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I am a Trump Supporter. I get a lot of shit from my friends for
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I am a Trump Supporter. I get a lot of shit from my friends for being a Trump supporter and even lost a few of them. The ones that got very angry told me that I was a misogynist (even though I am female), that I was a Nazi, and that Trump is hitler.

Where are people getting this information and this attitude from?

Trump is very politically incorrect, and i admit he goes overboard sometimes, particularly with his stupid twitter comments. He even has said some scientifically incorrect information, and to be honest, which president hasn't (they are people of politics and power, not scientists).

But he does have some good points and I like that he won't let political correctness get in the way of truth. I can trust that he wont let islamists who rape women get away with rape because he would be afraid of getting called a racist. I also like that he agrees with increasing tax on the rich.

So why all of the nasty mob-like hate toward Trump supporters?
Gr8 b8 m8
What's it like being mentally challenged?
What do you do all day? I always wondered about the tards.
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They are all just mad that, Trump I'll be the next Emperor of the United States.
Because Americans are retarded.

Losing friends over politics? Wut? That sort of shit just doesn't happen in most of the civilised world.
I am serious. Please tell me why people are so cruel to trump supporters?

We even get violence and threats of violence toward trump supporters by (presumably) Bernie fans. I really like Bernie too actually, he seems like a very good candidate but I just worry about how well he can hold presidency.

Hillary is out of the question. She is an evil, manipulative bitch.
They probably get all their political information from John Oliver and The daily show. You know, brits that hate Americans, like Pierce Morgan.
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Because you can't give one good reason to support him
Trump is gonna be great.
If anyone thinks crooked hillary or senile sanders will ever be better than Trump then they are morons.
"they are people of politics and power, not scientists"
hahaha, maybe they should know a bit of science to begin with, not facts, but some reasoning would be nice from time to time
tit and we'll answer
Im doing a Masters degree in Zoology and doing quite well, so I don't think I am retarded. Though I admit that I am not the most intelligent person in the world. I am currently working on a thesis on parasitic manipulation of hosts.
It's because most of the population is under mk ultra mind control. You can deny it all you want but it's not even classified information anymore. Add that with the fluoride and GMOS, ect and you have yourself a divided, dumbed down population.
Cause our politics has devolved into a shit show of voting for which inept leader has the least slander and most connections.
This also
Have you ever made fun of a retard behind their back, or pretended to be one in front of your best friend?

it's not really bait if posted on 4chan. a trump supporter will get full support on /pol/ and some actual reasonable debate on /b/.

if he posted this on some left sites, reddit or definitely tumblr, then yes he's just looking to stir up shit.

>I have no idea about the science behind fluoride so it must be evil

People like you make Alex Jones look sane.
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Senile sanders
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Who hasn't pretended to be retarded. But openly mocking someone while running?
It just reflects the people that support him
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Here you go. My tit's aren't great, which is why I am not a sex worker or porn star. Note the nasty blue vessels.

Can i see dick pics too? Or your nipples?
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Weak as argument nigga
Pic related
I like Trump's political incorrectness but I feel the way his campaign is funneling money into his company is basically criminal. I think his rhetoric is too extreme and I have yet to hear him articulate a credible plan for our country.

Telling us that Mexico will pay for the wall because we have a multi billion dollar trade deficit doesn't really make sense. I am sure he is implying that he will threaten them with import taxes if they don't build the wall but the tax rates required would be what 50%.
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I know wot you mean op.
I am not a trump supporter or any supporter. I posted somethings on facebook concerning trump and what he said, something to the means of people blatantly trying to destroy his rep with lies. Had a friend sense elementary school and he blocked me and changed his name. He also privatized his facebook. I really thought he was a cool guy but opinions really do change people.
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Make westeros gr8 again
*inport tax rates required to pay for the wall
>I also like that he agrees with increasing tax on the rich.
>increasing tax on the rich
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pikc only one
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Already done. Look in thread.
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>even though I'm female

Lol fake story is fake, nice meme story man.

Tits were provided
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There's a great difference between doing that 'behind someones back' in public or in school, while doing this in front of an audience and being a presidential candidate is a whole other thing and is extremely discriminating and humiliating to the crippled reporter.

