the fight in your favor.
yeah the 2nd one tackled me down and i got rekt with the kicks after that.
the 1st dude was a little taller and skinny. and the second was my height and had 30+ pounds on me im guessing.
im 5'10, and go between 150-155lb
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manlet detected
>I got jumped by 6 bitches.
what did you do to piss that many people off at once?

21, 6'0", 96 kg

I am a linebacker on my football team, I play hockey and do competitive wrestling. I did judo for a few years too.

A few years ago I had a tussle with 2 drunk niggers. I think i did pretty well, came away unscathed.

Not many people are heavier then me so, no.
>32 245lbs 6'2"
>krav maga for almost 10 years
>I'm usually the guy in my group of friends that has to handle physical altercations when we're out and yes I've been outnumbered 5/1 and came out on top
>biggest guy I've ever fought in a bar fight was around 6ft and probably 285-300. Fight didn't last long. He was used to hitting someone once and it being done and I beat his ass
were those more like stomps or actual kicks? could have easily broken your rib, they mustve hurt like a mofo
how did you do against the heavier dude?
18 5'9 130
Wato Ryu (Karate), Some Jiu Jitsu
Got in a very pissed off wrestling match with this kid that was probably 30 pounds heavier than me when i was 13 i won :D
is it true steroids are rampant in wrestling?
I didn't train anyone on hand to hand but when you train with guys who routinely outweigh you by 15+ pounds and like to win you get creative with what they teach you.
Never got in a serious fight with other servicemen but bars and house parties sure. Just hurt a couple of people badly enough and the crowd tends to find reasons to back down.

28 5'7 165lbs and 171cm and 75kg ~

taekwondo, reached a high level brown belt.

75% of all my fights i have been outnumbered...
yes i have fought someone much heavier than i before!
you ever lost or got rekt in those times you were outnumbered?
It's a long story but the reason they jumped me was because I was beating their friends ass 1v1 in front of them. It was actually the second time I had fought the kid. Beat his ass the first time too, his people weren't around the 1st time. I finished the 1st fight by slapping the shit out of him and calling him bitch.
Not were I live at least. I am on the East coast of Canada and i have seen no cases so far
>75% of all my fights i have been outnumbered...
why bro? shit part of town?
yeah, i got the wind taken from me thats for sure. but they were all to the soler plex so nothing broke.
the moron did like a wind up before each kick like a dumbass. and when he threw that 1st punch, you could see that shit coming like yesterday
so the little faggot had to call his friends to do some payback? how bad was the damage?
mostly, and i used to abuse shit like xanax and valium, mixed with alcohol.. most of the fights i was able to fuck 2 up, and each time i got bitch punched from behind or whatever.. id love to run into a fight today, just to really let go of some energy that i should be able to release myself, no fighting needed... hmph.
18, 5'10'' 75kg
Training - evasive running
I'm incredible talented at the ol' punch and run.
One quick punch to the balls and a 10.5second 100m later there gone
These damn negroes with their babbling....
i dont even know how you were able to stand up, i cant take more than 2 or 3 hits to the solar plex before going down.
That is what was so funny about it. None of their hits hurt. The only injury I walked away with was a cut on my shoulder. I feel into a water hose attachment on the side of the building. I remember at one point my shoe fell off and the dumb asses threw it at me. All I thought was how if it was me dude would have been walking home with 1 shoe.
>20,5'6,180 skinnyfat
>Boxing/Street Fighting
>yes 5 times (armenians mostly)
>yes when I was smaller and scrawny
>fighting armenians
do you have a death wish? where you from fam?
21, 185CM 90kg
Many times
yes main goal DO NOT LET THEM PULL YOUR HAIR(street fight)
You England?
Won some
Lost some
Gotten into fights with no intention of fighting back just to see what he could do... Every one was impressed at the beating I could take
they hate Filipinos had a knife pulled on me once...
Are you a masochist or something?
Yeah my school I went to , mates and randos were getting jumped every couple of days, so I've been doing Krav for a good 5 years now. Best thing against groups IMO.
I'm 15, 6'5 224 lb. I've fought their guys at once. (Little Faggot ads punk hood rats who thought they could jump me. They couldn't) I grabbed one and shoved him into the other and then punched the third one in the jaw. He's knocked out now. I got a hold of the on I shoved at the other and picked him up and slammed him. Concussion. I stomped on the third one chest. Broken rib. Two fractured. That was 8 days ago. Still riding the high.

