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I'm obsessed with optical illusions lately and want to share
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Thread replies: 42
Thread images: 30
File: squares.png (31 KB, 500x377) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 500x377
I'm obsessed with optical illusions lately and want to share my favourite ones. Feel free to contribute
File: shadow.gif (62 KB, 610x475) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 610x475
File: wtfya.png (85 KB, 1083x304) Image search: [Google]
85 KB, 1083x304
File: lines.png (24 KB, 494x486) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 494x486
File: stair.jpg (33 KB, 640x427) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 640x427
File: Vqp7sCQ.jpg (51 KB, 904x1169) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 904x1169
File: orange circle.png (62 KB, 755x657) Image search: [Google]
orange circle.png
62 KB, 755x657
optical illusions are great. These are not tho. Most of them arent true at all
your post here is like counting to 10 threads
File: trapezoids.png (12 KB, 377x447) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 377x447
File: major_malfunction.png (428 KB, 600x337) Image search: [Google]
428 KB, 600x337
>the two circles
>exact same size
File: shades of grey.jpg (16 KB, 720x539) Image search: [Google]
shades of grey.jpg
16 KB, 720x539
This is a great optical illusion. I still can't find the circles. Great share OP!
Ayy, that one is fucking cool.
2 go up ad 2 go down lol who the fuck is making these fake ones
File: fork.png (15 KB, 483x367) Image search: [Google]
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File: image.jpg (82 KB, 639x550) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 639x550
>two circles are the same size
>same size
File: haha sheeeittt.png (158 KB, 2000x1547) Image search: [Google]
haha sheeeittt.png
158 KB, 2000x1547
every image itt is fake dickhead
File: paralell lines.jpg (26 KB, 720x540) Image search: [Google]
paralell lines.jpg
26 KB, 720x540
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40 KB, 500x377
File: thousand_fathers.png (247 KB, 446x299) Image search: [Google]
247 KB, 446x299
File: each_bastard.png (259 KB, 446x299) Image search: [Google]
259 KB, 446x299
File: quares (cont).png (7 KB, 589x444) Image search: [Google]
quares (cont).png
7 KB, 589x444
not these ones

They drew it wrong lol

This one
is actually non-fake and non-gay. Open it in a graphics editor, and be amazed.
File: nawww.png (33 KB, 494x486) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 494x486
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62 KB, 904x1169
File: acid.gif (328 KB, 437x480) Image search: [Google]
328 KB, 437x480
Who falls at 90 degree angles? He'll just fall off the edge
File: 1365363852051.gif (511 KB, 500x427) Image search: [Google]
511 KB, 500x427
Don't why i'm laughing so hard at this shit

10/10 would be trolled for lulz again
what the fuck is this shit where do you even find it
File: 1405079506263.png (76 KB, 401x582) Image search: [Google]
76 KB, 401x582
do you know?
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448 KB, 500x808
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21 KB, 412x351
File: great_success.png (360 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
360 KB, 400x400
This will save me a fortune in magic mushrooms.
File: crooked.png (4 KB, 235x145) Image search: [Google]
4 KB, 235x145
Can somebody repost the "Starry Night" illusion? The file just disappeared
File: iUPsLGq.png (17 KB, 460x481) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 460x481
Thread replies: 42
Thread images: 30

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