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Cringe thread - fresh cringe edition
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Thread replies: 217
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Cringe thread - fresh cringe edition
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Here's some oc
am i the only one here that thinks that bernie sticker looks shopped?
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classic lover and fighter
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why always this pic? for years man wtf?
I've seen this. This is about a nightclub that burnt down in Melbourne's east (Australia).
A really shitty nightclub for terrible people.
OC Here. His skype is thezombieslyer if you wanna add him
Its the button, you never button the bottom button
I thought kids who wear fedoras do it ironically knowing how much of a meme it is, I guessed wrong it seems
What the fuck is cringy about an illusionist?
You're late, anon
That is the most stupid thing ive heard
For some reason, that kind of thing is not cringy for me. I just find it hilarious.
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The "arm the poor" sticker looks like it was typed in times new roman and pasted from a word document.
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This is full of win. Obviously this is the special ed. program at Wakefield high school. That community looks after its own. They are having fun.
Clearly never worn a suit before.
That's the bottom button on a suit, you fucking dildo. A two-button suit. (one, well, duh; three, well, ain't the 90s anymore)

>depending on views per week

Don't tell me he's talking about youtube?

No cringe, she's a keeper.
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Cute chick

So cringey

I wonder if he went with her
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I died a little inside
Not a single one of these was cringy. When did /b/ become fucking reddit. summerfag central
That fourth one looks like a Destiny nightstalker
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jabba and leia.png
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Anyone who thinks Men aren't Oppressed, is a Cringey Asshole.

They're only fucking themselves over.
I'd fuck her
LMFAO New king of /b/
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I have no words
Same, it's pretty cute plus anal is hot

Compilation of WB shills saying BvS was good because it was EDGY.
There's also a specific one I was looking for but it was 10 minutes of some nobody cuck not even being paid off by WB trying to defend the movie.
Those are some really big words for a retard

>Dat filename

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I'm confused as fuck. What the hell are they doing
Fulvia pellegrino?
Like the water.....
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white guilt.jpg
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cuck lord
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Dank Jeef Barkley.png
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So, it's always been unclear to me. Are these kids retarded and in a special ed class or are they just Christian?
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I like how everyone has been cashing in on being inclusive to a severe minority. Everything is about "look how inclusive and forward thinking I am" It's all just bullshit.
99% of white people are so cringe. This is absolutely pathetic.
No. They are just white.
All males are oppressed
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Faggot. She's a shit-tier grill.
Because "magic". Grow up.
Jesus, everything in my body imploded because of how fucking retarded this was.
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I'm guessing this Niggerfeminazi is attempting to dissuade her fellow pupils that all black men are good for is their penis?
Shopped. And retarded.
>i wish i was one of them
>Great filename.
I've been waiting for a short new cringe thread. Came across this guy on FB
worst part of this pic is the beiber poster

stealing cigs from your dad is cool
There is so my gold in his pics
>i want to be where the people are
Everyone on 4chan is too much of a sperg to have a social media account, and somehow feign superiority for that fact.
Fucking pathetic.
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why does imgur consider itself allies with 4chan
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an 'alpha' would turn this situation around
>i'd just want to kill myself and get mad at me thinking of it at night for years
I mean the comment on is pretty on point but christ why the big deal?
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i don't get it
Looks a bit like pudge from good old dota 2
Is she asking him out?

Pathetic. Not good girlfriend material.
These are just his public photos. I can't imagine the cringe of his private content. Someone should friend him.
Where's the potato?
This one is definitely the funniest so far
Hey connie
Posting about it isn't
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I can confirm that I am the real Connie Kins. And I approve of this damn thread.

