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What age did you lose your virginity
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What age did you lose your virginity
Remind me again OP when is your birthday?
3. ass still hurts... damnit dad..
could have lost it when i was 18. didn't want to bring her home. 21 nao
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Haven't lost it yet, although I did fuck a subway sandwich once, does that count?
Y-you too

I was fifteen. Coed summer camp. The girl was fat, but carried it well, and had a smoking ass. We were on a hiking trip and when we all stopped for the night, she let me finger her in her sleeping bag. Got.my dick wet that night.
18, just over a year ago

I was sodomized by my rabbi at the age of 7 and no one believed me.
15. At a party. Shit was cash
turned 19 today, still a virgin and no pussy in sight
8, babysitter, she was weird looking but thinking back she had a good body by my standards now. She messed with me til I was old enough to stay home alone.
>lose your virginity
Kek wat?
13 years old by my older cousin
Cant remember i was pretty young though, it was a step cousin situation
18 and virgin
24 and still waiting to loose it

18. I meet a girl at London Comic-Con and a few months later she came over to my place and she wanted to shower with me. Instead I said bath, and so I drew a bath, she got in, asked me if I was a vigrin.

I said I was, so she climbed onto my dick and... Yeah... That's how I lost it.

It's still my first year of having sex and I have had 5 full-on sex partners in my first year so far. Last one was this Thursday night - Friday early morning. With a different person.
16, behind some bleachers at the park
19, like a month ago
16 with my first real gf
18. I'm 32 now. I've only fucked 4 people. 1 is my girlfriend and 1 was a prostitute


i finally snapped and visited 4 prostitutes within 4 weeks.
ITT: liars

Also 37, grand wizard.
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>Social outcast
>Losing Virginity
Wat? lol
23 here, livin the life of an alcoholic hermit.
fuck you lorne, not everyone here got raped at 8
what a goy!
haha did it make you feel better/more confident afterwards?
13. But like one month before I turned 14
14, with my aunt. She's married now, but I still get some once in a while when her husband/ my uncle is out of town for work related business.
17 or 18 cant remember
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first real kiss: 23
first real 'sausage into vago with orgasm' thing: 32

both times the female didnt noticed that i never ever did it before. they where amazed.

last sex: a week ago. she was 18. I am now 37.
>be 39 now
>not trying to become a wizard

it made me feel like i have more control. feminazis are obsessed with trying to eliminate any means of sexual release for men in a twisted form of sexual control, but it's nice knowing that i do have an outlet.

you should check what that word means.
nah. I look much younger. I look like 25. (reallity 37)
It sounds like you're a peedo tho
13 :/ not proud tho
Angry pedophiles detected

Ash Ketchum current age.
Same anon, I feel you
This is me as well. Last yin I had was born when I was 17.

Nobody knock this until you get there. It's fucking fantastic. They always come after you.
17 to a 14 year old (I found out the next day)
Tits or gtfo
16 to a 15 year old
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20. She was 16 and cheating on her boyfriend. I'm 29 now and haven't had sex since. I wish I was still a virgin so I wouldn't know what I'm missing.
18 to a 16yr old
18, prostitute.
Nigger that is not losing ur virginity
Fat or nigger?
Pics or didnt happen
20, 3 weeks before my 21st birthday
Hi Andy
Wish I had time, man. I've some good ones.
Stop it
>dick wet (slang for fucking)
>doesnt count
I got a girl pregnant when I was 14. I first had sex when I was 13. She had an abortion.
Spreek engels, kankerlul.
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this how real fags loose it

and enjoy it
17 was when I first lost it, since then it had been like a pandora's box of poon up until I had left for the military at 20. Had 2 girlfriends that lasted ~1 year each during that time and had still managed to have sex with ~4+ (Plus meaning blowjobs etc but no sex). Once I had joined the military me and gf broke up, and it took about 6 months to figure out how to hookup with these southern girls but I think I figured it out and now I've had sex with 7 females in the past 1.5 months. If I could take a safe estimate of my total unique partners it would be in the range of 13+ girls by age 21. I also started eating pussy with good effort about 6 months ago with every girl pretty much and now that's paying off for me also. Life is good, confidence is key and don't be afraid to talk to girls or ask for that cute cashier/waitresses number, the worst that she can say is no.
16, 2 months ago
Lol, loser. You dont deserve your dick.
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I'll let you know when it happens OP
boy. today we use online dating
had sex and it was horrible
hey im also 18 and planning to lose it to a prostitute. cant wait :D
Age 17, three months before my eighteenth.
>past tense
top kek, anon!
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1 girlfriend + 1 prostitute = 4 people

2 months
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I woke up with my virginity hanging slightly out of my ass
no dude, fat girls don't count
I simply pointed out that out of the 4, 1 is my GF 1 was a prostitute. My first time was with a landwhale and the other was some woman in her 50s who became a stalker
19 years old kissless virgin here...
Literally considering suicide currently.
How does that happen?
K, it just sounded wierd.
Holy shit.
>67 still virgin
You want me to show my robe + staff?
Does getting molested by an uncle count? If so then 6 but if not then 8.
14 on my friend's couch. He found out and was super pissed hahaha.
13 - sucked my friend's dick,
15 - Fucked another friend,
16 - Take cock in my ass.