>what's your age
Older than 18, younger than 30.

between 5'5" and 5'10"

>what martial art or any sport do you practice
Freestyle fighter, practicing more than 10 years on and off. Right now, I train MMA.

>have you ever been outnumbered in a fight

>ever fought someone much heavier than you (20lbs + difference)
Plenty of times.

You can't shoot when you don't have a gun. If you do shoot, it's excessive force.
Shit, why would those guys hate philipinos if they arent even neighbors?
Are there any group besides american skinheads that hate latinos just because? Im Costarrican and I dont think we are that nocive to the enviroment...
which one is you in the vid?
the gym helped me with that, i dont want to say you get use to it, cause it always sucks. more like youre prepared to feel soul crushing pain.
so you did ok against the Armenians?
I'm a pacifist, the thought of fighting makes me feel a little sick.
Why would you ever let something escalate to a physical altercation?
The one with the light coloured jacket.
>freestyle fighter
Different anon xD
>Im 26.
>Ive been jumped, yes.
>I dont know their fuckin weights. I fought some fat guy once.
you ever been targeted in the more sensitive parts of the core like liver, kidney etc? I've been told even strikes to the bladder are a thing now
22, 6'1, 185lb
fought a 2 on 6 fight once, broke somebodies arm and the rest of them freaked out and ran
fought the guy who helped me in above fight on 4 difference occasions, he's 30lbs heavier than me and built like a tank
I live in America the armos I fought were all prissy faggots that had to jump people to fight.
armenians in America hate everyone
6' 225lbs
3 years American kenpo, pankration and bjj plus free weights.
Many fights always one on one. I like to set up with solid shot to mouth then go in for the slam to ground and pound. If you have no ground game you will lose.

Never got in fight, but I know I could hold my own.
>19, 6'1", 245 lbs
>Baseball, Weightlifting
>17, 5ft 8, 140pounds.
>Judo, boxer, and muay thai
>Yeah had two chavs jump me for my phone
>My most recent bout was an uncommissioned as the other fighter pulled out and I fought someone 35 pounds heavier.
your technique looks decent. how were you outnumbered btw?
fucking chavs
did you win?

>what's your age, height and weight?
28, 5 foot 11, 215 pounds

>what martial art or any sport do you practice?

>have you ever been outnumbered in a fight?
two to one, twice.

>ever fought someone much heavier than you (20lbs + difference)
probably, wasnt too hard to get away from him
One of them ran at me and I dropped him like a sack of shit, broke the cunts collarbone lmao, can't stand chavs
I am 17, 6 foot 2 inches, 210.

I boxed with my dad for a few years and I've been in 3 fistfights of any reasonable note.
>two to one, twice.
what was the outcome? probably handled it well since you box

and nice stats btw, built like a tank it seems

>29, 193cm, 82kg
>ju-jutsu for 4years, then 9 years of kickboxing, long break, then 3 years muay thai, 2 years k1 kickboxing since (moved to a different city)
also go to the gym 2 times a week
>yes, have once been chased by ~8 guys, got pushed to the ground, they stood around me kicking until people came out of the neighbouring houses - miraculously only got slight bruises, lucky me
>yes, once earned me a blody nose but "won", the other time I destroyed a fatty that had hit my girlfriend, no joke

have been in 6 street fights total the past 15 years, I hate it, try to avoid them whenever possible.

martial arts knowledge and the resulting calm in heated situations saved me from a good 20 fights
21, 6"2, 205 lbs
Currently only train mma on occasion, used to train a lot more but due to my work schedule I can't as much as I'd like but I do work out to stay in shape.
I fought two guys one after another but not at the same time. My first fight was against a dude who had a least 40 lbs on me when I was in middle school. Good times.
Yup, I'm a freestyle fighter, kind of like how Clay Guida is a freestyle fighter.



