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no rekt thread, wtf? gimmie some good shit
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Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 60
File: woc2r3j04blddtodjvit.png (409 KB, 636x349) Image search: [Google]
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no rekt thread, wtf?
gimmie some good shit
Sauce? New isis vid?


File: AdiBPrO.jpg (111 KB, 1049x550) Image search: [Google]
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Im so sorry bro, can't even begin to feel your pain.
but you'll manage, k?
rekt usually happens on /gif/

go to catalog / archive and ctrl + f = rekt
File: isisdrowning.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x360
Not new.
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I would love to see this squirrel fly into tower 2... Please make my dream come true!
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thats fucked
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He's kinda lucky that it went over that bottom rib rather than under it.
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dream socks.jpg
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File: Human Factory.webm (3 MB, 480x320) Image search: [Google]
Human Factory.webm
3 MB, 480x320
Isis are a bunch of fucking sandniggers
holy shit is this real? story?
File: Isis Hobby.webm (3 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
Isis Hobby.webm
3 MB, 600x338
what the fuck is that?
is that just a mortuary with horrible conditions or?
. . . Fake?
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File: BallFuck.webm (2 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
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Cadavers being stored for dissection class at a medical school.
what is he doing?
well shit im not sleeping tonight
Pleasuring himself?
trying to get the dick he mutilated to feel something at all.
File: Birdy skater.jpg (391 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
Birdy skater.jpg
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That last shot is a mannequin kek
Not poster of that vid, but these places are real. I work in one time to time in New Jersey. Organ donors, people that donate their body to science...shits fucking horrible. Never seen that many body's, but yea it's very real.
File: IsisBloopers.gif (1 MB, 294x233) Image search: [Google]
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I keked
Is there a new Isis acid bath video or some shit?
whats the use for the bodies that can't donate the organs and such? i heard they are used in medical schools and such? and why's you're experience horrible, as you describe?
Nahhh humans are totally that flammable that they can be completely ablaze 2 foot from the fire.... This shit sheds some serious doubt on these execution videos.
Would be 100% okay with every single person in that crowd dying a slow and horrible death.
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Rekt thread <3
>Tinfoil fedora
care to explain lol??
>Oficial isis http?
File: 3WayRailFail.gif (1007 KB, 272x267) Image search: [Google]
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She was a member of a gang that robbed and murdered a local taxi driver. She got street justice. I have no sympathy for her.
Not me, this bitch and two other guys just straight up robbed a cab driver and snuffed his innocent life out for a little bit of money. She had what was coming to her. Mob justice in the 3rd world is the only thing that keeps any sort of order. No sympathy here.
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There's always one idiot who cant light fires properly.
File: BallToTheBall.gif (1 MB, 400x224) Image search: [Google]
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japanese stretch torture look it up
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jesus fuck back to tumblr you disgusting SJW
File: forklift.gif (1021 KB, 265x221) Image search: [Google]
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Man was going to marry a beautiful Asian lady. Duke rich ugly guy Das jealous. tortured him by being confined to that apparatus for 28 months. He was fed and cleaned. His family said after he was rescued, he begged them to kill him. They did not and he is in a hospital confined to a customer where his family hardly visits.
File: Forklift.gif (1 MB, 270x224) Image search: [Google]
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source or this is bullshit

most likely he just has a severe disorder
all I can find is standard racks and bdsm stuff...
Here's the full video then.
File: Dude'sgotballs.gif (1 MB, 272x216) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 272x216
I'm slso working in such a storage with a forklift, and this fucking scares me, because I KNOW this will happen to me some day as well. :(
you gotta go into the deep web to find this kinda shit
Just remember to run.
its like a portable bean bag :)
But there are no light boxes. There are beer crates. They'll wall faster. :(
It happened to me once and unless you have small shit on the shelves you should be okay.
Depending on how well the forklift is maintained but the top of it should keep it together.
No top on it either. It's an open one where you walk behind it.
Muscular dystrophy, parkinson, retarded man.
His legs were changed by deer legs.
He was abducted by a psycho.
Source: CebollaChan link
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File: EctopiaCordis.webm (1008 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
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Ohh shit man I always hated those ones, but at least you can run to any directions if shits about to fall

