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Why has boxing fallen so low? The current best boxer in the world
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Why has boxing fallen so low? The current best boxer in the world is a professional cans beating slav guy who everyone and their moms are ducking per Mayweather's legacy. What are some fights or changes that could make this sport popular again?
golovkin is the most over rated boxer in history, not 1 solid win over a top guy just shit. his power isn't even what it's cracked up to be. Who cares if he brought back shifting to the game it's all he has and that shit will fall apart against someone with the smooth footwork and defence of money
Slav Power!
money mayweather p4p best boxer in history 49-0 UNDEFEATED you're dismissed haters
boxing has gone the way of the dinosaurs. too currupt
this UFC is the top game now Conor Mcgregor p4p number 1
anthony joshua will make the sport popular again,the guy is an amazing boxer
it's AB About Billions bitch Adrian Broner is the best in the game right now
>Adrian Broner
Kell Brook>>>>>>>>Broner
But he lost to Diaz? "Number 1"s don't lose. And when they fight again, Diaz will come out on top once more
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only another great heavyweight will make the sport popular, and even that might not do it anymore.

When there were only two or three belts and two big time promoters, boxing was at its peak. It was still corrupt, but at least you knew when a boxer was really great and not dodging anyone or waiting until he was washed up.

It's little better than MMA or the other "sports" now.
What killed boxing was pay per view, back in the day you could watch a match on regular TV and the adverts paid for the fight, then they got greedy (helped by sky tv who wanted to corner the market in as many sports as it could) and sold all the rights to cable companies, not everyone had a cable connection (many still do not) and although in the short term revenue went up but the popular audience went way down, boxing began to slip from the public eye and now it's rare to hear people talk about a fight around the water cooler, and the saddest thing is it's an easy fix, all they got to do is get back on regular TV, but I doubt they will because of their greed, meanwhile their potential audience drifts away to watch other "free" sports on regular terrestrial TV.
About Billions bitch he aint stopping

Diaz is 2 weight classes higher lmao that MATTERS at the high level if you don't know the fight game don't comment.

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u wot m8?
McGregor was fighting at featherweight, and Diaz is a lightweight fighter. Which is only one weight class above. Plus Conon has stated that he walks around comfortably at 160, so?
>will lose to tyson fury

Oops, Conor*
>moving from featherweight to welter
>anything less than 2 weight classes

??? confused black man ???
>will lose to tyson fury

stick to netball faggot
I think boxing won't rise again until a new star comes to save it. Hopefully the stars come in pairs. Golovkin just hasn't proved enough yet, and Canelo is underwhelming and a cherry picker. I don't think either of these two can save the sport.

Broner is absolute trash. He got destroyed by Maidana and beats on bums now. And guys at bowling alleys. He's like if Mayweather was retarded in the ring. He has the tools, but won't do it.
Ufc is shit. They're all getting cucked by dana white, have you looked up how much rousey is worth? Its retarded how bad they get beat up for the little amount of pay they get.
Exactly. Paying ridiculous sums for a fight that may only last one round is a factor too.
Itt: idiots who have no idea what they're talking about
Tyson will move around him like a fucking ballerina, I've never seen a boxer do a better iceburg impression than AJ

>broner is trash

DISMISSED don't comment if you don't know the game lmao
connor is worth more than rousey what a pointless comment lmao DISMISSED
That whole bowling alley thing was a publicity stunt for the fight he had a couple weeks later. He acts out so can be known. Look up his recent radio interview with hot 97
Make children fight in school during lunch. Winner eats the losers lunch.

Broadcast the fights over Cable.