I spend a good few years not practicing before that sparring video.
I thought a lot of things were pretty bad, including my punching technique.

I was outnumbered once because when I was a teenager, I was hanging out with a friend and his brother, and I said I could take them both out at the same time. They got emotional about my non-emotional response to something they said, my response was me saying I could take them both on, and then we started to fight. It was stupid teenager bullshit.
I just kept on the outside and didn't let them take my back. I simulated kicking their knees a few times.
There were no clear winners, if I recall correctly, but I liked to think I won.
2 years of J.V. 1 year of varsity wrestling.
>23 , 5'7" , 180lbs
I work at a tire shop full time so lifting wheel assemblies all day works out my whole body.
>Be 18, 6 feet tall, skinny as fuck
>Freshman year of college and pledging fraternity
>Doing house security during a party
>Fucker tries to walk out of house with a case of PBR
>My height, easily 40 pounds heavier than me
>Try to stop him
>Threatens to fight me
>Drops the case and hits me in the stomach
>I'm shocked and in pain, instinct kicks in
>Not today
>Rear back and headbutt him
>Never done this before, hurts like fuck
>Fucker falls off porch, pouring blood from nose
>I've been "Headbutt Guy" for three years now

>26, 178cm, 76kg
>BJJ (competitive), Slight boxing and muay thai experience
>Yes when i was younger, got the shit kicked out of me
>In a real situation, no
i took a hit too the kidney once, that shit i wasnt prepared for. sparring partners dont target those places.
the bladder shot sounds like a good idea lol especially if they been drinking. how ego damaging would it be if you piss yourself in a fight?
>22, 5'10", 152
>Army Combatives 1
>Correctional officer basic pressure point based hand-to-hand training
>Little bit of kenpo (some karate) when I was a kid
>technically yes
>technically yes

Every fight I was outnumbered in or was against a larger opponent I had either some overwhelming advantage (OC spray) or it was for training purposes. I can hold my own in a fight but if it does not advantage me I run like a bitch or try to use the psychological training and word play I know to stop the fight before it gets out of hand. Might provide some stories if requested.
how did you do against the heavier guy? also is it true theres a lot of rivalry in wrestling?
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No Martial Arts. I havent fought all that much but when i have Ive won every time. Knocked a dude out once like he was snoring. I didnt hit him He jumped on my back during a fight and i flung him over my back and his head snapped off a marble floor.
>i took a hit too the kidney once, that shit i wasnt prepared for. sparring partners dont target those places.
wait was this during sparring? thats seriously fucked up

>how ego damaging would it be if you piss yourself in a fight?
I think youd be in too much pain to even worry about that

Well, the first time they were drunk so it wasnt terribly hard to avoid the punches
heavier guys are way slower. They usually go for throws. If you go for the legs and they can't match your speed then its easy to take them down. If they sprawl on you then you're kinda screwed so you gotta be fast. was 130lbs in wrestling. Practiced against 165-170lb guys often.
Never lost even a 6 vs me armos I am a little insane so rich armos are no problem. Mexicans jumping me made me loose in Stockton
oh and i forgot to answer the rivalry part. Ye sometimes. Depends on the school and the individuals but usually it was very sportsmanlike. (the ref can take points away from your team for misbehaving)
>Mexicans jumping me made me loose in Stockton
>26, 6"3, 16 Stone
>Korean Karate + HEMA
>Yes once
>yes, fat fuck. also drunk so my hits didn't register for about a minute...still fell like a sack of bricks.

