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You know the drill /b/ros. Cucking tread. If you roll dubs or
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You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 79
Thread images: 31
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You know the drill /b/ros. Cucking tread. If you roll dubs or higher ITT send this image or the next one to your GF/SO and screenshot their reply. Send to your mom or sister if feeling adventurous.
This ought-ta be good.
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just one roll
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not today
Fuck your thread
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Stop posting cocks everywhere.
oh look it's this fag with his shitty thread again

how many times have you made this exact same shit now?
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wow, you've heard of these guys?
I saw them open for Bjork a few years ago.
Intense stuff.
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Fuck yeah! Listening to their new album right now.
Snapchat- courtney_1dxo
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fuck off op.
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Do it then
Snapchat - courtney_1dxo
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Sister. Snapchat- courtney_1dxo
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fuck off

Man up and send her this>>682962803
Sister - Snapchat - courtney_1dxo
Faggot...show us pics you cucked autist
Y'all just want to see some nigger cock right?
sent, w8ing now
Cuck my shit up
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Vanessa maldonado
Rolling for jadedragon
Re-roll? Someone send her a dick pic. I used to know her, wanna see if she's still a slut
That was mildly entertaining, I guess.
only accepts snaps from friends
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Dubs decide my response.
would you?
Black guy here. I've always wondered is the obsession with black penises?
"was wondering if that turns you on bae"

It's fun to find out if girls fucked niggers, so we all know to stay away from them.

Also, die nigger die.
But it seems to be more than just that. Most of the porn threads feature black dicks.
do it

say "i'd rather fuck that than you"
I would say you're right, but you're wrong. A majority of pornstars are not only white, but unless it is a stupid jew thread, stupid apes aren't included often
I don't mean porn actors of course it's not a majority white. I mean the porn threads on here, but I understand that the Jews are behind this. They're the same reason most AfricanAmericans vote democratic.
Wow, the other guys is being polite, Why are You answering him like this? Calm down /b/ro...
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"i want to see you take it"
"would you rape it?"
Edgy teen who thinks being an anti Semitic racist fucking sack of shit makes him "fit in" here
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Found the Jew.
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"would you rape a guy that can fell a bull just one strike. also, is this picture accurate?"
c'mon, insist!
Put some pressure on her!
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Gee I wonder who's behind this post.
>Facebook in german
>responds in english
Do you ever wonder what would happen if you just randomly died while looking at a cuck thread and then your loved ones that find your body will see huge, mouth watering, tasty, delicious, big black cocks all over your screen and your pants around your ankles with your pathetic tiny white pee-pee sticking out of your tighty whiteys?
Thread replies: 79
Thread images: 31

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