Up her ass.
OP here. How did you find out about this
jesus christ
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Dank Frank.jpg
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It's 4chan, how the fuck did you think?
Same dude different pic?
I wish lucks of becoming a meme xd
Yup. Same guy.
You have got to be kidding me, George...
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holy fuck im dying
Jesus Christ I live near that school...
Stands right next to the chart.
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>rancid swine

God help you
She is the potato
Most companies are trying to figure out how to cash in on these retards.
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>aren't we all potatoes?
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>I hate to juggle but I like to smuggle

I mean Isabelle is adorable though
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>Why the big deal
Have you not seen liberal news? They make a big deal out of anything anti-trans. They love calling people bigoted for any reason possible.
People who use the word summerfag are the new summerfags. There is a cancer here, you need not look far faggot.
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Muthafucka usin reskins. Gay as fug
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plz kill me
No sir not Eli
Me neither
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Only cringe here is how ridiculously short that one kid's shorts are.
>ok I guess I'm dating you
Holy kek
But mainly for being a bigot.
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>mfw this guys resume is better than mine...
The Good Ole "fucked some beta's bitch" man.
What makes this so great is the filesize forces you to scroll down
A fashion faux pas is not cringe. But yeah, even though it's correct I do think it's dumb. Why even bother with the bottom then. Clothes and fashion are dumb.
That's on a suit, not the vest.
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Cringey... But great work experiences hes got
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Absolutely disgusting
Holy fucking shit
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be honest, would you fuck?

The only reason anyone should ever use these shits their back is to go skydiving.
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reminds me of this
Id fuck the shit out of that. Also not cringe
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I guess it has a problem with me
Maybe. But if I was fucking her I would constantly think of the imgur post
B.S. in Political Science and a B.A. in Jounalism.
Counselor at an SJW camp... fucking imgur
One or the other of what? Beer has genders now? Binary code? Wtf is going on?
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skateboard kid.png
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I don't think plastics occur naturally in nature.

Yes, why not? Is she underage or something?

when I wen to a Christian youth group they did goofy shit like this
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rumpelstiltskin tries on a hat.jpg
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They mean C++
Is that a fucking witch
>I don't get it

>look at what he's wearing. He clearly tried hard to dress edgy/nice for a dance at school. He took no one. His only date was the teacher part-time DJ.
That's a vest you absolute Mong not a suit.
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How old is he? That looks like a trade school
That's a suit you absolute vest, not a Mong.
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>haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an Octopus!
>maybe you could put your box in the air haha
>that nervous laugh all weebs do when they suggest something
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My Little Sex Offender.jpg
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fake as shit
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"non black men"
Funny as fuk
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thats some straight up fucking cringe right there
I thought the big bang theory made it very clear that dressing like wolowitz does not get you girls
Does anyone have the Webm of the Pro-Transgender endgame?
God fucking damn,

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>someone actually took photos of themselves half naked faking orgasms
>someone actually edited these photos with ponies
>someone actually posted this online

This county really needs religion.
Nigga I write shitty yaoi but you don't hear me crying about it.
If it takes a woman to ask you out, then YOU are not a keeper.
You are not the fandom.
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You're gone brother
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I live right near Wakefield
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I always imagine it as the mickey mouse laughter from south park.
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Please take the time to read
It's a Norwegian Troll Doll
Had the same thought bro the feels is reals
Does some1 have the demonic reaction img of this? Kek
My name is Sean...
triggered!!!!!! i'm fucking beerkin!! deal motherfucker!!!!!!!
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I actually downloaded this once and its absolutely fucking terrifying the level of obsession and autism this anon had over some tripfag.
More like a reality check.

The link still works?
>Be a company
>Sees this submitted
>Deletes e-mail
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It's an obvious shoop, that's the point.
Lost so hard
>Ugly Britfags

Google Image search for 'dobby with a fedora'.

Scroll down.
>cross country

Fucking track kids.
Beer never had a gender from the start, by calling it non binary they're putting a label on the no-label beer.

black Hitler needs to kill himself
Stuff like this actually exists
he's trying way too hard
I used to have a folder full of Larry Gooseman statuses.
You guys should actually Google him, he's quite entertaining and just a regular white trash American
Thread replies: 217
Thread images: 75

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