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Waifu Claiming Thread Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures,
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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 154
Thread images: 143
File: Smug Karen 21.jpg (299 KB, 1500x2099) Image search: [Google]
Smug Karen 21.jpg
299 KB, 1500x2099
Waifu Claiming Thread

Claim your waifu/husbando, post pictures, discuss things and have fun!
File: Syndra (68).jpg (464 KB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (68).jpg
464 KB, 1200x1600
Miho claimed
Haha, nope! I have a sports bike, and a sports tourer. I just got fishtailing down today, so next up is dumping the clutch appropriately in a turn to get a drift effect. Gotta get a good pair of kneedpads though in case I go down practicing.
Thanks Milinda! I look forward to whatever you remember!
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299 KB, 600x992
Should've used the other pic from same artist :^)
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Fran Laugh.png
116 KB, 350x249
Claiming best surgeon.
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Are you for real!? WOOOHOOO!!!

Hey man l, that ain't me. And plus wasn't it you who wanted to do lewd stuff to eiko?

Ohayou means good morning as in "ohayou gozaimasu" as the second part is more to be respectful. But now I get you.

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41 KB, 600x421
Megumin claimed~
>I will miss Amatsu edition
>still on the fence about this

You have a pretty good memory :o
I can't remember most things very well..
Alright, thank you~
Good luck with the training and be careful out there~
I need the pic for research purposes
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20 KB, 337x337
I just took pics of your weekends together from the window.
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Can to show other pic?
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Obligatory claim.

Heyo, Fran.
>I'll try and greet you more often
>my bad

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27 KB, 384x384
Hanako here

>class ends
>last to leave class
>asked to shut the door behind me
>grab books
>walk out
>shut door
>realise I'm missing a book
>try to walk back in
>door's locked

I'm not a smart anon
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89 KB, 400x630
File: Chibi Karen 15.png (173 KB, 867x697) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 15.png
173 KB, 867x697
It's garbage!
No ltierally. It's garbage. There's a garbage going on because our leaders are too busy putting money in their pockets to invest in a proper garbage policy.
They're also too busy to stop the two internet companies from closing off the market and controlling prices.
We're behind most other countries even though we have tourist revenue, great agriculture and overall good economy.
It's sad, desu. I wanted to go to British Columbia to study in UBC but even though the university accepted me the country didn't.
Working on going there now with the help of a lawyer desu.

I only like head pats from one specific person desu
Do you post here lots? Or did you used to post and stop?

Yeah that's definitely after me then as I started on early march, I think.

That fucking entrance, bravo.
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171 KB, 800x800
Milk is here.
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nice dude.jpg
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What have you done.

We are both stupids
File: Ika-11-5.png (156 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
156 KB, 480x270
That was not me faggot!!

Seems you are not book smart.
>ok that was horrible.

That's seems unsafe.
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512 KB, 1000x1690
Alright, I'm going to bed.
On an unrelated note, the feeling that I get when I read about these incredible discoveries, that feeling of pride in my species overcoming my cynicism-induced misanthropy, is probably what gets me up in the morning. I'll be back with more science stuff tomorrow for you guys.
>There's a garbge going on
garbage crisis***
Good morning sweety
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>wew lad
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Milinda claim

Not a problem, although honestly besides crashing a plane, I've never really done too much flying that's story worthy.

Hehe Now the only question is how bad do you want to score above 80%? ;)

Decided to go back? Nice.
>Not a problem qt :)

kek hello Hanako
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2 MB, 1936x2592
File: Fran Evil Cute.jpg (53 KB, 667x1000) Image search: [Google]
Fran Evil Cute.jpg
53 KB, 667x1000
That's more like it Hand-san! Did you ever get into the tabletop gaming scene? Pick up any of those Roll20 games I suggested?

Hopefully it wasn't a book you needed to study from. What classes are you taking?

That would be hell for me. I hat having refuse anywhere near my general area.

Ah yes UBC. I got accepted but didn't have nearly enough money to move down there. Went to UNBC instead which is much closer to home. What classes are you taking?
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310 KB, 600x835
http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2196876 better?

