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Waifu thread. >Claim a waifu >Tell people they suck >Discuss
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Thread replies: 60
Thread images: 56
File: sp_shizuru.jpg (44 KB, 180x216) Image search: [Google]
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Waifu thread.

>Claim a waifu
>Tell people they suck
>Discuss death robots
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mom 3.jpg
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Happy Mexican Mother's Day ^-^
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I'm gonna go eat, I'll be back.
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mandatory uta claim

guess i no bake bread
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kagami (47).jpg
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kagami claimed
>megumin is a cute ghost!!
so many feels!!!!!
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Friendly reminder if you use junk rat or torbjörn in Overwatch you should be shot in the street
Miho claimed
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>i had duck water coming out
what, explain this?
>death robots are cool

>sachi lurking claim
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does anyone know where you can find someone to fight you, I need someone to fight me so ayaka can jump in and save me :D
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Take you're time.
Not from an anime or manga no.
Yeah, though I wonder how long this place will last.
i think he meant dick water, but im not sure
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Megumin claimed~

>Kagami is a cute host
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>sandworm a cute
Please notice me.
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born under.gif
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I got you
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C.C. Claim

Death robots are neat, my waifu even drives them on occasion
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Hello wormy
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I'll try to keep it in my pants this time.
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Milinda claim
you dare show yourself again
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You are doing well for the get life.
Death robots are indeed cool.
>If dubs, death robot is black and green
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Hay Manako!
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Trips confirmed that Im dead.
Sorry Homu, I really did like you
Goodbye guys :(
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Aren't you getting tired yet?
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mom 4.jpg
2 MB, 5789x4076
off by 2
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What does the worm eat
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I died last thread as it ended
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Hey you're back what up my dude
>kikis are fav
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no, im staying up for another hour and a half
(uk time half 2)

and i wanna know, do you claim cc when im gone?
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Favourite mech from CG?
>Gawain from the end of R1.

I will make you a frog funeral, you will be forever in my heart.
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Hey Miho. How are you?
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that was a very.....elaborate description of your alone time lol
Hello again.
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hands up 2.png
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my bad
I got a whale from sea world ^_^
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Tatsumaki (90).jpg
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You know I'm trying to quit. I wanna give a shit again.
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i feel lost no one ever knows who the fuck my waifu is.
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How horrifying and adorable at the same time. I love it
File: Atago 390.jpg (79 KB, 850x504) Image search: [Google]
Atago 390.jpg
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Hopefully It'll last.
I'm not sure when this place will be wiped out.
We attract quite a bit of attention.
Everyone knows what /Waifu/ is.
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fuck....pretty much all of my feels
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Going ok-ish. You?
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Obligatory claim.
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Sometimes I do, when I feel like it

I like the Anya's Mordred personally
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>that's murder
I have no clue who dat is.
The only waifus I know are from monster musume or Emi.
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Tatsumaki (51).jpg
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Everything has an expiration date.

In fact, I think we're out of date
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Time to go workout, see you guys later.
Yeah I hope it does too, but I doubt it will.
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kagami (17).jpg
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i told you....i don't like soda unless it's cream soda!!!! is there something else you want??
Thread replies: 60
Thread images: 56

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