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>ctrl f 'greentext' >no greentext thread >greentext
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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 151
File: 1465510882472.jpg (294 KB, 960x1252) Image search: [Google]
294 KB, 960x1252
>ctrl f 'greentext'
>no greentext thread
>greentext thread
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842 KB, 3719x2091
bump while i look for my greentext folder
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all time favorite of mine
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2 MB, 3548x3000
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Fresh Prince of Albequerque.png
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1 MB, 920x3037
anyone got tthat greentext of the guy who put pool balls up his ass and shat them out
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1 MB, 1383x1277
I don't but I want to see this now.
File: Jim Gordon's Ass.jpg (3 MB, 3466x4893) Image search: [Google]
Jim Gordon's Ass.jpg
3 MB, 3466x4893
I can post a lot more, but I wanna know who's actually in here.
worth reading?
File: NEETs.jpg (133 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
133 KB, 1024x768
Yes. Good ol' fashioned tard stories. Can't go wrong.
File: brookfield.png (649 KB, 637x4565) Image search: [Google]
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Always gets me every time
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52 KB, 375x500
Meh over rated 2/10was there
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just go to the top of r/4chan
Kek level: 110%
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oh i see that anon
and i raise you pic related
oh jesus i hope this is fake
not sure if bait
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308 KB, 1318x2275
forgot to post the first one first
it worth every letter
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143 KB, 1017x748
That was pretty cool story op. Thank.
brother was crawling in the ground at this point
> he grabbed my arm and exclaimed you better leave you little shit
> I started screaming at the top of my lungs

Continue fags?
File: 1310837649685.png (230 KB, 726x575) Image search: [Google]
230 KB, 726x575
holy fucking great
Dude this actually made me sad
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176 KB, 1024x716
Mods at sleep guys
He shouldve fucked his mom with pb as lubricant
File: Dropter Pepper.jpg (25 KB, 294x170) Image search: [Google]
Dropter Pepper.jpg
25 KB, 294x170
You cunt. Waste of leman jucir
File: Kitty-Tan.jpg (2 MB, 1868x2624) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1868x2624
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1 MB, 2840x2936
god tier
File: Comedians Tell Vidya Gaem Jokes.png (426 KB, 1079x1825) Image search: [Google]
Comedians Tell Vidya Gaem Jokes.png
426 KB, 1079x1825
Thats not a swaztika
File: 1462321732079.png (144 KB, 1025x754) Image search: [Google]
144 KB, 1025x754
the best
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Mah sides
File: Dra'nakyuek.jpg (48 KB, 642x724) Image search: [Google]
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>>688921289 (OP) #
>to the tune of the safelite commercials
Toss me a salad captain O'Brain
O toss me a wave
A boatof stoat Mr. Captain
Captain o'brain
File: How To Triforce.png (1 MB, 2262x5000) Image search: [Google]
How To Triforce.png
1 MB, 2262x5000
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Lets do some real green text.

>Be me.
>Having affair.
>husband works IT at some government agency that doesn't even have a wikipedia page.
>Works a lot but earns shitloads, so much that I don't have to work.
>husband is going to have a really long shift, like 2 days, this is normal for him.
>Invite fuckbro over.
>chillin with Fuckbro
>Fuckbro needs to check email.
>I hand him an expensive looking laptop husband leaves turned on in the lounge, but never uses ever.
>Fuckbro opens laptop, the desktop looks weird.
>husband is always talking about linux and shit, it's probably that.
>Fuckbro opens chrome incognito tab.
>Signs into gmail.
>It's the one we use to arrange our meetups.
>Fuckbro finishes with email.
>Put laptop back.
>Hour or so later were having fun.
>Massive speakers in lounge start playing,
>I can see for miles.mp3
>Fuckbro finds it funny, I never told him my husband does IT.
>Ask Fuckbro to leave.
>Act cool when husband gets home.
>He almost looks ready to cry.
>'Hey Anon... anything interesting happen.'
>'No, nothing. How was work?'
>'Boring, just setting up a new machine nothing interesting'.
>Later I ask about the laptop.
>He keeps it there just so this if someone breaks in they will steal it and not something important.
>After that husband starts drinking spending less time at work.
>He never lets on that he knows.
>Start feeling like a bitch.
>Email Fuckbro and tell him to never speak to me again.
>Husband cheered up after that.
>TFW you're married to a melficent Big Brother.
File: I HAVE EVOLVED.png (261 KB, 1440x2820) Image search: [Google]
261 KB, 1440x2820
That's.... Terrifying
Had it coming to you though ya cunt.
shit post is west wing rip
File: 2025 - Part I.png (185 KB, 1262x419) Image search: [Google]
2025 - Part I.png
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2025 - Part II.png
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2025 - Part III.png
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You're a slut.
File: Promotion.jpg (21 KB, 640x282) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 640x282
timestamped tits or it didn't happen
File: image.png (509 KB, 1952x4068) Image search: [Google]
509 KB, 1952x4068
Does anyone have the rest of this?
This thread
File: Vasovagal Nerve Dysfunction.png (243 KB, 1436x1148) Image search: [Google]
Vasovagal Nerve Dysfunction.png
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Honestly kill yourself. Freeloader and a cheater
File: Book Burning.jpg (65 KB, 731x556) Image search: [Google]
Book Burning.jpg
65 KB, 731x556
File: The Chan.png (2 MB, 1703x1472) Image search: [Google]
The Chan.png
2 MB, 1703x1472
Anybody still here or can I abandon thread?
File: 1464341162662.png (405 KB, 1952x4221) Image search: [Google]
405 KB, 1952x4221
here you go.
I am here
This is the worst thing ever, even for 4chan, this is the worst thing ever. What the actual fuck
File: Goofy.jpg (1 MB, 1992x3424) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1992x3424
Try this horror.
File: opdelivers.jpg (274 KB, 1366x1724) Image search: [Google]
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2 MB, 1268x2536
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Gold & Silver.png
519 KB, 1848x918
File: lol koth.jpg (407 KB, 1260x1782) Image search: [Google]
lol koth.jpg
407 KB, 1260x1782
>folding multi-tool axe head
File: delivered.png (1 MB, 1736x1780) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1736x1780
not really greentext but if anyone is interested have this