>What have you done.
It's not bad at all, it's not a full blown out lewd, there's a difference!
File: huh.gif (2 MB, 705x645) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 705x645
>Do you post here lots?
Hmm... I could say I haven't posted much since I've done maybe 20 or so posts in these threads these last two weeks.
File: Syndra (32).png (1 MB, 1280x1600) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (32).png
1 MB, 1280x1600
Hello anon
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272 KB, 500x707
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221 KB, 193x531
>Shizuru get!
>Rattle rattle
File: Maki-182.jpg (61 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 1280x720
Looks like you need to hit the books.

Ah, well it's nice to finally chit-chat friend.

Pretty damn bad~

>Best idol claimed
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80 KB, 193x295
I'm probably gonna go to sleep soon so if there's anything you guys wanna talk about say it now.
File: Determined Karen 4.png (219 KB, 938x799) Image search: [Google]
Determined Karen 4.png
219 KB, 938x799
>she's back
good decision


Ah okidokes, definitely not the horo I know then desu

I approve of the way you name your files desu, very neat!
I'm taking Business classes! I just finished my semester which had accounting, law, geology and english in it.
What about you?
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24 KB, 462x318
That was horrible

So horrible, in fact, that I need to cook two dozen eggs to remedy how horrible that was

>I have two cartons ready for tomorrow

Hey Megumin

>quick question
>do you remember the incident with Prinz?


It was a book from one of my two math classes
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141 KB, 264x210
Why does your milk taste so good?
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365 KB, 1920x1080
Calm down Karen.
It's ok.
There's much worse pics out there, atleast this one has pretty 10/10 art.
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27 KB, 126x130
Thank you Karen~
Oh I remember it all alright
Haha, I'll try and be safe! I can't make too many promises on that though.
Hmm, well I guess all in all that's a good thing, right?
Why are you getting up so late? Did you only get up early for Uni shit?
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274 KB, 720x900
I understand, just be as careful as you can~
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ultimate ohayo intensity.gif
324 KB, 400x240
Something like this?

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18 KB, 150x225
Wow Karen I didn't know you had such nice legs


It happened again. With Shinoa. And Tsuyu.

>I seem to have poor self-control
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529 KB, 849x1200
Hehe I can tell <3

Not too much. How was murdering Shinoa?

I could repost that if you would like?
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1 MB, 1920x1080
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605 KB, 808x797
Also made a dank pic.

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25 KB, 400x221
...back off...

No! Don't do it! I'm sorry!
>what happened to the previous eggs?
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3 MB, 576x756
One of us.One of us. One of us. One of us.
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107 KB, 1000x894
Its full of love.
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Don't worry about it, at least you didn't switch waifu..
Like ..
File: Syndra (72).jpg (1 B, 486x500) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (72).jpg
1 B, 486x500
Today i acualy slept becuse exams.
Usualy i wake up at 5am my time (its 8:50 atm)
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628 KB, 1496x1936
I couldn't, too much has been going on for me to try and pursue other hobbies lately. Sorry.

Your night going well so far?

How goes your night?

File: Fran Prepping Dat Ass.jpg (1 B, 486x500) Image search: [Google]
Fran Prepping Dat Ass.jpg
1 B, 486x500
Why thank you. It's mostly because I'm much too lazy to sort my pictures into folders so they're all n the same one. Makes it a lot easier to figure out which is which when posting to the 4chins.
I majored in Mortuary Science, minoring in microbiology. Business is a good way to go. Never was good with math though so stats are my fucking bane.

God I hate math. Makes my brain hurt.

Agreed. Does it help if I jump on the suggestively lewd train?
File: 82.jpg (1 B, 486x500) Image search: [Google]
1 B, 486x500
>Agreed. Does it help if I jump on the suggestively lewd train?
Don't mind if you do
File: miho.gif (3 MB, 576x756) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 576x756
Don't exactly know how you'd use this, but I like it.

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Fran Cute 1.jpg
394 KB, 640x1000
It's going pretty great. Just picked up FFX and am playing through it for the first time. Loving every second of it. Wakka's VA makes my heart melt.
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Awoo wag.gif
1 B, 486x500
That's reassuring since I was so certain I had this topic the last time I posted. :3c

I keep hearing a scream after the one of us.
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1 B, 486x500
No need. Everything worked out in the end

>if it didn't, however
>I wouldn't know what to do with myself

It's already planned

>unexpectedly sad

I have advanced math and advanced advanced math

>I regret my decisions

Oh dear

>Megumin I demand you dress decently
>like, right now
File: 1405392970989.gif (1 B, 486x500) Image search: [Google]
1 B, 486x500
To bad its.
>pic related

Sweet warm love.