Sure, Trump does have a few great points, but he is otherwise a huge uneducated idiot.
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honestly op if this is a legit question you shouldn't come to 4chan for answers but here
>was a misogynist (even though I am female)
the general attitude he has towards women and the tactics he uses particularly against hillary generally mark him as uncouth towards women
>that I was a Nazi, and that Trump is hitler.
The nazi part comes from the hitler association, the hitler association comes from the fact that there are a lot of similarities to his campaign and hitler's tactis for rising to power (IE scapegoating, delusions of grandeur, and encouraging foul actions towards the different and infirm). Dubious reports of him keeping a copy of mein kampf by his bedside from one of his exes.
>Where are people getting this information and this attitude from?
Sadly, I'm too lazy to source. However I can assure you it's not hard at all to find information on trump.
>Trump is very politically incorrect
Yes, but there's a point where a line has to be drawn and that's different for everyone.

not touching that 4th one

>So why all of the nasty mob-like hate toward Trump supporters?
1) that's all politics are these days 2) His following has done the same in reverse, turning a blind eye to it does not erase it 3) He's encouraging segregational ideas which rubs a good portion of the population the wrong way
Either he'll fix the economic problems in America
Or cause world war 3 and thus bring about the apocalypse
So it's a win-win really.
No, my unfinished business is now complete. I can finally transcend to the afterlife.
Thank you, my dear femanon.
Post this again repetitively or something so I can see it in an hour or two and I'll share mine. Just not in the mood to get hard atm
Had a rough week

I just remembered, its Tuesday. Well in any case that just goes to show how much I hate my life

I think his position as a president will be great if he has a team of very knowledgeable people by his side to advise him on potential decisions, because I know that he will not be afraid to implement changes that would potentially offend a portion of the population.

I don't want America to turn into what Sweden has become.
Mmm, so nice
doughy and saggy republican tits
Being correct about Israel or foreign trade doesn't mean his bullshit racism is less racist. People don't like that shit
I hope you feel better soon anon. Do your best. And even if you do not want to do your best, that is okay.

Thank you for the honest answers. I will take them into consideration and do more research on the negatives of trump as potential president. Though so far I haven't seen blatant misogyny from him. Some things that people interpret as misogyny, i don't see as misogyny. Though that could just be because I hate feminism and I am a bitch toward other women.
he didnt know the guy was actually retarded give him a break
if you believe a person as stupid as the media's portrayal of trump could come as far as actual trump, youre the one who's retarded
sjw cucks are the worst i swear
I'm on the fence on the point at any rate, leaning to that he mocked him, but still on the fence.
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Thank you OP. I would definitely want to see more of you. In return, my own nipples.
Thanks Anon
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3rd wave fems are an enigma in their own right. You were probably friends with a few. The only thing I can say to that is some of them grow out of it and the others just get worse.
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Is funny, calling anyone that doesn't support Trump a cuck. Like you honestly believe his wife is slobbering on that orange wrinkly turtle head. He's getting cucked by the janitor m8
according to the polls that dead wrong.
everyone is fucking racist, he's just being open about it.
and FYi he never said all mexicans were rapists, he said illegal ones were, which as far as I can tell, isn't wrong.
you can't tell me most liberals aren't racist when they constantly trip over how other races are treated, only someone who pities another race would do that shit. which is fucking wrong.
Nice! I like hairy men. Thank you.

Admittedly I often do not know who to believe on the internet. Even in the supermarket it feels like i am being misleaded by all of the claims made on all of the products.

The fact that I get attacked for liking Trump makes me mistrust the other positions even more.
Because he says one thing one day and goes back on it the next. He also wants to lower the minimum wage which is overdue for an increase, back in the 50s a CEO would make at most 600 times a regular employee, now it averages closer to 1000 times. He said he wants to kill people in the same families as terrorists, which is a war crime, not that war crimes are something he'll shy away from which even Hitler wouldn't say out loud. He'd only talk about deportation and the Aryan race, when the American soldiers dropped pamphlets explaining what was actually happening at the camps the news networks called it propaganda. my grandma grew up in Nazi occupied Austria and when I asked what he would talk about while running his campaign I shit you not she said "he said he would make Austria great again, he would build things, and that Jews were controlling banks - which is classic feat mongering we've all come to expect from trump. The Muslims are this, the Mexicans are that. I mean thank god it's not Ted as the nominee, but almost anyone else would get my vote over Hillary. Not that if it comes to trump v shill I'll vote Hillary, I might just vote for trump with hopes that he burns this country to the ground.
Morgan is a cunt. Brits fucking hate him as well.
oh god this mind numbing bullshit argument again.

