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Waifu claiming thread. >Eggs Edition The rules are very
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Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Eggs Edition

The rules are very simple:
>damn these are complicated
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Do I get a bottle of water with my eggs?
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Sup OG bun
What up Syndra. Got tea today?
Still just scrambling?
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evil shiro (6).jpg
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ayy, you're back from lurking
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ika 1.gif
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Syndra (11).jpg
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>Not me.
Yes, always.
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Vigil - 204.png
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ika 2.gif
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hope you like em

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Devilled tomorrow. And now it's two dozen.

>Maybe this time I'll actually eat them

It's complimentary

Hello Galko

Fuck you too.
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I went with the latest one. I apologise, what tea are you drinking today?
So just boiled then curried. Should use some cream with it. Helps out a heap.
I always just assume you're in thread at this point.
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Akiko claimed

ITT: will the shitposting continue or did he see the futility of his actions

Good rules, I approve
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Woo random naps
>Not tired rattles
Hopefully he saw the futility of his life.
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Yeah, it was a failed attempt that went pretty far.

Good night yo.

Shit, its 4am for me.

Do actually legitimately sleep?

Holy shit these are great! Thanks!
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Syndra (26).jpg
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Oh, right.
2pm here.
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/waifu/ quit putting forth effort months ago. A shame, really.
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Hi Hanako.
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Thanks senpai

I always have good rules

>don't talk about shitposters
>doing so practically invites them to come out of the shadows and approach you menacingly whilst snapping their fingers to the beat
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Your welcome. I got nothing better to do, so I could make some intensify gifs for you if it pleases ya. Don't think it'll bother me either, only takes about 30 seconds. Can't do it of something that's already a gif though.
What is there to do in Latvia anyways?
It's literally just an innovation of my rules, but fine, don't give me credit.

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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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Good afternoon waifus. How goes it?
I am not nice.
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>Done with your shit hentai loli claimed
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Sorry, who are you again?

Finals in two weeks


You can still be
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Nishikino Maki (125).jpg
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You can do it Hanako! Study hard~!
Shit I need intensifying gifs. Please I need this.
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evil shiro (5).jpg
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Don't think I won't fuck you up friend.
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RIP shitposter #2346

>come out of the shadows and approach you menacingly whilst snapping their fingers to the beat
But it's just that what's so amusing
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Always enjoyable. I get to make blends at work, I think we have 7 flavours or so that are all loose leaf. No bags allowed.
No problem.
They finish this week at UC. So we're not busy at work.
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ika 3.gif
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Sup Chen
>metal warning
No I can't.

I am Skeletor in disguise.
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Fuck yeah. Now I can scream internally for today's egg results.
>can you please do this one. No more after I promise.
What program do you use to do this?
>420 checked
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>dying inside

Sorry, I don't remember you very well

>I have bad memory

Well, I guess I'd like shitposters to NOT come to this thread at all.

Even someone like you has a heart.

>You're a good person
The bandaged waifu is the best waifu! I invoke the king's right, for I am the schwanz king!

>the schwanz is thrust into the bandage waifu's backdoor and thrust vigorusly
>the feeling is good and ograsmic
>seamin floods the waifu's butt, and the anus
>she is pragnated

Aaahhh! It is good to be the king! The schwanz king!
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i cry now.gif
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i-i see how it is hanako...
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Tatsumaki (497).jpg
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Good taste schwanz king.
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morning claim!!
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ika 4.gif
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I don't actually use a program. I use this to give it the shaking effect: http://en.bloggif.com/effect
and this to speed it up: http://ezgif.com/optimize
Also, if you want to request more, it's all fine dude, it takes up very little time.
How was your sleep Kagami?

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>bows so hard I faceplant

Goooooood morning qt3.14
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Syndra (68).jpg
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What is there to do in [insert country] anyways?
So did we get anything new?
Im not a big fan of tea in bags.
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Build a.png
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How's the break from waifu going?
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and became so close.jpg
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I'm not really into metal, I like a few bands, but that's it.
I like more grunge stuff I guess when it comes to rock.
No! The waifu must not be kept barefoot and in the kitchen! The schwanz king will save you!

>I regally edgeaculate from the schwanz into the waifu's mouth
>I defecate with power and majesty
>the waifu ograsms and leaves you, coming with me to a land where she can have shoes
>she is pragnated

Take that, waifu abuser!
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I'm going to work now, see you guys later.
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2015 - 1.png
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What's a Heart.
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Nishikino Maki (78).jpg
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I believe in you!

Don't think so. I only just got up 10 mins ago and sounds like nothing happened but blade getting banned, which I'm glad about tbh
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>Naps are a good idea
>no more sleep rattle
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lel it's fine just busting your balls
don't stress out too much galks! see you soon.
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Vigil - 52.jpg
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Five Dios.
You've been lurking haven't you?
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It's the beat that you feel in your chest. Sometimes, it can soar, it can sink, it can go fast and it can go slow.

The heart feels.


