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Waifu Claiming Thread - What a knife day edition The rules are
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Thread replies: 77
Thread images: 70
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Waifu Claiming Thread - What a knife day edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>husbandos allowed you fucking newfags
>post your 2D waifu
>insult other waifu
>discuss stuff
>keep RP and ERP to a minimum
>drink coffee
>fuck tea
Most importantly: Have fun!

Chara claimed
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Kyouko claimed.
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is 4chan a weapon.png
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What's up?
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sachi claim
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>claiming yume

Question for the thread:
What is your favorite image file format?
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Syndra (114).jpg
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Yeah if it's at night

I'm doing good. Watchinf scooby doo inc til I head to class my man

Watching scooby doo Inc til I head off to class. I like shows like these.
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You asked for it.jpg
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Here you go
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I'm certain that reputation makes us quite similar which might cheapen things a bit, although I'm certain we're very different.

That is a shame. It's one of the few movies I'm able to watch many times, I love it.
best girl claimed!
>>the anon that enjoyed the mindraping in EOE
what was the part that got to you the most about the introspective scene?
I'll claim one more time

I've noticed a lot more people complaining about them too. i was really surprised at how little spiderman and bananas I saw

>senile furfag
Denial. you're a furfag
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I watch for the plot.jpg
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new new meme

>best girl
>not Shinji
Miho claimed

Engine needs a little work and looks like there is a fuel problem. I bought it for some kid and the car was in his moms name. He clearly didn't know how to work on cars and took shit apart that didn't need to be. I just think its the fuel pump.
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Kyouko 159.jpg
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I'll go with PNG too.
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welcome back everyone

That's true... Only 14 tries? Hmm... probably because I never saw the fight itself. I knew you'd fight sans but I never saw the fight before... Took me about 30 tries I guess.
Should be in the true labs. Some video tapes you could watch. And Asriel also tells you a bit about Chara
I guess, you seem more extroverted than the other one
That's probably my fault then.
I just hijacked a thread once because some guy made a thread to complain about /waifu/ threads
>it was funny tough
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Chibi Karen 15.png
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top tier waifu my man
What's your favourite song? Album?

If you're going to leave after this I hope you come back again
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I don't give a fuck about you're opinions!
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Vigil - 252.jpg
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Results from last thread's QOTT:
Anon could recite the 14 words.

And that's it...
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meanie :(.
That's it I'm waxing my butthole
Hi Chen :3
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Honestly, I don't even remember it that well. I should probably rewatch it at some point
Have fun~
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Tell me the results then. I also plan on doing that but I have no idea HOW
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Homura (18).jpg
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I just crafted foil N'zoth, Xaril, Journey Below and Undercity Huckster. Wonder how long will it take me to regret this.

PNG is love PNG is life.
hi :4
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images (1).jpg
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Geh in nen puff in deiner Nähe und frag die Profis
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Mamimi -3-.jpg
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I'm sure your bf will appreciate the smooth entry.
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>implying penpen isnt best girl
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Golden shiny cards are cool cards.

Hi Juri.
Your farts wont be silent anymore
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Chibi Karen 14.png
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png desu

stream it?

I put one of the tauren just so you have a taunt after you spend your entire turn filling your board
good luck though tell me how it goes lol

shit huh?
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Kek, als obs am Land ein Puff mit Profis gibt. Oder überhaupt ein Puff
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Surprised karen 12.png
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People will rarely learn from mistakes the first time. I'm sure I'll witness the next one

I will probably hang around for some time until I get bored

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also akiko claim
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Probably. If they're asking for it I'm sure to make it again.
>I mean they also raid us without proper reason
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you really should its a fantastic piece of art. not only does it have incredibly deep meaning but everything down to the music is chosen perfectly.

like in the episode where Kaoru infiltrates terminal dogma the Ode to Joy is playing. the song is about uniting all men under God. the particular line being sung when he flings open the door is something like "the angel stands before God"
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Photoshop crashed 3 times.jpg
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Homura (30).jpg
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>What's your favourite song?
Empire Ants
Plastic Beach but they are all top tier.
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Animated O Ren Ishii, claimed.
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That's probably true. I'm more extroverted than most people, but it wasn't always that way. I still have my anti-social moments too.
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I will try.
Step 1: buy waking kit
Step 2: wax butthole
My farts are never silent. They may be tones down tho.
I will keep you posted.
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omg i just realized i have pictures of Asuka with ears
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neko asuka.jpg
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my nigga
Personally Melancholy hill for best song. So much feels
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Greetings, how are you?
The horror
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>waxing butthole
>no bf

For what purpose then?
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i was going to post that one!
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I'm what you'd call an extroverted Introvert.
I like being in a group but it exhausts me. Then I need to be alone. When I'm only alone tough I get depressed so I need to get into a group again.
>buy waking kit
>waking kit
I'm not sure how I can wax my butthole with a coffee machine
Probably because they feel better then.
>I also am single and shave myself so I feel good
Im sure everyone else knows, they're just shy
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>That pic



I'm doing good, what about you?
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Neko Karen 4.jpg
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what a cute

good taste desu

nice save

are you fries-kun?
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Im out for a car to go work on.

>Pic cause i can
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asuka stunned to tears.png
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my girlfriends butthole doesn't have any hair... does that mean she waxes?
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Thank you and thank you
So what's been happening? I just got back from uni
Wow phone thanks.
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Syndra (119).jpg
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Now who will be my next target?
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Hmmpf. How'd you sleep?

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go ahead with proof
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Formerly NEET-kun yes. Hello Karen.
Fuck. But really how hard can it be.
In case I happen to meet someone. Also I'm sick of getting poop stuck in my butthole hair like a cat.
My nigga. Usin mah reaction pic ;)
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3 MB, 4363x7523
everything she does is precious
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Smugberry Tea.jpg
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This foil anub'arak I got from foil Journey Below is carrying me hard.

I remember very well the first time I listened to Melancholy Hill... that alone says something about how good it is.
Thread replies: 77
Thread images: 70

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