>everyone is racist

yeah and not everyone makes a career out of it. there is an expectation that a leader not be a cunt to those he leads.

but really, fuck you anyway. you are too much of a coward to admit he is a shit tier human being and you are voting for him for exactly that.
I'm supporting trump as well simply because I feel he is American to the core. Yes he's loud, brash, and offensive, but he's also passionate about his beliefs and No challenge is too great to overcome. He's shattered every mold he's been put in. His candidacy so far has been so unprecedented that he's almost a force of nature. Yes, the media hounds him but he hasn't been playing by their rules so they will slander him any way they can. He's a loose cannon but he feels the same way I do about many things, and even if I didn't like him, I'd still vote for him just to keep hillary out of the office.
But Mexico has a wall on their southern border... "segregation ideas."
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Those claims about Trump make him sound really awful. I will need to investigate whether all of them are true or if they are misrepresentations from his haters. If they are true, I can understand why so many people hate him.
Sounds like your thesis is about politics.
My Fucking thoughts exactly
More where that came from, honey...
>He's a loose cannon but he feels the same way I do about many things, and even if I didn't like him, I'd still vote for him just to keep hillary out of the office.

This is pretty much how I feel about him if Bernie has no chance.
He has no real plan to do anything, I doubt he knows how passing legislation works. He acts like a child with the temper tantrums and name calling. The wall is a waste of everyone's time, it won't work and is going to cost a lot more then what trump says it will.
He doesn't believe in global warming or the California drought. It's a shame so many people support this joke of a candidate, anyone who honestly thinks he will work for working class people need to take a closer look at his policies and remember he changes his mind every few days. This man doesn't want to be president, he just wants to be called president.
>I like him because 'murica

Don't vote
>if i had great tits I'd be a porn star
you wish, those tits match perfectly with the beautiful mug
He didn't know he was retarded, and so what he doesn't want to hurt the retard person, do chill faggots
But are we fucking Mexico?
damn. marry me op. just marry me now
Mexicans are against Trump's wall but were all for their southern wall. That should say something.
It's not bait guy

Maybe you should wake up!
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They have been made cucks by the liberal media. Also they are probably socialists and so they feel very entitled and emotional.
the way I see it we have three and only three options
successful business man/reality star
an ex first lady/soon to be felon
a socialist/warmonger.

guess which one I'd rather have

and fuck you, if you honestly think either of those are a good choice you are either a welfare queen or a sheltered inept white kid looking for validation for his liberal arts degree.
are you fucking illiterate?
>not liking american ideals
how about you move to mexico commie.
>He doesn't believe in califonias drought

So I'm going to assume you know nothing about his proposed pipeline that will divert lake Michigan into the Mississippi, then another pipeline from the mouth off the Mississippi across Texas and Arizona and New Mexico (he's even going to build the pipeline into the wall) all the way to Cali so when they have a drought fresh water will be diverted to them? He's focusing on infrastructure, investing in America itself. He has real hope for us. He wants us to be great again, he will do what it takes to see it through.
What kind of a moron would ever believe that
The socialist warmonger sounds pretty sweet as long as he does not give in to SJW's and their entitled demands.

I was terminally embarrassed for America when Obama talked about the wage gap myth as fact.
China built a wall, look how many mudslimes they have.
so now it isn't that you support him, it is just a lesser of evils decision? suck it up faggot, you are a piece of shit and that is why you support another piece of shit. you don't need to hide from it on the internet. no one here knows you, you can come out and be open about it.

you are smiling while you chew your shit sandwich, only you keep insisting this is the best flavor of shit and that is why you are eating it. the truth is, you just like eating shit.
I'll be honest about how well I did my research unlike most Bernie supporters I'm not sure if he wants to lower the minimum wage but he did say kill terrorists families on a morning show, although he went back on it the next day it kinda furthers my point of his fickle nature. He seems impulsive but having that power, who knows maybe he'd actually take a step back and make sure he's making an informed decision unlike Hillary letting every decision be bought by the highest bidder.
OP can I see more of you?

Not to derail thread, but I like your tits.
>even though I am female
Okay nigger, because internalized mysoginy isn't a thing.
It happened to me because I posted something from a page of Army vets who support Bernie Sanders. One of my friends decided that was the most awful thing ever because she's military and decided to cut me out.
Because when the founding fathers had the vision of America, they thought Trump
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sjw's man. They have ensured trumps success. I hate everyone so much.

Sure trump won't let PC get in the way of truth, but he's still a fucking idiot, and most people who believe him are fucking idiots.