>forehead is glued to the floor
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Thats why I put the warning. I prefer some covers of theirs though, they do good adaptation work. Reload seemed like a more grungy album by Metallica, definitely not their thrashy stuff.
I just think my boss is a fan of not shit overall. Tea isnt in bags, 3 top blends of coffee and quality food. Even our takeout teas are made in pots and brewed before we pour them.
>pots always come in to wash cold
>I get the smell but cold tea
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Good mourning

Well, I have a huge headache right now so I was planning on going to sleep actually. Plus I dislike when someone offers me something and I take more than I should. Although you are allowing me so...

I do love my naps...

Guys my brain is going to blow from this headache. I think Im going to sleep. Goodnight/morning/day to all!
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I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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it was good!!! how are you shiro???
hey hanako!!! how are you today?
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Syndra (115).jpg
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Only thing i herd that someone found an instagram that's almoust exactly like deepers channel.
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I don't know what you're talking about, sometimes I feel hungry, does that count?
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happy times 2.0.jpg
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I wish you warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu Ika! Also, don't worry about it man, I'm the one asking for requests.
Oh I'm good, going to sleep soon, watching FMA: Brotherhood.
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I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
>I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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381 KB, 1480x2070
No. That's your stomach.

>dat pic


I... am bored.
>I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
>I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
>I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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Nishikino Maki (280).png
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interesting, but I'm not sure deeper would leave himself with such an open thread
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very very angry.gif
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oh god not this shit again
If that's the Stomach, where's the heart?
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sorry to hear that....you don't have any games to play???
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Syndra (61).jpg
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He just posted ''TkVWRVIgT1ZFUi4='' oh his channel
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That's easy! It's between your...

Uh... ever feel something beating in your chest? That's your heart.

Can't play. Finals in two weeks

>I feel my soul drifting away
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1 MB, 540x304
Could be a bait?
My bowels beat. Is my heart in my bowels?
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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Robots rapes desk violently.jpg
50 KB, 533x400
what to do...
what to do...
what to do...

>jenny claim
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
I thought that was a knife.

Good waifu, I r8 9/9
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why u heff be irke.png
93 KB, 250x260
Vino claimed for top tier Waifu.
How're you degenerate otherkins going? Still disappointing your parents in your shit taste in qt anime grills?
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sleep, but don't know where you live in aus so it could be kinda early for ya.
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Nishikino Maki (85).png
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Apparently it's 'never over'

It's a good chance. I think I'm 50/50 on it being bait/a legit killer.
Either way an interesting ARG
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are you studying hard?? don't be unprepared for them!!! try and focus, i know it's hard to!!!
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Syndra (72).jpg
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Well atleast he is talking.
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No! Your heart's in between your b-

Oh, sorry. I forgot.


I don't think a knife should be in your chest. At all.

>Nothing but fucking essays as far as the eye could see

it's like 10pm over.
i'm already drinking tea
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ouch...what subjects are they for??? i haven't done an essay in ages....and im not looking forward to it lol
i still can't belive these are vigil's words
There's lots of stuff that shouldn't be in my chest.
Like Lungs, who needs those.
Its 10pm for him
So which coast in Aus?
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Hey guys. Azusa here. I need some opinions.

I just got a blue Subaru and I named it "Konata" because... Blue. Anyway, would it be cringe to put a small decal of the word Konata on the side window? Not of her face or anything but literally just the word Konata in white. I don't think anyone would understand what it meant and the ones who do will think it's cool.

Kagami especially. Answer this shit. I'd name it Kagami if it was purple.
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You need those, To breathe. And, I don't know...



One subject should not have this many essays

Already told you before.

>I'm going to pretend I never said this >>685936608

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3 MB, 3182x1571
It wouldnt really be cringe, people put a lot worse on their cars.
>Not worse, but this is decals done right
>With this car I summon Homu
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If I had Paul Walker's Porsche Carerra GT, I'd name it Hanako.
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Good morning everyone.
It would be REALLY cringe.
Don't do it, for your own respect.
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That's pretty cool. I love itasha and if I lived in Japan is go for it.

Not in the Bible Belt in the United States. It would be keyed within a week.
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Still half asleep

What's going on my dudes?
I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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hmmm, i don't know....i've never put many stickers on my car, but i don't think i would do it
you gotta do them!!! i wish you best of luck hanako, how many essays do you have for english??
Seems pretty cool man. Konata is in these threads too, don't know where he is though. I'd definently reccomend it, as it's only a name, really nothing too flashy.
Not much, going to sleep soon because of my fucked up sleep schedule. You sleep good?
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Yeah... I don't think I'll do it now. I saved my ass off for it.

Pic is one like it. Would take a pic but it's storming now.

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What's alive?
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chibi (1).png
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forgot image
if i were to be honest it'd feel off just having konata written on it. it's not suttle enough to feel neat to the few who get it but it's not flashy enough to really be worth having on there. that's just my opinion on it anyway.
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I have no idea who I'm talking to

What's going on, man? Anything in particular that you want to talk to me about or is it just life getting to you?

Slept pretty well, actually. Karen poster showed up in my dream, guess I spend too much time here. What's your schedule like?

