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I caught this bird. Doubles decides what I do with it.
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Thread replies: 54
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File: 20160518_105110.jpg (2 MB, 3024x1698) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3024x1698
I caught this bird. Doubles decides what I do with it.
Wrap it in cling film
release it
Staple it to a wood surface and cut off its feet with wire clippers. Leave there as a message to other birds and niggers.
who the fk says doubles? anyway i roll for feeding it and making its live a fking fantasy
give him a big ol smooch on the back
let it go free
Feed it some fried chicken.
Rerolling for the freedom of the bird
Kiss him
winrar, bird goes free
Raise it as your own child
And trips
Op better deliver
satan winrar, thus you set it free by killing it
Build it a 4 bedroom bird house, feed it worms and fresh seeds every day for the rest of its little bird life, and post on this board everyday with bird blog updates.
Rape it and drown it whit your cum
Trips, OP's gotta release it.
Cum on it
He's beautiful OP, majestic flap flap
Dubs supporting trips, mega winrar, op deliver
Trips , release dat bird opfaggot
Op deliver
Looks like a Wren. What type I'm not sure...
Feed it alka-selzer
Give him a bird snack and you'll be friends for life
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Satan trips already won, any other rolls are irrelevant. Now free the godamn bird, OP.
It was placed down on a patch of grass away from other people.
let it go
Don't know if it can fly though. Boot guy flew right into a window.
Lick it
another dubs supporting satan trips, op if you dont free the bird the lol satan himself will come after you
OP here. Commencing space program now. Stand be for pics
Again, I freed it. It had flown into a window and I picked it up. Put it down in a bushy area.
So much justice, I'm gonna go outside and play.
Satanic trips are calling for something nice for once, thanks satan
good op your soul will be saved
That Bird just wants your internet
It's dead
Bye bye birdie
Wrap it in plastic or put in plastic bag, seal bag, put in full bathtub, watch sink, post results
Release it.
Op didn't deliver
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Rolling for this
Ur hand is open.. why didn't it fly away? I call bs op
It will probably die.
Just let it go free and let nature do its thing
That is just wrong on so many levels KEK
cum on it

har har
Rip op
Thread replies: 54
Thread images: 5

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