I'm a fag.
When I was around 8 years old, i was raped by my 13 year old friend... it still stuck in my mind today.. He was asking me to play 'dickie-dickie' he told me to rub it against mine and he placed his dick on my butt crack and when he would orgasm i felt a strange tingle.. I dont feel right man.. fuck my life. I'm 19 now still acting autistic as fuck
When I was around 8 years old, i was raped by my 13 year old friend... it still stuck in my mind today.. He was asking me to play 'dickie-dickie' he told me to rub it against mine and he placed his dick on my butt crack and when he would orgasm i felt a strange tingle.. I dont feel right man.. fuck my life. I'm 19 now still acting autistic as fuck
I don't understand the meaning of what you said, are you trying to insult me somehow?
too bad he didn't videotape it
I also lost mine at 14 on a friends couch to a dirty 14 year old slut named Judy Boylan from Orange County. She was a fuck buddy till I was about 22. I would bang the shot out of her when her boyfriend wouldn't be around.

there is hope /b/ros
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24 and with a cute petite slightly gothic nerdy prostitute. I was lucky to find such a tight girl for my first try. Saw her two times.

pic related.

AHAHAHAHAHA faggot! Go kill yourself m8.
12 sucked a friend
12 same friend fucked my ass
I'm not a faggot and I'm not your m8. I don't even know you how the fuck do you think I'm a faggot? I could bench press and squad 230. Is that a faggot? Maybe you are, you insecure fuck
you said rape twice
lmao triggered!
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16, she had a boyfriend and was whore. Not proud
Yea. That's basically how I lost my virginity... In a gay way.. I haven't seen that friend of mine since I was 10 though...
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you sound like a faggot
here you'll be needing this
So you're GAY? lol
answering like that implies you are insecure
was his 13yr old dick big?
Idiots. Go out, get drunk, fake some confidence and it'll all come to you.
21 and regret it
Haven't yet but I'm 16 I shouldn't worry yet I'm just more scared of getting a std because my town is disgusting
19 with my best friend's cousin she was chubby and i regret it
You sound insecure yourself. Why in your right mind would you pick a stupid argument in /b/. Idiot.
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Me as well.
Had opportunities at 15, 16 and 18.

Now I'm 20 and haven't gotten a thing cause im fucked in the head.
19 but never really had sex, it just went in, 20 now

12 here hoping to tonite
fuck off with underage coming here since was 7
You gonna fuck your mom? stupid baby.
16 gf at the time was on top after 10 seconds i had a cramp on my foot so i told her to get off i left her house 5 mins later
fucked the shit out of her the day after

14 first kiss
15 first BJ
16 first penis in vagoo
Dude are you me?
In my case I didn't wanted to fuck her because she got a boyfriend. I don't regret it.
no I'm going for someone sexually frustrated, your girlfriend

greentext on this one?
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so there is still hope for me...
You look like a retarded Paul landers
To a prostitute :/
>payed money to lose it
>hey im also 18 and planning to lose it to a prostitute. cant wait :D

Do it. I had really bad acne and no girl would have had sex with me until I was 23ish and it cleared up. Fuck be a 23-year-old virgin when you can bang call girls.
>I'm a fag.

Yes, yes you are . . .
18 and I haven't even kiss a girl :c
>When I was around 8 years old, i was raped by my 13 year old friend... it still stuck in my mind today.. He was asking me to play 'dickie-dickie' he told me to rub it against mine and he placed his dick on my butt crack and when he would orgasm i felt a strange tingle.. I dont feel right man.. fuck my life. I'm 19 now still acting autistic as fuck

You know that makes you a homo now, right?
13 was sort of raped by a 15 year old
yes oh and checked
I'm 18 and I haven't yet kissed a girl.

Head at 14, sex at 15
>I'm not fucking gay.

You're not gay but you lost your virginity to a guy? Tip top kek, Anon.
why "sort of" ?
Because he enjoyed it so much he started raping the rapist
17 : ) also nice almost get Op
>kissless virgin
>really close group of 3 friends
>all of them lost virginity
>feels bad man
Happy birthday mang, I hope you have a great day! Take good care.
13 first kiss
non penetrative sex 13-22 (blowjobs, handjobs, not full sex)
full penis in vagoo 22.
I was receiving lots of blowjobs and handjobs (was a bit of a socialite) but never really had a chance to get with a chick until I left the party scene. It was a weird situation.
You're one of the few that are not iliterate. Take a stand for this man.
9 by my brother...
this is best sex
12 to my 16 year old stepsister.
lucky you, mine was hanging to my knees
Me too.
Before I knew what age I was.
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18, typical date ending with car sex. Turned into a 7 month long relationship. Nbd
K so u still a virgin

Happy birthday.
16, psychotic 4/10 bitch

17, nymphomaniac ex gf of a friend 5/10

19, a 6/10 I dated for 5 years

24, a 9/10 I dated till october last year. I'm still seeing her on festivals this summer. I really should move on but man I want to fuck her perfect pussy again so freakin bad..
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