Okay there we go, this helps
Is okay.
That's a nice car.
But sticker on your own car, is childish in my opinion.
You need to respect it.
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too cute.png
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It's literally just a name man, I really doubt anyone would notice it. Plus shit, it's a baller ass car, you bought it, you named it, mind as well do something nice to it. It's pretty cool imo.
Starting to sober up some. Playing some MWO, either getting top damage for team or a few kills.
>Its fun being a Timberwolf.
also, not asuza anon who posted this, just realized makes it seem like he's talking to himself lel
Claiming childhood crush

Also now I cant get the opening song outta my head fuck Im not even into anime
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>pics will be the death of me I swear
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Enough to take up two whole days apparently

>or so I've heard

Hmm... good question.

I could say that anything that could move is alive, but then that would also count inanimate objects that can move on its own.

I guess the best definition of being alive I can give you is that if you can grow, act, die and *cough* reproduce *cough* then you're officially classed as "alive".

It's a meme. Copy pasted a few times in this thread.
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nice dude.jpg
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Oh, I wake up at 3-4 PM and go to bed at around 7:30 AM, fun stuff. Don't have a job and I'm out of school so don't really care about my sleep schedule being fucky.
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it's not like your plastering a big konata face on the side of car, just a small decal on window. go for it if it makes you happy man!!
pic related
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Thank for the compliment, dude. I saved forever.

Yeah. I'm the type to add a few decals but never go overboard with it. I like itasha but I want to be stealthy about it. That's why I opted just for the name. It'll probably just be 4 inches long on the window or something.

I just hated getting rid of my old car. It was a grey Scion FR-S. That thing was named Azusa.
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Fug, usually I recognize those. I wondered whether it might be. Just haven't seen that one posted before.

Huh. I work 10-7 so I can't really do that. I've let my sleep schedule get wonky before but it really doesn't feel right unless I maintain a largely diurnal lifestyle.
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hmmm, that sounds like a lot of essays....but you've got this hanako! good luck to you!!!
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Oh yeah it's fake, got spammed to shit, has been reoccuring for past couple days.
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oh! hello......tsukasa, is it time to be more cute than i lol
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>It always was
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I think I might switch waifus. I've been loyal to Azusa for a while but... She's been getting boring.

Pic related is possible waifu
remember when you tried so hard to get with prinz and she denied you so you left the thread like a little bitch
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Alright, I think thats it for me tonight.
>certain long range missiles have an arming time in MWO
I spent 3 minutes of my life watching someone try to fire 300 shots of those within that arming range
For a grand total of 15 damage.
Mechs dealing 15 damage in 3 minutes are fucked.
Starting to rage at the potatoes.
>I dealt 600 damage with pinpoint damage
>second highest on the team
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fak u
I main Catapult.
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>it never ends
my eternal torment continues, is it time for a cute off??
Oh, ya going to bed or something?
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No! I'm sorry AzuNyan!
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>so easy I will fall asleep
I main Timbies. Fight me.
Still gonna be on thread for a bit. Just raging at potatoes.
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>goddamn pics
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How's bitchwhore holding up?
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>but you can't fall asleep....because ill poke you awake
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What does everyone here think of the American presidential election?

I can't really stand any of the candidates. The only one I somewhat like is Bernie Sanders. He seems cool. I'm usually obsessed with elections but this one... It's shit.

Oh well. Anyone but Hillary.
Level 40, outside Rock Tunnel. Had to charge to continue, thats an idea...
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What's going on with the pictures bro?


Murica's fucked.

>The leg master has returned
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chibi jumping.gif
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I really don't like presidential candidates ever. I enjoy Bernie's ideas, but someone has gotta pay for all of that shit.
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Sup anxious one
I keep forgetting.

>we have two knife guy now
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>Murica's fucked.
hopefully not, but i have a bad feeling....
>kagami is the cuter one, you know it....
My Catapult is Literally LRM boat.

It rains fire and death on anything it can hit.
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>>kagami is the cuter one, you know it....

Oh really?

Prove it.

>Now that's what I call edgy
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I have a 42 point alpha. Im faster, tankier and l dont need people to target for me. You spread damage like a mofo and cant specifically hit my weak point while I can easily take off your arms.
>theres a reason LRMs arent widely used in comps
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wake up!!
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>almost falling asleep but not quite
>the oversized sweater look

Gary Johnson
I just sit at the back like cancer artillery and go pew pew.
>not working
Hey Mai.
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Someone say L E G S?
>Pleased to see you around.
Greetings, fledgling Love Goddess. Just another day without my only passion and driving source, how goes your night? I imagine you're tired.
At least go SRM facecheck. People dont expect it and you can unload.
>I sometimes play shotgun jenner
>72 point alpha on a light is insane
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>pokes harder
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Not really tired.
Damn memory of mine...
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Maybe if we cut the fucking military budget just a smudge we'd have money. We spend more than the next 26 countries spend combined, yet Russia or Chona could still destroy us.

Why? How?
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Syndra (101).jpg
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>not leonardo
You had one job
>could still destroy us
Wouldn't it be MAD?
I have no idea what you guys could even possibly spend that much money on. Are you building a space lazor or something?

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151

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