...whats the point of this thread?
>25, 6,1,210
>none really, a tiny amount of karate and body building
>yes 3>1
22, 5'11", 235lbs
Liu He Ba Fa
a few times
how did you do against the 3 cunts?
no it was in another fight, like i said sparring partners dont really try and hurt you bad. the guy was much bigger than me, i felt those extra pounds he had. he ducked to the side and uppercut to the body. it was obvious he had training too cause thats not an instinctual kind of move
I used to wrestle alot with my grandpa. There's like 20 lbs difference but he always kiss me after and calls me a winner
wow, i bet the fight ended right there? and how did this fight come about?
lol, if you think long and hard you might recall a penis in ur butt, its ok man people often block out traumatizing events
You had the balls to keep going, and that set you above almost everybody else.

>24, 175 lbs and 6 ft
>no training just scrapper from hell
>Not exactly 1/3 times I was, my friend jumped in to even it
>yep and I still destroyed him

> fat younger drunk wangster pushes my drummer after leaving a show after we confronted him harassing a grill
>tell him to fuck off and leave, just trying to pack our shit up
>gets in my face and says some shit about his dead mom and he's ready to fight I say "okay but are you 18? Yes? You're fucked"
> He throws a hook that connects and it feels like nothing
>ohh boi get dat boi pussi rdy
>begin assault on his life. Every hit I block or dodge and every punch I get his face.
>watch the look in his eye and he realizes what's about to happen
>grab his shirt over him and knee him in the face three times. Feeling his nose crunch
>blood on my clothes he rips my shirt trying to free himself
>knock him to ground with sweep
>punching his face on the ground and let it ricochet off the concrete to bring my next punch in again and again

Cops didn't care and knew the kid by reputation. He continued to be a shitty person until someone stabbed him. Story time
23 6'5 260

Kickboxing, Orthodox boxing and BJJ

Yeah I live by a row of bars and had been drinking so I walked to the gas station to get more alcohol. A car full of drunk Indians tried to jump me 4v1. I was able to get them one at a time as they were getting out of the car.

All the time, everytime I go out drinking with friends I get sized up by bigger guys. I usually end up agreeing after trying to avoid it.
18, 195 lbs, 6'1
23, 6'1", 240, UK


Outnumbered 30 odd Chavs V's 4... We fought our way out of the park to the train station as even more were turning up. Mate got nose broken with blood everywhere, carry on the night going into town to party for Halloween. Mate gets into nightclub with blood all over his shirt because bouncers think it's fake blood, best Halloween ever.

Ihate Stockton so fucking much.
>just moved knew no one 8th grade >5ft tall
>never talk to anyone keep head wayy low. be in PE Mexican pink shorts tall fuck pushes me against fence. push back he falls. walk away he punches me. I turn 2 hit KO his ass. we don't get in trouble (fights are every day things) go to lunch get jumped/tackled by Mexican kid get face smashed into floor.
>> 36, 6'0", 185 lbs.
>> Have done kung-fu, kenjutsu, muy-thai, boxing, though none of those comes into play with how I fight when the chips are down. I prefer to take people to the ground or use terrain (concrete walls, metal posts, etc.) to do damage.
>> I was jumped by 11 guys once. Three of them ended up in the hospital due to collisions with solid objects. Cracked skull, fractured faceplate and 3 broken ribs on the lower back respectively. I ended up with some minor bruising.
>>I have fought some people heavier than me, and have won all but one fights in those situations. One guy was about 60-80 lbs heavier than me with almost no body fat. I swear his biceps were about as big as my thighs. He put me down with one punch. I didnt go unconscious, but I am not sure I could have even stopped him from killing me if he had not left it at that one punch. I've been hit with baseball bats with less force than that punch.