Over 9000 feels
File: IkaMusume.gif (1 B, 486x500) Image search: [Google]
1 B, 486x500
It helps me <3.
Yes you are.
Do you have to attend still or just wait for your exams?
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mari kurihara.png
331 KB, 500x614
Mari all the way
File: Maki-273.jpg (639 KB, 850x1200) Image search: [Google]
639 KB, 850x1200
Well at least you get to eat some eggs now :^)

>Hidden one with the dank glasses

You know me too well <3

Whatcha up to?
File: collection.png (1 MB, 1733x932) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1733x932
It sure is desu! Maybe next time when I'm a little more awake, yes? I should be able to hold a better conversation desu.

>off by one
sleep warm, moo!

You're right, desu. I want to save it just because of how good it looks.
But it's definitely suggestive. Can't do it desu.

>that pic
Post high impact sexual explosions

kek, kind of
what's with the mothballs on top though?
Any chance you could make them more symmetrical, desu?

Same here! Pic related is my folder, although it's bigger now.
Do you get to play with dead bodies? That sounds super fun!
I am also bad at math, but I am going to do marketing to avoid the heavy math lifting desu.
I wanted to do psychology but that's not possible in an arab country due to the shitty jobs.
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chibi jumping.gif
461 KB, 500x532
Don't know why you're having feels, but I appreciate it I think?
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26 KB, 700x392
Star wars battlefront 2 is fun
File: i cry now.gif (882 KB, 500x257) Image search: [Google]
i cry now.gif
882 KB, 500x257
How so? The moth ball Karen's?
File: Hurts_so_good.gif (2 MB, 640x370) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x370
I would name it over 9000 feels
I'll try. Maybe I'll get some footage since my cousin will be with me! At least she knows how to work a damn camera.
If you'd like. Still can't believe it was all cause you didn't check the tail though.
How so? The moth ball Karen's?

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77 KB, 680x726
>Post high impact sexual explosions
I will post the one on the pic next post~
Then you should also help me you squid!
Will you post it here? :o
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23 KB, 347x423
Nah, I'm still not eating any of them

Nothing beats playing the Empire
File: Syndra (45).jpg (64 KB, 600x525) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (45).jpg
64 KB, 600x525
And its going without any problems so far.
Only waiting left.
Thats why im shitposting here.
How will you make them this time?

It is not. And it never will happen.
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130 KB, 850x1201
>unexpectedly sad
I know...
>Megumin I demand you dress decently
File: Holstarusmilk2.jpg (276 KB, 725x856) Image search: [Google]
276 KB, 725x856
Creamy and delicious.
File: Fran Pretty Dress.jpg (32 KB, 265x367) Image search: [Google]
Fran Pretty Dress.jpg
32 KB, 265x367
You poor, poor soul. You have my condolences.

I WISH my folder was that big. It's hard to find decent art of Fran that isn't cropped directly from the manga. Having a lesser known waifu is both a blessing and a curse.
I do get to play with dead bodies! I'm the guy that drains the blood and pumps them full of formaldehyde. I also sew the mangled ones back together for the funerals and make them look like their not actually dead. Finally I occasionally take all the guts and junk out and fill the corpse with saw dust to preserve it if it is to be buried.

Droids master race.
File: Booped.png (2 MB, 1396x2771) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1396x2771
How are you my sweet Cinnabun?

You spelt clones wrong
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22 KB, 337x436

>all 24
>mix things up a little

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405 KB, 600x600
Glad to know everything worked out for you.

Just kinda chilling, listening to music. You?

kek so you have seen it. In my defense I wasnt aware that his broken plane was still in the hanger. I thought it would have been in a repair shop...

wew lad
File: IMG_0299.jpg (2 MB, 2592x1936) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2592x1936
Nice, glad you're enjoying yourself, man.

>Makes my heart melt
Must be some good shit.

Same with you.

Sorry, I'm not really on my best feet right now.

Glad it's going well, man. Hope the rest of it goes smoothly.
File: Eggscellent.jpg (245 KB, 970x1139) Image search: [Google]
245 KB, 970x1139
Looking forward to it, you seem pretty chill man.