thanks, anon
File: 4000 Years In The Future.jpg (167 KB, 595x850) Image search: [Google]
4000 Years In The Future.jpg
167 KB, 595x850
fake n gay
jesus retconned almost all of that.

get your story straight mate,
File: Feminazi Clan.png (579 KB, 2009x1418) Image search: [Google]
Feminazi Clan.png
579 KB, 2009x1418
File: image.jpg (215 KB, 1024x952) Image search: [Google]
215 KB, 1024x952
Pretty good new one here.

>it was speaking words no meaning though
File: Clapping.jpg (193 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
193 KB, 1024x768
someone cap this?
File: Galaxies.jpg (76 KB, 1280x387) Image search: [Google]
76 KB, 1280x387
already done
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27 KB, 358x272
>take it with me
File: BB.png (71 KB, 740x745) Image search: [Google]
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2 MB, 1284x7572
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310 KB, 1080x1920
Please repost. Thanks
if you try repost it says dupe file you nigger
And you're not a retard.
Both are false statements
File: Peenus Weanus.jpg (368 KB, 1367x1490) Image search: [Google]
Peenus Weanus.jpg
368 KB, 1367x1490
Get off the phone, you faggot.
File: giHixovl.jpg (26 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 640x360
I mean someone else
File: LOL Rekt.png (138 KB, 1219x424) Image search: [Google]
LOL Rekt.png
138 KB, 1219x424
This pisses me off
Haven't seen that one in a couple years. Thank you.
File: Chance.jpg (61 KB, 563x334) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 563x334
I just post 'em. Don't gotta agree with 'em.
/r/ing the one about the derka derka on call of duty that ends with

>bad times ahead my friend

>maybe no computer

That one gets the feels going
You can't go off Old Testament. New testament changed a lot of stuff. Just saying.
Yeah and Jesus said keep the old word as you would the new.
File: Madness.jpg (959 KB, 748x3267) Image search: [Google]
959 KB, 748x3267
File: Hello.gif (885 KB, 250x189) Image search: [Google]
885 KB, 250x189
The bible is an mess.
File: Nah, It's Fine.jpg (53 KB, 700x583) Image search: [Google]
Nah, It's Fine.jpg
53 KB, 700x583
Don't ever post that evil again.
damn instant feels thread
File: Louis.jpg (96 KB, 865x468) Image search: [Google]
96 KB, 865x468
he also rolled 42
He basically meant don't stop reading the old testament because it still has a lot of important stuff. Thats why The Bible has both parts in one.
File: I Am The One Who Knocks.png (155 KB, 822x667) Image search: [Google]
I Am The One Who Knocks.png
155 KB, 822x667
Nice meme
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54 KB, 1386x386
File: 1 AM.png (115 KB, 786x736) Image search: [Google]
1 AM.png
115 KB, 786x736

this one is my favorite
welcome to America
File: A Cat And A Dog.jpg (115 KB, 718x711) Image search: [Google]
A Cat And A Dog.jpg
115 KB, 718x711
Glad to see you're enjoying my wares.
When you're on your deathbed feeling guilty because you were fucking some boy while your husband was away working his ass off to keep you fed and housed, I hope your husband laughs.