On the other hand Hilary is a fucking shill. I really don't like this political race, or any of the people involved.
I live in Michigan that shit isn't happening, people here will do everything to make sure the water stays where it is.
Lol this guy is an original scammer, will rip off america. Reminds me a former french president.

Trump is the kind of person who sadly understood how media works. He's a constant advertising and becoming a meme is part of his plans.

Come on america, you're supposed to be a little more classy and educated ! vote for this twat and its like claiming all anti americans are right: stupid, fat, racist and under-educated people who can only think with their guns because their cock is too busy being cucked.

this guy acts like a dictator, an advertising, but oh well, I guess you deserve it. enjoy recession you faggot.
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>he did say kill terrorists families on a morning show, although he went back on it the next day
Makes him sound like a typical angry internet user who spouts offensive nonsense but doesn't actually believe it. Like how we tell each other to kill ourselves but most of us don't really desire such an outcome for another human being. I wonder if Trump would genuinely do such heinous things if he was in power. I am so glad that I don't live in the USA.
Fear mongering isn't exactly bad, Trump wants to help our country and keep it safe from threats. We need nationalism due to the rising threats in the middle East and muslim refugees invading Europe and raping/killing people. If you kill a terrorist, their family will spite you, and that's a risk we cannot take. A lot of the Geneva convention is retarded anyways.
I need sauce im sorry to ask but if this is Fucking true he might very well get my vote over just not voting between him and shill.
What happened with Milo Yiannoupolis (or however his faggot name is spelt) at DePaul really sealed the deal with a lot of people.
>didn't know
"lets make fun of a retarded person, easy lulz from my stupid audience" "what ? was he retarded ?? oh I'm sorry, luckily my audience is retarded as well so I can pretend I wasnt aware" COME ON
Read his policies, you dumbass.
> shit
>shit shit shit hshit shit shit shit
>you piece of shit faggot shit
>fuck you
>shit shit shit shit sandwich shit

That's you. That's what you sound like. Just accept the fact that Trump is going to be president. He's better than the other two, so I don't know why you're so mad.
Imagine if His cabinet reflects not His political dick sucking but his gathering up the best and brightest minds. He will run the country like a business, weighing out the good and the bad, making informed decisions based on all information available.

Hurr durr muh water freedomz
Why? Its a good idea, will benefit millions in jobs and loss prevention, it'll cut the cost off the wall because half if it Will be pipeline and everyone Will win.
I honestly don't think he would I'm just terrified of the shitstorm he'd create if he did.
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If he actually were bad at making decisions he wouldn't have 7 billion dollars.
Iam politically neutral

firmly beleived we are fucked no matter whos in charge. To much corruption in the entire system. God damn NSA, CIA and mother fucking Federal Reserve
No problem m8 but I'm unable to sauce it atm, my brother told me about it months ago and I didn't ask him about it, I just trusted it. I don't think He would lie or misinform me, he's a marine.
>he has good ideas
>well he is the least bad
>just accept it, it is happening anyway

You are almost there.
Trump supporter's rethoric sounds like 9yo's. You sound like a whiny kid
>Every NFL player

Ok friend
Second this.
I'm not the other anon. Trump is better than the other two.
let us see your TITS. or please GTFO
His policies would add $10 trillion to the deficit.
As a canadian looking in...who elese is there to vote for?i mea like out of everyone running...trump is just as fit if not more...
We're 35th in the world in education even though we've had 60% of the world wealth since the roaring 20s.
Ah, you're right. Ok, I'm voting for Bernie Sanders now.
Yes that was shit. I'm a complete lefty because the left in my mind has always been on the right side of most arguments, but these sjw's man, are fucking nutjobs. I have no idea what to do. They have their fat claws in the media and in the universities and are pretty much spreading racism and sexism wherever they go. It's regressive and stupid. and this blind spot towards islam, I do not understand. There must be a middle ground for reason and science etc, but I cannot find any political party with these things in mind.
we're so in debt already, does it even matter anymore?
good boy :)
Kardshians? Do you even know how they got their money?

NFL players may not be members of MENSA but they train to be good at something- they may be overpaid, but so is a CEO. they made a commitment, put in effort, and reap the reward for as long as they can.