I have been in a fair amount of fights during my life simply because I refuse to back down. I rarely start the fight, but I'm not about to be labeled a bitch and taken advantage of. I have lost 2 fights in my entire life.
19, 6'5", 245lbs,
Muay thai, BJJ, Judo, and Football.
only 2nd week of school
>20, 5'9", 140
Never fought in my life, do not intend to, ever.
>Carry knife
what belt are you in bjj?
for me yeah it was over. i dont know exctly what started it. one of my kung fu teachers thought he was the shit and started spouting off in PT's pub. he was outnumbered so i jumped in.

one thing i realized about fighting from that, even when you lose its always fun. it hurts but its not something you cant shake off
25, 192cm, 120 kg
Nothing, but I am strong as fuck.
Once, 2 against 4 ( i've lost tooth, other guy god arm broke )
You get belts for that?!? Phwoar!!
22, 6'4 285.
Not fat but not skinny, big build and beer gut.
Boxed for a few years when I was in high school, went 3-4 in the ring, always lost to faster guys, I hit hard as fuck but tend to be a bit slow.

Couple fights out of the ring in high school, never lost because I'm dirty as fuck, throatpunched and dick kicked everyone I fought, never really gave a fuck as long as I won.

Only ever got in one fight at a shitty bar downtown and a swaggy nigger kicked me in the bag before I got the chance to get him first, kicked me in the face a bunch of times too.
>26, 6' 6", 300 lbs
>No, never been in a fight
those are some awesome stats
>beng beng beng
YouTube 'bas ruten'
He knows fighting
Im not saying i can beat anyone but my dad was a muay thai and jiujitsu instructor my whole life so i spent countless hours since age 3 fighting and learning moves and erfecting my form. Once i turned 18 i stopped all that shit and turned into a peace loving hippy, im now 22, idk if i could beat someones ass but i could teach someone or at least defend myself.
My sport, done it for about 4 years now. It's good fun, but I am so glad they banned the warhammer this guy uses.

You probably have no muscle on you? 6'2 205?
>Never fought in my life, do not intend to, ever.
Fighting is fun. You should try it.
18 5'8"
K-1, Taekwondo, Bjj

Haven't been in a proper fight since everyone in town is passive and chill as fuck. However when I was 10 years old, I was playing with my classmate in the park when these 3 18 year old chavs came at us and demanded us to fight them. Being the scrawny lil kids we were back then we didn't really want to fight them.

My main training partner is 30kgs heavier than me, and our gym doesn't care what oz gloves we use, so he's using 8's whilst i'm using 16's.
>Black eye, cracked tooth, bloody mouth
>I punched him only once ,upper cut to jaw, faggot ran away
>dazed as fuck walk to campus security they find him he is suspended for a week
Im from northern ontario and have been in countless fights, won and lost. Been stabbed once too, shit fucking hurts.
where did you get stabbed?
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>28 5'11" 159 lbs.
>boxing wrestling
i've fought someone 50+ lbs more then me. ( scar on left side of head and broken hand from that fight)
I've been able to hold my own, lost two fights - both from being outnumbered.
top kek
I did no gi in America. I used to go to the Lab and TNT.
19, 5'2, 145

I do BJJ and Muay Thai

Yes and I lost. You can't fight multiple people efficiently.

Every real fight I've had have been taller and fatter opponents. In sparring the same thing.

