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File: 1457652790163.jpg (123 KB, 794x960) Image search: [Google]
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This is a month old clip of a guy trying to make a "fat guy hot chick" video thing. /b/ found girls ins/fb and that was the end.
fb CMStewart89
christy menendez

tampa fl
4 foot 11? god damn that is short
File: image.jpg (204 KB, 624x820) Image search: [Google]
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Kek for interest
dead page.

post video to mega
who dat?????????

CMStewart89 is her fb

don't have video need video please someone post it
is she 18?
19. Read the article, you fuck.
over that site says 19 her voter info says 26
File: Real_Father_Daughter.jpg (188 KB, 900x700) Image search: [Google]
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right but is she underage
If we find the video and it has sound, I'm very eager to hear her getting slammed by her dad.
but i thot she was 19
but it looks hot as fuck, I'm very much keen on letting my imagination do the work while watching it.

Much older, bald fat hideous blob of a walking cellulite farm.
want bido
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File: image.jpg (146 KB, 640x1136) Image search: [Google]
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Dis her?
I'd fuck her. Lucky daddy
her other unused fb

this is her main one >>684026592
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anon want bido
will the video ever be posted?
Shame video is nowhere to be seen
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>want bido
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So...no video?
Could you stop talking like a grade schooler please?
:( wantid bido
i looked everywhere was hoping some anons saved it
File: Bojack6.jpg (499 KB, 732x603) Image search: [Google]
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>:( wantid bido
eat shit die soon

this is really sexy. where is the video? i want to jerk off
without a mother
i jammed
Holy shit it's amazing!
tfw its MY dad :^)
Lol the thread this originally was in was about a fat guy bragging about how he fucked that chick kek....Happened about a month ago...He never released a video just a shit ton of pics and her FB
no it isn't

there was one realeased in december and there was a video anyone else copy pasta that shit

the roginal was out there now gone
true story
I fucked christy in an alleyway in ybor city

girl is a drunk has bartended in ybor works in seminole heights at ellas

total drunken slut

is not 19 that is not her dad looks like a friend of hers and she is actually kind of cool
What is this?
Hey Hans. Booby. I'm you're White Knight.
Thread replies: 57
Thread images: 16

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