>Dat collection
How long did that take?

Hey Queen Smug.

>Battlefront 2
My motherfuckin nigga

Then do pic related with them.

Same, don't really feel like sleeping.

Sure! I've already posted a small burnout here, so I see no reason not to! I'll even have a helmet cam after Friday to record with!
Hiya Smuggles!
Always check the taaaaaiiiiil! Maybe he does his own repairs? Or maybe just didn't have the money?
>Although having multiple planes, I'm sure that wasn't the issue.
File: Oj5NYh.jpg (91 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
91 KB, 1024x576
But, I only have this one!

Oh man... You are Satan...
>Also bad?
File: erotic.png (105 KB, 250x252) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 250x252
Like what you see~
>I'm such a tease
Can I get thighs?
File: Fran Interesting.jpg (53 KB, 724x504) Image search: [Google]
Fran Interesting.jpg
53 KB, 724x504
What's been up with you Hand-san? Your posts seem to have lost quite a bit of vigor since we last talked. Is everything alright?
File: Syndra (107).jpg (135 KB, 488x799) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (107).jpg
135 KB, 488x799
Doing the hisao tricks again?
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343 KB, 1200x743
>But it already did.

>Drinks more warm sweet milk

Pic not related
File: collection.jpg (401 KB, 1740x970) Image search: [Google]
401 KB, 1740x970
No like
There are three karens on top, yes? But they are not equidistant from each other.
There is also on on the bottom right but none on the bottom left. Get what I mean desu?

This is my folder now, actually. I realised that one was outdated.
Your job sounds like tons of fun. Is formaldehyde that thing that basically pickles the bodies?
The sewing and the removal of innards sounds like the most enjoyable part though. I can see why you picked Fran!
Have you gotten a lot of practical experience or still mostly studying?

Kek not that long, it's mostly screenshots with lots of art in between. Here is my current collection. I'm still expanding it with manga pictures and fanart.

File: 6.jpg (1 MB, 2000x1414) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2000x1414
... as expected from you
>but at least you're a cute
File: sachii110.png (256 KB, 428x560) Image search: [Google]
256 KB, 428x560
>rattle rattle rattle
how are you today shizuru?
File: WellDeservedRest.png (412 KB, 1000x1280) Image search: [Google]
412 KB, 1000x1280
I'm gonna go to bed now, goodnight everybody.
You more so though.
Its a best.
File: Chibi Karen 37.png (232 KB, 306x382) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 37.png
232 KB, 306x382
Hey smugs
Glad you're here lol, I'm a little bit too tired. Now you can take over threads desu.
File: image.jpg (36 KB, 600x852) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 600x852
>playing with my weakness

How dastardly

>like what you see

File: o15g8mLtzC1u0xk60o1_500.jpg (121 KB, 500x705) Image search: [Google]
121 KB, 500x705
Yeah me neither...

kek yeah. He doesnt do his own repairs. The reason he found out I took that one is because the repair tech he hired went to pick it up and it was gone... kek

M-Maybe... Only if Maki says its okay.

Hello Bully!
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124 KB, 517x299
File: Cute.png (44 KB, 152x168) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 152x168
>Bullies with cuteness and hugs
File: 26.jpg (143 KB, 1300x1205) Image search: [Google]
143 KB, 1300x1205
Maki has given me plenty of thighs, pretty sure she would be ok with it
File: tumblr_mjf2ryB9WM1s6q71vo1_400.gif (1005 KB, 400x200) Image search: [Google]
1005 KB, 400x200
No it didn't. My dubs can verify for you.

But... I tried... I really did...
File: Fran Smug.jpg (38 KB, 546x600) Image search: [Google]
Fran Smug.jpg
38 KB, 546x600
You're right on the money with the formaldehyde. I pretty much lost my scent of smell working with the stuff but god damn is it helpful.
The removing of innards is like scooping out a pumpkin. Fun but tedious. The sewing is much more stressful than enjoyable though. If I have to sew something back together it usually means the body is pretty fucked up. Fucked up enough that it can't be given an open casket funeral without freaking everyone out. My worst memory is having to sew back together this baby that was pretty much butter on the road only so I could watch the mother cry and hold it one more time.
I've been a Mortician for about seven years now. Got an early start on the practical because the town really needed a new one. I'm head mortician for the whole region now.