I'm 50 so the first fighter I remember seeing was Muhammad Ali, I caught the last two or three fights he had before hanging up the gloves, then came people like Nigel Benn, Frank Bruno, Chris Eubanks, Barry McGuigan, Mike Tyson and Naseem Hamed, these were golden years and we would talk about the fight we saw that weekend at school or work on a monday morning, after pay per view that died away real fast.
Did you think Tyson was all that in the day or a can crusher?
UFC is better to watch but is a shit organization. Boxing is corrupt as fuck but at least the boxers get paid well. The current #1 p4p guy literally had to work a full-time job to pay for the training camp leading up to his first championship fight.
>inb4 that's not jones
About Boners bitch what of it
Connor is worth mayweather makes in a fight or two. You're missing the point of the comment. They dont make shit for what they go thru. There are no promoters in ufc. Everything goes thru dana white
UFC has been around for about 25 years, big for 5-10 give it time my main man. MMA will overtake boxing pay days within a decade tops if trends continue.
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Lomachenko is pretty good
when will they learn?
I doubt it, there are too many ufc fighters and they have too many events. They have something every weekend. They pick up guys off the streets to fight. If you can street fight and build endurance you can fight ufc. I also dont think ufc fighters can be in the sport as long as boxers can
He was fucking mind blowing, nobody had seen anyone move that fast and with such aggression, he blew through fighters like they weren't even there, there's just no way to explain to you just how shocking he was to watch, it was like someone had crossed a pitbull with a human being and released it into the ring, he was a total fucking savage!... but in the right way.

Another shocker was Naseem Hamed, nobody moved like him, and I remember the first of his fights I saw where he knocked the shit out of the other guy and then did a back flip to celebrate!?...... who the fuck has that kind of energy at the end of a fight!?????
gaming will overtake mma LUL
Same age as me mate. We were lucky growing up with a good selection of world class fighters at various weights.
My personal favorite was Sugar Ray Leonard.
>They pick up guys off the streets to fight. If you can street fight and build endurance you can fight ufc

Total horse shit. You're like one of those guys who thinks they can stop an olympic wrestlers takedown by stepping to the side.

for me I've never seen a man like Tyson but it's different when you're born in 91. what did you make of the rape case at the time?

Prince Naseem was a savage, do you think he left the game too early?
i don't understand why "overtaking" boxing pay matters at all here
all that matters is that the payout, whether its more or less than other sports, is worth athletes going full time in
Total horse shit? How long do you think Kimbo slice and big country fought in amateur mma or boxing before they became ufc fighters?
Kimbo didn't last

Big country is legit in BJJ

You know nothing

it doesn't matter per se but it's a matter of fact. I love both games and don't want to see either die and wish there was more cross over. GGG in the UFC and Conor vs May please
Haha yeah, I remember when he fought Dave Green and beat the shit out of him, my old man was gutted because he had a bet on Green to win, you're right about us being lucky, if only they'd put boxing back on normal TV more then the fighters would become household names again, back in the day we knew all their names, now I bet most people don't even know who the world champ is any more!!
This. All of this. Roy Jones Jr. was also pretty amazing to watch in his early years. Andre Ward is about the only boxer that interests me nowadays. He's a well rounded, fundamentally sound fighter.
Kimbo slice didnt last but he still was thrown into a ufc match on tv. Put some youtube nigger in the ring with tripple g.
whether or not he raped anyone is irrelevant when assessing his boxing career
It's not the end of boxing we'rejust going thru a dull phase. Soon someone who's spectacular with a personality will get the game going again
I'm 40 and i don't think pay per view necessarily killed the sport, in fact I think it was bigger than ever. What the great downfall ended up being was the void Tyson left. He was so dynamic and his competition at the time was just okay, there was nobody to fall back on. Purnell Whitaker was probably the next biggest draw at the time and he wasn't very exiting. It was still a few years from de la Hoya and he was just a great strategist fighter, no power. In that mid 90's era you had to dip down into the fly's and bantams to see good fighters like Michael carbajal, which was fine if you followed boxing, but average joe wasn't willing to watch the little guys.
I mean Kimbo has has pro boxing fights on TV, Matt Mitrione is'nt exactly the GGG of MMA lets get serious. At the end of the day $$$ Cash Rules EVeryththing ARound ME

