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I'm not a psychologist but ask me anything anyway. Don't
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I'm not a psychologist but ask me anything anyway.

Don't be s-suprised if I answer in a f-fake stutter, I think it's endearing and hope it will attract the attention I s-so sorely need.
Why do you pretend to be a grill too?
Who do I hate women who are nice to me?
B-but I am female, anon.

Because you are rightfully suspicious of their possible ulterior motives.
When I try to do stuff I don't have a good grasp of, I get so anxious I have to stop and play video games (they help because I'm so good at them). Plz halp.
Oh that's that feeling, distrust! Now I can clear that from my mind, thank you!
I want this to be a meme, please Help me!
Avoiding pain only works if you have a way that lets you avoid it forever, like marrying a rich person so you never have to work again.

In your case I'd say you should start slow. If you cannot do the whole thing without anxiety then maybe you can do a smaller part of it without anxiety. But at some point you just have to grit your teeth and hope.

With trips you're off to a great start. It doesn't have much merit on its own so I recommend you begin spamming it and make another thread. Force it down their throats like that banana meme.
>B-but I am female, anon
Well then...
TITS OR GTFO you attention seeking whore.
How many times are you going to post this same thing, guy?
Thank god this is finally happening. I never trusted nor liked Alice but every time you say such the thread devolves into people telling you what a goddess she is and how she saved lives.

It's nice to see people hating her.
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U-uhh... umm... I-I'm too shy for that! (yes, that'll do). Maybe you could look at this n-nice fanart of me and pretend I'm the g-girl you've always hoped to m-meet?

H-how dare you! I. Am. Your. GOD. There is NO substantiation to the claims of this blog alicelied.blogspot.com

You are a troll and will be struck down by my AIDS (Alice Internet Defence Squad)
Until you l-like it, anon <4
>my AIDS (Alice Internet Defence Squad)
Look, pal, you seem to miss the point of my question.

I want to know how many times you are going to make the same pointless thread.

You could even be a bot.
My poor opinion for human intelligence has really killed my ability to detect sarcasm. It took me a good two minutes to figure out why someone would post a link to a blog discrediting them.
Thank you.
Listen here you l-little cunt. I'm going to m-make as many f-fucking threads as I w-want and you're going to take it like the b-bitch you are!

N-no anonymous. You were right the f-first time. You're so clever <4 Now please t-think happy thoughts i-instead. T-think of us t-together okay? Don't t-think for yourself, it's selfish. Think for m-me.
Alright, I recently fucked up my chances with a girl because I drink too much at parties.

I find it hard not to drink until I'm absolutely fucked at any social event. I use it to boost confidence and have a good time and that part always works.

But I always get into fights, swear at cops and almost get arrested. This is what put the girl off me.

How can transition from getting absolutely fucked to getting on a buzz? I find it impossible not to get absolutely wasted
Sounds like you've got some social anxiety. You could talk to a real psychologist, which I'm not, or you could trust a stranger talking out their ass and try to find other ways to bolster your courage without alcohol. I would start by trying to attend a party of close friends without drinking any alcohol, then begin stepping up by having them invite strangers, etc.
It's cute how you think anyone is taking anything from you, kid.

Your threads are a one way trip to dullsville, population: you#
I thought as much. I use it as a crutch but everyone loves me when I'm drunk and tell me how much fun I am. But I always wake up thinking I was a fucking idiot because I will definitely do something stupid like passing out in public or fighting someone.

Reckon I should cut down on the alcohol completely not have just a little? I hate parties sober
This thread is pure fucking gold
I wanna fuck you in the ass until you gag on my semen. Can you do that for me please Alice? I l-love your b-blog and I think you're totally not a fraud. l-love you A-alice.
I am a pedo. How do I stop being one without killing myself?
O-oh yeah? Well then how do you explain t-those dismal digits?

Now c-check em!

I think it might be best to cut it completely if you can, then when you know you can function without it reintroduce it slowly. But it sounds like you might always have a bit of a problem, so you may need a friend to make sure you don't start drinking heavily if you get drunk in future and forget what happens when you do.

But again, talking out of my ass.

P-please picture my a-ass then compliment me based on your f-fantasy. My self-esteem is that f-fucking low.
As far as I know you can't. I know how you feel, I am in fact a male and a notorious shitposter but I can't help it. But it's okay, because we didn't choose to be the way we are. So long as you don't fuck any kids nobody has a right to hate you, including you.
Found an alicefag.

Eat hot death, homo.
You're giving some good advice, at least helping me clear my head with all this shit. Have more confidence like I do when I'm drunk anon you'll do good.