The best kind of bullying
File: 1461136337703.jpg (280 KB, 704x1000) Image search: [Google]
280 KB, 704x1000
Hell yes! I need to get some maps

Hello there! What's up man?

Oh ok

Love it! But I'm sure you're the sweeter one <3
File: Oh_My.png (316 KB, 432x669) Image search: [Google]
316 KB, 432x669
Rule34 confirmed
File: Maki-108.png (2 MB, 1770x2210) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1770x2210
Shiett, nice man. Gotta get to your level of dedication.

Something on your mind cutie?

File: Hugs.jpg (676 KB, 1200x1046) Image search: [Google]
676 KB, 1200x1046
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219 KB, 461x715
I know what your doing

Stop this. Stop right now

>not playing as the Empire

What are you, a prequel scrub?

>here we go
File: IMG_0274.jpg (2 MB, 2592x1936) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2592x1936
Very stressed combined with a lack of sleep.

Having trouble breathing right now as is.

Don't worry about it, man. Just a tough period in my life right now, it'll pass.

Yeah, something like that. At this point I'm okay with it just working it's magic already.

Goodnight man, sleep warm and well.
Try harder!

File: tumblr_o254g2rM0M1s4qvrdo1_500.gif (568 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
568 KB, 500x281
That pic a cute


>feelings hurt....
>"Hey man, I'm here to pick up the plane. Which one is it?"
>"The Single prop in the back"
>"The grey one?"
>"Nah, the red one"
>"What red one?"
I imagine it went something like that.
Not much. Thinking about sleeping really early tonight so I can be up to do things tomorrow. How about you?
File: Shizurusmile.png (881 KB, 950x579) Image search: [Google]
881 KB, 950x579
>Rattle rattle
I'm pretty good, how about you?
File: 89.jpg (246 KB, 1060x1500) Image search: [Google]
246 KB, 1060x1500
I fucked up bad, didn't I?
And what am I doing exactly~?
>I just want thighs man
File: Fran embarassed.jpg (33 KB, 225x350) Image search: [Google]
Fran embarassed.jpg
33 KB, 225x350
I know this is complete and utter fucking blasphemy but I liked the prequels better than the original trilogy. Anakin's a little shitstain but it does so much awesome shit.
Pod racing
File: ultimate ohayo intensity.gif (352 KB, 400x240) Image search: [Google]
ultimate ohayo intensity.gif
352 KB, 400x240

File: Happy Karen 38.jpg (105 KB, 708x1000) Image search: [Google]
Happy Karen 38.jpg
105 KB, 708x1000
>I'm head mortician for the whole region now.
I'm speaking to greatness! The baby story is pretty gruesome, poor mom!
Do you ever get disgusted, desu? By now you should be used to it, yes?
Also our conversation is going to end soon, I don't think I can stay awake much longer.

Not that I'm not glad to see you desu! Sorry just tired
how are you doing?

You flatter me! Karen deserves it though
How many are in your folder?
File: wyZrMcy.jpg (377 KB, 1280x722) Image search: [Google]
377 KB, 1280x722
Haha yeah. That was probably really funny... kek

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106 KB, 800x1246

That is... Very suggestive...
>like this?
File: Cheering Karen 19.png (322 KB, 509x317) Image search: [Google]
Cheering Karen 19.png
322 KB, 509x317
Thank you!
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170 KB, 900x1200

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Had another "meh" day? :p

Nope. I know clones are better than them

Staying late for the squad. Big plans tomorrow?

It's understandable I'm doing fine my dude. Busy day?
>another wet one
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346 KB, 600x883
Come on now, I'm fairly certain you also gave me some thighs
>That is... Very suggestive...
That's the goal, squid
I give your pic a 6/10 try harder stamped
But you passed~
But they were not meant for you! You just happened to see!

Stunt practice, or at least the start of it. No lie, wishing I worked in a place with a large parking lot right now, so I could practice at work.
There was one that was meant for me because I asked nicely

File: Fran Gotta run!.jpg (43 KB, 464x600) Image search: [Google]
Fran Gotta run!.jpg
43 KB, 464x600
I've always been pretty desensitized to gore and the like ever since I was a kid. Saw my grandfather get exploded on his motorbike by a semi-truck when I was 10 and haven't really felt anything on the matter since.

