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Her profile says "100% Mexican" Dubs decides what
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Her profile says "100% Mexican"

Dubs decides what i say next
Listen im just screwing around...you see i am autistic and...i really think your beautiful...i was just wondering could...could you show me your tits so i can print it out and shoot my monster sized gonk on your face?
Kek roll

Nope, I didn't. So, you're more into robbing or raping?
Roll for this!
Gotta roll fast!
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Yeah I checked it bitch, I've been backtracing your ass & Im on my way to give you a taste of my big white cock.
Top fucking Kek!
ahaha fuck
Show us her profile
Send nudes or get deported bitch
This shit gonna 404
Did she reply OP?
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Yive me yoir detils when gtrump builds the wall you can gloryhole me thruy ithehehehaaeuea
I think she unmatched him
Kek tell her your tracking her ip adress and that if she doesnt send nudes you will post her personal information on 4chan!
Show us your profile pics, how the fuck did you match a Mexican with your bio saying you support the trump?
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Dubs decides next
only dudes are "mexicans" hot women don't count
Re roll!
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She saw my info
sorry just trying to be funny
it's a tough job I have here

so you're like 100% taco bell yeah?
Kek this needs to happen OP see if she is stupid enough to believe it!

also nice doubles
Seth Rollins!
Check these dubs fags.
Top kek
so anyway, seeing as we're getting on so well

how can I improve my lady skills, so I can pop my meatpole in your backdoor?
Top Kek
fucking roll lets see if it works
ask her if she is part of the cartel and if she score you awhole bunch of cocaine
no homo, but shit you could pull bitches
my grandpa always told me a mexican was just someone who was too poor to even be a nigger? is that true except for the fact that mexicans have tiny dicks?
so when we trading nudes?
Gotta roll fast!
Hahaha i do, its why i dont give a shit what this beaner thinks of me
Send her a picture of your meat pole op and post results
fucking hell OP


king of the sloots, king of the dubs
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please be my gf i will pay you 1000 dollars overtime you cuck me with a well hung bull and let me watch
"That wasn't a joke?!"
youre a legend umong us mere peasants, aknowledge your Belgian pleb aka me
these threads are so fucking uninspired and boring

anyway enough of this sexy talk

I'll vote for hillary if you show me your milkmakers
so when we gonna fuck eh?
Haha you guys are alright, i usually spend time in /pol/.
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This kek, is top, babies.
won't you be my nigger?
please be my gf i will pay you 1000 dollars everytime you cuck me with a well hung bull and let me watch
Why are your shoulders raised up so high shits bothering me
Thread replies: 76
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