Hilton's? Same as Kardshians, look at their income.
That's not a solution
By that logic why bother doing anything?
Aaahh~ So dominant. <3 Master anon senpai put my coller on and fuck me.
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That's the most retarded fucking answer. You're not helping your case as a Trumpcuck
yes, because all jews from Europe came to NY. Also because movie industry marketwent from France to US. We all know that midwest is filled with retarded people.
That looks like an amoeba!
She already showed tits, dumbass. I'm trying to get her to show more. >>687087213
Here idiot. ^^
Trump doesn't own a corporation like Walmart nor has he slept with a celebrity. And he Kardashians aren't worth billions, you moron.
He'd have more if it was all put into savings, also have you actually read anything about trump university? It was a sad affair.
im not a trump fan. just saying
nope anon-kun. you're now free to go :)
Bernies are much worse, and Hillary's would actually destroy this country.
>He has money, so he's smart

Literally the reason his fans are hated, because they spout dumb shit like this.
Because they are your typical John Oliver watching, buzzfeed reading idiots that like to circlejerk over extreme left ideals because that's currently the in fad.

Ask one of them to justify why Trump is 'racist', 'misogynistic', a 'fascist', none of them will be able to give you an answer, because their arguments aren't based on facts or logic, they are just parroting left wing news with no supporting evidence.
We literaly cant get out of debt. You dont get out of the number the U.S. is in.
ok then faggot, who are you voting for? let me guess,no one because all you can do with yourself is bitch and moan about the choices of others.
I do like his ideas
foreigners coming over to sell drugs and blow shit up is a problem,
he also sees that as a problem.
solution? don't allow them in.

being nice and naive is a good way to get fucked up.
atleast im not a bernie supporter.
Hillary is one scary bitch...
Hmm, I'll definitely look into it.
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Here you go a pic of op
oh I'm sorry ! didnt notice those ugly bags of meat she calls tits. nice hoody tho.
Nationalism is one of the worst things we introduced to humanity after religion. We should be more focused towards working towards a global common good while still having a decent focus on the individual.
actually the math behind that doesn't account for cost of living or taxation at all, so no he wouldn't.
If you looked at the political situation in Argentina, you wouldn't believe it. I've seen friendships and even families being torn apart because one or some had different political views. Some people, like my dad, have turned their backs on their loved ones because they supported the opposing party, and some even wish death upon their now former friends.

Really fucked up, some people.
>If he was bad at making decisions he wouldn't have money

It didn't take a PhD to get rich. That's the point of the comment. Don't subvert the conversation
Don't vote next November do us all a favor.
Okay, if you're so smart, where's your money? Why not become an entrepreneur? And no, that's not my argument, that's just one hat you set yourself up for.
I don't see it anywhere in the news. Your brother might just be full of shit or is misinterpreting Trump's position on the Keystone pipeline. Also being a marine doesn't mean shit about being truthful or dishonest.
You are great femanon, would love to see more
Read up on the berlin wall fgt.
Yes, I do agree that we need to work towards a common goal, but we need to help ourselves before we can help others.
I didn't get a small loan of a million dollars from Daddy
>we will get out of the debt!
do yourself a favor and move out of the sinking ship
Sure but at least Hillary or Bernie won't throw a shitfit and blow up the world when people start laughing at them.
Been experiencing a lot of terrorist explosions in your area of the bubble lately? The war on drugs still seems like a great functional plan in that sheltered hole you live in?

I was voting for Kasich first, Sanders second, and Trump third. You are arguing with someone that is voting for your candidate, only you can't admit he is a massive pile of shit.

I am voting for this massive pile of shit because I believe Hilary is a felon and I won't put my mark next to her.

Actually I would have voted for Jeb too. Go figure.
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If you like hairy men, you surely like a hairy cock too. Btw, if you wanna trade pics, you can mail them to [email protected]
Show your work
fake story

dump trump poster
Trump is the one that can't take criticism lol
He literally needed to seek validation on his dick in front of a crowd. The insecurity is real
I know I said they WOULDNT do that.
That's not what I mean though. I feel that if every person in every country could just drop the petty bullshit reasons they hate each other be it different religions, different countries, etc. and actually worked towards bettering the lives of everyone the world would be better. But that would mean we lived in a boring, perfect world. Nationalism is still a terrible thing in my eyes.
For a person that is being supported off his imaginary business acumen, Donald Trump has demonstrated practically no understanding of economics.

He proposed defaulting on our debt (despite the fact that half of it is owed directly to ourselves [i.e. the Social Security Trust Fund]), an action which would severely damage global economic stability, by reneging on our promise to pay on the world's safest debt.