explain to retarded fags pls
File: Rad mutant.png (329 KB, 484x351) Image search: [Google]
Rad mutant.png
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First one is an umbilical hernia, where the intestines poke through a gap in the abdominal muscles.
The second is a congenital deformity where the heart forms outside the chest.
2 different things, anon.
1st one: whatever the f.ck
2nd one: heart + part of the lungs growing out
My sides are in orbit
File: HowRealMenFish.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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File: ExpertLevelParking.gif (2 MB, 495x320) Image search: [Google]
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did he died?
File: pallettruck.webm (521 KB, 440x360) Image search: [Google]
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Like this?
Nah he pulled himself together.
File: FatShamedByGravity.webm (200 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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That's awesome, like carrying around your own bean bag chair. Can you imagine how much jizz fly's out of that dudes cock when he jacks off?
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4 man getting eletric fuck.webm
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isnt that the origin of nerve gas?
dear god, that poor man

read pic title retarded fags
Swamp gas
That's called a pallet jack.
thers supposed to be an isis video of isis dumping people into acid? anyone seen that?
This is where all nerve gas comes from.
This happens when you donate your body to science.
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File: Ammo racked.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Ammo racked.webm
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i've been looking for it but i cant find any images
did he die?

Thank you anon!

Nice to see something other than nerve gas.
Are we not talking about quads?

Still looking for the movie

This is so fucking brutal
can someone explain what that is? like fuse wire or something?
well its probably explosives taped together as a wire
File: jew and money.webm (3 MB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
jew and money.webm
3 MB, 853x480
oshit didn't even notice
hahahah fuck that file name is funny
That's some cool shit
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Its called det cord. It's used to breach walls and clear barriers like barbed wire
Is that how they store bodys donated for science? I'm having second thoughts now, maybe cremation is best.
kekd and chekd
Detcord, or detonation cord. Super fast burning cord, so fast it explodes. Usually used in breaching, bomb disposal and the like. Seems to be good for beheadings too.
But you'll be dead. Why do you care?
File: IsisDetcord.jpg (62 KB, 979x537) Image search: [Google]
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Dont leave the lift, its built to with stand stuff falling on it. But if you think you will crash, find a new job.
Story here?
At least they show real shit. That's some Hollywood bullshit.
Man, that'd be wonderful in high res. I wish ISIS would get their act together and start using a Phantom slow-mo camera, fucking amateurs.
thank you bros
Go out and murder someone and stead of reposting like a faggot

Yeah there is no dignity whatsoever in this.
Why does the rocket dance in the air before hitting the target? And how come it hits the target after the dance?

If I recall, she was a 15 year old girl who was killed a cabby and mob justice went cray cray.....
Holy shit. Next we're gonna hear people fighting that there aren't proper public bathrooms for people who want to split their dicks open and shove spikes from their trundle to their asshole.
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Hot, I would fuck her and see how far out of her chest I can get her heart to come.
Not nerve gas, the scaffolding those guys were pushing touched a live wire. The smoke you see is their bodies boiling.
Not that new
This guy actually survived African Necklacing.
the rocket performs its mating ritual, called the dance, because the technology created by humans forces it to do it. i have no idea why it hit its target tho
It's a wire guided rocket and the launcher sends data down the wire to the projectile at a specific rate. This data is used to guide the projectile on target but it's prone to slight over-adjustments, which is why you often see the "jumpiness" in the projectile. Also, the launcher was likely shoulder mounted so the jumpiness is like exaggerated by the unsteadiness of the shooter and/or target designator.
jumpers always get to me. like imagine not being high enough to make death certain on impact. fuck that.
Dindu Lance Armstrong
File: Cowboystatuedude.webm (3 MB, 896x504) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 896x504
keep fucking your hand, kiddo.
That ammo rack explosion right there
>Like a glove
for the military/weapons dudes in here... is there nothing the tank can do to stop these things or are they like 100% 1 shot 1 kill missiles? with the flight time do they not have any defences that automatically deploy etc?
Anti AA aircraft missiles actually
File: bowlingjuggler.gif (1 MB, 277x232) Image search: [Google]
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anybody got the acid bath killing?
File: ATGM_Stryker_firing_a_TOW_misile.jpg (322 KB, 1230x1024) Image search: [Google]
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Its likely a wire guided missile. Meaning the operator holds an optical sensor on the missiles target, and sends signals to the missile through a small wire. The "dancing" you're seeing is the operator twitching around.
Wew lad what a day
>Just like every person in that crowd is 100% ok with it happening to her, fucking OBVIOUSLY