Honestly like how can you even live with yourself? You'd be nothing but a homeless tramp without your husband.

That's assuming this greentext is real and not one you just made up to feel like you're part of the cool club.
A thread on /b/ that's lasted almost six hours. Even with the ~two hours of downtime, that's impressive.
File: A Hard Childhood.jpg (112 KB, 1024x600) Image search: [Google]
A Hard Childhood.jpg
112 KB, 1024x600
We do what we can.
What was >>688888888?
File: Acid.png (176 KB, 835x810) Image search: [Google]
176 KB, 835x810
Gotcha bitch.
Underrated post
you made me cry fuck you
File: Air Horn Gas.png (630 KB, 1888x1852) Image search: [Google]
Air Horn Gas.png
630 KB, 1888x1852
keked to the max
File: Alabama.png (136 KB, 838x988) Image search: [Google]
136 KB, 838x988
I think it says a lot about this place that the first 2 answers were to rape people.
It's glorious
File: 1347915561602.png (45 KB, 701x363) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 701x363
Fucking dying
File: 1357515209703.png (2 MB, 4762x3914) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 4762x3914
long tard story but worth reading
File: 1352516152817.png (114 KB, 781x641) Image search: [Google]
114 KB, 781x641

Is that all of it? I wanna read more.
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File: Amana.jpg (70 KB, 486x709) Image search: [Google]
70 KB, 486x709
Anybody got Fats McGee?
File: 1400532871093.png (412 KB, 1188x2646) Image search: [Google]
412 KB, 1188x2646
Fucking disgusting piece of shit
You're seriously the worst kind of creature
File: 1398052605618.png (506 KB, 1024x4996) Image search: [Google]
506 KB, 1024x4996
I think so, give me a minute to look for it
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435 KB, 1280x4323
File: American Airlines.png (835 KB, 1284x1565) Image search: [Google]
American Airlines.png
835 KB, 1284x1565
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843 KB, 1277x4855
goddammit that's not what I wanted, here it is
File: Anafranil.jpg (79 KB, 745x669) Image search: [Google]
79 KB, 745x669
Thanks for this
File: drunk stories - riot.jpg (65 KB, 952x361) Image search: [Google]
drunk stories - riot.jpg
65 KB, 952x361
np anon
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113 KB, 775x527
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80 KB, 1101x871
fake as fuck but somehow still makes me chuckle
Sauce on the vid
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448 KB, 777x4294
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File: Deaf Problems.png (143 KB, 710x683) Image search: [Google]
Deaf Problems.png
143 KB, 710x683
Please tell me it dosen't end there.
giv video pls
File: Ben.jpg (76 KB, 780x608) Image search: [Google]
76 KB, 780x608
Far as I know.
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File: Bengay.jpg (71 KB, 814x639) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 814x639
Fucking reddit
could someone please explain this one i dont get it...
File: superhero party.jpg (118 KB, 1026x686) Image search: [Google]
superhero party.jpg
118 KB, 1026x686
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78 KB, 732x490
tits then kys
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226 KB, 500x366
I have a tard story I've only shared once on this site- never saved it so I'll type it out since people seem to enjoy them. You'll understand why I don't often share it
>Be in high school, mopey teen faggot
>kid named Aaron is an absolute shit canoe
>sort of a bully, but not bigger or strong enough to beat the fuck out of me, more of a heckler or shit-talker
>didn't stop him one day from slapping me like a bitch
>don't even remember what he did
>heated altercation with Aaron on 2nd floor of school, I say something, get slapped in face
>more confused and disgusted he touched me than hurt
>he's laughing his high-pitched laugh and walks away to stairs down to 1st floor
>enter Bill
>Bill was an absolute psychopath, he had two huge fucking wranglers
>Bill felt no pain, and had the tard strength of every strong xmen character combined
>I've seen Bill's fist go through lockers not even kidding
>attacked damn near everybody
>one thing I noticed is people gave him commands like a dog
>BILL! /gesture SIT!
>he responded like a well-oiled war machine
>for some horrifying reason Bill was unmonitored that day
>taking a huge fucking risk engaging Bill
>only Bill, me and Aaron in hallway
>Aaron is about to go down the stairs
>his psychotic eyes locked with mine I had a split second to command him or I was fucking dead
>pointed at Aaron
"GET 'IM!"
>Bill saw his new target, let out a shriek that still turns my bowels to water when I think about it and charged Aaron
>what I saw was an actual nightmare
>Bill threw his body into Aaron, perhaps unaware of the staircase
>latched onto Aaron and helped him skip 14 steps
>there wasn't a lot of noise
>I didn't look at what happened
>rumor had it that Bill was taken to the hospital for severe head trauma and a broken leg
>Aaron's neck was broken and he was paralyzed
>Aaron couldn't speak, and the injury was so devastating he just shut the fuck down completely
>Never saw Bill again, still don't know how he escaped his wranglers
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27 KB, 400x300
damn, anon
I need more bill murray stories
I lol'd
kill yourself