I'm sad to hear that. I very much enjoyed your company. Here's a little something from me to you.

Alright man. If you say so. Keep looking up to the skies. Eventually the clouds will shift and the sun will shine.

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Chibi Karen 31.png
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Too many interesting people coming in here. I can't stop myself from talking desu.
I wanted to shave, talk to my manager, work out, play overwatch and a million other things but I couldn't lol
Every time one leaves another person joins. It's finally slowing down for me though.
There are some people I really want to talk to right now but I know it's going to extend into another three hours lol.
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Right on man! I'm assuming there's custom maps on PC.

Don't worry, not today.

I'm sorry Milinda, she wanted to see a few so I obliged... how can I fix this?

I don't blame you m8, I'm the one who pressed post.

Kek, 358 pics. Only about 50 or so are from the actaul show. That reminds me, gotta finish the English dub.
Akikonon is still gone, laaaaaaaaame.
I sure do hope the game is going well.

>Shiragami Youko claimed
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204 KB, 480x270
I refuse to speak to you any longer.

>Staying late for the squid.

I don't have any more!
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583 KB, 500x297
I have alot worse but i didnt post it.

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71 KB, 627x640
I'm sorry ;-;
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135 KB, 500x400
I dont believe you!

... I-I dont know....
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fine apart from sleeping for like 12 hours
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1 MB, 769x1000
I take it you work somewhere with water?

You're going to be a stunt man for some film?

Semi know that feel. I had people want to game with me in vidya and the other wanted to game with me as well. Really lots of pretty cool guys here

Makes the new battlefront shit

Ooohhhh is the old bun going back to her old ways? This should be interesting...


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Late Rory claim
>just rain

>maybe later
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1 MB, 1280x720
Woo that's a lot of sleep.
That's what you get for skipping so much sleep lately. Lol
>Rattle rattle
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53 KB, 1024x857
... I'm sorry
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Cheering Karen 13.png
440 KB, 541x600
That ending made me laugh pretty hard lol
Sorry about your grandpa. But I can appreciate this kind of view. I don't know how to explain but to be able to understand that gore is basically what's inside us and nothing more, yes? To be able to do things to parts of the human body that you can't normally access is something so fascinating! When I saw dead animals as a kid I would try to find the heart and intestines to try to see what they looked like before someone found me and made me stop. I'm thankful for that though, lots of diseases in said animals desu.
If I ever get my visa fixed, maybe you could show me around your workplace?
I am done for now, too tired. Thank you for talking to me. I especially enjoy it when people talk instead of just replying, if you can understand what I'm trying to say desu.
Good day!

Sorry yoko, glad you're back though
You missed him a few hours ago.

Godspeed with that, I'll see you later.

Well I got to see you right before I left though, have fun!

Goodbye everyone!
HA! I wish, I'm no where near good enough for something like that. I'm practicing stunt riding on my bike for sick bragging and show off purposes. Here's the guy that inspired me to do such.
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135 KB, 480x270
Do you actually... Look at lewd pictures... Of my... Waifu?

I'm sorry ;-;
>inb4 copypasta

I'm loving these pics.
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37 KB, 460x345
Here I am, posting in one of these threads again, late at night when I should be getting sleep for work tomorrow.

It has been seven years since I got out of school, seven years at the same shitty part-time janitorial position I've worked my ass of for years and outright BEGGED for more work hours... To no avail, I'm always ignored.

Meanwhile, everyone I once knew and haven't physically spoken to in years has a life, relationships, friends, wives, husbands, having kids...

And here I am... Still living with my parents because I can't break even. Always alone, no friends other than alcohol and weed.

Nothing ever changes, no matter how hard I work. I used to be fit... I was going to be a Marine... But that door was closed to me. Never even had a chance.

And so what? No one gives a flying fuck. I can hardly muster the energy to care anymore.

Death cannot come fast enough.

Also, claim.
File: Evening_no_plot.png (35 KB, 242x69) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 242x69
>I'm sorry ;-;
>>inb4 copypasta
>copypasta'd anyway

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3 MB, 2894x4093
Yes. But i like Eiko more.
Thread replies: 154
Thread images: 143

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