You whiteknight captain-save-a-ho twit.

This is the worst video recorded death in human history, worse than the other burned alive guy.

This would last a lot longer before Death... FUCK THIS
I know but I'm still thinking about it before I die and it grosses me out.
There are certain things, such as systems which detonate cells on the outside of the armour when a warhead impacts or a system which actively monitors for warheads and blows them from the sky. I suspect the second system wouldn't have time enough to engage in this situation and I guess it's apparent that the tank didn't have active det armour here. Typically though, heavy tanks don't get much in the way of defenses suited for urban combat, they mostly rely upon infantry and smaller vehicles to keep them safe.
File: goop.webm (1 MB, 692x388) Image search: [Google]
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>confined to a customer
wait thats a benis
Yes there is nothing a 50 year old t62 can do against modern missiles. But more contemporary armour is developed with missiles in mind and can shrug them off pretty easily.
File: thedirttruck.gif (1 MB, 323x236) Image search: [Google]
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Does this count as rekt?
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thanks bros. i love the idea of tanks, but it scares the shit out of me that some lone dude with a simple missile on his shoulder can fuck up a tank.
File: ass to cake.webm (3 MB, 852x480) Image search: [Google]
ass to cake.webm
3 MB, 852x480
that looks fake and gay , they put cadavers on slabs
File: Chaika Thread.gif (3 MB, 266x219) Image search: [Google]
Chaika Thread.gif
3 MB, 266x219
one job
still in the middle age i see?

What a great way to ruin a few million dollars of product... lol
File: bra71L.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
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yeah , looks super cooomphy
wow actually bounced too.
This is why you aim to land head first.
Dramatically decreases the height required for fatality.

Someone forgot the three count...
Holy shit, these aren't people. They're edible bread made to look like people http://www.chilloutpoint.com/featured/body-part-bread-sold-at-a-bakery-in-thailand.html
i never understood why they are so calm in these videos. id be freaking the fuck out the whole time

Yeah, He is definitely fucked... Neck snapped like a #2 pencil... Not to mention about 5,000lb of pressure from the counter-weight
nope, thats a freezing chamber in a university in spain, the bodies are stored like that for being studied
Is this real?!
File: dØNS.jpg (38 KB, 368x424) Image search: [Google]
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Not sure if troll
i love cake farts
>Do I have a sign on the front of my hospital that says "dead nigger storage" ?

Not one nigger in there.

This one lasts longer. At least most of these guys had their lungs/throats seared, causing death by asphyxiation fairly quickly.

This guy's head was spared, so he was alive for a fuck of a lot longer. Long enough to get that deep leg fat burn going.
Yes, it is. It's an ISIS execution.
this is the stuff nightmares are made of
Story right here:

A tow missile system requires a large launcher that one man simply cannot operate.

This is a situation where they carefully mapped the route the tank takes (likely on a patrol) and planned for it.

This is also why major militaries NEVER use the same patrol route twice in a predictable pattern... We had to learn that one the hard way in the US with all them IED's and shit.
File: isis1.webm (1 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 640x360

It was an old ass T60, So yeah, No modern countermeasures against rockets of any kind.
so i guess that answers the age old question, bowling ball or feather falling first
File: ftm we can build a penus.webm (3 MB, 320x284) Image search: [Google]
ftm we can build a penus.webm
3 MB, 320x284
how are they held up , spikes in the heads ?
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You don't fuck with the leftover robots from westworld...
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Most likely drugged.
That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I've seen a pedo getting shot once
Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 60

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