if my girlfriend would do that I would slap her to death
File: Big Ass Rat.png (105 KB, 1621x985) Image search: [Google]
Big Ass Rat.png
105 KB, 1621x985
I don't think I have any more, sadly.
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960 KB, 3466x2993
some people actually feel like this

Glad iam chaddo
File: BlarNEKNEK.png (424 KB, 1195x2048) Image search: [Google]
424 KB, 1195x2048
Needs to be screencaped
>taking not receiving

Last time I played D&D, I was stoned out of my mind and running towards the keep with my 18 inch wang in hand (so I wouldn't have trouble running)
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11 KB, 355x236
this is fourchan classic right here kekity kek
File: Bill.png (126 KB, 1026x602) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 1026x602
I capped it. It will live on, my /b/rothers!
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2 MB, 2112x4672
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66 KB, 940x630
.....Holy shit man
File: mysides.gif (3 MB, 441x300) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 441x300
for some reason this completely fucking killed me
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114 KB, 673x301

forty keks
File: didl.jpg (93 KB, 531x471) Image search: [Google]
93 KB, 531x471
Similar story here
>be me
>have 9 year old brother
>buy him a laptop for christmas because he's actually trying really hard in school and getting good grades, and i had started working so I could afford it
>download steam on his computer and give him a 20 dollar gift card
>few days later, hear him yelling
>walk into his room, he is playing dota
>pretty normal, free to play
>ask him what games he got
>"just this one"
>"what did you do with the steam gift card I gave you?"
>"I bought these cool outfits for my favorite character"
>favorite character is pudge
>literally spent 20 dollars on skins
>fast forward a bit, all he plays is pudge
>fast forward to halloween
>parents taking him shopping for a costume
>he didn't buy anything
>"I thought you guys were going shopping for a costume"
>"all he says is that he wants to be pudge"
>they bought him one of those plastic butcher hooks, a butcher knife, an apron, and green hair spray
>he dresses up like pudge and starts talking like him
>I take him trick or treating
>bro runs ahead and jumps behind some bushes
>this fucker is fast and I'm not motivated to catch up to him
>he's just sitting there, not doing anything
>notice some people walking up
>he is getting ready
>too late to stop him
>he yells "GET OVA HERE" and throws the plastic hook
>latches this kid by the neck and yanks him off his feet towards the bushes
>kid falls over, starts screaming and crying
>bro jumps out
>run over and grab bro
>don't even say anything just run off with him
>soccer mom is yelling and swearing
>don't tell parents
>never speak of it
>mfw he still plays dota
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File: Hornet.png (141 KB, 1010x1043) Image search: [Google]
141 KB, 1010x1043
Anybody have more tard stories?
File: road rage.jpg (128 KB, 800x549) Image search: [Google]
road rage.jpg
128 KB, 800x549
can someone screen cap?
File: alice and nerves.jpg (898 KB, 1563x2485) Image search: [Google]
alice and nerves.jpg
898 KB, 1563x2485
>no one has posted this one yet
File: karma real confirm.png (88 KB, 866x602) Image search: [Google]
karma real confirm.png
88 KB, 866x602
File: 1350661906554.jpg (61 KB, 720x443) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 720x443
Doesn't matter, we hit limit.
It's been fun, friends.
is that a fucking vibrator lmao
well done we did it fuckers
everyones already seen neal a million times you fucking newfag
then scroll past it you whiner
was this on /v/?

I want a link to the alpha.
>This actual talent
>Wasting it on lolis
This was on sci
That explains the TeX fonts.
the axis should have won
public schools in charge of not teaching ideologies
You owe me my sides.
what the fuck would make you think any of us knew?

what are we supposed to search for "that 1 creampie vid where the chick ended up getting pregnant", thats fucking retarded.

holy shit u r human shaped garbage
u should leave u after he fucks up ur life
That picture is the cringiest thing I've seen in a fucking long time. Just think of how much time he invested to make everything like that for the picture, his smug face says it all.
There are tears
Oh my god.
>Santa Crust
Yo what in the balls
is there more of this masterpiece?
I've never seen that one before, topkek
that's a shit story. a big big shit story,

OP i assume you're the one who made it and
feel the need to make other anons aware about
your personal shit story
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 151

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