Yeah but like did you think he did the pee pee no no or were you like nah he's my bro bro?
don't base the quality of a sport on payouts,prize money or view count
McGregor is Diaz's bitch.
Yeah, it's a shame about the broadcasting of the sport that's for sure.
Also, your comments about Tyson, couldn't agree more. I remember watching a few of his fights in the 80's and his opponents, all tough men, were actually scared of him. You could see them in between rounds just bewildered about how to deal with his savagery. Great times.
At the time we thought it was either a set up, as he was loaded with money or he did it because he was such an animal, people were pretty evenly split.

Naseem was coming to the end anyway when he stopped, new fighters were coming up and people were coming up with ways to deal with his style, the really sad thing was he fell victim to the same thing a lot of fighters do after their careers are over, he hung around shitty people who lead him astray, I don't know how much money he has left but I know he had to pay out a lot in legal costs after a car accident he had.
Yea, people like boxing over ufc because of the knockouts and submissions. Boxing is a technical sport, people don't like seeing a technical fight.
Big mouth McGregor get rekt lol
Ufc over boxing, my bad
Easy, complete amateurs. Guys who have never fought a bout in their life must fight for the survival of their families.

Then maybe teens and children must fight for food, i dont know, get creative.

Get rekt bitch
There is technique to MMA my main man you need to learn it. In the clinch, Kimura, wizzer. FUCKING TECHNIQUE

boxing has the shifty wifty, the siamese slant, the old 3, 4. you have to figure out how to not lean into a mother fucking bomb knee if you wan't to get to the top of the MMGame
Anon blows McGregor at all costs.
I'm 63 and I agree with this. I remember watching Cassius Clay fight on Wide World of Sports with my dad and brothers.

The more boxing (and MMA) got to wrestling with the grand entrances and fights at weigh-ins, the worse it got.

But nothing could beat Olympic boxing. Three 3-minute rounds where the fighters can go all out.
there's room for both, boxing's historic success affirms that, the plebs can go watch wrestling and ufc, while the people that wish to watch a more technical/strategic game watch boxing
both can and should flurish
>Olympic boxing

head gear love tap shit get fukt
You could argue that there is much more technique to MMA. To be able to withstand top 10 fighters you have to have at least brown belts BJJ and good muay thai offense/defense at least, knows your sprawls or shoots for takedowns. Those takes years and are really hard on your body.
As someone who boxed and took Judo my whole life I couldn't agree more. The thing is they are both technical sports. I actually hate 85% of the stand up game in MMA it's garbage compared to boxing. Vice versa I love great ground games in MMA, maybe with my Judo knowledge I can comprehend the game better than most but both sports are great art forms. Unfortunately the trend is big KO ' S in MMA which aren't that great but it keeps the rabid blood lust mountain dew crowd happy.
The very best of the best can do it all, the Spiders, the GSPs, the Bones Jones. These men can win in any spot
I don't understand how a sport revolving around senseless beating even survives. You'd think they'd run out of people to try it.
Anyone here actually think and know that Manny Pacquiao is good? I mean his whole career per se?
Boxing certainly got richer after pay per view but I can tell you that it quickly slipped from the public's mind because a lot of people simply didn't have or want Sky TV, the best analogy I can draw is to a TV show that appeared on Sky in the early 2000's, it was called "time Gentlemen Please" and starred Al Murray, I got to see it because I had a hacked cable box, it was a great show and very fucking funny, but outside of a couple of mates who had sky boxes nobody had heard of it, I would bet a months pay that had it been on a terrestrial channel that it would have been right up there with other household comedy names, but the tiny number sky subscribers made sure it never got a wide enough audience to make that breakthrough, the same applies to boxing as it now stands, it just doesn't have the critical mass it once did.
His legacy was based around the potential Money fight and he got spanked so in the end he's second note to Money and always will be
Why does his head look massive.