He then backtracked, and said, even worse, that the United States could fix its problem as long as its printing presses are in operation.

He's a person who has literally praised Kim Jong Un, and who has attracted the adoration of Vladimir Putin.

Barack Obama was weak on foreign policy, and we're going to be feeling the ramifications of that for some time. Donald Trump would be a disaster for America's standing as the world strongest nation, and I place exactly zero trust in Donald Trump's ability to successfully manage our nation through any crisis that could develop during his presidency.
The reasons I respect him and think that he's smart is because he turned 1mil into 7billion, knows how to manipulate the media's attention, and has identified and came up with solutions for many problems in our country that need to be solved.
I actually am working on a patent, and the majority of his supporters are POOR so by your logic his supporters are idiots. Go sit in the corner and think. No actually go do some real Fucking research, if you're capable of that.
Strongly suggest it, newfriend. I know he's rude and all but he wants to drill in parks, wants to make us independent with energy and economy and generally make America THE superpower, and he wants to make this happen by investing in American people and American soil.

Well I noticed them just fine. I'm afraid she's already gone but I really really wanted her to poast moar.

If you're still here OP, I'm the hairy anon.

It's more about the difference between inherited wealth and earned wealth, you can't rightly lump them in together to prove a point. Kardashian girls may be rich, but only through their father. Trump is also rich, but he earned it by making business decisions.

The first half is possible but I'd trust him no matter what he did simply because he is my older brother and he's seen some shit and knows how the system works, not to mention he's got No reason to lie or otherwise bullshit me. Admittedly, I should be able to sauce anything I say so I am at fault for that and I apologize. I'll look into it later for a more definitive answer.

By bankrupting companies to funnel money into his pockets while costing people their jobs as well as ripping people off with shit like Trump University.

What complete bullshit.

Donald Trump got into a top college because his father greased some palms, and he inherited his father's already sizable New York real estate empire. He's worth 4 billion at most, and the 7 billion dollar figure quoted is mainly due to inflating the value of his shitty brands.

Sure, he knows how to manipulate the media, but so does/did every demagogue in world history.

He's identified no solutions, aside from an awful construction project that he's already starting to backtrack from. His policy suggestions are an amalgamation of contradictions and nonsensical statements.
Didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing m8, just saying how little criticism Trump can take. I do believe Shill would do something more devious than a blitzkrieg
Blind trust can lead to being burned. No offense, man. I don't know you or your brother but I've seen people take that mindset and when they find out that things aren't how they seem it's a nasty blow to their relationship with that person. And no one truly knows how the system works I think. Some folks know how to work it or scam it but they don't truly know the ins and outs to make it work the way it should theoretically.
I'm actually happy for you and hope for your success. I've done my research and I still believe that Trump is the man that we need.
you mean globalism is the worst thing.
remember whats good for me may not be nearly as good for you.
The guy looks 100% retarded
Stop being such a sheep, you are so far up his arse you can smell his breath

"remember whats good for me may not be nearly as good for you."

what the fuck is your point

you can say that in just about every situation/context
It's all good baby.
I feel that Hillary has taken a lot of shit since the 90's so I'm willing to bet she isn't likely to fly off the handle over criticism like trump would.
>business decisions
he scammed an entire town.

>If you're still here OP
being this desperate
I disagree. But then I believe in a balance. There are some things that should be universally good for all in equality: having food, housing, other necessities, equal rights, etc. But we shouldn't lose focus on the individual at all. There are some things that should be done to ensure that we don't lose who we are.
I believe that Trump is causing a scene to get more attention. I also believe that he wouldn't be so rude and impulsive once in office.
Are you retarded? Ever heared about the Korea wars?
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>Kardashian girls may be rich, but only because of their father

Ho boy

Lets talk about people becoming successful because of their father.
And as the world is currently, we can't afford to do that.
That's a hefty gamble
Hence why in the my comment earlier that it would require us to live in an ideal and perfect world which we don't. I have my ideas but I'm not delusional about them like Drumpf.
I only seeing him getting worse, if he thinks he's the most Inportant person in the world right now imagine his ego if he actually is.
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Op is still here. Just reading the arguments on both sides and making note of them while playing slow paced video games and listening to podcasts. Can't be bothered to post more tits unless I add a dead rabbit and its entrails to the mix to make it more exciting.
America you made the Terminator a Governor
And now you are making that guy from that crappy boss show the leader of your country
Best election ever, the whole world is watching the ultimate reality tv show
Or at least I thought I did. Maybe I'm going crazy.