I've only lost one real fight and that was with multiple opponents, every other fight I've won. So 4 wins, 1 loss
>lost two fights - both from being outnumbered.
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>>Bench 120lb
ughh.. how much do you even weigh? kek
My left wrist/forearm, guy pulled a knife in an alley, i went to break the knife from his grip but he fell into me and i got stabbed. I ended up gettinf the knife free, threw it and beat his ass mercilessly. I was waiting in emerg to get stitches and i saw him get carried in on a stretcher. I have mma and army cqc training too by the way.
So I assume you had no trouble dealing with those bigger dudes?
No gi tournaments are fierce btw, you been in them?
>what's your age, height and weight?
24, 5'11, 225
>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
Martial art? No.
Ice hockey, football, baseball, motocross for a little bit.
>have you ever been outnumbered in a fight?
Yup. Ended because we were all so gassed and they weren't getting anywhere fast.
I went on to fuck up one of them a few years later.
Father always told me "if the fight is uneven, find something to help you even it up"
PVC pipes were my friend that day.
>ever fought someone much heavier than you (20lbs + difference)
Oh hell yes.
Before a hockey game I got jumped by two brothers (both 6'4 easy, probably 250 each).
Hit one in the face, and he fell. Jumped on his brother and got him to lead forward and downwards, got him in a choke and just kept hitting him in the lower back.
Threw him into a bathroom door and he went through.
Went at the other brother for a minute or so (felt longer) until the other grabbed me from behind.
Luckily a buddy on my team got out of the locker room in his full gear, hobbled over and pulled him off.
Probably the best fight I've been in.
If you do traditional GI, they do advancement like that. The classes I took didn't but a lot of people who do no GI do GI BJJ as well.
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whats to tell? was in college, two punks were beating the fuck out of a handicapped person, i stepped in, managed to knock out 1st guy - 2nd guy yells for his friends and 2 more show up, i manage to knock out one more person and i ended up with a concussion and a broken hand.

i did however get my revenge on the other 2 pricks winter quarter.

the retard baked me a cake for helping him. eh felt good at the end of the day.
24, 5`11, 165 lbs
I practice BJJ and Muay thai
Haven't been outnumbered in a fight because I try to avoid them. Broke a guys arm and nose once though
>have mma and army cqc training too by the way.
how were you able to lose fights with that kind of background?
was the concussion from head punches? you got balls btw
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>the retard baked me a cake for helping him
I like to box rather than go to the ground with bigger guys since they just have to go dead weight on you. I know how to get off the ground but I don't want to get stomped by someone trying to submit them.

No I trained for two years but never did. I still roll with some of my BJJ friends but I'm working on my Orthodox boxing to compete.
Youre skilled but not invincible. Skill fade happens too. Also sometimes youre just outnumbered or outmatched. Theres always someone better, id rather stay humble now than cocky, i get in less fights because of it. I cant afford any more charges or my career is fucked.
checkd' again. yes i got hit in the head about 7-9 times, i got pretty fucked up but recovered fine. like i said i got my revenge after and didn't play fair.
Been in the same situation but I was younger.

>kids picking on 6th grader
>have his hat and keep slapping him
>Walk over
>Wtf are you idiots doing? You're like 5 years older than him
>Pick on someone your own size
>3 of them come after me.
Hit the first one in the face, the other two just stand there.
Jump on the first (and only ballsy one) and just keep hitting.
One literally creeps over to me like he's a ninja and tries to pull me off. It was like I had the black plague and he was trying to grab me. Shit was funny after I thought about it.

His friend is getting dropped and he's grabbing at me to stop like a small child watching parents fight
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damn.. there still white knights out there.
When I was 7-17~ I grew up on an English heroin council estate in the 90s. Was very intelligent so in the top sets, but also fought anyone and everyone who set at me, like I was taught.

I couldn't actually fight worth shit because it was just street fights, but no one ever fucked with me when I started finishing hitting my final height. If people did start anything at any point I would just fight them instantly. Lost so many fights.

One day I fought an amateur 6'6" Muay Tai trainer... fucking hell, I kept getting up dazed and trying to lamp his face but couldn't even breeze it. I knew I could take a beating, but it's a different fucking game when they're trained.

I then started training KB.
punches from heavier guys must hurt like fuck though and the guys who size you up probably know how to do some damage
Yes, 5'10, 150, kind of skinny but muscular, I've beaten up people in the 180 lb range, I'm fucking crazy.
>One day I fought an amateur 6'6" Muay Tai trainer... fucking hell, I kept getting up dazed and trying to lamp his face but couldn't even breeze it. I knew I could take a beating, but it's a different fucking game when they're trained.
wtf why would you fight someone like that?

>Anyone on /b/ who can hold their own in a fight?
>>what's your age, height and weight?
28, 6'1", 202lbs
>>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
Now I do KB, never as a child
>>have you ever been outnumbered in a fight?
Yep many times. Got my head stomped by two grown men when I was 14 with a broken arm cast on
>>ever fought someone much heavier than you (20lbs + difference)
Yep. Depends if they know how to use it.