Look at it compared to his torso
They should get rid of the gloves. Boxing today is like watching a marathon... 2guys beat each other until one drops because of exhaustion. Also i think 1on1 mma fights became pretty boring. Team fighting is the shit right now.
That fight took too long to happen, if it would've happened in his prime itll wouldve been a whole different fight. I hope this ggg and alverez fight doesnt end up the same way. Canelo said the same "ill fight him" bullshit line when he beat cotto so who knows if itll happen
Olympic boxing back in the day was way less gay than it is today, Ali started out as an Olympic boxer
He was a beast, a force of nature. Just ferocious.
No one starts out as an Olympic boxer, you tard. You have to fight amatuer boxing fights and work your way thru Olympic trials and then you get to be on the Olympic team. That like saying all star baseball is better than baseball.
Yeah Connor is definitely not the best fighter in the UFC. I wouldn't even put him in the top 5.
It wasn't pay per view per se. It was the price vs. Quality. The quality of the cards were not put together well yet the price seemed to keep rising to meet the "biggest purse ever" goals they kept setting. We literally went from $30 Tyson led cards with 4 or 5 fights. To a single fight de la Hoya card for $80. It made no sense. pay per view was fine when you got your money's worth and it was affordable. Boxing literally money grabbed themselves into obscurity, you can thank idiot promoters like don king for that.
Going back in time to kill Dana White
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Connor is a featherweight who has stated that the weight cut is terrible for him and that he wasn't to fight at lightweight. Diaz is a natural lightweight who took that fight on 11 days notice, which is why they agreed to not cut weight at all and meet at 170. So no, he wasn't two weight classes higher. DISMISSED.
you're just being pedantic.
I'm a few years younger than you guys, my fave boxer was Julio Cesar Chavez, but I still remember watching Ali, Ken Norton, Larry Holmes, Hagler, Leonard, Duran, etc... on regular network TV.
I think that it was both.
Good fighters, I remember seeing some of them.
Other than a handful of guys at the top, who makes a shit load of money in boxing? While I agree that the top fighter in MMA make less than the top guys in boxing, I think on the whole the money is distributed more evenly in MMA than it is in boxing.
If they actually made it to roundS. He knocked a lot of dudes out in the 1st round, which sucked when you laid out money for PPV.
Evenly into dana whites pockets >>684098887
While you are back there can you kill Maggie Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch for me in the 70's before they get to do any real harm.
Amir Khan is a glass chinned third tier fighter at best and he's worth more than Conor.
Yes agree that the fighters should be paid more and that the UFC exerts an unfair level of control over their careers. My only point was that on average I'm willing to bet they make more that the average boxer.
Yes I know. What I said was the highest paid boxers in the world make more than the highest paid MMA fighters. But once you get out of those main and co main event spots on a boxing card you see the payouts drop dramatically. While in the UFC the pay is more evenly distributed throughout the card. They have over 500 fighters under contract so they can't pay everyone Floyd mayweather money, but I believe they pay more in average.
Diaz won. Be butt hurt Conor.

>Won't rematch in UFC 200

I was saying the fight was on basically even terms and Connor has no excuse for losing. Learn how to read you fucking autist!
Let's be honest though Nate is a natural welterweigh. He's bigger than Nick, but he doesn't want to fight in his division.

That said, many have beaten Nate before, but not/almost never via stand and trade. That's a terrible strategy and Conor should be ashamed of being that ignorant.
I disagree with your first point. He regularly had trouble at welterweight with larger men like Rory MacDonald and stun gun who could control him or in Rory's case literally throw him around. While he is taller than most lightweights he has a skinnier frame that is more suited to that weight. And when you look at them next to each other, he is a lot skinnier than Nick, who has fought as high as middleweight.
But I agree that putting all of your energy in to trying to one punch KO a Diaz brother is probably not the smartest strategy.
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