I know what you mean but also I'm not taking it personal, even if he was being deceitful or talking out his ass, he thinks very strongly that Trump is the only option because as a former marine no other candidate has the balls or the respect to properly lead, and I agree. He knows the chain of command and buerocratic bullshit hinder so much actual progress and trump will cut red tape to get shit done. He will run the country like a business. I don't know all, not by a long shot, but I do know that I'd support Trump as president.

So his dad gave him a million. Trump turned it into more. Kardashians dad still gives her millions, they give it to their boyfriends and husbands. Still a difference between inherited and earned wealth.
Trump isn't a fucking pussy and won't kiss ass like all the other candidates.

Trump all the way. Make America Great Again.
It is beautiful like a dragon, and yes I like hairy dicks and anuses as well as giving head. However I do have a partner and my services are limited to him although i do post faceless nudes on the internet.
I, personally, have lost a few friends over Trump.

This isn't politics. This is right and wrong.

And if I have to seriously explain to you why this man is a poison, I'm halfway inclined to think you should be done away with -- you've obviously wasted your life.

He's a danger to society, end of story.
Kill yourself
Dubs don't lie. If you put dead shit on your tits I'm gonna have to fap before work again, as well as marry you.
You guys always latch on to stupid slogans
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You're what's wrong with this country, kid. Go to school. Learn something. Vote for a candidate that might build this country up, not tear it down.
But do we want someone who keeps having his companies bankrupt to help line his pockets in power? I've noticed that a lot of the military seems to be pro-Trump by the way.
Most unfortunate...
Nice dubs
Also america is the leader of the free world, we go down, so does everyone else
OP is a masters in biology or someshit I think, cant be assed to go throug thread again. his lack of knowledge in politics is made up for knowledge in meat.
Almost made me laugh.
>Im doing a Masters degree
The education system has failed again

I live in Norway, and socialists go fucking apeshit if you vote for anything right-winged. Lost a few friends to that, not that i cared, it opened my eyes to how retarded they were.
I honestly hope no one ever hates you for your choice. If people are going to point at trump and call xenophobia and then hate trump supporters for being different .. well hypocrisy, and hate will win no matter what out intentions might be.
Pretty good bait. Almost subtle

No no no good buddy. You and your kind are the problem. America was built on freedom, most of that is tied up in democracy.

Who are you to tell OP who to vote for? Its his given right as an American to vote for him. Your not being very American buddy.
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Lol that American ego is crazy. I'm sure they'd survive
The military likes trump because he respects them, has proven many times over that he knows how shorty military life is and is always thankful. As for his term, (and I'm quoting my brother here) if trump says he will invade Saudi Arabia and take their oil, he would re-enlist.

I'd say they like Trump because he seems to have balls.
New friend here, yeah world domination sounds hot.
Here you go. I've kept this around for weeks just for people like you. http://m.townhall.com/columnists/bryancrabtree/2016/01/29/think-trumps-bankruptcies-make-him-unqualified-thats-foolish-n2111401
are you that crazy bitch that has a box full of dead animals in her room?
Frankly I'm more upset OP is in a relationship than anything else in this thread...
Thank you.
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> defending retards
> being on 4chan
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Every Trump supporter in the military I've met was a meathead with racist tendencies, an overblown ego (hurr durr I'm in the military I'm so hardcore), no idea how politics work, or simply like him because he "speaks his mind"

Nah, they don't know shit. Scientists and economists support Bernie. Pawns support Trump
Yes, I like how someone here remembered that.
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Stay salty. I'll make sure Trump throws your ass over the wall.
Same here. I can only imagine the SJW's in Oslo, as i live in vestfold.

>midwest filled with retarded people

The way i see it, all the retards live in thbig cities by the coast. Midwestern seems the most normal to me.
Not American.
I only remember because I saw the thread screen shot in a cringe thread.
Show more. And your ass too. Pls
And what point is that? When you have to say "he has some great point." That means he doesnt. Stfu you little edge lord and kys. Up to this point he has done nothing but spread messages of hate. Proving that retards shouldnt have the right to vote.
At least Trump is a complete pussy unlike Hillary.
>be USSR
>erect a wall overnight and split families and friends for decades over political disputes
Holy shit. You just completely contradicted yourself.
ITT: College students vs. Everyone not brainwashed to be marxists voting for Trump
You're exactly what's wrong with the left and I'm actually voting Bernie.. thinking every trump supporter us a terrorist is just like thinking every Muslim is a terrorist. It's classic xenophobia.
If trips or 69 I'll poison Trump.
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jk this is the real roll right here.
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Just sayin'.
Your post belong in a cringe thread and i will for the first time in my life say this with no irony please kill yourself you are what is wrong with just about everything

That's because your father was too lazy to even try. Trumps father did whatever he could to make sure his sons would have great life, even as far as loaning D' a million. You just mad because your father is a lazy deadbeat who hates you
I listened to an excerpt of from a rally. He was talking about the California drought, that is wasn't real, and suggesting that it was an environmentalist fear-mongering to save the endangered three inch guppy fish from the delta.

