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Thread replies: 178
Thread images: 151
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snek out of 10.png
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Or something
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I can't go get new content if I keep coming back to look at all this new hotness.
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It was.
Oh boy, here comes the obligatory reply from anon.
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She really is amazing!
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>Herm (testicles in breasts)
Uhm, okay!
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That hits almost all of my kinks, HNNNG
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Yeah I don't really know what that's about. Furries create some weird shit.

Kek, glad you like it.
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Autism - the character
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>Furries create some weird shit.
True that. I love it!
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Ask a professional dog rapist anything?

Come on, go on I know everything rape related.

My skills involve me raping your dog in front of you and you wouldn't even realize.
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Yeah me too, sometimes. Other things I just don't get. Like oviposition and vore. I'll never understand them. But hey, I don't judge, I like weird shit too.
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>Cuntboy in a s/fur thread
I too like to live life on the edge.
Why are you such a deplorable piece of human garbage?
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>Ask a professional dog rapist anything?
Why raep doggo if you could just ask for fuck?
So dickgirls are fairly common in s/fur threads, but what is the consensus on cuntboys? They don't really pop up that often
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Nah, cuntboys are totally straight brah.
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Sarcasm aside, I've always kept them to the h/fur threads. They're technically intersex, so I figure that's the best place for them.
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Oh good.
Because the world needs a hero like me

Because dog pushy is da best and it cute that they look like hearts
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>Like oviposition and vore.
Yes! Two of my all time favorites.

Yeah, there's some art for every imaginable kink and I like that a lot. I don't get many things either, but I don't mind them to exist at all. Whatever boats your goat, I don't have to understand everything. Even If it may not expand dong, it's still interesting nonetheless
*an hero
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I was joking, cuntboys are gay as fuck. Not that I really care, but I think they're even gayer than traps.

True that.
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But they're completely opposite of futa, it doesn't seem right to bunch them together in threads under "intersex"
End your life.
Very small thumbnails have very small edges, the can be deceiving.
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tfw 5-year-old 12" business laptop still plays planetside 2 at max
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My bad, here's something extra straight.
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*an hero like you
Intersex doesn't necessarily mean futa, it just means "neither truly male nor female". Biologically speaking, it would make far more sense for them to be in h/fur than in either s/fur or g/fur threads.
It's cool, I don't mind. Thanks though.
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:( I made a booboo
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If we're going to talk definitions here, almost nothing that's posted in h/fur threads belongs there because herms should have both a dick and a vag
B8 for admiring that you're banning me
True, but they're much closer to herms than male or female. Again, intersex.
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Yes! I always lol at that "good girl" or "good boy" and stuff found on so much art. Here it is the other way around, I can now die in peace
i am actually dani
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I don't think anyone is surprised in the least.
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I REALLY like Argento's stuff
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Or are you wott
Actually "hermaphrodite" is considered an inappropriate term for humans now.
Wait, really?
Pls no arrest
In the end, I despise dickgirls and like cuntboys so I'm heavily biased against associating them
Fair enough.
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biased opinions are the best kind.
I hadn't heard of that, what do they call them now instead?
Seems pretty rude.
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Yeah that's what I was reading. I just never really thought it would be considered inappropriate. I guess it kinda makes sense though.
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is snake fag gone yet
I think it's more of using it as an umbrella term when most things don't really fit the definition.
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You mentioning snekman isn't goin' to help you on your end, you know.
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Moar 3D?
My despising or the association?

e621 has gotten pretty good about retagging all the intersex posts with more specific keywords instead of just "herm" everywhere. Similarly, there seems to be a movement against the term "cuntboy" and its derivatives on FA
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Oh, yeah, that I totally get. I considered a hermaphrodite to be one part of being intersex, so yeah, I gotcha. Sorry, I'm just dumb.

Sorry, can't do requests, my folder isn't organized.
just tell me
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i am alos wott
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I fucking knew it all along

That's why none are together on the same days
The whole thing actually.
But I forgot where I am.
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I'm sorry, what was that?
except almost every Friday.
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good now i can post herms
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No, I think that's correct. I was re-reading it as well. But I know true hermaphroditism is very very rare.
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the real one is gone so you can stop impersonating
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When u a bug n a reptile finds you extremely attractive.
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I lied.
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lol oke
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extremely tasty*
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two fags impersonating >>687930943
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All of my YES! Hawt!
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What step is denial again?
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Damn, that pic is really hot. The breasts seem to be made of helium, but whatever.
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How did I not make that connection.
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Step 4, I believe.

Dafuq did you just call me?!
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I thought it was step 1.
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Speaking of tasty...
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Next step is anger I think.
Pretty sure he's covered that one.
He may be going backwards, the absolute madman.
just going to ignore the wannabes
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Is that printed?

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It's ok, she's just leading him on.
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Doubt it.
But where is the real Slim Shady?
He'll nah, if my daughter was a cat I would brainwash her into never to talking to a filthy dog

Keeps cat 100% pure

Faggot, you don't even know what 14/88 is but you're calling heresy.
I thought you were rating my said bait and I'm no supremacist
Then why do you care about feline/canine relations?
Thread replies: 178
Thread images: 151

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