Also reckon I can still bag this bitch I scared away? I only sweared at some cops and got into a fight, or should I be going onto the next one?
The real dismal digit here is the number of posters, junior.

Why not just give up and try something new already? It couldn't be any worse than right now.
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Eh, it's you again. Shrink anon here again.
Ok. Theres this.
Abusive childhood, single parent (mother). Married 14 yrs to landwhale i have always hated. Been madly in love with little half sister i met 15 yrs ago. Told her a year ago, she was cool with it, but didnt feel the same way. Now abusive landwhale and i seperated, but i live here part time due to kids. Little sis cut me off as i wouldnt walk and leave kids entirely to get away from abusive landwhale. What do.
Should I kill myself?
Does trauma of some of your pstients get to you? How do you cope with it?
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Why do Men buy wedding rings?

Are they really that pathetic?

when I get sad or angry a song gets stuck in.my head, is this normal?
Hi Alice, how are you feeling, still sick?
T-too lewd! <4 Just keep b-believing in me and p-paying me attention and all your h-hopes and dreams will c-come true <4 <4 <4

Give it another shot, lad. Worst case scenario she says no, but if you really like her just admit you had a bit too much and you're working on it. That night was a real wake-up call etc. etc. She might be too scared, might not. Only one way to tell.

Well shit, anon. I think you're going to have to try talking to your sister, and if you can wrangle it, a couple's counsellor. Not sure how to slip the whole legal incest thing by.

N-no don't do that, p-please. Stay here with Alice. she l-loves all the anons <4

I usually laugh about it in a private chat and mock some of the more pathetic ones. Honestly I'm a bit of a sadist and an attention whore so I love it. The more dependent they are on me the better.

Jewish conspiracy, ask /pol/ They know what's up.

B-but if you wanted to b-buy me something, anonymous. I w-wouldn't say no... <4
WHy I am attracted to 12 year olds?

Also, Why do I feel the need to rape people?

Also, Why do I get hard thinking of fucking girls that would be my sister/cousin?

Also, WHy do I feel that I might become a serial killer one day?
>What do
Clarify your post.

Or kill yourself.
Either way, your choice.
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I am marrying a 36 years old woman with two kids soon, I am 24.

Am I fucking up with my life ?
Yes, dreadfully. I keep having the same fever dream: I pretend to be a psychologist on /b/ and have an army of dedicated orbiters who can't think for themselves that think I'm their goddess or something. Weird.

Sure why not.

T-that's too many q-questions! But uhh...
Don't know, probably some evolutionary fuckery that's incompatible with modern morals and society to the first three, and the last because there's a good chance you will. Seek help.

Yes, you cuckold. We warned you about single mothers. Did you think it was just a meme?
Fuck I completely forgot about the whole "wake up call" shit... You're fucking amazing anon you've given my erection a revitalized vigor
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Sorry pal, gotta fuck you in the butt. Nothing personal, but Alice wills it.
I-I'd like to take a m-mid-thread break to remind a-anonymous I love him very much <4 <4 <4 and that soon A-Alice will be creating a paypal to receive donations f-from her m-most loyal followers. S-so start saving!

L-love always,
Alice <4
fucken die you fat fuck
N-noo anonymous. I am Alice, r-remember? A-and I don't w-want it there...

would you accept a jr of semen as a donation?

also, will there be a minimum donation.amount?
Semen? O-oh my... umm... n-no, currency o-only.

H-haven't decided! But I've g-got some pretty b-big bills coming up s-so anything helps! <4
Y I know but my dick takes all the decisions.

Do you think I should dump her away knowing that we have been going out for a year and living together for 4-5 months ?
since when does alice post without a picture? i smell bs
>N-noo anonymous. I am Alice, r-remember? A-and I don't w-want it there...
I'm pretty sure you called off your AIDS on me there Alex.

Another butt fucked free day for me!

Now that you mention it..but the style of writing is the same though..
If you're looking to leave I'd say now is about the time. There's all kinds of legal fuckery that could trap you with her or child support payments. Give it some more thought. After all, I am but a humble shitposter (prase me).

I l-lost my archive. It was that n-nefarious Grey! That's wh-why I need anonymous to d-donate to help r-restore my archive <4

That meme is overcooked.
ye Alice who supposedly makes 250k needs donation.

Fuck off
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Welp, yeah, I was gonna fuck this guy in the butt to really show him what AIDS is all about. But Alice doesn't want it there. Go free, anon!
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I'd buy you something, if we were skype friends or something.

Sorry i just don't give random people gifts, but i do buy friends video games alot.

Thanks for making these threads for us all.
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