What I surmised from all of this was that his language, while not PC, which is fine and even admired in this age, but his language was refined to be manipulative. he cited, "my friends" as he usually does as his scientific sources, and his verbiage showed to me that he was unwilling to see to even try to view things from differing perspectives (a necessary in the search for truth, for we following inquiry as it takes us, and are not tricked by confirmation bias and other fallacious means of thinking thereby suggesting that your claim of his greater piety to truth rather than PCness, is false), in the same sense that someone would mock a hippy for trying to demonstrate non-anthropic values in the larger scheme of things in this world (suggesting a small-mindedness).

because on this issue and demonstrative scientific issues including climate change (tremendous amount of peer-based reviewed data supporting a consensus), there should be a minimal amount of dissent. and anything short of refutable evidence yet to be reviewed, and barring this, an examination of the language of qualifiers is the basis of rational scientific thought.

so, it would seem that your assessment of trump is likely (qualifier) inaccurate.
Im not amercunt but trump seems to be the best president for usa.
I dont really follow it closely but trump seems to be the one that could bring usa back on its feet.
Trump is owned by the same Zionists that control The .u.s government. if America ever wants to restore true democracy the fed needs to be smashed and The Zionist state of Israel needs to be smashed
The only reason I'd vote for Trump is because he's a gigantic "fuck you" to the system. The fact that someone like Trump can even make it this far in the run for presidency shows how screwed everything is. Maybe the best thing right now is to elect someone who can rattle things up.

Trump is a moron, but if you give me the choice between Hilary (who really should be in Jail right now and not running for president), Trump, and the other shitty candidates we got this term, Trump is the only sane choice to make. At least there will actually be change.

Are you Karl the Cuck or AIDS Skrillex? You sound like one of them.
[citation needed]
tbh even europe has these obnoxious pseudo-liberals. Just look at antifa.
It's fine to be red-pilled anon, but that made no sense.
Explain why literally everyone in the US establishment is against Trump.

From what i just read, trump has better understanding of economics than you atleast.

this is a brilliant start, friend.
The usa is lucky not to have the amount of muslims yuropoor has.
Shits going insane over here.
Trump would win instantly if the same fate would happen to america de to muslims
Wait are you implying there are reporters that are NOT retarded?
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You mean my Army Ranger father that was killed by a drunk driver when I was 6?
I'm simply asking for sources to what you're saying instead of taking it for granted. Why do you think blue-pilled retards believe Trump is the next hitler?
No they meant your hypothetical father who left before you were born, because everyone on /b/ is a nigger remember?
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Wowee a picture with graphs so you don't have to do any work by yourself and look only one source!

Not even going to entertain this.
You forgot that it's all just made up statistics in a big picture with colors for retards to blindly save and repost
>hurrdurr your source and graphs are invalid
Do you mind actually investigating a bit before completely dismissing what i'm saying?
This whole thing is just a set up man. You have a man that is very good friends with the Clinton family who has personally vouched for Hillary but now hes against all her policies.He has flipped flopped on his stance for gun control and says we need to protect Israel from the scary Muslims. Use your brain if they didn't want him to get this far he wouldn't have
He got his shit from his daddy. What bis did trump make
Its not gonna matter if you vote for bernie, hillary or trump, theyre all gonna throw their promises in the trash as fast as theyre elected and continue down the path of totalitarian tyranny that prior presidents have paved way for, nothing is gonna change for the better and you ALL know it... the election has once again been intentionally turned into a spectacle with the intent of dividing the people into 2 or more groups that see eachother as the enemy...
There's literally nothing wrong with that though.
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You do know that a man can change opinions, right? Why do you think we're arguing?
Don't you think Trump is going to fuck shit up? If anyone is going to change how the current system works, it's going to be trump.

Whether the change is good or not is another question of course.
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