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only real "fight" i've been in was getting mugged by two tall raggedy ass black guys in the Cape Town train station (found out later they were somali refugees)...anyhow, one of them charged me and tried to get me in a headlock, I put him down and broke my hand in the process. The other guy pulled a knife. I broke his nose (probably) with my nalgene bottle (lol). took a light cut on my forearm, took off running. Didn't get robbed, did get treated for hep and preventative HIV. Overall, worked out fine. Fuck South Africa.
Yeah they do but it's a fight so it's always going to hurt. I spar a lot with heavyweights and they train so that's the hardest I've been hit. People outside of the gym are way easier to fight. Very predictable and load up on their punches before they even throw them.
We became friends by pure chance, and got along really well. We started drinking all through a summer because he'd been gone in Tai land for over a year and didn't like his old group. We get drinking, I'm thinking,how much difference is there between us, I can definitely get a hit on you.

The motherfucker was like fighting 3 people.
Yeah I fought a lot, lost a lot of times but at least once fucked up someones nose.
(I'm a Eurofag)
>19, 178cm, 70kg
>Did Muay Thai for a couple of years
>Yes, I got my ass kicked by a group of people
>Yes, and I got my ass kicked by this fat passive-agressive guy.
Not tough or anything i just get mad and land punches when i get scared or hit haha.

> 145 lbs
> 6 foot
> Took some MMA and Judo in highschool. nothing too serious I would never call myself a martial artist or wouldn't ever say "I know XXX" out of respect for those who do and the sports themselves
> yes on two occasions

I would say I've won all my streetfights except my first one when I was 14. Dude was 160 i was 120. Socked him silly then he pulled my long hair and dragged me to the ground. All of my other fights have been in public at concerts though so they haven't lasted long but I have yet to be hit in the face except for when I've been sucker punched. Had my face split on one occasion by a guy way smaller than me which is rare.
I was once in a fight as a child and fucked up this lad's actual voice. Our entire school years he kept making a deal of it and he'd get me back.

No idea who the cunt was.
not sure about fighting but i can run pretty well, ask the police

I as someone else who does BJJ and Muay Thai don't understand why you'd box heavier bigger opponents.

They have bigger reach and more power.

I'm 5'2 but I'll still take a 300+ guy down, that's the whole point of BJJ. When I spar with someone really bigger than me which is all the time, I usually take them down and mount/guard and if I'm bottom I never go for guard, I practice spider guard a lot. It's very effective against fat guys, lots of kicks to the face, easy sweeps.
story of those fights?
Because majority of the time, people don't know how to fight, and throw clotheslines lol not saying an average Joe isn't dangerous under the right circumstance but in general people are fucking stupid.
I have to say that I've taken a lot of fights since I wanted to be the tough guy in school. If it wasn't for my big brothers I would be dead and that ashames me as much as you can imagine. Now no one wants to fight because they think (or at least say) that I will call my brothers, which I never did in the first place. I have to hit them first so they start something with me. Am I really that much of a fag?
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I'm a beginner in boxing and might get attacked by a chav and probably his mates sometime soon. I really can't avoid this forever and been training hard to at least have a chance at it.
That's what big bros do. When I was about 11/12 an adult pushed over my little brother in the street. Fucking ran 100yards and drop kicked him in the stomach. Didn't do any serious damage, but I was always there fighting whoever for my little bro, even though we hated each other.
>Be me, 16 years old
>Party in my town
>Fucked up with a guys girlfriend, actually punched her because she robbed my phone
>Get my ass kicked by the boyfriend and his group of friends
>Eye bruised, got my phone and money stolen.

The passive-agressive
>Fuck with this guy in school
>He fights back
>Kicks my ass in front of the school, would call it luck but he one-punched me right in the nose
>Everyone made fun of me

Im a loser kek
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